alter table records detach partition records_default; create table records_list partition of records for values in ('app.bsky.graph.list'); create table records_listblock partition of records for values in ('app.bsky.graph.listblock'); create table records_listitem partition of records for values in ('app.bsky.graph.listitem'); with moved_rows as ( delete from records_default r where collection in ('app.bsky.graph.list', 'app.bsky.graph.listblock', 'app.bsky.graph.listitem') returning r.* ) insert into records select * from moved_rows; alter table records attach partition records_default default; create index listitem_uri_subject on records_listitem ( jsonb_extract_path_text(content, 'list'), jsonb_extract_path_text(content, 'subject')) include (deleted); create index listitem_subject_uri on records_listitem ( jsonb_extract_path_text(content, 'subject'), jsonb_extract_path_text(content, 'list')) include (deleted); create view listitems as select *, jsonb_extract_path_text(content, 'list') as list, jsonb_extract_path_text(content, 'subject') as subject from records_listitem; create view lists as select records_list.*, jsonb_extract_path_text(content, 'name') as name, jsonb_extract_path_text(content, 'description') as description, jsonb_extract_path_text(content, 'purpose') as purpose, 'at://' || repos.did || '/app.bsky.graph.list/' || rkey as uri from records_list join repos on records_list.repo =;