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Please update to continue using the app.\",\"AnNF5e\":\"Accessibility\",\"AeXO77\":\"Account\",\"4WY4MD\":\"Account options\",\"m16xKo\":\"Add\",\"fBBX+K\":\"Add a content warning\",\"JU3hs2\":\"Add a user to this list\",\"MPPZ54\":\"Add account\",\"LkA8jz\":\"Add alt text\",\"Z8idyM\":\"Add details\",\"AoXl11\":\"Add details to report\",\"iE6B/9\":\"Add link card\",\"EXHdP1\":\"Add link card:\",\"x6laaL\":\"Add the following DNS record to your domain:\",\"UmzMP4\":\"Add to Lists\",\"hCrQ0L\":\"Add to my feeds\",\"GluCXm\":\"Added to list\",\"jRrQFe\":\"Adjust the number of likes a reply must have to be shown in your feed.\",\"qLa52r\":\"Adult Content\",\"sxkWRg\":\"Advanced\",\"u2HO/d\":\"ALT\",\"u/DP73\":\"Alt text\",\"0QlT7/\":\"Alt text describes images for blind and low-vision users, and helps give context to everyone.\",\"woXbjq\":[\"An email has been sent to \",[\"0\"],\". It includes a confirmation code which you can enter below.\"],\"Fon2dK\":[\"An email has been sent to your previous address, \",[\"0\"],\". It includes a confirmation code which you can enter below.\"],\"HZFm5R\":\"and\",\"fdjKGe\":\"App Language\",\"SMmUnj\":\"App passwords\",\"8q4WlH\":\"App Passwords\",\"aAIQg2\":\"Appearance\",\"SSDZ+T\":[\"Are you sure you want to delete the app password \\\"\",[\"name\"],\"\\\"?\"],\"0BIeIs\":\"Are you sure you'd like to discard this draft?\",\"6foA8n\":\"Are you sure?\",\"/mSd6b\":\"Are you sure? This cannot be undone.\",\"EbvWd3\":\"Artistic or non-erotic nudity.\",\"iH8pgl\":\"Back\",\"ehOkF+\":\"Basics\",\"+gCI2a\":\"Birthday\",\"pieVBA\":\"Birthday:\",\"m1dqxu\":\"Block Account\",\"ffIfdM\":\"Block accounts\",\"fdYcMy\":\"Block these accounts?\",\"KWykPE\":\"Blocked accounts\",\"JuqQpF\":\"Blocked Accounts\",\"HG4qt4\":\"Blocked accounts cannot reply in your threads, mention you, or otherwise interact with you.\",\"8LNSUt\":\"Blocked accounts cannot reply in your threads, mention you, or otherwise interact with you. You will not see their content and they will be prevented from seeing yours.\",\"HFCE4A\":\"Blocked post.\",\"zl+QbX\":\"Blocking is public. Blocked accounts cannot reply in your threads, mention you, or otherwise interact with you.\",\"7A9u1j\":\"Bluesky\",\"ZHmKSm\":\"Bluesky is flexible.\",\"odLrdl\":\"Bluesky is open.\",\"/LsWK4\":\"Bluesky is public.\",\"C50OGr\":\"Bluesky uses invites to build a healthier community. If you don't know anybody with an invite, you can sign up for the waitlist and we'll send one soon.\",\"klVoaP\":\"Bluesky.Social\",\"qxBitM\":[\"Build version \",[\"0\"],\" \",[\"1\"]],\"rT2cV+\":\"Camera\",\"JGGrPC\":\"Can only contain letters, numbers, spaces, dashes, and underscores. Must be at least 4 characters long, but no more than 32 characters long.\",\"dEgA5A\":\"Cancel\",\"aMH9rr\":\"Cancel account deletion\",\"kc3E4R\":\"Cancel add image alt text\",\"wg4LHQ\":\"Cancel change handle\",\"hFL1Li\":\"Cancel image crop\",\"tijH8t\":\"Cancel profile editing\",\"Qe4C/d\":\"Cancel quote post\",\"5TviPn\":\"Cancel search\",\"nss3UV\":\"Cancel waitlist signup\",\"o+XJ9D\":\"Change\",\"pQco5R\":\"Change handle\",\"Q5e1U/\":\"Change Handle\",\"a3NAfL\":\"Change my email\",\"4vatyk\":\"Change Your Email\",\"Yn3C90\":\"Check out some recommended feeds. Tap + to add them to your list of pinned feeds.\",\"ioZXIH\":\"Check out some recommended users. Follow them to see similar users.\",\"/+X+/K\":\"Check your inbox for an email with the confirmation code to enter below:\",\"Rt502e\":\"Choose Service\",\"/L45sc\":\"Choose the algorithms that power your experience with custom feeds.\",\"BwcLKv\":\"Choose your\",\"Wk8hkn\":\"Choose your password\",\"Us7A1O\":\"Clear all legacy storage data\",\"X3zEXo\":\"Clear all legacy storage data (restart after this)\",\"zxFM2c\":\"Clear all storage data\",\"r+lhUL\":\"Clear all storage data (restart after this)\",\"QbvBNV\":\"Clear search query\",\"flH7u/\":\"Close alert\",\"hYmnbk\":\"Close bottom drawer\",\"47L1V1\":\"Close image\",\"l49ujN\":\"Close image viewer\",\"UryHFO\":\"Close navigation footer\",\"KHzDTk\":\"Community Guidelines\",\"o8UUti\":\"Compose reply\",\"7VpPHA\":\"Confirm\",\"q8upsf\":\"Confirm Change\",\"8pNKIr\":\"Confirm content language settings\",\"tGg8Kt\":\"Confirm delete account\",\"ioZOzk\":\"Confirmation code\",\"J28zul\":\"Connecting...\",\"l879p1\":\"Content filtering\",\"m8j6up\":\"Content Filtering\",\"/PlAsF\":\"Content Languages\",\"cogwXi\":\"Content Warning\",\"FG7AQv\":\"Content warnings\",\"xGVfLh\":\"Continue\",\"6V3Ea3\":\"Copied\",\"he3ygx\":\"Copy\",\"iQgJaz\":\"Copy post text\",\"u40k/o\":\"Copyright Policy\",\"7wWvgo\":\"Could not load feed\",\"8NNr/O\":\"Could not load list\",\"mpt9T+\":\"Create a new account\",\"IS0nrP\":\"Create Account\",\"6HbhpU\":\"Create new account\",\"MXSt4t\":[\"Created \",[\"0\"]],\"GAD3Dx\":\"Custom domain\",\"ZQKLI1\":\"Danger Zone\",\"pvnfJD\":\"Dark\",\"ZDGm40\":\"Delete account\",\"vzX5FB\":\"Delete Account\",\"gUEtxf\":\"Delete app password\",\"84uE/A\":\"Delete List\",\"ktknoE\":\"Delete my account\",\"szz0+N\":\"Delete my account…\",\"04G5Az\":\"Delete post\",\"FbPNuJ\":\"Delete this post?\",\"u+1OHY\":\"Deleted post.\",\"Nu4oKW\":\"Description\",\"dacKHE\":\"Dev Server\",\"2ygkE8\":\"Developer Tools\",\"bzSI52\":\"Discard\",\"BryYJR\":\"Discard draft\",\"pbLwal\":\"Discover new feeds\",\"pfa8F0\":\"Display name\",\"0gS7M5\":\"Display Name\",\"iZ5pMB\":\"Domain verified!\",\"DPfwMq\":\"Done\",\"zT97vP\":[\"Done\",[\"extraText\"]],\"4uwlSD\":\"Each code works once. You'll receive more invite codes periodically.\",\"XQFMOm\":\"Edit image\",\"S7M0uU\":\"Edit list details\",\"cLmurE\":\"Edit My Feeds\",\"bRZ5XW\":\"Edit my profile\",\"9OpVZg\":\"Edit profile\",\"QJQd1J\":\"Edit Profile\",\"Jn7kox\":\"Edit Saved Feeds\",\"O3oNi5\":\"Email\",\"ATGYL1\":\"Email address\",\"pJJ0Vp\":\"Email Updated\",\"9Qs99X\":\"Email:\",\"96mted\":\"Enable this setting to only see replies between people you follow.\",\"YbIxza\":\"Enter the address of your provider:\",\"BfIgP6\":\"Enter the domain you want to use\",\"cHrOqs\":\"Enter the email you used to create your account. We'll send you a \\\"reset code\\\" so you can set a new password.\",\"xRPn3U\":\"Enter your email address\",\"+inPGm\":\"Enter your new email address below.\",\"T0KLp4\":\"Enter your username and password\",\"4BITzH\":\"Error:\",\"0PkE20\":\"Expand alt text\",\"/5K/KL\":\"Failed to load recommended feeds\",\"4yCy8i\":\"Feed offline\",\"N0CqyO\":\"Feed Preferences\",\"YirHq7\":\"Feedback\",\"2DoBvq\":\"Feeds\",\"I3iUBQ\":\"Feeds are created by users to curate content. Choose some feeds that you find interesting.\",\"2+6lmO\":\"Feeds are custom algorithms that users build with a little coding expertise. <0/> for more information.\",\"Qzj1WT\":\"Finding similar accounts...\",\"QKSrQV\":\"Fine-tune the content you see on your home screen.\",\"r+KeyR\":\"Fine-tune the discussion threads.\",\"MKEPCY\":\"Follow\",\"AD4dxh\":\"Follow some\",\"Wezu5M\":\"Follow some users to get started. We can recommend you more users based on who you find interesting.\",\"YY2BTA\":\"Followed users only\",\"x5LEuB\":\"Followers\",\"NIjL2Y\":\"following\",\"y6sq5j\":\"Following\",\"p3UO/y\":\"Follows you\",\"5RhDkD\":\"For security reasons, we'll need to send a confirmation code to your email address.\",\"NJPhAO\":\"For security reasons, you won't be able to view this again. If you lose this password, you'll need to generate a new one.\",\"5bDfuq\":\"Forgot\",\"hEPLrs\":\"Forgot password\",\"dn8X5t\":\"Forgot Password\",\"U+kFad\":\"Gallery\",\"c3b0B0\":\"Get Started\",\"CKyk7Q\":\"Go back\",\"sr0UJD\":\"Go Back\",\"Rtp0y7\":\"Go to next\",\"Nf7oXL\":\"Handle\",\"c3XJ18\":\"Help\",\"uX/4+/\":\"Here is your app password.\",\"vLyv1R\":\"Hide\",\"qdOx2q\":\"Hide user list\",\"up7j9X\":\"Hmm, some kind of issue occured when contacting the feed server. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"WTcLyw\":\"Hmm, the feed server appears to be misconfigured. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"/8MHCt\":\"Hmm, the feed server appears to be offline. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"3zJH1g\":\"Hmm, the feed server gave a bad response. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"yNNyhI\":\"Hmmm, we're having trouble finding this feed. It may have been deleted.\",\"i0qMbr\":\"Home\",\"sXZ8IU\":\"Home Feed Preferences\",\"yt7fhu\":\"Hosting provider\",\"s2xA6t\":\"Hosting provider address\",\"o+axy6\":\"I have a code\",\"wey2os\":\"I have my own domain\",\"WlEcKr\":\"If none are selected, suitable for all ages.\",\"VCk0rR\":\"Image alt text\",\"STGpNQ\":\"Image options\",\"6o7+En\":\"In Your Network\",\"dSKHAa\":\"Invalid username or password\",\"MFKlMB\":\"Invite\",\"F5MZVk\":\"Invite a Friend\",\"6KlkHI\":\"Invite code\",\"MYTV5o\":\"Invite code not accepted. Check that you input it correctly and try again.\",\"F75w8j\":\"Join the waitlist\",\"6iVTdm\":\"Join the waitlist.\",\"SNzppu\":\"Join Waitlist\",\"Dcq5kL\":\"Language selection\",\"pVhZHk\":\"Language Settings\",\"GAmD3h\":\"Languages\",\"NgeSlx\":\"Learn More\",\"rj0Lke\":\"Learn more about this warning\",\"kq2ga7\":\"Leave them all unchecked to see any language.\",\"QfDITI\":\"Leaving Bluesky\",\"Esfg1M\":\"Let's get your password reset!