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It allows you to send desktop notifications via scripts from any computer, entirely without signup or cost. Made with ❤ by Philipp C. Heckel, Apache License 2.0, source at https://heckel.io/ntfy." /> <meta property="og:image" content="/static/img/ntfy.png" /> <meta property="og:url" content="https://ntfy.sh" /> {{if .Topic}} <!-- Never index topic page --> <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" /> {{end}} </head> <body> <nav id="header"> <div id="headerBox"> <img id="logo" src="static/img/ntfy.png" alt="logo"/> <div id="name">ntfy</div> <ol> <li><a href="docs/">Getting started</a></li> <li><a href="docs/subscribe/phone/">Android/iOS</a></li> <li><a href="docs/publish/">API</a></li> <li><a href="docs/install/">Self-hosting</a></li> <li><a href="https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy">GitHub</a></li> </ol> </div> </nav> <div id="main"{{if .Topic}} style="display: none"{{end}}> <h1>Send push notifications to your phone or desktop via PUT/POST</h1> <p> <b>ntfy</b> (pronounce: <i>notify</i>) is a simple HTTP-based <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Publish%E2%80%93subscribe_pattern">pub-sub</a> notification service. It allows you to send notifications to your phone or desktop via scripts from any computer, entirely <b>without signup, cost or setup</b>. It's also <a href="https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy">open source</a> if you want to run your own. </p> <div id="screenshots"> <a href="static/img/screenshot-curl.png"><img src="static/img/screenshot-curl.png"/></a> <a href="static/img/screenshot-web-detail.png"><img src="static/img/screenshot-web-detail.png"/></a> <span class="nowrap"> <a href="static/img/screenshot-phone-main.jpg"><img src="static/img/screenshot-phone-main.jpg"/></a> <a href="static/img/screenshot-phone-detail.jpg"><img src="static/img/screenshot-phone-detail.jpg"/></a> <a href="static/img/screenshot-phone-notification.jpg"><img src="static/img/screenshot-phone-notification.jpg"/></a> </span> </div> <h2 id="publish" class="anchor">Publishing messages</h2> <p> <a href="docs/publish/">Publishing messages</a> can be done via PUT or POST. Topics are created on the fly by subscribing or publishing to them. Because there is no sign-up, <b>the topic is essentially a password</b>, so pick something that's not easily guessable. </p> <p class="smallMarginBottom"> Here's an example showing how to publish a message using a POST request (via <tt>curl -d</tt>): </p> <code> curl -d "Backup successful 😀" <span class="ntfyUrl">ntfy.sh</span>/mytopic </code> <p class="smallMarginBottom"> There are <a href="docs/publish/">more features</a> related to publishing messages: You can set a <a href="docs/publish/#message-priority">notification priority</a>, a <a href="docs/publish/#message-title">title</a>, and <a href="docs/publish/#tags-emojis">tag messages</a>. Here's an example using all of them: </p> <code> curl \<br/> -H "Title: Unauthorized access detected" \<br/> -H "Priority: urgent" \<br/> -H "Tags: warning,skull" \<br/> -d "Remote access to $(hostname) detected. Act right away." \<br/> <span class="ntfyUrl">ntfy.sh</span>/mytopic </code> <p> Here's what that looks like in the <a href="docs/subscribe/phone/">Android app</a>: </p> <figure> <img src="static/img/priority-notification.png" style="max-height: 200px"/> <figcaption>Urgent notification with pop-over</figcaption> </figure> <h2 id="subscribe" class="anchor">Subscribe to a topic</h2> <p> You can create and subscribe to a topic either <a href="docs/subscribe/phone/">using your phone</a>, in <a href="docs/subscribe/web/">this web UI</a>, or in your own app by <a href="docs/subscribe/api/">subscribing via the API</a>. </p> <h3 id="subscribe-phone" class="anchor">Subscribe from your phone</h3> <p> Simply get the app and start <a href="docs/publish/">publishing messages</a>. To learn more about the app, <a href="docs/subscribe/phone/">check out the documentation</a>. </p> <p> <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.heckel.ntfy"><img src="static/img/badge-googleplay.png"></a> <a href="https://f-droid.org/en/packages/io.heckel.ntfy/"><img src="static/img/badge-fdroid.png"></a> <a href="https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy/issues/4"><img