This release brings a number of new features, including support for text-to-speech style [phone calls](,
an admin API to manage users and ACL (currently in beta, and hence undocumented), and support for authorized access to
upstream servers via the `upstream-access-token` config option.
❤️ If you like ntfy, **please consider sponsoring me** via [GitHub Sponsors](
and [Liberapay](, or by buying a [paid plan via the web app]( (20% off
if you use promo code `MYTOPIC`). ntfy will always remain open source.
* Support for text-to-speech style [phone calls]( using the `X-Call` header (no ticket)
* Admin API to manage users and ACL, `v1/users` + `v1/users/access` (intentionally undocumented as of now, [#722](, thanks to [@CreativeWarlock]( for sponsoring this ticket)
* Added `upstream-access-token` config option to allow authorized access to upstream servers (no ticket)
**Bug fixes + maintenance:**
* Removed old ntfy website from ntfy entirely (no ticket)
* Make emoji lookup for emails more efficient ([#725](, thanks to [@adamantike](
* Fix potential subscriber ID clash ([#712](, thanks to [@peterbourgon]( for reporting, and [@dropdevrahul]( for fixing)
* Support for `quoted-printable` in incoming emails ([#719](, thanks to [@Aerion](
* Attachments with filenames that are downloaded using a browser will now download with the proper filename ([#726](, thanks to [@un99known99]( for reporting, and [@wunter8]( for fixing)
* Fix web app i18n issue in account preferences ([#730](, thanks to [@codebude]( for reporting)
* [ntfy CLI](subscribe/ (`ntfy publish` and `ntfy subscribe` only) can now be installed via Homebrew (thanks to [@Moulick](
* Added `v1/stats` endpoint to expose messages stats (no ticket)
* Support [RFC 2047]( encoded headers (no ticket, honorable mention to [mqttwarn]( and [@amotl](
**Bug fixes + maintenance:**
* Hide country flags on Windows ([#606](, thanks to [@cmeis]( for reporting, and to [@pokej6]( for fixing it)
*`ntfy sub` now uses default auth credentials as defined in `client.yml` ([#698](, thanks to [@CrimsonFez]( for reporting, and to [@wunter8]( for fixing it)
* Updated PowerShell examples ([#697](, thanks to [@Natfan](
**Additional languages:**
* Swedish (thanks to [@hellbown](
This release primarily fixes an issue with delayed messages, and it adds support for Go's profiler (if enabled), which
will allow investigating usage spikes in more detail. There will likely be a follow-up release this week to fix the
actual spikes [caused by iOS devices](
* ntfy now supports Go's `pprof` profiler, if enabled (relates to [#677](
**Bug fixes + maintenance:**
* Fix delayed message sending from authenticated users ([#679](
* Fixed plural for Polish and other translations ([#678](, thanks to [@bmoczulski](
* Monitoring: ntfy now exposes a `/metrics` endpoint for [Prometheus]( if [configured]( ([#210](, thanks to [@rogeliodh]( for reporting)
* You can now use tokens in `client.yml` for publishing and subscribing ([#653](, thanks to [@wunter8](
*`ntfy sub --poll --from-config` will now include authentication headers from client.yml (if applicable) ([#658](, thanks to [@wunter8](
* Docs: Removed dependency on Google Fonts in docs ([#554](, thanks to [@bt90]( for reporting, and [@ozskywalker]( for implementing)
* Make query parameter description more clear ([#630](, thanks to [@bbaa-bbaa]( for reporting, and to [@wunter8]( for a fix)
* Support SMTP servers without auth ([#645](, thanks to [@Sharknoon]( for reporting)
* Token auth doesn't work if default user credentials are defined in `client.yml` ([#650](, thanks to [@Xinayder](
* Add `visitor-subscriber-rate-limiting` flag to allow enabling [subscriber-based rate limiting]( (off by default now, [#649]([#655](, thanks to [@barathrm]( for reporting, and to [@karmanyaahm]( and [@p1gp1g]( for help with the design)
* Reject Matrix pushkey after 12 hours of inactivity on a topic, if `visitor-subscriber-rate-limiting` is enabled ([#643](, thanks to [@karmanyaahm]( and [@p1gp1g]( for help with the design)
* Fix panic when using Firebase without users ([#641](, thanks to [u/heavybell]( for reporting)
* Remove health check from `Dockerfile` and [document it]( ([#635](, thanks to [@Andersbiha](
* Support for publishing to protected topics via email with access tokens ([#612](, thanks to [@tamcore](
* Support for base64-encoded and nested multipart emails ([#610](, thanks to [@Robert-litts](
* UnifiedPush: Treat non-Basic/Bearer `Authorization` header like header was not sent ([#629](, thanks to [@Boebbele]( and [@S1m]( for reporting)
* Added example for [Traccar]( ([#631](, thanks to [tamcore](
* Avoid panic in manager when `attachment-cache-dir` is not set ([#617](, thanks to [@ksurl](
* **Tiers:** You can now define and associate usage tiers to users. Tiers can be used to grant users higher limits, such as
daily message limits, attachment size, or make it possible for users to reserve topics. You could, for instance, have
a tier `Standard` that allows 500 messages/day, 15 MB attachments and 5 allowed topic reservations, and another
tier `Friends & Family` with much higher limits. For, I'll mostly use these tiers to facilitate paid plans (see below).
