* Update rspec-rails to version 3.5.2
* Update addressable to version 2.5.1
* Update autoprefixer-rails to version
* Update bullet to version 5.5.1
* Update domain_name to version 0.5.20170404
* Update letter_opener_web to version 1.3.1
* Upate redis-rails to version 5.0.2
* Update active_record_query_trace to version 1.5.4
* Update capistrano-rails to version 1.2.3
* Update dotenv-rails to version 2.2.0
* Update pg to version 0.20.0
* Update tilt to version 2.0.7
* Update warden to version 1.2.7
* Update tins to version 1.13.2
* Update terminal-table to version 1.7.3
* Update oj to version 2.18.5
* Update simplecov to version 0.14.1
* Update uglifier to version 3.1.13
* Update hashdiff to version 0.3.2
* Update webmock to version 2.3.2
* Update devise to version 4.2.1
* Use ruby version 2.4.1
* Update sass to version 3.4.23
* Update puma to version 3.8.2
* Update will_paginate to version 3.1.5
* Update font-awesome-rails to version
* Update fuubar to version 2.2.0
* Update pry-rails to version 0.3.6
* Update simple-navigation to version 4.0.5
* Update rubocop to version 0.48.1
* Update doorkeeper to version 4.2.5
* Update faker to version 1.7.3
* Update aws-sdk to version 2.9.5
* Update fabrication to version 2.16.1
* Update hamlit-rails to version 0.2.0
* Update http to version 2.2.1
* Update httplog to version 0.99.2
* Update sidekiq to version 4.2.10
* Update rspec-sidekiq to version 3.0.0
* Update pghero to version 1.6.4
* Update rack-cors to version 0.4.1
* Update i18n-tasks to version 0.9.13
* Update ruby-oembed to version 0.12.0
* Update jquery-rails to version 4.3.1
* Update simple_form to version 3.4.0
* Update react-rails to version 1.11.0
* Update aws-sdk to version 2.9.6
* Update sidekiq-unique-jobs to version 5.0.0
* Update uglifier to version 3.2.0
Removing some of the confusion around what format S3 bucket names and regions should be entered as well as providing an example of an S3 policy that follows best security practices for this sort of thing.
Disable DHE ciphers. We don't loose any compatibility as we already use TLS 1.2, and ECDH is faster and safer.
Also, it's better so specify the curve.
This is the conf I use here : https://tls.imirhil.fr/https/mstdn.io
must be added to the Sidekiq invokation in your systemd file
The pull queue will handle link crawling, thread resolving, and OStatus
processing. Such tasks are more likely to hang for a longer time (due to
network requests) so it is more sensible to not make the "in-house" tasks
wait for them.
Heroku uses the referrer URL to point at the repo that should be deployed; from this page that includes part of a path that breaks the deployment (specifically /blob/master/docs/Running-Mastodon/Heroku-guide.md).
I've replaced the vanilla address with one that includes a specific reference to the root of the repo
work flawlessly was a nightmare). WARNING: This commit makes the web UI connect to the streaming API instead
of ActionCable like before. This means that if you are upgrading, you should set that up beforehand.