const $ = document.querySelector.bind(document); const $new = document.createElement.bind(document); const $show = (el) => { el.classList.remove('hidden'); }; const $hide = (el) => { el.classList.add('hidden'); }; const apiURL = '/api/lookup/'; (function () { const fields = ['name', 'address', 'type', 'ttl', 'rtt']; // createRow creates a table row with the given cell values. function createRow(item) { const tr = $new('tr'); fields.forEach((f) => { const td = $new('td'); td.innerText = item[f]; td.classList.add(f); tr.appendChild(td); }); return tr; } const handleSubmit = async () => { const tbody = $('#table tbody'), tbl = $('#table'); tbody.innerHTML = ''; $hide(tbl); const q = $('input[name=q]').value.trim(), typ = $('select[name=type]').value, addr = $('input[name=address]').value.trim(); // Post to the API. const req = await fetch(apiURL, { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ query: [q,], type: [typ,], nameservers: [addr,] }) }); const res = await req.json(); if (res.status != 'success') { const error = (res && res.message) || response.statusText; throw(error); return; } if ([0].answers == null) { throw('No records found.'); return; }[0].answers.forEach((item) => { tbody.appendChild(createRow(item)); }); $show(tbl); }; // Capture the form submit. $('#form').onsubmit = async (e) => { e.preventDefault(); const msg = $('#message'); $hide(msg); try { await handleSubmit(); } catch(e) { msg.innerText = e.toString(); $show(msg); throw e; } }; // Change the address on ns change. const ns = $("#ns"), addr = $("#address"); addr.value = ns.value; ns.onchange = (e) => { addr.value =; if(addr.value === "") { addr.focus(); } }; })();