# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """pibooth plugin for uploading pictures to Telegram""" import os import telegram try: from telegram.error import TelegramError except ImportError: InstalledAppFlow = None pass import pibooth from pibooth.utils import LOGGER __version__ = "1.0.3" SECTION = "Telegram" @pibooth.hookimpl def pibooth_configure(cfg): """Declare the new configuration options""" cfg.add_option(SECTION, "telegram_token", "", "Telegram Token") cfg.add_option(SECTION, "telegram_chat_id", "", "Telegram chat ID") cfg.add_option(SECTION, "telegram_thread_id", "", "Telegram thread ID") cfg.add_option( SECTION, "telegram_message", "", "Message sent with every posted photo", ) @pibooth.hookimpl def pibooth_startup(app, cfg): """Verify Telegram credentials""" telegram_token = cfg.get(SECTION, "telegram_token") telegram_chat_id = cfg.get(SECTION, "telegram_chat_id") telegram_thread_id = cfg.get(SECTION, "telegram_thread_id") if not telegram_token: LOGGER.error( "Telegram Token not defined in [" + SECTION + "][telegram_token], uploading deactivated" ) elif not telegram_chat_id: LOGGER.error( "Telegram Chat ID not defined in [" + SECTION + "][telegram_chat_id], uploading deactivated" ) elif not telegram_thread_id: LOGGER.error( "Telegram Thread ID not defined in [" + SECTION + "][telegram_thread_id], uploading deactivated" ) else: LOGGER.info("Initializing Telegram client") app.telegram_client = telegram.Bot(token=telegram_token) @pibooth.hookimpl def state_processing_exit(app, cfg): """Upload picture to Telegram chat""" if hasattr(app, "telegram_client"): chat_id = cfg.get(SECTION, "telegram_chat_id").strip('"') thread_id = cfg.get(SECTION, "telegram_thread_id").strip('"') message = cfg.get(SECTION, "telegram_message") try: response = app.telegram_client.send_photo( chat_id=chat_id, message_thread_id=thread_id, caption=message, photo=open(app.previous_picture_file, 'rb'), parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.MARKDOWN, ) LOGGER.info("File uploaded to Telegram chat: " + str(response)) except TelegramError as e: LOGGER.error(e)