/* * Copyright (c) 2018 DeineAgentur UG https://www.deineagentur.com. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information. */ package plurals // Expression is a plurals expression. Eval evaluates the expression for // a given n value. Use plurals.Compile to generate Expression instances. type Expression interface { Eval(n uint32) int } type constValue struct { value int } func (c constValue) Eval(n uint32) int { return c.value } type test interface { test(n uint32) bool } type ternary struct { test test trueExpr Expression falseExpr Expression } func (t ternary) Eval(n uint32) int { if t.test.test(n) { if t.trueExpr == nil { return -1 } return t.trueExpr.Eval(n) } if t.falseExpr == nil { return -1 } return t.falseExpr.Eval(n) }