\",\"exYcTF\":\"Library\",\"1njn7W\":\"Light\",\"BvSY1i\":\"Like this feed\",\"8/ALSr\":\"Liked by\",\"FuZWua\":\"List Avatar\",\"8mjA4F\":\"List Name\",\"h16FyT\":\"Lists\",\"ujW4FW\":\"Load more posts\",\"7EHsGr\":\"Load new notifications\",\"VkLESX\":\"Load new posts\",\"Z3FXyt\":\"Loading...\",\"jl0AFf\":\"Local dev server\",\"cR9UpQ\":\"Login to account that is not listed\",\"kkGiug\":\"Looks like this feed is only available to users with a Bluesky account. Please sign up or sign in to view this feed!\",\"2U/gDT\":\"Make sure this is where you intend to go!\",\"zucql+\":\"Menu\",\"DzmsLV\":\"Moderation\",\"NTIbv4\":\"Moderation lists\",\"FIJUJb\":\"More feeds\",\"3Siwmw\":\"More options\",\"Y17r45\":\"More post options\",\"RA1KUZ\":\"Mute Account\",\"du0opt\":\"Mute accounts\",\"izOxJM\":\"Mute these accounts?\",\"jq7SjD\":\"Mute thread\",\"s22grX\":\"Muted accounts\",\"qUa+lV\":\"Muted Accounts\",\"gA0D9A\":\"Muted accounts have their posts removed from your feed and from your notifications. Mutes are completely private.\",\"1QJzM7\":\"Muting is private. Muted accounts can interact with you, but you will not see their posts or receive notifications from them.\",\"Mysqyf\":\"My Birthday\",\"6MBNS/\":\"My Feeds\",\"hKtWk2\":\"My Profile\",\"Ha6iBv\":\"My Saved Feeds\",\"6YtxFj\":\"Name\",\"8yolS6\":\"Never lose access to your followers and data.\",\"isRobC\":\"New\",\"2B7HLH\":\"New post\",\"FGrimz\":\"New Post\",\"hXzOVo\":\"Next\",\"EatZYJ\":\"Next image\",\"1UzENP\":\"No\",\"flmDTf\":\"No description\",\"zfN9gJ\":\"No result\",\"fOlAiK\":[\"No results found for \\\"\",[\"query\"],\"\\\"\"],\"kA9DpB\":[\"No results found for \",[\"0\"]],\"SVF205\":[\"No results found for \",[\"query\"]],\"ispbnl\":\"Not Applicable\",\"iyUCYw\":\"Not Applicable.\",\"iDNBZe\":\"Notifications\",\"5GGAqz\":\"Oh no!\",\"UaXeX3\":\"Okay\",\"Cqo2D+\":\"One or more images is missing alt text.\",\"M/Q2aG\":\"Open navigation\",\"M5PuNq\":\"Opens configurable language settings\",\"eSqpax\":\"Opens modal for using custom domain\",\"vYwHHI\":\"Opens moderation settings\",\"0tHyB7\":\"Opens screen with all saved feeds\",\"nmRoY/\":\"Opens the app password settings page\",\"6e9Apv\":\"Opens the home feed preferences\",\"O87Dr/\":\"Opens the storybook page\",\"G+PVmg\":\"Opens the system log page\",\"Jqb7sy\":\"Opens the threads preferences\",\"b22AVl\":\"Other account\",\"n+HLOP\":\"Other service\",\"1PKxQ7\":\"Other...\",\"8F1i42\":\"Page not found\",\"8ZsakT\":\"Password\",\"ogtYkT\":\"Password updated\",\"DKeVgZ\":\"Password updated!\",\"VeZE5Q\":\"Pictures meant for adults.\",\"zgoxy5\":\"Pinned Feeds\",\"Aw5fOC\":\"Please choose your handle.\",\"5vI4sE\":\"Please choose your password.\",\"Apyknf\":\"Please confirm your email before changing it. This is a temporary requirement while email-updating tools are added, and it will soon be removed.\",\"9qpQ5O\":\"Please enter a unique name for this App Password or use our randomly generated one.\",\"hV+cYN\":\"Please enter your email.\",\"QJr5Xp\":\"Please enter your password as well:\",\"y28hnO\":\"Post\",\"h5RcXU\":\"Post hidden\",\"r5zLS0\":\"Post language\",\"AzCucI\":\"Post Languages\",\"tJFPmV\":\"Post not found\",\"0+DQbr\":\"Potentially Misleading Link\",\"MHk+7g\":\"Previous image\",\"HeBcM5\":\"Primary Language\",\"x8iR7V\":\"Prioritize Your Follows\",\"rjGI/Q\":\"Privacy\",\"LcET2C\":\"Privacy Policy\",\"k1ifdL\":\"Processing...\",\"vERlcd\":\"Profile\",\"MrgqOW\":\"Protect your account by verifying your email.\",\"p1UmBX\":\"Public, shareable lists which can drive feeds.\",\"8HFFRQ\":\"Quote post\",\"+KrAHa\":\"Quote Post\",\"WlWsdE\":\"Ratios\",\"WEYdDv\":\"Recommended\",\"QNzcT3\":\"Recommended Feeds\",\"41UoJb\":\"Recommended Users\",\"t/YqKh\":\"Remove\",\"p/cRzf\":[\"Remove \",[\"0\"],\" from my feeds?\"],\"1O32oy\":\"Remove account\",\"W44VX5\":\"Remove feed\",\"Yy3FzB\":\"Remove from my feeds\",\"5ywtDz\":\"Remove image\",\"Dw/XUh\":\"Remove image preview\",\"TbDEfs\":\"Remove this feed from your saved feeds?\",\"Obm5+c\":\"Removed from list\",\"Veu9gK\":\"Reply Filters\",\"lQWbAr\":[\"Report \",[\"collectionName\"]],\"bDHSjj\":\"Report Account\",\"NKmI9f\":\"Report feed\",\"6iwm2r\":\"Report List\",\"6IcSvC\":\"Report post\",\"mkude1\":\"Repost\",\"JOV5dR\":\"Repost or quote post\",\"0zb9FX\":\"Reposted by\",\"bqG37Z\":\"Request Change\",\"2d9VrZ\":\"Require alt text before posting\",\"8XIT+P\":\"Required for this provider\",\"vJgYMA\":\"Reset code\",\"xEL92I\":\"Reset onboarding state\",\"RfwZxd\":\"Reset password\",\"bee/Fw\":\"Reset preferences state\",\"wToeoz\":\"Resets the onboarding state\",\"nIU7qI\":\"Resets the preferences state\",\"6gRgw8\":\"Retry\",\"hAbYQa\":\"Retry change handle\",\"tfDRzk\":\"Save\",\"KV2YQQ\":\"Save alt text\",\"y3aU20\":\"Save changes\",\"IUwGEM\":\"Save Changes\",\"Xs07Tg\":\"Save handle change\",\"BckA7m\":\"Save image crop\",\"+K+JDj\":\"Saved Feeds\",\"A1taO8\":\"Search\",\"BF8cu3\":\"Search for posts and users.\",\"CKROFy\":\"Security Step Required\",\"cNzyJW\":\"See what's next\",\"L5sM7N\":\"Select Bluesky Social\",\"o3dwub\":\"Select from an existing account\",\"GGw2AK\":\"Select service\",\"vECNLO\":\"Select which languages you want your subscribed feeds to include. If none are selected, all languages will be shown.\",\"m5aabx\":\"Select your app language for the default text to display in the app\",\"TiiOza\":\"Select your preferred language for translations in your feed.\",\"vp9yIB\":\"Send Confirmation Email\",\"65dxv8\":\"Send email\",\"i/TzEU\":\"Send Email\",\"RoafuO\":\"Send feedback\",\"4cijjm\":\"Send Report\",\"V/e7nf\":\"Set new password\",\"gwsie4\":\"Set this setting to \\\"No\\\" to hide all quote posts from your feed. Reposts will still be visible.\",\"IZjC3J\":\"Set this setting to \\\"No\\\" to hide all replies from your feed.\",\"KIgU3l\":\"Set this setting to \\\"No\\\" to hide all reposts from your feed.\",\"zaAyrz\":\"Set this setting to \\\"Yes\\\" to show replies in a threaded view. This is an experimental feature.\",\"fQV2eE\":\"Set this setting to \\\"Yes\\\" to show samples of your saved feeds in your following feed. This is an experimental feature.\",\"Tz0i8g\":\"Settings\",\"HfWHhJ\":\"Sexual activity or erotic nudity.\",\"Z8lGw6\":\"Share\",\"P33tEA\":\"Share feed\",\"uIZ2tg\":\"Share link\",\"8vETh9\":\"Show\",\"aWAdCb\":\"Show anyway\",\"NijgXr\":\"Show Posts from My Feeds\",\"T3Mt8m\":\"Show Quote Posts\",\"BlW8X/\":\"Show Replies\",\"X4GwDb\":\"Show replies by people you follow before all other replies.\",\"GiogzH\":\"Show Reposts\",\"fhY/fL\":\"Show users\",\"5lWFkC\":\"Sign in\",\"n1ekoW\":\"Sign In\",\"N9o7n5\":[\"Sign in as \",[\"0\"]],\"FT1MVS\":\"Sign in as...\",\"+UpfFC\":\"Sign into\",\"fcWrnU\":\"Sign out\",\"e+RpCP\":\"Sign up\",\"MiE4Vp\":\"Sign up or sign in to join the conversation\",\"zU+Ro7\":\"Signed in as\",\"6Uau97\":\"Skip\",\"0o5BFH\":\"Sort Replies\",\"GH1Rgk\":\"Sort replies to the same post by:\",\"1DA6ap\":\"Square\",\"aKEHLj\":\"Staging\",\"tgEXwM\":\"Status page\",\"P5jja7\":\"Storybook\",\"EDl9kS\":\"Subscribe\",\"5z3ICN\":\"Subscribe to this list\",\"TVFyMD\":\"Suggested Follows\",\"XYLcNv\":\"Support\",\"VjWeLI\":\"Switch Account\",\"D+NlUC\":\"System\",\"fP8jTZ\":\"System log\",\"HF6Iah\":\"Tall\",\"4Y5H+g\":\"Terms\",\"xowcRf\":\"Terms of Service\",\"p8Iz39\":\"Text input field\",\"GlPXQJ\":\"The account will be able to interact with you after unblocking.\",\"o4M2MP\":\"The Community Guidelines have been moved to <0/>\",\"U42lKc\":\"The Copyright Policy has been moved to <0/>\",\"G4EksE\":\"The post may have been deleted.\",\"WNR9db\":\"The Privacy Policy has been moved to <0/>\",\"LbEbIk\":[\"The support form has been moved. If you need help, please<0/> or visit \",[\"HELP_DESK_URL\"],\" to get in touch with us.\"],\"FGbRSr\":\"The Terms of Service have been moved to\",\"yUqcy2\":\"There was an unexpected issue in the application. Please let us know if this happened to you!\",\"KRYn8w\":[\"This \",[\"screenDescription\"],\" has been flagged:\"],\"lm845B\":\"This information is not shared with other users.\",\"5Pvw/O\":\"This is important in case you ever need to change your email or reset your password.\",\"sQQfZ9\":\"This is the service that keeps you online.\",\"CvX8qs\":\"This link is taking you to the following website:\",\"WKrUVy\":\"This post has been deleted.\",\"qpCA5s\":\"This warning is only available for posts with media attached.\",\"u9ThjD\":\"Thread Preferences\",\"zmXsk5\":\"Threaded Mode\",\"1x30Qt\":\"Toggle dropdown\",\"KFXQEt\":\"Transformations\",\"pi8x/S\":\"Translate\",\"KDw4GX\":\"Try again\",\"nc4Wfd\":\"Unable to contact your service. Please check your Internet connection.\",\"tuS5Jz\":\"Unblock\",\"0VrZZv\":\"Unblock Account\",\"6pYY4t\":\"Undo repost\",\"05f3UA\":\"Unfortunately, you do not meet the requirements to create an account.\",\"wx9wqY\":\"Unmute Account\",\"s12/Py\":\"Unmute thread\",\"vaz2uI\":[\"Update \",[\"displayName\"],\" in Lists\"],\"YXMY4w\":\"Update Available\",\"RXbEvi\":\"Updating...\",\"Vwkfp4\":\"Upload a text file to:\",\"jTdnU6\":\"Use app passwords to login to other Bluesky clients without giving full access to your account or password.\",\"CH1am9\":\"Use default provider\",\"ZG8UvP\":\"Use this to sign into the other app along with your handle.\",\"cKXwwI\":\"Used by:\",\"t4Yp4Z\":\"User handle\",\"8tsrUV\":\"User Lists\",\"nZx9mr\":\"Username or email address\",\"Sxm8rQ\":\"Users\",\"MBOY4U\":\"Verify email\",\"Ejyv0o\":\"Verify my email\",\"9czCrB\":\"Verify My Email\",\"ibSVGR\":\"Verify New Email\",\"nHsQde\":\"View debug entry\",\"47jzzd\":\"View the avatar\",\"wK4H1r\":\"Visit Site\",\"qjBGxf\":\"We're so excited to have you join us!