package main import ( "os" "text/template" "" ) // AppHelpTemplate is the text template to customise the Help output. // Uses text/template to render templates. var AppHelpTemplate = `{{ "NAME" | color "" "heading" }}: {{ .Name | color "green" "bold" }} 🐶 {{.Description}} {{ "USAGE" | color "" "heading" }}: {{ .Name | color "green" "" }} [--] {{ "[query options]" | color "yellow" "" }} {{ "[arguments...]" | color "cyan" "" }} {{ "VERSION" | color "" "heading" }}: {{.Version | color "red" "" }} - {{.Date | color "red" ""}} {{ "EXAMPLES" | color "" "heading" }}: {{ .Name | color "green" "" }} {{ "" | color "cyan" "" }} Query a domain using defaults {{ .Name | color "green" "" }} {{ " CNAME" | color "cyan" "" }} Looks up for a CNAME record {{ .Name | color "green" "" }} {{ " MX @" | color "cyan" "" }} Uses a custom DNS resolver {{ .Name | color "green" "" }} {{"-q -t MX -n" | color "yellow" ""}} Using named arguments {{ "Free Form Arguments" | color "" "heading" }}: Supply hostnames, query types, classes without any flag. For eg: {{ .Name | color "green" "" }} {{" A @" | color "cyan" "" }} {{ "Query Options" | color "" "heading" }}: {{"-q, --query=HOSTNAME" | color "yellow" ""}} Hostname to query the DNS records for {{"-t, --type=TYPE" | color "yellow" ""}} Type of the DNS Record (A, MX, NS etc) {{"-n, --nameserver=ADDR" | color "yellow" ""}} Address of a specific nameserver to send queries to (, etc) {{"-c, --class=CLASS" | color "yellow" ""}} Network class of the DNS record (IN, CH, HS etc) {{ "Protocol Options" | color "" "heading" }}: {{"-U, --udp " | color "yellow" ""}} Send queries via DNS over UDP protocol {{"-T, --tcp " | color "yellow" ""}} Send queries via DNS over TCP protocol {{"-S, --dot " | color "yellow" ""}} Send queries via DNS over TLS (DoT) protocol {{"-H, --doh" | color "yellow" ""}} Send queries via DNS over HTTPS (DoH) protocol {{ "Output Options" | color "" "heading" }}: {{"-J, --json " | color "yellow" ""}} Format the output as JSON {{"--color " | color "yellow" ""}} Defaults to true. Set --color=false to disable colored output {{"--debug " | color "yellow" ""}} Enable debug logging {{"--time" | color "yellow" ""}} Shows how long the response took from the server ` func renderCustomHelp() { helpTmplVars := map[string]string{ "Name": "doggo", "Description": "DNS Client for Humans", "Version": buildVersion, "Date": buildDate, } tmpl, err := template.New("test").Funcs(template.FuncMap{ "color": func(clr string, format string, str string) string { formatter := color.New() switch c := clr; c { case "yellow": formatter = formatter.Add(color.FgYellow) case "red": formatter = formatter.Add(color.FgRed) case "cyan": formatter = formatter.Add(color.FgCyan) case "green": formatter = formatter.Add(color.FgGreen) } switch f := format; f { case "bold": formatter = formatter.Add(color.Bold) case "underline": formatter = formatter.Add(color.Underline) case "heading": formatter = formatter.Add(color.Bold) formatter = formatter.Add(color.Underline) } return formatter.SprintFunc()(str) }, }).Parse(AppHelpTemplate) if err != nil { panic(err) } err = tmpl.Execute(os.Stdout, helpTmplVars) if err != nil { panic(err) } os.Exit(0) }