#!/usr/bin/env bash GREEN='\033[0;32m' BLUE='\033[0;33m' NC='\033[0m' replace_variable () { echo -e "${BLUE}Setting $2 to $3 in $1" mv $CSGOSERVER/csgo/cfg/$1 $CSGOSERVER/csgo/cfg/$1.tmp cat $CSGOSERVER/csgo/cfg/$1.tmp | grep -v $2 > $CSGOSERVER/csgo/cfg/$1 echo "$2 $3" >> $CSGOSERVER/csgo/cfg/$1 rm $CSGOSERVER/csgo/cfg/$1.tmp } if [[ ! -f "$HOME/Steam/steamcmd.sh" ]]; then echo -e "${BLUE}Steam not found, downloading${NC}" curl -fsSL https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/client/installer/steamcmd_linux.tar.gz | tar -C $HOME/Steam -xz echo -e "${GREEN}Steam downloaded and extracted to $HOME/Steam${NC}" fi if [[ $RUNSCRIPT ]]; then Steam/steamcmd.sh +runscript $HOME/csgo_ds.txt fi if [[ ! -d "$CSGOSERVER/csgo/addons/metamod" ]]; then echo -e "${BLUE}Metamod not installed, downloading v$METAMODVERSION${NC}" curl -fsSL "https://www.metamodsource.net/latest.php?version=$METAMODVERSION&os=linux" | tar -C $CSGOSERVER/csgo -xz echo -e "${GREEN}Metamod installed.${NC}" fi if [[ ! -d "$CSGOSERVER/csgo/addons/sourcemod" ]]; then echo -e "${BLUE}Sourcemode not installed, downloading v$SOURCEMODVERSION${NC}" curl -fsSL "http://sourcemod.net/latest.php?version=$SOURCEMODVERSION&os=linux" | tar -C $CSGOSERVER/csgo -xz echo -e "${GREEN}Sourcemod installed.${NC}" fi if [[ -f "/server/server.cfg" ]]; then echo -e "${BLUE}Moving server.cfg${NC}" mv /server/server.cfg $CSGOSERVER/csgo/cfg/server.cfg fi if [[ -f "/server/autoexec.cfg" ]]; then echo -e "${BLUE}Moving autoexec.cfg${NC}" mv /server/autoexec.cfg $CSGOSERVER/csgo/cfg/autoexec.cfg fi if [[ $RCON_PASSWORD ]]; then echo -e "default:\n address: \"\"\n password: \"${RCON_PASSWORD}\"" > "$HOME/rcon.yaml" replace_variable "autoexec.cfg" "rcon_password" "\"$RCON_PASSWORD\"" fi if [[ $SERVER_PASSWORD ]]; then replace_variable "autoexec.cfg" "sv_password" "\"$SERVER_PASSWORD\"" fi if [[ $SERVER_HOSTNAME ]]; then replace_variable "autoexec.cfg" "hostname" "\"$SERVER_HOSTNAME\"" fi if [[ $TICKRATE ]]; then replace_variable "server.cfg" sv_mincmdrate $TICKRATE replace_variable "server.cfg" sv_maxcmdrate $TICKRATE fi echo -e "${GREEN}Starting csgo${NC}" csgo/srcds_run -game csgo -tickrate $TICKRATE -autoupdate -steam_dir $CSGOSERVER/csgo \ -steamcmd_script $CSGOSERVER/csgo/csgo_ds.txt -console -usercon +sv_setsteamaccount $STEAMTOKEN \ -net_port_try 1 $STARTARGS