\",\"1xpRAp\":\"We're sorry, but this content is not viewable without a Bluesky account.\",\"WBQOQ0\":\"We're sorry, but your search could not be completed. Please try again in a few minutes.\",\"/mVVX2\":\"We're sorry! We can't find the page you were looking for.\",\"meB+tZ\":\"Welcome to <0>Bluesky\",\"Mj7rl/\":[\"What is the issue with this \",[\"collectionName\"],\"?\"],\"3qn29J\":\"Which languages are used in this post?\",\"uawiGa\":\"Which languages would you like to see in your algorithmic feeds?\",\"I5S9ZE\":\"Wide\",\"y02THm\":\"Write post\",\"6ckZRB\":\"Write your reply\",\"l75CjT\":\"Yes\",\"STPj0e\":\"You can change hosting providers at any time.\",\"67nRLM\":\"You can now sign in with your new password.\",\"lIcbCU\":\"You don't have any invite codes yet! We'll send you some when you've been on Bluesky for a little longer.\",\"aFZZYi\":\"You don't have any pinned feeds.\",\"kX/cKs\":\"You don't have any saved feeds!\",\"nbz3Iq\":\"You don't have any saved feeds.\",\"RkXibf\":\"You have blocked the author or you have been blocked by the author.\",\"tCLJ9E\":\"You have no lists.\",\"soH9qC\":\"You have not blocked any accounts yet. To block an account, go to their profile and selected \\\"Block account\\\" from the menu on their account.\",\"NDgp3i\":\"You have not created any app passwords yet. You can create one by pressing the button below.\",\"grqdXb\":\"You have not muted any accounts yet. To mute an account, go to their profile and selected \\\"Mute account\\\" from the menu on their account.\",\"RrDyEb\":\"You will receive an email with a \\\"reset code.\\\" Enter that code here, then enter your new password.\",\"gdRnT7\":\"Your account\",\"k7hmsH\":\"Your birth date\",\"tBpzKB\":\"Your email appears to be invalid.\",\"OubkcP\":\"Your email has been saved! We'll be in touch soon.\",\"z2L+/9\":\"Your email has been updated but not verified. As a next step, please verify your new email.\",\"XZlIVw\":\"Your email has not yet been verified. This is an important security step which we recommend.\",\"qv9f4I\":\"Your full handle will be\",\"lvcqqG\":\"Your hosting provider\",\"Oqt/PG\":\"Your posts, likes, and blocks are public. Mutes are private.\",\"okRPtW\":\"Your profile\",\"MvWO9d\":\"Your user handle\"}")}; \ No newline at end of file +/*eslint-disable*/module.exports={messages:JSON.parse("{\"PBodTo\":\"- end of feed -\",\"EtUMsZ\":\". This warning is only available for posts with media attached.\",\"ebOBhv\":[[\"0\",\"plural\",{\"one\":[\"#\",\" invite code available\"],\"other\":[\"#\",\" invite codes available\"]}]],\"J/hVSQ\":[[\"0\"]],\"hZQerY\":[[\"0\"],\" \",[\"purposeLabel\"],\" List\"],\"zgN03j\":[[\"invitesAvailable\",\"plural\",{\"one\":[\"Invite codes: \",\"#\",\" available\"],\"other\":[\"Invite codes: \",\"#\",\" available\"]}]],\"wapGcj\":[[\"message\"]],\"gMjqbV\":\"<0>Choose your<1>Recommended<2>Feeds\",\"F657la\":\"<0>Follow some<1>Recommended<2>Users\",\"6RmyWt\":\"<0>Here is your app password. Use this to sign into the other app along with your handle.\",\"XCTqGE\":\"A new version of the app is available. Please update to continue using the app.\",\"AnNF5e\":\"Accessibility\",\"AeXO77\":\"Account\",\"4WY4MD\":\"Account options\",\"m16xKo\":\"Add\",\"fBBX+K\":\"Add a content warning\",\"JU3hs2\":\"Add a user to this list\",\"MPPZ54\":\"Add account\",\"LkA8jz\":\"Add alt text\",\"Z8idyM\":\"Add details\",\"AoXl11\":\"Add details to report\",\"iE6B/9\":\"Add link card\",\"EXHdP1\":\"Add link card:\",\"x6laaL\":\"Add the following DNS record to your domain:\",\"UmzMP4\":\"Add to Lists\",\"hCrQ0L\":\"Add to my feeds\",\"GluCXm\":\"Added to list\",\"jRrQFe\":\"Adjust the number of likes a reply must have to be shown in your feed.\",\"qLa52r\":\"Adult Content\",\"sxkWRg\":\"Advanced\",\"u2HO/d\":\"ALT\",\"u/DP73\":\"Alt text\",\"0QlT7/\":\"Alt text describes images for blind and low-vision users, and helps give context to everyone.\",\"woXbjq\":[\"An email has been sent to \",[\"0\"],\". It includes a confirmation code which you can enter below.\"],\"Fon2dK\":[\"An email has been sent to your previous address, \",[\"0\"],\". It includes a confirmation code which you can enter below.\"],\"HZFm5R\":\"and\",\"fdjKGe\":\"App Language\",\"SMmUnj\":\"App passwords\",\"8q4WlH\":\"App Passwords\",\"aAIQg2\":\"Appearance\",\"SSDZ+T\":[\"Are you sure you want to delete the app password \\\"\",[\"name\"],\"\\\"?\"],\"0BIeIs\":\"Are you sure you'd like to discard this draft?\",\"6foA8n\":\"Are you sure?\",\"/mSd6b\":\"Are you sure? This cannot be undone.\",\"EbvWd3\":\"Artistic or non-erotic nudity.\",\"iH8pgl\":\"Back\",\"ehOkF+\":\"Basics\",\"+gCI2a\":\"Birthday\",\"pieVBA\":\"Birthday:\",\"m1dqxu\":\"Block Account\",\"ffIfdM\":\"Block accounts\",\"fdYcMy\":\"Block these accounts?\",\"KWykPE\":\"Blocked accounts\",\"JuqQpF\":\"Blocked Accounts\",\"HG4qt4\":\"Blocked accounts cannot reply in your threads, mention you, or otherwise interact with you.\",\"8LNSUt\":\"Blocked accounts cannot reply in your threads, mention you, or otherwise interact with you. You will not see their content and they will be prevented from seeing yours.\",\"HFCE4A\":\"Blocked post.\",\"zl+QbX\":\"Blocking is public. Blocked accounts cannot reply in your threads, mention you, or otherwise interact with you.\",\"7A9u1j\":\"Bluesky\",\"ZHmKSm\":\"Bluesky is flexible.\",\"odLrdl\":\"Bluesky is open.\",\"/LsWK4\":\"Bluesky is public.\",\"C50OGr\":\"Bluesky uses invites to build a healthier community. If you don't know anybody with an invite, you can sign up for the waitlist and we'll send one soon.\",\"klVoaP\":\"Bluesky.Social\",\"qxBitM\":[\"Build version \",[\"0\"],\" \",[\"1\"]],\"rT2cV+\":\"Camera\",\"JGGrPC\":\"Can only contain letters, numbers, spaces, dashes, and underscores. Must be at least 4 characters long, but no more than 32 characters long.\",\"dEgA5A\":\"Cancel\",\"aMH9rr\":\"Cancel account deletion\",\"kc3E4R\":\"Cancel add image alt text\",\"wg4LHQ\":\"Cancel change handle\",\"hFL1Li\":\"Cancel image crop\",\"tijH8t\":\"Cancel profile editing\",\"Qe4C/d\":\"Cancel quote post\",\"5TviPn\":\"Cancel search\",\"nss3UV\":\"Cancel waitlist signup\",\"o+XJ9D\":\"Change\",\"pQco5R\":\"Change handle\",\"Q5e1U/\":\"Change Handle\",\"a3NAfL\":\"Change my email\",\"4vatyk\":\"Change Your Email\",\"Yn3C90\":\"Check out some recommended feeds. Tap + to add them to your list of pinned feeds.\",\"ioZXIH\":\"Check out some recommended users. Follow them to see similar users.\",\"/+X+/K\":\"Check your inbox for an email with the confirmation code to enter below:\",\"Rt502e\":\"Choose Service\",\"/L45sc\":\"Choose the algorithms that power your experience with custom feeds.\",\"BwcLKv\":\"Choose your\",\"Wk8hkn\":\"Choose your password\",\"Us7A1O\":\"Clear all legacy storage data\",\"X3zEXo\":\"Clear all legacy storage data (restart after this)\",\"zxFM2c\":\"Clear all storage data\",\"r+lhUL\":\"Clear all storage data (restart after this)\",\"QbvBNV\":\"Clear search query\",\"flH7u/\":\"Close alert\",\"hYmnbk\":\"Close bottom drawer\",\"47L1V1\":\"Close image\",\"l49ujN\":\"Close image viewer\",\"UryHFO\":\"Close navigation footer\",\"KHzDTk\":\"Community Guidelines\",\"o8UUti\":\"Compose reply\",\"7VpPHA\":\"Confirm\",\"q8upsf\":\"Confirm Change\",\"8pNKIr\":\"Confirm content language settings\",\"tGg8Kt\":\"Confirm delete account\",\"ioZOzk\":\"Confirmation code\",\"J28zul\":\"Connecting...\",\"l879p1\":\"Content filtering\",\"m8j6up\":\"Content Filtering\",\"/PlAsF\":\"Content Languages\",\"cogwXi\":\"Content Warning\",\"FG7AQv\":\"Content warnings\",\"xGVfLh\":\"Continue\",\"6V3Ea3\":\"Copied\",\"he3ygx\":\"Copy\",\"iQgJaz\":\"Copy post text\",\"u40k/o\":\"Copyright Policy\",\"7wWvgo\":\"Could not load feed\",\"8NNr/O\":\"Could not load list\",\"mpt9T+\":\"Create a new account\",\"IS0nrP\":\"Create Account\",\"6HbhpU\":\"Create new account\",\"MXSt4t\":[\"Created \",[\"0\"]],\"GAD3Dx\":\"Custom domain\",\"ZQKLI1\":\"Danger Zone\",\"pvnfJD\":\"Dark\",\"ZDGm40\":\"Delete account\",\"vzX5FB\":\"Delete Account\",\"gUEtxf\":\"Delete app password\",\"84uE/A\":\"Delete List\",\"ktknoE\":\"Delete my account\",\"szz0+N\":\"Delete my account…\",\"04G5Az\":\"Delete post\",\"FbPNuJ\":\"Delete this post?\",\"u+1OHY\":\"Deleted post.\",\"Nu4oKW\":\"Description\",\"dacKHE\":\"Dev Server\",\"2ygkE8\":\"Developer Tools\",\"bzSI52\":\"Discard\",\"BryYJR\":\"Discard draft\",\"pbLwal\":\"Discover new feeds\",\"pfa8F0\":\"Display name\",\"0gS7M5\":\"Display Name\",\"iZ5pMB\":\"Domain verified!\",\"DPfwMq\":\"Done\",\"zT97vP\":[\"Done\",[\"extraText\"]],\"4uwlSD\":\"Each code works once. You'll receive more invite codes periodically.\",\"XQFMOm\":\"Edit image\",\"S7M0uU\":\"Edit list details\",\"cLmurE\":\"Edit My Feeds\",\"bRZ5XW\":\"Edit my profile\",\"9OpVZg\":\"Edit profile\",\"QJQd1J\":\"Edit Profile\",\"Jn7kox\":\"Edit Saved Feeds\",\"O3oNi5\":\"Email\",\"ATGYL1\":\"Email address\",\"pJJ0Vp\":\"Email Updated\",\"9Qs99X\":\"Email:\",\"96mted\":\"Enable this setting to only see replies between people you follow.\",\"YbIxza\":\"Enter the address of your provider:\",\"BfIgP6\":\"Enter the domain you want to use\",\"cHrOqs\":\"Enter the email you used to create your account. We'll send you a \\\"reset code\\\" so you can set a new password.\",\"xRPn3U\":\"Enter your email address\",\"+inPGm\":\"Enter your new email address below.