Tiers can be configured via the `ntfy tier ...` command. See [tiers](
* **Paid tiers:** Starting very soon, I will be offering paid tiers for on top of the free service. You'll be
able to subscribe to tiers with higher rate limits (more daily messages, bigger attachments) and topic reservations.
Paid tiers are facilitated by integrating [Stripe]( as a payment provider. See [payments](
for details.
**ntfy is forever open source!**
Yes, I will be offering some paid plans. But you don't need to panic! I won't be taking any features away, and everything
will remain forever open source, so you can self-host if you like. Similar to the donations via [GitHub Sponsors](
and [Liberapay](, paid plans will help pay for the service and keep me motivated to keep
going. It'll only make ntfy better.
**Other tickets:**
* User account signup, login, topic reservations, access tokens, tiers etc. ([#522](
*`OPTIONS` method calls are not serviced when the UI is disabled ([#598](, thanks to [@enticedwanderer]( for reporting)
* Fix `chown` issues with RHEL-like based systems ([#566]([#565](, thanks to [@danieldemus](
* Removed `upx` (binary packing) for all builds due to false virus warnings ([#576](, thanks to [@shawnhwei]( for reporting)
* Web: Generate random topic name button ([#453](, thanks to [@yardenshoham](
* Upgrade nginx/ntfy config on to work with TLSv1.3, HTTP/2 ([#552](, thanks to [@bt90](
* Custom per-subscription notification settings incl. sounds, DND, etc. ([#6](, thanks to [@doits](
* Insistent notifications that ring until dismissed ([#417](, thanks to [@danmed]( for reporting)
* Upgrade Android dependencies and build toolchain to SDK 33 (no ticket)
* Simplify F-Droid build: Disable tasks for Google Services ([#516](, thanks to [@markosopcic](
* Android 13: Do not allow swiping away the foreground notification ([#521](, thanks to [@alexhorner]( for reporting)
* Remove timestamp when copying message text ([#471](, thanks to [@wunter8](
* Fix notification icon color ([#480](, thanks to [@s-h-a-r-d]( for reporting)
* Fix topics do not re-subscribe to Firebase after restoring from backup ([#511](
* Fix crashes from large images ([#474](, thanks to [@daedric7]( for reporting)
* High-load servers: Allow asynchronous batch-writing of messages to cache via `cache-batch-*` options ([#498]([#502](
* Sender column in cache.db shows invalid IP ([#503](
* The server hardware was upgraded to a bigger box. If you'd like to help out carrying the server cost, **[sponsorships and donations](** 💸 would be very much appreciated
* Allow IP CIDRs in `visitor-request-limit-exempt-hosts` ([#423](, thanks to [@karmanyaahm](
* Subscriptions can now have a display name ([#370](, thanks to [@tfheen]( for reporting)
* Web: Strip trailing slash when subscribing ([#428](, thanks to [@raining1123]( for reporting, and [@wunter8]( for fixing)
* Web: Strip trailing slash after server URL in publish dialog ([#441](, thanks to [@wunter8](
* Allow empty passwords in `client.yml` ([#374](, thanks to [@cyqsimon]( for reporting, and [@wunter8]( for fixing)
*`ntfy pub` will now use default username and password from `client.yml` ([#431](, thanks to [@wunter8]( for fixing)
* Make `ntfy sub` work with `NTFY_USER` env variable ([#447](, thanks to [SuperSandro2000](
* Web: Disallow GET/HEAD requests with body in actions ([#468](, thanks to [@ollien](
* Updated developer docs, bump nodejs and go version ([#414](, thanks to [@YJSoft]( for reporting)
* Updated [example]( with official [Gatus]( integration (thanks to [@TwiN](
* Subscriptions can now have a display name ([#313](, thanks to [@wunter8](
* Display name for UnifiedPush subscriptions ([#355](, thanks to [@wunter8](
* Polling is now done with `since=<id>` API, which makes deduping easier ([#165](
* Icons can be set for each individual notification ([#126](, thanks to [@wunter8](
* Long-click selecting of notifications doesn't scroll to the top anymore ([#235](, thanks to [@wunter8](
* Add attachment and click URL extras to MESSAGE_RECEIVED broadcast ([#329](, thanks to [@wunter8](
* Accessibility: Clear/choose service URL button in base URL dropdown now has a label ([#292](, thanks to [@mhameed]( for reporting)
* Icons can be set for each individual notification ([#126](, thanks to [@wunter8](