src="static/img/badge-appstore.png"></a> </p> <p> Here's a video showing the app in action: </p> <figure> <video controls muted autoplay loop src="static/img/android-video-overview.mp4" style="max-width: 650px"></video> <figcaption>Sending push notifications to your Android phone</figcaption> </figure> <div id="subscribeBox"> <h3 id="subscribe-web" class="anchor">Subscribe in this Web UI</h3> <p id="error"></p> <p> Subscribe to topics here and receive messages as <b>desktop notification</b>. Topics are not password-protected, so choose a name that's not easy to guess. </p> <form id="subscribeForm"> <p> <b>Topic:</b><br/> <input type="text" id="topicField" autocomplete="off" placeholder="Topic name, e.g. phil_alerts" maxlength="64" pattern="[-_A-Za-z0-9]{1,64}" /> <button id="subscribeButton">Subscribe</button> </p> <p id="topicsHeader"><b>Subscribed topics:</b></p> <ul id="topicsList"></ul> </form> <audio id="notifySound" src="static/sound/mixkit-message-pop-alert-2354.mp3"></audio> </div> <h3 id="subscribe-api" class="anchor">Subscribe using the API</h3> <p> There's a super simple API that you can use to integrate your own app. You can consume a <a href="docs/subscribe/api/#subscribe-as-json-stream">JSON stream</a>, an <a href="docs/subscribe/api/#subscribe-as-sse-stream">SSE/EventSource stream</a> (useful for web apps), as well as a <a href="docs/subscribe/api/#subscribe-as-raw-stream">plain text stream</a>. </p> <p class="smallMarginBottom"> Here's an example for JSON. The <b>connection stays open</b>, so you can retrieve messages as they come in: </p> <code> $ curl -s <span class="ntfyUrl">ntfy.sh</span>/mytopic/json<br/> {"id":"SLiKI64DOt","time":1635528757,"event":"open","topic":"mytopic"}<br/> {"id":"hwQ2YpKdmg","time":1635528741,"event":"message","topic":"mytopic","message":"Hi!"}<br/> {"id":"DGUDShMCsc","time":1635528787,"event":"keepalive","topic":"mytopic"}<br/> ... </code> <p> Here's a short video demonstrating it in action: </p> <figure> <video controls muted autoplay loop src="static/img/android-video-subscribe-api.mp4" style="max-width: 650px"></video> <figcaption>Subscribing to the JSON stream with <tt>curl</tt></figcaption> </figure> <h3 id="docs" class="anchor">Check out the docs!</h3> <p> ntfy has so many more features and you can learn about all of them <a href="docs/">in the documentation</a> (I tried my very best to make it the best docs ever 😉, not sure if I succeeded, hehe). </p> <figure> <a href="docs/"><img width="100%" src="static/img/screenshot-docs.png"/></a> <figcaption>Check out the documentation</figcaption> </figure> <h3 id="free-software" class="anchor">100% open source & forever free</h3> <p> I love free software, and I'm doing this because it's fun. I have no bad intentions, and I will never monetize or sell your information. This service will always stay <a href="https://github.com/binwiederhier/ntfy">free and open</a>. You can read more in the <a href="docs/faq/">FAQs</a> and in the <a href="docs/privacy/">privacy policy</a>. </p> <center id="ironicCenterTagDontFreakOut"><i>Made with ❤️ by <a href="https://heckel.io">Philipp C. Heckel</a></i></center> </div> <div id="detail"{{if not .Topic}} style="display: none"{{end}}> <div id="detailMain"> <button id="detailCloseButton"><img src="static/img/close.svg"/></button> <h1><span id="detailTitle"></span></h1> <p class="smallMarginBottom"> <b>ntfy</b> is a simple HTTP-based pub-sub notification service. This is a ntfy topic. To send notifications to it, simply PUT or POST to the topic URL. Here's an example using <tt>curl</tt>: </p> <code> curl -d "Backup failed" <span id="detailTopicUrl">ntfy.sh/topic</span> </code> <p id="detailNotificationsDisallowed"> If you'd like to receive desktop notifications when new messages arrive on this topic, you have <a href="#" onclick="return requestPermission()">grant the browser permission</a> to show notifications. Click the link to do so. </p> <p class="smallMarginBottom"> <b>Recent notifications</b> (cached for {{.CacheDuration}}): </p> <p id="detailNoNotifications"> <i>You haven't received any notifications for this topic yet.</i> </p> <div id="detailEventsList"></div> </div> </div> <div id="lightbox" class="lightbox"></div> <script src="static/js/emoji.js"></script> <script src="static/js/app.js"></script> </body> </html>