\",\"T0KLp4\":\"Enter your username and password\",\"4BITzH\":\"Error:\",\"0PkE20\":\"Expand alt text\",\"/5K/KL\":\"Failed to load recommended feeds\",\"4yCy8i\":\"Feed offline\",\"N0CqyO\":\"Feed Preferences\",\"YirHq7\":\"Feedback\",\"2DoBvq\":\"Feeds\",\"I3iUBQ\":\"Feeds are created by users to curate content. Choose some feeds that you find interesting.\",\"2+6lmO\":\"Feeds are custom algorithms that users build with a little coding expertise. <0/> for more information.\",\"Qzj1WT\":\"Finding similar accounts...\",\"QKSrQV\":\"Fine-tune the content you see on your home screen.\",\"r+KeyR\":\"Fine-tune the discussion threads.\",\"MKEPCY\":\"Follow\",\"AD4dxh\":\"Follow some\",\"Wezu5M\":\"Follow some users to get started. We can recommend you more users based on who you find interesting.\",\"YY2BTA\":\"Followed users only\",\"x5LEuB\":\"Followers\",\"NIjL2Y\":\"following\",\"y6sq5j\":\"Following\",\"p3UO/y\":\"Follows you\",\"5RhDkD\":\"For security reasons, we'll need to send a confirmation code to your email address.\",\"NJPhAO\":\"For security reasons, you won't be able to view this again. If you lose this password, you'll need to generate a new one.\",\"5bDfuq\":\"Forgot\",\"hEPLrs\":\"Forgot password\",\"dn8X5t\":\"Forgot Password\",\"U+kFad\":\"Gallery\",\"c3b0B0\":\"Get Started\",\"CKyk7Q\":\"Go back\",\"sr0UJD\":\"Go Back\",\"Rtp0y7\":\"Go to next\",\"Nf7oXL\":\"Handle\",\"c3XJ18\":\"Help\",\"uX/4+/\":\"Here is your app password.\",\"vLyv1R\":\"Hide\",\"qdOx2q\":\"Hide user list\",\"up7j9X\":\"Hmm, some kind of issue occured when contacting the feed server. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"WTcLyw\":\"Hmm, the feed server appears to be misconfigured. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"/8MHCt\":\"Hmm, the feed server appears to be offline. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"3zJH1g\":\"Hmm, the feed server gave a bad response. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"yNNyhI\":\"Hmmm, we're having trouble finding this feed. It may have been deleted.\",\"i0qMbr\":\"Home\",\"sXZ8IU\":\"Home Feed Preferences\",\"yt7fhu\":\"Hosting provider\",\"s2xA6t\":\"Hosting provider address\",\"o+axy6\":\"I have a code\",\"wey2os\":\"I have my own domain\",\"WlEcKr\":\"If none are selected, suitable for all ages.\",\"VCk0rR\":\"Image alt text\",\"STGpNQ\":\"Image options\",\"6o7+En\":\"In Your Network\",\"dSKHAa\":\"Invalid username or password\",\"MFKlMB\":\"Invite\",\"F5MZVk\":\"Invite a Friend\",\"6KlkHI\":\"Invite code\",\"MYTV5o\":\"Invite code not accepted. Check that you input it correctly and try again.\",\"F75w8j\":\"Join the waitlist\",\"6iVTdm\":\"Join the waitlist.\",\"SNzppu\":\"Join Waitlist\",\"Dcq5kL\":\"Language selection\",\"pVhZHk\":\"Language Settings\",\"GAmD3h\":\"Languages\",\"NgeSlx\":\"Learn More\",\"rj0Lke\":\"Learn more about this warning\",\"kq2ga7\":\"Leave them all unchecked to see any language.\",\"QfDITI\":\"Leaving Bluesky\",\"Esfg1M\":\"Let's get your password reset!\",\"exYcTF\":\"Library\",\"1njn7W\":\"Light\",\"BvSY1i\":\"Like this feed\",\"8/ALSr\":\"Liked by\",\"FuZWua\":\"List Avatar\",\"8mjA4F\":\"List Name\",\"h16FyT\":\"Lists\",\"ujW4FW\":\"Load more posts\",\"7EHsGr\":\"Load new notifications\",\"VkLESX\":\"Load new posts\",\"Z3FXyt\":\"Loading...\",\"jl0AFf\":\"Local dev server\",\"cR9UpQ\":\"Login to account that is not listed\",\"kkGiug\":\"Looks like this feed is only available to users with a Bluesky account. Please sign up or sign in to view this feed!\",\"2U/gDT\":\"Make sure this is where you intend to go!\",\"zucql+\":\"Menu\",\"DzmsLV\":\"Moderation\",\"NTIbv4\":\"Moderation lists\",\"FIJUJb\":\"More feeds\",\"3Siwmw\":\"More options\",\"Y17r45\":\"More post options\",\"RA1KUZ\":\"Mute Account\",\"du0opt\":\"Mute accounts\",\"izOxJM\":\"Mute these accounts?\",\"jq7SjD\":\"Mute thread\",\"s22grX\":\"Muted accounts\",\"qUa+lV\":\"Muted Accounts\",\"gA0D9A\":\"Muted accounts have their posts removed from your feed and from your notifications. Mutes are completely private.\",\"1QJzM7\":\"Muting is private. Muted accounts can interact with you, but you will not see their posts or receive notifications from them.\",\"Mysqyf\":\"My Birthday\",\"6MBNS/\":\"My Feeds\",\"hKtWk2\":\"My Profile\",\"Ha6iBv\":\"My Saved Feeds\",\"6YtxFj\":\"Name\",\"8yolS6\":\"Never lose access to your followers and data.\",\"isRobC\":\"New\",\"2B7HLH\":\"New post\",\"FGrimz\":\"New Post\",\"hXzOVo\":\"Next\",\"EatZYJ\":\"Next image\",\"1UzENP\":\"No\",\"flmDTf\":\"No description\",\"zfN9gJ\":\"No result\",\"fOlAiK\":[\"No results found for \\\"\",[\"query\"],\"\\\"\"],\"kA9DpB\":[\"No results found for \",[\"0\"]],\"SVF205\":[\"No results found for \",[\"query\"]],\"ispbnl\":\"Not Applicable\",\"iyUCYw\":\"Not Applicable.\",\"iDNBZe\":\"Notifications\",\"5GGAqz\":\"Oh no!\",\"UaXeX3\":\"Okay\",\"Cqo2D+\":\"One or more images is missing alt text.\",\"M/Q2aG\":\"Open navigation\",\"M5PuNq\":\"Opens configurable language settings\",\"S67TOE\":\"Opens list of invite codes\",\"eSqpax\":\"Opens modal for using custom domain\",\"vYwHHI\":\"Opens moderation settings\",\"0tHyB7\":\"Opens screen with all saved feeds\",\"nmRoY/\":\"Opens the app password settings page\",\"6e9Apv\":\"Opens the home feed preferences\",\"O87Dr/\":\"Opens the storybook page\",\"G+PVmg\":\"Opens the system log page\",\"Jqb7sy\":\"Opens the threads preferences\",\"b22AVl\":\"Other account\",\"n+HLOP\":\"Other service\",\"1PKxQ7\":\"Other...\",\"8F1i42\":\"Page not found\",\"8ZsakT\":\"Password\",\"ogtYkT\":\"Password updated\",\"DKeVgZ\":\"Password updated!\",\"VeZE5Q\":\"Pictures meant for adults.\",\"zgoxy5\":\"Pinned Feeds\",\"Aw5fOC\":\"Please choose your handle.\",\"5vI4sE\":\"Please choose your password.\",\"Apyknf\":\"Please confirm your email before changing it. This is a temporary requirement while email-updating tools are added, and it will soon be removed.\",\"9qpQ5O\":\"Please enter a unique name for this App Password or use our randomly generated one.\",\"hV+cYN\":\"Please enter your email.\",\"QJr5Xp\":\"Please enter your password as well:\",\"y28hnO\":\"Post\",\"h5RcXU\":\"Post hidden\",\"r5zLS0\":\"Post language\",\"AzCucI\":\"Post Languages\",\"tJFPmV\":\"Post not found\",\"0+DQbr\":\"Potentially Misleading Link\",\"MHk+7g\":\"Previous image\",\"HeBcM5\":\"Primary Language\",\"x8iR7V\":\"Prioritize Your Follows\",\"rjGI/Q\":\"Privacy\",\"LcET2C\":\"Privacy Policy\",\"k1ifdL\":\"Processing...\",\"vERlcd\":\"Profile\",\"MrgqOW\":\"Protect your account by verifying your email.\",\"p1UmBX\":\"Public, shareable lists which can drive feeds.\",\"8HFFRQ\":\"Quote post\",\"+KrAHa\":\"Quote Post\",\"WlWsdE\":\"Ratios\",\"WEYdDv\":\"Recommended\",\"QNzcT3\":\"Recommended Feeds\",\"41UoJb\":\"Recommended Users\",\"t/YqKh\":\"Remove\",\"p/cRzf\":[\"Remove \",[\"0\"],\" from my feeds?\"],\"1O32oy\":\"Remove account\",\"W44VX5\":\"Remove feed\",\"Yy3FzB\":\"Remove from my feeds\",\"5ywtDz\":\"Remove image\",\"Dw/XUh\":\"Remove image preview\",\"TbDEfs\":\"Remove this feed from your saved feeds?\",\"Obm5+c\":\"Removed from list\",\"Veu9gK\":\"Reply Filters\",\"lQWbAr\":[\"Report \",[\"collectionName\"]],\"bDHSjj\":\"Report Account\",\"NKmI9f\":\"Report feed\",\"6iwm2r\":\"Report List\",\"6IcSvC\":\"Report post\",\"mkude1\":\"Repost\",\"JOV5dR\":\"Repost or quote post\",\"0zb9FX\":\"Reposted by\",\"bqG37Z\":\"Request Change\",\"2d9VrZ\":\"Require alt text before posting\",\"8XIT+P\":\"Required for this provider\",\"vJgYMA\":\"Reset code\",\"xEL92I\":\"Reset onboarding state\",\"RfwZxd\":\"Reset password\",\"bee/Fw\":\"Reset preferences state\",\"wToeoz\":\"Resets the onboarding state\",\"nIU7qI\":\"Resets the preferences state\",\"6gRgw8\":\"Retry\",\"hAbYQa\":\"Retry change handle\",\"tfDRzk\":\"Save\",\"KV2YQQ\":\"Save alt text\",\"y3aU20\":\"Save changes\",\"IUwGEM\":\"Save Changes\",\"Xs07Tg\":\"Save handle change\",\"BckA7m\":\"Save image crop\",\"+K+JDj\":\"Saved Feeds\",\"A1taO8\":\"Search\",\"BF8cu3\":\"Search for posts and users.\",\"CKROFy\":\"Security Step Required\",\"cNzyJW\":\"See what's next\",\"L5sM7N\":\"Select Bluesky Social\",\"o3dwub\":\"Select from an existing account\",\"GGw2AK\":\"Select service\",\"vECNLO\":\"Select which languages you want your subscribed feeds to include. If none are selected, all languages will be shown.\",\"m5aabx\":\"Select your app language for the default text to display in the app\",\"TiiOza\":\"Select your preferred language for translations in your feed.\",\"vp9yIB\":\"Send Confirmation Email\",\"65dxv8\":\"Send email\",\"i/TzEU\":\"Send Email\",\"RoafuO\":\"Send feedback\",\"4cijjm\":\"Send Report\",\"V/e7nf\":\"Set new password\",\"gwsie4\":\"Set this setting to \\\"No\\\" to hide all quote posts from your feed. Reposts will still be visible.\",\"IZjC3J\":\"Set this setting to \\\"No\\\" to hide all replies from your feed.\",\"KIgU3l\":\"Set this setting to \\\"No\\\" to hide all reposts from your feed.\",\"zaAyrz\":\"Set this setting to \\\"Yes\\\" to show replies in a threaded view. This is an experimental feature.\",\"fQV2eE\":\"Set this setting to \\\"Yes\\\" to show samples of your saved feeds in your following feed. This is an experimental feature.\",\"Tz0i8g\":\"Settings\",\"HfWHhJ\":\"Sexual activity or erotic nudity.\",\"Z8lGw6\":\"Share\",\"P33tEA\":\"Share feed\",\"uIZ2tg\":\"Share link\",\"8vETh9\":\"Show\",\"aWAdCb\":\"Show anyway\",\"NijgXr\":\"Show Posts from My Feeds\",\"T3Mt8m\":\"Show Quote Posts\",\"BlW8X/\":\"Show Replies\",\"X4GwDb\":\"Show replies by people you follow before all other replies.