*`ntfy user` commands don't work with `auth_file` but works with `auth-file` ([#344](, thanks to [@Histalek]( for reporting)
* Ignore new draft HTTP `Priority` header ([#351](, thanks to [@ksurl]( for reporting)
* Web: Switched "Pop" and "Pop Swoosh" sounds ([#352](, thanks to [@coma-toast]( for reporting)
* Add `cache-startup-queries` option to allow custom [SQLite performance tuning]( (no ticket)
* ntfy CLI can now [wait for a command or PID](subscribe/ before publishing ([#263](, thanks to the [original ntfy]( for the idea)
* Trace: Log entire HTTP request to simplify debugging (no ticket)
* Allow setting user password via `NTFY_PASSWORD` env variable ([#327](, thanks to [@Kenix3](
* Fix slow requests due to excessive locking ([#338](
* Return HTTP 500 for `GET /_matrix/push/v1/notify` when `base-url` is not configured (no ticket)
* Disallow setting `upstream-base-url` to the same value as `base-url` ([#334](, thanks to [@oester]( for reporting)
* Fix `since=<id>` implementation for multiple topics ([#336](, thanks to [@karmanyaahm]( for reporting)
* Simple parsing in `Actions` header now supports settings Android `intent=` key ([#341](, thanks to [@wunter8](
* The `ntfy publish --env-topic` option is deprecated as of now (see [deprecations]( for details)
* ntfy now is a [Matrix Push Gateway]( (in combination with [UnifiedPush]( as the [Provider Push Protocol](, [#319]([#326](, thanks to [@MayeulC]( for reporting)
* Windows CLI is now available via [Scoop]( ([ScoopInstaller#3594](, [#311](, [#269](, thanks to [@kzshantonu](
* [Uptime Kuma]( now allows publishing to ntfy ([uptime-kuma#1674](, thanks to [@philippdormann](
* Display ntfy version in `ntfy serve` command ([#314](, thanks to [@poblabs](
* Web app: Show "notifications not supported" alert on HTTP ([#323](, thanks to [@milksteakjellybeans]( for reporting)
* Add clarifying comments to base-url ([#322](, thanks to [@milksteakjellybeans]( for reporting)
* Update FAQ for iOS app ([#321](, thanks to [@milksteakjellybeans]( for reporting)
* Respect Firebase "quota exceeded" response for topics, block Firebase publishing for user for 10min ([#289](
* [Examples]( for [Home Assistant]( ([#282](, thanks to [@poblabs](
* Install instructions for [NixOS/Nix]( ([#282](, thanks to [@arjan-s](
* Clarify `poll_request` wording for [iOS push notifications]( ([#300](, thanks to [@prabirshrestha]( for reporting)
* Example for using ntfy with docker-compose.yml without root privileges ([#304](, thanks to [@ksurl](
configured to forward poll requests to upstream for push notifications to work (see [iOS push notifications](
* Add subscribe filter to query exact messages by ID (no ticket)
* Support for `poll_request` messages to support [iOS push notifications]( for self-hosted servers (no ticket)
* Support emails without `Content-Type` ([#265](, thanks to [@dmbonsall](
* [Windows]( and [macOS]( builds for the [ntfy CLI]( ([#112](
* Ability to disable the web app entirely ([#238]([#249](, thanks to [@Curid](
* Add APNs config to Firebase messages to support [iOS app]( ([#247](, thanks to [@Copephobia](
* Support underscores in server.yml config options ([#255](, thanks to [@ajdelgado](
* Typo in install instructions ([#252]([#251](, thanks to [@oddlama](
* Fix typo in private server example ([#262](, thanks to [@MayeulC](
* [Examples]( for [jellyseerr]([overseerr]( ([#264](, thanks to [@Fallenbagel](
* Portuguese/Brazil (thanks to [@tiagotriques]( and [@pireshenrique22](
* Per-subscription settings, custom subscription icons ([#155](, thanks to [@mztiq]( for reporting)
* Cards in notification detail view ([#175](, thanks to [@cmeis]( for reporting)
* Accurate naming of "mute notifications" from "pause notifications" ([#224](, thanks to [@shadow00]( for reporting)
* Make messages with links selectable ([#226](, thanks to [@StoyanDimitrov]( for reporting)
* Restoring topics or settings from backup doesn't work ([#223](, thanks to [@shadow00]( for reporting)
* Fix app icon on old Android versions ([#128](, thanks to [@shadow00]( for reporting)
* Prevent long topic names and icons from overlapping ([#240](, thanks to [@cmeis]( for reporting)
Thanks to [@cmeis](, [@StoyanDimitrov](, [@Fallenbagel]( for testing, and
