Add support for games, among other updates.
@ -105,16 +105,17 @@ func (bot *BotAPI) makeMessageRequest(endpoint string, params url.Values) (Messa
// Requires the parameter to hold the file not be in the params.
// File should be a string to a file path, a FileBytes struct,
// or a FileReader struct.
// a FileReader struct, or a url.URL.
// Note that if your FileReader has a size set to -1, it will read
// the file into memory to calculate a size.
func (bot *BotAPI) UploadFile(endpoint string, params map[string]string, fieldname string, file interface{}) (APIResponse, error) {
ms := multipartstreamer.New()
switch f := file.(type) {
case string:
fileHandle, err := os.Open(f)
if err != nil {
return APIResponse{}, err
@ -128,9 +129,13 @@ func (bot *BotAPI) UploadFile(endpoint string, params map[string]string, fieldna
ms.WriteReader(fieldname, fileHandle.Name(), fi.Size(), fileHandle)
case FileBytes:
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(f.Bytes)
ms.WriteReader(fieldname, f.Name, int64(len(f.Bytes)), buf)
case FileReader:
if f.Size != -1 {
ms.WriteReader(fieldname, f.Name, f.Size, f.Reader)
@ -145,6 +150,10 @@ func (bot *BotAPI) UploadFile(endpoint string, params map[string]string, fieldna
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(data)
ms.WriteReader(fieldname, f.Name, int64(len(data)), buf)
case url.URL:
params[fieldname] = f.String()
return APIResponse{}, errors.New(ErrBadFileType)
@ -424,6 +433,20 @@ func (bot *BotAPI) SetWebhook(config WebhookConfig) (APIResponse, error) {
return apiResp, nil
// GetWebhookInfo allows you to fetch information about a webhook and if
// one currently is set, along with pending update count and error messages.
func (bot *BotAPI) GetWebhookInfo() (WebhookInfo, error) {
resp, err := bot.MakeRequest("getWebhookInfo", url.Values{})
if err != nil {
return WebhookInfo{}, err
var info WebhookInfo
err = json.Unmarshal(resp.Result, &info)
return info, err
// GetUpdatesChan starts and returns a channel for getting updates.
func (bot *BotAPI) GetUpdatesChan(config UpdateConfig) (<-chan Update, error) {
updatesChan := make(chan Update, 100)
@ -495,8 +518,13 @@ func (bot *BotAPI) AnswerCallbackQuery(config CallbackConfig) (APIResponse, erro
v := url.Values{}
v.Add("callback_query_id", config.CallbackQueryID)
v.Add("text", config.Text)
if config.Text != "" {
v.Add("text", config.Text)
v.Add("show_alert", strconv.FormatBool(config.ShowAlert))
if config.URL != "" {
v.Add("url", config.URL)
bot.debugLog("answerCallbackQuery", v, nil)
@ -648,3 +676,18 @@ func (bot *BotAPI) UnbanChatMember(config ChatMemberConfig) (APIResponse, error)
return bot.MakeRequest("unbanChatMember", v)
// GetGameHighScores allows you to get the high scores for a game.
func (bot *BotAPI) GetGameHighScores(config GetGameHighScoresConfig) ([]GameHighScore, error) {
v, _ := config.values()
resp, err := bot.MakeRequest(config.method(), v)
if err != nil {
return []GameHighScore{}, err
var highScores []GameHighScore
err = json.Unmarshal(resp.Result, &highScores)
return highScores, err
@ -275,6 +275,7 @@ func (config PhotoConfig) method() string {
// AudioConfig contains information about a SendAudio request.
type AudioConfig struct {
Caption string
Duration int
Performer string
Title string
@ -431,6 +432,7 @@ func (config VideoConfig) method() string {
// VoiceConfig contains information about a SendVoice request.
type VoiceConfig struct {
Caption string
Duration int
@ -539,6 +541,90 @@ func (config ContactConfig) method() string {
return "sendContact"
// GameConfig allows you to send a game.