\",\"GiogzH\":\"Show Reposts\",\"fhY/fL\":\"Show users\",\"5lWFkC\":\"Sign in\",\"n1ekoW\":\"Sign In\",\"N9o7n5\":[\"Sign in as \",[\"0\"]],\"FT1MVS\":\"Sign in as...\",\"+UpfFC\":\"Sign into\",\"fcWrnU\":\"Sign out\",\"e+RpCP\":\"Sign up\",\"MiE4Vp\":\"Sign up or sign in to join the conversation\",\"zU+Ro7\":\"Signed in as\",\"6Uau97\":\"Skip\",\"0o5BFH\":\"Sort Replies\",\"GH1Rgk\":\"Sort replies to the same post by:\",\"1DA6ap\":\"Square\",\"aKEHLj\":\"Staging\",\"tgEXwM\":\"Status page\",\"P5jja7\":\"Storybook\",\"EDl9kS\":\"Subscribe\",\"5z3ICN\":\"Subscribe to this list\",\"TVFyMD\":\"Suggested Follows\",\"XYLcNv\":\"Support\",\"VjWeLI\":\"Switch Account\",\"D+NlUC\":\"System\",\"fP8jTZ\":\"System log\",\"HF6Iah\":\"Tall\",\"4Y5H+g\":\"Terms\",\"xowcRf\":\"Terms of Service\",\"p8Iz39\":\"Text input field\",\"GlPXQJ\":\"The account will be able to interact with you after unblocking.\",\"o4M2MP\":\"The Community Guidelines have been moved to <0/>\",\"U42lKc\":\"The Copyright Policy has been moved to <0/>\",\"G4EksE\":\"The post may have been deleted.\",\"WNR9db\":\"The Privacy Policy has been moved to <0/>\",\"LbEbIk\":[\"The support form has been moved. If you need help, please<0/> or visit \",[\"HELP_DESK_URL\"],\" to get in touch with us.\"],\"FGbRSr\":\"The Terms of Service have been moved to\",\"yUqcy2\":\"There was an unexpected issue in the application. Please let us know if this happened to you!\",\"KRYn8w\":[\"This \",[\"screenDescription\"],\" has been flagged:\"],\"lm845B\":\"This information is not shared with other users.\",\"5Pvw/O\":\"This is important in case you ever need to change your email or reset your password.\",\"sQQfZ9\":\"This is the service that keeps you online.\",\"CvX8qs\":\"This link is taking you to the following website:\",\"WKrUVy\":\"This post has been deleted.\",\"qpCA5s\":\"This warning is only available for posts with media attached.\",\"u9ThjD\":\"Thread Preferences\",\"zmXsk5\":\"Threaded Mode\",\"1x30Qt\":\"Toggle dropdown\",\"KFXQEt\":\"Transformations\",\"pi8x/S\":\"Translate\",\"KDw4GX\":\"Try again\",\"nc4Wfd\":\"Unable to contact your service. Please check your Internet connection.\",\"tuS5Jz\":\"Unblock\",\"0VrZZv\":\"Unblock Account\",\"6pYY4t\":\"Undo repost\",\"05f3UA\":\"Unfortunately, you do not meet the requirements to create an account.\",\"wx9wqY\":\"Unmute Account\",\"s12/Py\":\"Unmute thread\",\"vaz2uI\":[\"Update \",[\"displayName\"],\" in Lists\"],\"YXMY4w\":\"Update Available\",\"RXbEvi\":\"Updating...\",\"Vwkfp4\":\"Upload a text file to:\",\"jTdnU6\":\"Use app passwords to login to other Bluesky clients without giving full access to your account or password.\",\"CH1am9\":\"Use default provider\",\"ZG8UvP\":\"Use this to sign into the other app along with your handle.\",\"cKXwwI\":\"Used by:\",\"t4Yp4Z\":\"User handle\",\"8tsrUV\":\"User Lists\",\"nZx9mr\":\"Username or email address\",\"Sxm8rQ\":\"Users\",\"MBOY4U\":\"Verify email\",\"Ejyv0o\":\"Verify my email\",\"9czCrB\":\"Verify My Email\",\"ibSVGR\":\"Verify New Email\",\"nHsQde\":\"View debug entry\",\"47jzzd\":\"View the avatar\",\"wK4H1r\":\"Visit Site\",\"qjBGxf\":\"We're so excited to have you join us!\",\"1xpRAp\":\"We're sorry, but this content is not viewable without a Bluesky account.\",\"WBQOQ0\":\"We're sorry, but your search could not be completed. Please try again in a few minutes.\",\"/mVVX2\":\"We're sorry! We can't find the page you were looking for.\",\"meB+tZ\":\"Welcome to <0>Bluesky\",\"Mj7rl/\":[\"What is the issue with this \",[\"collectionName\"],\"?\"],\"3qn29J\":\"Which languages are used in this post?\",\"uawiGa\":\"Which languages would you like to see in your algorithmic feeds?\",\"I5S9ZE\":\"Wide\",\"y02THm\":\"Write post\",\"6ckZRB\":\"Write your reply\",\"l75CjT\":\"Yes\",\"STPj0e\":\"You can change hosting providers at any time.\",\"67nRLM\":\"You can now sign in with your new password.\",\"lIcbCU\":\"You don't have any invite codes yet! We'll send you some when you've been on Bluesky for a little longer.\",\"aFZZYi\":\"You don't have any pinned feeds.\",\"kX/cKs\":\"You don't have any saved feeds!\",\"nbz3Iq\":\"You don't have any saved feeds.\",\"RkXibf\":\"You have blocked the author or you have been blocked by the author.\",\"tCLJ9E\":\"You have no lists.\",\"soH9qC\":\"You have not blocked any accounts yet. To block an account, go to their profile and selected \\\"Block account\\\" from the menu on their account.\",\"NDgp3i\":\"You have not created any app passwords yet. You can create one by pressing the button below.\",\"grqdXb\":\"You have not muted any accounts yet. To mute an account, go to their profile and selected \\\"Mute account\\\" from the menu on their account.\",\"RrDyEb\":\"You will receive an email with a \\\"reset code.\\\" Enter that code here, then enter your new password.\",\"gdRnT7\":\"Your account\",\"k7hmsH\":\"Your birth date\",\"tBpzKB\":\"Your email appears to be invalid.\",\"OubkcP\":\"Your email has been saved! We'll be in touch soon.\",\"z2L+/9\":\"Your email has been updated but not verified. As a next step, please verify your new email.\",\"XZlIVw\":\"Your email has not yet been verified. This is an important security step which we recommend.\",\"qv9f4I\":\"Your full handle will be\",\"lvcqqG\":\"Your hosting provider\",\"fbFyAZ\":\"Your invite codes are hidden when logged in using an App Password\",\"Oqt/PG\":\"Your posts, likes, and blocks are public. Mutes are private.\",\"okRPtW\":\"Your profile\",\"MvWO9d\":\"Your user handle\"}")}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/locale/locales/cs/messages.po b/src/locale/locales/cs/messages.po index 92100b35..71f1f0f0 100644 --- a/src/locale/locales/cs/messages.po +++ b/src/locale/locales/cs/messages.po @@ -21,6 +21,12 @@ msgstr "" #~ msgid ". This warning is only available for posts with media attached." #~ msgstr "" +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:408 +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:158 +#: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:527 +msgid "{0, plural, one {# invite code available} other {# invite codes available}}" +msgstr "" + #: src/view/com/modals/Repost.tsx:44 msgid "{0}" msgstr "" @@ -29,6 +35,11 @@ msgstr "" msgid "{0} {purposeLabel} List" msgstr "" +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:141 +#: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:504 +msgid "{invitesAvailable, plural, one {Invite codes: # available} other {Invite codes: # available}}" +msgstr "" + #: src/view/screens/Search/Search.tsx:86 msgid "{message}" msgstr "" @@ -50,12 +61,12 @@ msgid "A new version of the app is available. Please update to continue using th msgstr "" #: src/view/com/modals/EditImage.tsx:299 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:410 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:420 msgid "Accessibility" msgstr "" #: src/view/com/auth/login/LoginForm.tsx:161 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:288 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:287 msgid "Account" msgstr "" @@ -77,8 +88,8 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Add a user to this list" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:357 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:366 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:356 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:365 msgid "Add account" msgstr "" @@ -129,7 +140,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Adult Content" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:562 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:572 msgid "Advanced" msgstr "" @@ -161,7 +172,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "App Language" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:582 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:592 msgid "App passwords" msgstr "" @@ -169,7 +180,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "App Passwords" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:425 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:435 msgid "Appearance" msgstr "" @@ -206,7 +217,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Back" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:454 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:464 msgid "Basics" msgstr "" @@ -215,7 +226,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Birthday" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:314 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:313 msgid "Birthday:" msgstr "" @@ -280,7 +291,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Bluesky.Social" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:711 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:721 msgid "Build version {0} {1}" msgstr "" @@ -348,12 +359,12 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Cancel waitlist signup" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:308 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:307 msgid "Change" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:594 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:603 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:604 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:613 msgid "Change handle" msgstr "" @@ -397,19 +408,19 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Choose your password" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:687 