* Add "mark as read" icon button to notification ([#243](, thanks to [@wunter8](
*`Upgrade` header check is now case in-sensitive ([#228](, thanks to [@wunter8]( for finding it)
* Add "private browsing"-specific error message for Firefox/Safari ([#208](, thanks to [@julianfoad]( for reporting)
* Additional multi-line examples on the [publish page]( ([#234](, thanks to [@aTable](
* [Fastlane metadata]( can now be translated too ([#198](,
* Russian (thanks to [@flamey]( and [@ilya.mikheev.coder](
* Web app: English language strings fixes, additional descriptions for settings ([#203](, thanks to [@StoyanDimitrov](
* Web app: Show error message snackbar when sending test notification fails ([#205](, thanks to [@cmeis](
* Web app: basic URL validation in user management ([#204](, thanks to [@cmeis](
* Russian (thanks to [@flamey]( and [@ilya.mikheev.coder](
* IllegalStateException: Failed to build unique file ([#177](, thanks to [@Fallenbagel]( for reporting)
* Many thanks to [@cmeis](, [@Fallenbagel](, [@Joeharrison94](,
and [@rogeliodh]( for input on the new attachment logic, and for testing the release
* Added `EXPOSE 80/tcp` to Dockerfile to support auto-discovery in [Traefik]( ([#195](, thanks to [@s-h-a-r-d](
* Added docker-compose example to [install instructions]( ([#194](, thanks to [@s-h-a-r-d](
* [Apprise]( has added integration into ntfy ([#99](, [apprise#524](,
thanks to [@particledecay]( and [@caronc]( for their fantastic work)
* Do not pack binary with `upx` for armv7/arm64 due to `illegal instruction` errors ([#191](, thanks to [@iexos](
* Do not allow comma in topic name in publish via GET endpoint (no ticket)
_This release ships no features or bug fixes. It's merely a documentation update._
* Overhaul of [developer documentation](
* PowerShell examples for [publish documentation]( ([#138](, thanks to [@Joeharrison94](
* Additional examples for [NodeRED, Gatus, Sonarr, Radarr, ...]( (thanks to [@nickexyz](
* Fixes in developer instructions (thanks to [@Fallenbagel]( for reporting)
* Support for UnifiedPush 2.0 specification (bytes messages, [#130](
* Export/import settings and subscriptions ([#115](, thanks [@cmeis]( for reporting)
* Open "Click" link when tapping notification ([#110](, thanks [@cmeis]( for reporting)
* Display locale-specific times, with AM/PM or 24h format ([#140](, thanks [@hl2guide]( for reporting)
* rpm: do not overwrite server.yaml on package upgrade ([#166](, thanks [@waclaw66]( for reporting)
* Typo in []( topic ([#170](, thanks to [@sandebert](
* Readme image URL fixes ([#156](, thanks to [@ChaseCares](
* Export/upload log now allows censored/uncensored logs (no ticket)
* Removed wake lock (except for notification dispatching, no ticket)
* Swipe to remove notifications (#117)
**Bug fixes:**
* Fix download issues on SDK 29 "Movement not allowed" (#116, thanks Jakob)
* Fix for Android 12 crashes (#124, thanks @eskilop)
* Fix WebSocket retry logic bug with multiple servers (no ticket)
* Fix race in refresh logic leading to duplicate connections (no ticket)
* Fix scrolling issue in subscribe to topic dialog (#131, thanks @arminus)
* Fix base URL text field color in dark mode, and size with large fonts (no ticket)
* Fix action bar color in dark mode (make black, no ticket)
* Foundational work for per-subscription settings
## ntfy server v1.14.0
Released Feb 3, 2022
* Server-side for [authentication & authorization]( (#19,thanks for testing @cmeis, and for input from @gedw99, @karmanyaahm, @Mek101, @gc-ss, @julianfoad, @nmoseman, Jakob, PeterCxy, Techlosopher)
* Support `NTFY_TOPIC` env variable in `ntfy publish` (#103)
**Bug fixes**:
* Binary UnifiedPush messages should not be converted to attachments (part 1, #101)
* You can now disable UnifiedPush so ntfy does not act as a UnifiedPush distributor ([#646](, thanks to [@ollien]( for reporting and to [@wunter8]( for implementing)
* UnifiedPush subscriptions now include the `Rate-Topics` header to facilitate subscriber-based billing ([#652](, thanks to [@wunter8](
* Subscriptions without icons no longer appear to use another subscription's icon ([#634](, thanks to [@topcaser]( for reporting and to [@wunter8]( for fixing)
* Support encoding any header as RFC 2047 ([#737](, thanks to [@cfouche3005]( for reporting)