type GameConfig struct {
GameShortName string
func (config GameConfig) values() (url.Values, error) {
v, _ := config.BaseChat.values()
v.Add("game_short_name", config.GameShortName)
return v, nil
func (config GameConfig) method() string {
return "sendGame"
// SetGameScoreConfig allows you to update the game score in a chat.
type SetGameScoreConfig struct {
UserID int
Score int
ChatID int
ChannelUsername string
MessageID int
InlineMessageID string
EditMessage bool
func (config SetGameScoreConfig) values() (url.Values, error) {
v := url.Values{}
v.Add("user_id", strconv.Itoa(config.UserID))
v.Add("score", strconv.Itoa(config.Score))
if config.InlineMessageID == "" {
if config.ChannelUsername == "" {
v.Add("chat_id", strconv.Itoa(config.ChatID))
} else {
v.Add("chat_id", config.ChannelUsername)
v.Add("message_id", strconv.Itoa(config.MessageID))
} else {
v.Add("inline_message_id", config.InlineMessageID)
v.Add("edit_message", strconv.FormatBool(config.EditMessage))
return v, nil
func (config SetGameScoreConfig) method() string {
return "setGameScore"
// GetGameHighScoresConfig allows you to fetch the high scores for a game.
type GetGameHighScoresConfig struct {
UserID int
ChatID int
ChannelUsername string
MessageID int
InlineMessageID string
func (config GetGameHighScoresConfig) values() (url.Values, error) {
v := url.Values{}
v.Add("user_id", strconv.Itoa(config.UserID))
if config.InlineMessageID == "" {
if config.ChannelUsername == "" {
v.Add("chat_id", strconv.Itoa(config.ChatID))
} else {
v.Add("chat_id", config.ChannelUsername)
v.Add("message_id", strconv.Itoa(config.MessageID))
} else {
v.Add("inline_message_id", config.InlineMessageID)
return v, nil
func (config GetGameHighScoresConfig) method() string {
return "getGameHighScores"
// ChatActionConfig contains information about a SendChatAction request.
type ChatActionConfig struct {
@ -669,6 +755,7 @@ type CallbackConfig struct {
CallbackQueryID string `json:"callback_query_id"`
Text string `json:"text"`
ShowAlert bool `json:"show_alert"`
URL string `json:"url"`
// ChatMemberConfig contains information about a user in a chat for use
@ -12,10 +12,17 @@ import (
// APIResponse is a response from the Telegram API with the result
// stored raw.
type APIResponse struct {
Ok bool `json:"ok"`
Result json.RawMessage `json:"result"`
ErrorCode int `json:"error_code"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Ok bool `json:"ok"`
Result json.RawMessage `json:"result"`
ErrorCode int `json:"error_code"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Parameters *ResponseParameters `json:"parameters"`
// ResponseParameters are various errors that can be returned in APIResponse.
type ResponseParameters struct {
MigrateToChatID int `json:"migrate_to_chat_id"` // optional
RetryAfter int `json:"retry_after"` // optional
// Update is an update response, from GetUpdates.
@ -61,12 +68,13 @@ type GroupChat struct {
// Chat contains information about the place a message was sent.
type Chat struct {
ID int64 `json:"id"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Title string `json:"title"` // optional
UserName string `json:"username"` // optional
FirstName string `json:"first_name"` // optional
LastName string `json:"last_name"` // optional
ID int64 `json:"id"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Title string `json:"title"` // optional
UserName string `json:"username"` // optional
FirstName string `json:"first_name"` // optional
LastName string `json:"last_name"` // optional
AllMembersAreAdmins bool `json:"all_members_are_administrators"` // optional
// IsPrivate returns if the Chat is a private conversation.
@ -110,6 +118,7 @@ type Message struct {
Entities *[]MessageEntity `json:"entities"` // optional
Audio *Audio `json:"audio"` // optional
Document *Document `json:"document"` // optional
Game *Game `json:"game"` // optional
Photo *[]PhotoSize `json:"photo"` // optional
Sticker *Sticker `json:"sticker"` // optional
Video *Video `json:"video"` // optional
@ -324,11 +333,15 @@ type InlineKeyboardMarkup struct {
// Note that some values are references as even an empty string
// will change behavior.