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:697 msgid "Clear all legacy storage data" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:689 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:699 msgid "Clear all legacy storage data (restart after this)" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:699 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:709 msgid "Clear all storage data" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:701 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:711 msgid "Clear all storage data (restart after this)" msgstr "" @@ -550,7 +561,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Custom domain" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:608 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:618 msgid "Danger Zone" msgstr "" @@ -558,7 +569,7 @@ msgstr "" #~ msgid "Dark" #~ msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:615 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:625 msgid "Delete account" msgstr "" @@ -580,7 +591,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Delete my account" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:625 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:635 msgid "Delete my account…" msgstr "" @@ -607,7 +618,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Dev Server" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:630 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:640 msgid "Developer Tools" msgstr "" @@ -701,7 +712,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Email Updated" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:292 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:291 msgid "Email:" msgstr "" @@ -754,7 +765,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Feed Preferences" msgstr "" -#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:65 +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:64 #: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:411 msgid "Feedback" msgstr "" @@ -873,7 +884,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Handle" msgstr "" -#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:94 +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:93 #: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:421 msgid "Help" msgstr "" @@ -919,7 +930,7 @@ msgstr "" #: src/view/com/pager/FeedsTabBarMobile.tsx:99 #: src/view/screens/PreferencesHomeFeed.tsx:95 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:474 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:484 msgid "Home Feed Preferences" msgstr "" @@ -962,12 +973,12 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Invalid username or password" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:385 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:384 msgid "Invite" msgstr "" #: src/view/com/modals/InviteCodes.tsx:91 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:373 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:372 msgid "Invite a Friend" msgstr "" @@ -1000,7 +1011,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Language Settings" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:534 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:544 msgid "Languages" msgstr "" @@ -1101,7 +1112,7 @@ msgid "Menu" msgstr "" #: src/view/screens/Moderation.tsx:51 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:556 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:566 #: src/view/shell/desktop/LeftNav.tsx:400 #: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:346 #: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:347 @@ -1170,7 +1181,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "My Profile" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:513 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:523 msgid "My Saved Feeds" msgstr "" @@ -1280,39 +1291,44 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Open navigation" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:526 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:536 msgid "Opens configurable language settings" msgstr "" +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:146 +#: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:509 +msgid "Opens list of invite codes" +msgstr "" + #: src/view/com/modals/ChangeHandle.tsx:279 msgid "Opens modal for using custom domain" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:551 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:561 msgid "Opens moderation settings" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:507 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:517 msgid "Opens screen with all saved feeds" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:574 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:584 msgid "Opens the app password settings page" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:466 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:476 msgid "Opens the home feed preferences" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:657 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:667 msgid "Opens the storybook page" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:637 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:647 msgid "Opens the system log page" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:487 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:497 msgid "Opens the threads preferences" msgstr "" @@ -1419,7 +1435,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Prioritize Your Follows" msgstr "" -#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:76 +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:75 msgid "Privacy" msgstr "" @@ -1438,7 +1454,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Profile" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:782 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:792 msgid "Protect your account by verifying your email." msgstr "" @@ -1569,7 +1585,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Reset code" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:679 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:689 msgid "Reset onboarding state" msgstr "" @@ -1577,15 +1593,15 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Reset password" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:669 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:679 msgid "Reset preferences state" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:677 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:687 msgid "Resets the onboarding state" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:667 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:677 msgid "Resets the preferences state" msgstr "" @@ -1730,7 +1746,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Set this setting to \"Yes\" to show samples of your saved feeds in your following feed. This is an experimental feature." msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:279 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:278 #: src/view/shell/desktop/LeftNav.tsx:436 #: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:380 #: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:381 @@ -1755,7 +1771,7 @@ msgstr "" #~ msgid "Share link" #~ msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:318 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:317 msgid "Show" msgstr "" @@ -1827,7 +1843,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Sign up or sign in to join the conversation" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:329 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:328 msgid "Signed in as" msgstr "" @@ -1852,11 +1868,11 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Staging" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:723 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:733 msgid "Status page" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:659 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:669 msgid "Storybook" msgstr "" @@ -1885,7 +1901,7 @@ msgstr "" #~ msgid "System" #~ msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:639 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:649 msgid "System log" msgstr "" @@ -1893,7 +1909,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Tall" msgstr "" -#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:85 +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:84 msgid "Terms" msgstr "" @@ -1966,7 +1982,7 @@ msgid "This warning is only available for posts with media attached." msgstr "" #: src/view/screens/PreferencesThreads.tsx:53 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:496 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:506 msgid "Thread Preferences" msgstr "" @@ -2073,15 +2089,15 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Users" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:743 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:753 msgid "Verify email" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:768 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:778 msgid "Verify my email" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:777 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:787 msgid "Verify My Email" msgstr "" @@ -2236,6 +2252,12 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Your hosting provider" msgstr "" +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:403 +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:127 +#: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:523 +msgid "Your invite codes are hidden when logged in using an App Password" +msgstr "" + #: src/view/com/auth/onboarding/WelcomeMobile.tsx:59 msgid "Your posts, likes, and blocks are public. Mutes are private." msgstr "" diff --git a/src/locale/locales/en/messages.js b/src/locale/locales/en/messages.js index 93651032..a24ae524 100644 --- a/src/locale/locales/en/messages.js +++ b/src/locale/locales/en/messages.