Gravit Designer projects === Work under this directory was created with **Gravit Designer**, using a proprietary binary filetype (`.gvdesign`). ### Download * [Windows/macOS/Linux]( * [PWA]( #### Other sources * [Chocolatey](*: `choco install gravitdesigner` * [Flatpak](*: `flatpak install io.designer.GravitDesigner` * Make sure to add the Flathub repository first: `flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub` _\* Unofficial source_ ### Notes * Unless specified, the **Pro** tier was not used in any projects, so all may be open in the free tier. _Gravit Designer_ is nagware (boo!) and claims the free tier is a trial, but this is not the case: after the trial is over, you will just lose access to **Pro** features. * Projects are never exported as SVGs as _Gravit Designer_ exports unscalable SVGs (why!?), and they are hard to manually correct afterwards. * ~~Use the dark theme you dummy.~~