// CallbackGame, if set, MUST be first button in first row.
type InlineKeyboardButton struct {
Text string `json:"text"`
URL *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // optional
CallbackData *string `json:"callback_data,omitempty"` // optional
SwitchInlineQuery *string `json:"switch_inline_query,omitempty"` // optional
Text string `json:"text"`
URL *string `json:"url,omitempty"` // optional
CallbackData *string `json:"callback_data,omitempty"` // optional
SwitchInlineQuery *string `json:"switch_inline_query,omitempty"` // optional
SwitchInlineQueryCurrentChat *string `json:"switch_inline_query_current_chat"` // optional
CallbackGame *CallbackGame `json:"callback_game"` // optional
// CallbackQuery is data sent when a keyboard button with callback data
@ -338,7 +351,9 @@ type CallbackQuery struct {
From *User `json:"from"`
Message *Message `json:"message"` // optional
InlineMessageID string `json:"inline_message_id"` // optional
Data string `json:"data"` // optional
ChatInstance string `json:"chat_instance"`
Data string `json:"data"` // optional
GameShortName string `json:"game_short_name"` // optional
// ForceReply allows the Bot to have users directly reply to it without
@ -369,6 +384,49 @@ func (chat ChatMember) HasLeft() bool { return chat.Status == "left" }
// WasKicked returns if the ChatMember was kicked from the chat.
func (chat ChatMember) WasKicked() bool { return chat.Status == "kicked" }
// Game is a game within Telegram.
type Game struct {
Title string `json:"title"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Photo []PhotoSize `json:"photo"`
Text string `json:"text"`
TextEntities []MessageEntity `json:"text_entities"`
Animation Animation `json:"animation"`
// Animation is a GIF animation demonstrating the game.
type Animation struct {
FileID string `json:"file_id"`
Thumb PhotoSize `json:"thumb"`
FileName string `json:"file_name"`
MimeType string `json:"mime_type"`
FileSize int `json:"file_size"`
// GameHighScore is a user's score and position on the leaderboard.
type GameHighScore struct {
Position int `json:"position"`
User User `json:"user"`
Score int `json:"score"`
// CallbackGame is for starting a game in an inline keyboard button.
type CallbackGame struct{}
// WebhookInfo is information about a currently set webhook.
type WebhookInfo struct {
URL string `json:"url"`
HasCustomCertificate bool `json:"has_custom_certificate"`
PendingUpdateCount int `json:"pending_update_count"`
LastErrorDate int `json:"last_error_date"` // optional
LastErrorMessage string `json:"last_error_message"` // optional
// IsSet returns true if a webhook is currently set.
func (info WebhookInfo) IsSet() bool {
return info.URL != ""
// InlineQuery is a Query from Telegram for an inline request.
type InlineQuery struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
@ -460,6 +518,7 @@ type InlineQueryResultAudio struct {
ID string `json:"id"` // required
URL string `json:"audio_url"` // required
Title string `json:"title"` // required
Caption string `json:"caption"`
Performer string `json:"performer"`
Duration int `json:"audio_duration"`
ReplyMarkup *InlineKeyboardMarkup `json:"reply_markup,omitempty"`
@ -472,6 +531,7 @@ type InlineQueryResultVoice struct {
ID string `json:"id"` // required
URL string `json:"voice_url"` // required
Title string `json:"title"` // required
Caption string `json:"caption"`
Duration int `json:"voice_duration"`
ReplyMarkup *InlineKeyboardMarkup `json:"reply_markup,omitempty"`
InputMessageContent interface{} `json:"input_message_content,omitempty"`
@ -507,6 +567,14 @@ type InlineQueryResultLocation struct {
ThumbHeight int `json:"thumb_height"`
// InlineQueryResultGame is an inline query response game.
type InlineQueryResultGame struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
ID string `json:"id"`
GameShortName string `json:"game_short_name"`
ReplyMarkup *InlineKeyboardMarkup `json:"reply_markup"`
// ChosenInlineResult is an inline query result chosen by a User
type ChosenInlineResult struct {
ResultID string `json:"result_id"`
Reference in New Issue