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -/*eslint-disable*/module.exports={messages:JSON.parse("{\"PBodTo\":\"- end of feed -\",\"EtUMsZ\":\". This warning is only available for posts with media attached.\",\"J/hVSQ\":[[\"0\"]],\"hZQerY\":[[\"0\"],\" \",[\"purposeLabel\"],\" List\"],\"wapGcj\":[[\"message\"]],\"gMjqbV\":\"<0>Choose your<1>Recommended<2>Feeds\",\"F657la\":\"<0>Follow some<1>Recommended<2>Users\",\"6RmyWt\":\"<0>Here is your app password. Use this to sign into the other app along with your handle.\",\"XCTqGE\":\"A new version of the app is available. Please update to continue using the app.\",\"AnNF5e\":\"Accessibility\",\"AeXO77\":\"Account\",\"4WY4MD\":\"Account options\",\"m16xKo\":\"Add\",\"fBBX+K\":\"Add a content warning\",\"JU3hs2\":\"Add a user to this list\",\"MPPZ54\":\"Add account\",\"LkA8jz\":\"Add alt text\",\"Z8idyM\":\"Add details\",\"AoXl11\":\"Add details to report\",\"iE6B/9\":\"Add link card\",\"EXHdP1\":\"Add link card:\",\"x6laaL\":\"Add the following DNS record to your domain:\",\"UmzMP4\":\"Add to Lists\",\"hCrQ0L\":\"Add to my feeds\",\"GluCXm\":\"Added to list\",\"jRrQFe\":\"Adjust the number of likes a reply must have to be shown in your feed.\",\"qLa52r\":\"Adult Content\",\"sxkWRg\":\"Advanced\",\"u2HO/d\":\"ALT\",\"u/DP73\":\"Alt text\",\"0QlT7/\":\"Alt text describes images for blind and low-vision users, and helps give context to everyone.\",\"woXbjq\":[\"An email has been sent to \",[\"0\"],\". It includes a confirmation code which you can enter below.\"],\"Fon2dK\":[\"An email has been sent to your previous address, \",[\"0\"],\". It includes a confirmation code which you can enter below.\"],\"HZFm5R\":\"and\",\"fdjKGe\":\"App Language\",\"SMmUnj\":\"App passwords\",\"8q4WlH\":\"App Passwords\",\"aAIQg2\":\"Appearance\",\"SSDZ+T\":[\"Are you sure you want to delete the app password \\\"\",[\"name\"],\"\\\"?\"],\"0BIeIs\":\"Are you sure you'd like to discard this draft?\",\"6foA8n\":\"Are you sure?\",\"/mSd6b\":\"Are you sure? This cannot be undone.\",\"EbvWd3\":\"Artistic or non-erotic nudity.\",\"iH8pgl\":\"Back\",\"ehOkF+\":\"Basics\",\"+gCI2a\":\"Birthday\",\"pieVBA\":\"Birthday:\",\"m1dqxu\":\"Block Account\",\"ffIfdM\":\"Block accounts\",\"fdYcMy\":\"Block these accounts?\",\"KWykPE\":\"Blocked accounts\",\"JuqQpF\":\"Blocked Accounts\",\"HG4qt4\":\"Blocked accounts cannot reply in your threads, mention you, or otherwise interact with you.\",\"8LNSUt\":\"Blocked accounts cannot reply in your threads, mention you, or otherwise interact with you. You will not see their content and they will be prevented from seeing yours.\",\"HFCE4A\":\"Blocked post.\",\"zl+QbX\":\"Blocking is public. Blocked accounts cannot reply in your threads, mention you, or otherwise interact with you.\",\"7A9u1j\":\"Bluesky\",\"ZHmKSm\":\"Bluesky is flexible.\",\"odLrdl\":\"Bluesky is open.\",\"/LsWK4\":\"Bluesky is public.\",\"C50OGr\":\"Bluesky uses invites to build a healthier community. If you don't know anybody with an invite, you can sign up for the waitlist and we'll send one soon.\",\"klVoaP\":\"Bluesky.Social\",\"qxBitM\":[\"Build version \",[\"0\"],\" \",[\"1\"]],\"rT2cV+\":\"Camera\",\"JGGrPC\":\"Can only contain letters, numbers, spaces, dashes, and underscores. Must be at least 4 characters long, but no more than 32 characters long.\",\"dEgA5A\":\"Cancel\",\"aMH9rr\":\"Cancel account deletion\",\"kc3E4R\":\"Cancel add image alt text\",\"wg4LHQ\":\"Cancel change handle\",\"hFL1Li\":\"Cancel image crop\",\"tijH8t\":\"Cancel profile editing\",\"Qe4C/d\":\"Cancel quote post\",\"5TviPn\":\"Cancel search\",\"nss3UV\":\"Cancel waitlist signup\",\"o+XJ9D\":\"Change\",\"pQco5R\":\"Change handle\",\"Q5e1U/\":\"Change Handle\",\"a3NAfL\":\"Change my email\",\"4vatyk\":\"Change Your Email\",\"Yn3C90\":\"Check out some recommended feeds. Tap + to add them to your list of pinned feeds.\",\"ioZXIH\":\"Check out some recommended users. Follow them to see similar users.\",\"/+X+/K\":\"Check your inbox for an email with the confirmation code to enter below:\",\"Rt502e\":\"Choose Service\",\"/L45sc\":\"Choose the algorithms that power your experience with custom feeds.\",\"BwcLKv\":\"Choose your\",\"Wk8hkn\":\"Choose your password\",\"Us7A1O\":\"Clear all legacy storage data\",\"X3zEXo\":\"Clear all legacy storage data (restart after this)\",\"zxFM2c\":\"Clear all storage data\",\"r+lhUL\":\"Clear all storage data (restart after this)\",\"QbvBNV\":\"Clear search query\",\"flH7u/\":\"Close alert\",\"hYmnbk\":\"Close bottom drawer\",\"47L1V1\":\"Close image\",\"l49ujN\":\"Close image viewer\",\"UryHFO\":\"Close navigation footer\",\"KHzDTk\":\"Community Guidelines\",\"o8UUti\":\"Compose reply\",\"7VpPHA\":\"Confirm\",\"q8upsf\":\"Confirm Change\",\"8pNKIr\":\"Confirm content language settings\",\"tGg8Kt\":\"Confirm delete account\",\"ioZOzk\":\"Confirmation code\",\"J28zul\":\"Connecting...\",\"l879p1\":\"Content filtering\",\"m8j6up\":\"Content Filtering\",\"/PlAsF\":\"Content Languages\",\"cogwXi\":\"Content Warning\",\"FG7AQv\":\"Content warnings\",\"xGVfLh\":\"Continue\",\"6V3Ea3\":\"Copied\",\"he3ygx\":\"Copy\",\"iQgJaz\":\"Copy post text\",\"u40k/o\":\"Copyright Policy\",\"7wWvgo\":\"Could not load feed\",\"8NNr/O\":\"Could not load list\",\"mpt9T+\":\"Create a new account\",\"IS0nrP\":\"Create Account\",\"6HbhpU\":\"Create new account\",\"MXSt4t\":[\"Created \",[\"0\"]],\"GAD3Dx\":\"Custom domain\",\"ZQKLI1\":\"Danger Zone\",\"pvnfJD\":\"Dark\",\"ZDGm40\":\"Delete account\",\"vzX5FB\":\"Delete Account\",\"gUEtxf\":\"Delete app password\",\"84uE/A\":\"Delete List\",\"ktknoE\":\"Delete my account\",\"szz0+N\":\"Delete my account…\",\"04G5Az\":\"Delete post\",\"FbPNuJ\":\"Delete this post?\",\"u+1OHY\":\"Deleted post.\",\"Nu4oKW\":\"Description\",\"dacKHE\":\"Dev Server\",\"2ygkE8\":\"Developer Tools\",\"bzSI52\":\"Discard\",\"BryYJR\":\"Discard draft\",\"pbLwal\":\"Discover new feeds\",\"pfa8F0\":\"Display name\",\"0gS7M5\":\"Display Name\",\"iZ5pMB\":\"Domain verified!\",\"DPfwMq\":\"Done\",\"zT97vP\":[\"Done\",[\"extraText\"]],\"4uwlSD\":\"Each code works once. You'll receive more invite codes periodically.\",\"XQFMOm\":\"Edit image\",\"S7M0uU\":\"Edit list details\",\"cLmurE\":\"Edit My Feeds\",\"bRZ5XW\":\"Edit my profile\",\"9OpVZg\":\"Edit profile\",\"QJQd1J\":\"Edit Profile\",\"Jn7kox\":\"Edit Saved Feeds\",\"O3oNi5\":\"Email\",\"ATGYL1\":\"Email address\",\"pJJ0Vp\":\"Email Updated\",\"9Qs99X\":\"Email:\",\"96mted\":\"Enable this setting to only see replies between people you follow.\",\"YbIxza\":\"Enter the address of your provider:\",\"BfIgP6\":\"Enter the domain you want to use\",\"cHrOqs\":\"Enter the email you used to create your account. We'll send you a \\\"reset code\\\" so you can set a new password.\",\"xRPn3U\":\"Enter your email address\",\"+inPGm\":\"Enter your new email address below.\",\"T0KLp4\":\"Enter your username and password\",\"4BITzH\":\"Error:\",\"0PkE20\":\"Expand alt text\",\"/5K/KL\":\"Failed to load recommended feeds\",\"4yCy8i\":\"Feed offline\",\"N0CqyO\":\"Feed Preferences\",\"YirHq7\":\"Feedback\",\"2DoBvq\":\"Feeds\",\"I3iUBQ\":\"Feeds are created by users to curate content. Choose some feeds that you find interesting.\",\"2+6lmO\":\"Feeds are custom algorithms that users build with a little coding expertise. <0/> for more information.\",\"Qzj1WT\":\"Finding similar accounts...\",\"QKSrQV\":\"Fine-tune the content you see on your home screen.\",\"r+KeyR\":\"Fine-tune the discussion threads.\",\"MKEPCY\":\"Follow\",\"AD4dxh\":\"Follow some\",\"Wezu5M\":\"Follow some users to get started. We can recommend you more users based on who you find interesting.\",\"YY2BTA\":\"Followed users only\",\"x5LEuB\":\"Followers\",\"NIjL2Y\":\"following\",\"y6sq5j\":\"Following\",\"p3UO/y\":\"Follows you\",\"5RhDkD\":\"For security reasons, we'll need to send a confirmation code to your email address.\",\"NJPhAO\":\"For security reasons, you won't be able to view this again. If you lose this password, you'll need to generate a new one.\",\"5bDfuq\":\"Forgot\",\"hEPLrs\":\"Forgot password\",\"dn8X5t\":\"Forgot Password\",\"U+kFad\":\"Gallery\",\"c3b0B0\":\"Get Started\",\"CKyk7Q\":\"Go back\",\"sr0UJD\":\"Go Back\",\"Rtp0y7\":\"Go to next\",\"Nf7oXL\":\"Handle\",\"c3XJ18\":\"Help\",\"uX/4+/\":\"Here is your app password.\",\"vLyv1R\":\"Hide\",\"qdOx2q\":\"Hide user list\",\"up7j9X\":\"Hmm, some kind of issue occured when contacting the feed server. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"WTcLyw\":\"Hmm, the feed server appears to be misconfigured. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"/8MHCt\":\"Hmm, the feed server appears to be offline. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"3zJH1g\":\"Hmm, the feed server gave a bad response. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"yNNyhI\":\"Hmmm, we're having trouble finding this feed. It may have been deleted.\",\"i0qMbr\":\"Home\",\"sXZ8IU\":\"Home Feed Preferences\",\"yt7fhu\":\"Hosting provider\",\"s2xA6t\":\"Hosting provider address\",\"o+axy6\":\"I have a code\",\"wey2os\":\"I have my own domain\",\"WlEcKr\":\"If none are selected, suitable for all ages.\",\"VCk0rR\":\"Image alt text\",\"STGpNQ\":\"Image options\",\"6o7+En\":\"In Your Network\",\"dSKHAa\":\"Invalid username or password\",\"MFKlMB\":\"Invite\",\"F5MZVk\":\"Invite a Friend\",\"6KlkHI\":\"Invite code\",\"MYTV5o\":\"Invite code not accepted. Check that you input it correctly and try again.\",\"F75w8j\":\"Join the waitlist\",\"6iVTdm\":\"Join the waitlist.\",\"SNzppu\":\"Join Waitlist\",\"Dcq5kL\":\"Language selection\",\"pVhZHk\":\"Language Settings\",\"GAmD3h\":\"Languages\",\"NgeSlx\":\"Learn More\",\"rj0Lke\":\"Learn more about this warning\",\"kq2ga7\":\"Leave them all unchecked to see any language.\",\"QfDITI\":\"Leaving Bluesky\",\"Esfg1M\":\"Let's get your password reset!\",\"exYcTF\":\"Library\",\"1njn7W\":\"Light\",\"BvSY1i\":\"Like this feed\",\"8/ALSr\":\"Liked by\",\"FuZWua\":\"List Avatar\",\"8mjA4F\":\"List Name\",\"h16FyT\":\"Lists\",\"ujW4FW\":\"Load more posts\",\"7EHsGr\":\"Load new notifications\",\"VkLESX\":\"Load new posts\",\"Z3FXyt\":\"Loading...\",\"jl0AFf\":\"Local dev server\",\"cR9UpQ\":\"Login to account that is not listed\",\"kkGiug\":\"Looks like this feed is only available to users with a Bluesky account. Please sign up or sign in to view this feed!\",\"2U/gDT\":\"Make sure this is where you intend to go!\",\"zucql+\":\"Menu\",\"DzmsLV\":\"Moderation\",\"NTIbv4\":\"Moderation lists\",\"FIJUJb\":\"More feeds\",\"3Siwmw\":\"More options\",\"Y17r45\":\"More post options\",\"RA1KUZ\":\"Mute Account\",\"du0opt\":\"Mute accounts\",\"izOxJM\":\"Mute these accounts?\",\"jq7SjD\":\"Mute thread\",\"s22grX\":\"Muted accounts\",\"qUa+lV\":\"Muted Accounts\",\"gA0D9A\":\"Muted accounts have their posts removed from your feed and from your notifications. Mutes are completely private.\",\"1QJzM7\":\"Muting is private. Muted accounts can interact with you, but you will not see their posts or receive notifications from them.\",\"Mysqyf\":\"My Birthday\",\"6MBNS/\":\"My Feeds\",\"hKtWk2\":\"My Profile\",\"Ha6iBv\":\"My Saved Feeds\",\"6YtxFj\":\"Name\",\"8yolS6\":\"Never lose access to your followers and data.\",\"isRobC\":\"New\",\"2B7HLH\":\"New post\",\"FGrimz\":\"New Post\",\"hXzOVo\":\"Next\",\"EatZYJ\":\"Next image\",\"1UzENP\":\"No\",\"flmDTf\":\"No description\",\"zfN9gJ\":\"No result\",\"fOlAiK\":[\"No results found for \\\"\",[\"query\"],\"\\\"\"],\"kA9DpB\":[\"No results found for \",[\"0\"]],\"SVF205\":[\"No results found for \",[\"query\"]],\"ispbnl\":\"Not Applicable\",\"iyUCYw\":\"Not Applicable.\",\"iDNBZe\":\"Notifications\",\"5GGAqz\":\"Oh no!\",\"UaXeX3\":\"Okay\",\"Cqo2D+\":\"One or more images is missing alt text.\",\"M/Q2aG\":\"Open navigation\",\"M5PuNq\":\"Opens configurable language settings\",\"eSqpax\":\"Opens modal for using custom domain\",\"vYwHHI\":\"Opens moderation settings\",\"0tHyB7\":\"Opens screen with all saved feeds\",\"nmRoY/\":\"Opens the app password settings page\",\"6e9Apv\":\"Opens the home feed preferences\",\"O87Dr/\":\"Opens the storybook page\",\"G+PVmg\":\"Opens the system log page\",\"Jqb7sy\":\"Opens the threads preferences\",\"b22AVl\":\"Other account\",\"n+HLOP\":\"Other service\",\"1PKxQ7\":\"Other...\",\"8F1i42\":\"Page not found\",\"8ZsakT\":\"Password\",\"ogtYkT\":\"Password updated\",\"DKeVgZ\":\"Password updated!\",\"VeZE5Q\":\"Pictures meant for adults.\",\"zgoxy5\":\"Pinned Feeds\",\"Aw5fOC\":\"Please choose your handle.\",\"5vI4sE\":\"Please choose your password.\",\"Apyknf\":\"Please confirm your email before changing it. This is a temporary requirement while email-updating tools are added, and it will soon be removed.\",\"9qpQ5O\":\"Please enter a unique name for this App Password or use our randomly generated one.\",\"hV+cYN\":\"Please enter your email.\",\"QJr5Xp\":\"Please enter your password as well:\",\"y28hnO\":\"Post\",\"h5RcXU\":\"Post hidden\",\"r5zLS0\":\"Post language\",\"AzCucI\":\"Post Languages\",\"tJFPmV\":\"Post not found\",\"0+DQbr\":\"Potentially Misleading Link\",\"MHk+7g\":\"Previous image\",\"HeBcM5\":\"Primary Language\",\"x8iR7V\":\"Prioritize Your Follows\",\"rjGI/Q\":\"Privacy\",\"LcET2C\":\"Privacy Policy\",\"k1ifdL\":\"Processing...\",\"vERlcd\":\"Profile\",\"MrgqOW\":\"Protect your account by verifying your email.\",\"p1UmBX\":\"Public, shareable lists which can drive feeds.\",\"8HFFRQ\":\"Quote post\",\"+KrAHa\":\"Quote Post\",\"WlWsdE\":\"Ratios\",\"WEYdDv\":\"Recommended\",\"QNzcT3\":\"Recommended Feeds\",\"41UoJb\":\"Recommended Users\",\"t/YqKh\":\"Remove\",\"p/cRzf\":[\"Remove \",[\"0\"],\" from my feeds?\"],\"1O32oy\":\"Remove account\",\"W44VX5\":\"Remove feed\",\"Yy3FzB\":\"Remove from my feeds\",\"5ywtDz\":\"Remove image\",\"Dw/XUh\":\"Remove image preview\",\"TbDEfs\":\"Remove this feed from your saved feeds?\",\"Obm5+c\":\"Removed from list\",\"Veu9gK\":\"Reply Filters\",\"lQWbAr\":[\"Report \",[\"collectionName\"]],\"bDHSjj\":\"Report Account\",\"NKmI9f\":\"Report feed\",\"6iwm2r\":\"Report List\",\"6IcSvC\":\"Report post\",\"mkude1\":\"Repost\",\"JOV5dR\":\"Repost or quote post\",\"0zb9FX\":\"Reposted by\",\"bqG37Z\":\"Request Change\",\"2d9VrZ\":\"Require alt text before posting\",\"8XIT+P\":\"Required for this provider\",\"vJgYMA\":\"Reset code\",\"xEL92I\":\"Reset onboarding state\",\"RfwZxd\":\"Reset password\",\"bee/Fw\":\"Reset preferences state\",\"wToeoz\":\"Resets the onboarding state\",\"nIU7qI\":\"Resets the preferences state\",\"6gRgw8\":\"Retry\",\"hAbYQa\":\"Retry change handle\",\"tfDRzk\":\"Save\",\"KV2YQQ\":\"Save alt text\",\"y3aU20\":\"Save changes\",\"IUwGEM\":\"Save Changes\",\"Xs07Tg\":\"Save handle change\",\"BckA7m\":\"Save image crop\",\"+K+JDj\":\"Saved Feeds\",\"A1taO8\":\"Search\",\"BF8cu3\":\"Search for posts and users.\",\"CKROFy\":\"Security Step Required\",\"cNzyJW\":\"See what's next\",\"L5sM7N\":\"Select Bluesky Social\",\"o3dwub\":\"Select from an existing account\",\"GGw2AK\":\"Select service\",\"vECNLO\":\"Select which languages you want your subscribed feeds to include. If none are selected, all languages will be shown.\",\"m5aabx\":\"Select your app language for the default text to display in the app\",\"TiiOza\":\"Select your preferred language for translations in your feed.\",\"vp9yIB\":\"Send Confirmation Email\",\"65dxv8\":\"Send email\",\"i/TzEU\":\"Send Email\",\"RoafuO\":\"Send feedback\",\"4cijjm\":\"Send Report\",\"V/e7nf\":\"Set new password\",\"gwsie4\":\"Set this setting to \\\"No\\\" to hide all quote posts from your feed. Reposts will still be visible.\",\"IZjC3J\":\"Set this setting to \\\"No\\\" to hide all replies from your feed.\",\"KIgU3l\":\"Set this setting to \\\"No\\\" to hide all reposts from your feed.\",\"zaAyrz\":\"Set this setting to \\\"Yes\\\" to show replies in a threaded view. This is an experimental feature.\",\"fQV2eE\":\"Set this setting to \\\"Yes\\\" to show samples of your saved feeds in your following feed. This is an experimental feature.\",\"Tz0i8g\":\"Settings\",\"HfWHhJ\":\"Sexual activity or erotic nudity.\",\"Z8lGw6\":\"Share\",\"P33tEA\":\"Share feed\",\"uIZ2tg\":\"Share link\",\"8vETh9\":\"Show\",\"aWAdCb\":\"Show anyway\",\"NijgXr\":\"Show Posts from My Feeds\",\"T3Mt8m\":\"Show Quote Posts\",\"BlW8X/\":\"Show Replies\",\"X4GwDb\":\"Show replies by people you follow before all other replies.\",\"GiogzH\":\"Show Reposts\",\"fhY/fL\":\"Show users\",\"5lWFkC\":\"Sign in\",\"n1ekoW\":\"Sign In\",\"N9o7n5\":[\"Sign in as \",[\"0\"]],\"FT1MVS\":\"Sign in as...\",\"+UpfFC\":\"Sign into\",\"fcWrnU\":\"Sign out\",\"e+RpCP\":\"Sign up\",\"MiE4Vp\":\"Sign up or sign in to join the conversation\",\"zU+Ro7\":\"Signed in as\",\"6Uau97\":\"Skip\",\"0o5BFH\":\"Sort Replies\",\"GH1Rgk\":\"Sort replies to the same post by:\",\"1DA6ap\":\"Square\",\"aKEHLj\":\"Staging\",\"tgEXwM\":\"Status page\",\"P5jja7\":\"Storybook\",\"EDl9kS\":\"Subscribe\",\"5z3ICN\":\"Subscribe to this list\",\"TVFyMD\":\"Suggested Follows\",\"XYLcNv\":\"Support\",\"VjWeLI\":\"Switch Account\",\"D+NlUC\":\"System\",\"fP8jTZ\":\"System log\",\"HF6Iah\":\"Tall\",\"4Y5H+g\":\"Terms\",\"xowcRf\":\"Terms of Service\",\"p8Iz39\":\"Text input field\",\"GlPXQJ\":\"The account will be able to interact with you after unblocking.\",\"o4M2MP\":\"The Community Guidelines have been moved to <0/>\",\"U42lKc\":\"The Copyright Policy has been moved to <0/>\",\"G4EksE\":\"The post may have been deleted.\",\"WNR9db\":\"The Privacy Policy has been moved to <0/>\",\"LbEbIk\":[\"The support form has been moved. If you need help, please<0/> or visit \",[\"HELP_DESK_URL\"],\" to get in touch with us.\"],\"FGbRSr\":\"The Terms of Service have been moved to\",\"yUqcy2\":\"There was an unexpected issue in the application. Please let us know if this happened to you!\",\"KRYn8w\":[\"This \",[\"screenDescription\"],\" has been flagged:\"],\"lm845B\":\"This information is not shared with other users.\",\"5Pvw/O\":\"This is important in case you ever need to change your email or reset your password.\",\"sQQfZ9\":\"This is the service that keeps you online.\",\"CvX8qs\":\"This link is taking you to the following website:\",\"WKrUVy\":\"This post has been deleted.\",\"qpCA5s\":\"This warning is only available for posts with media attached.\",\"u9ThjD\":\"Thread Preferences\",\"zmXsk5\":\"Threaded Mode\",\"1x30Qt\":\"Toggle dropdown\",\"KFXQEt\":\"Transformations\",\"pi8x/S\":\"Translate\",\"KDw4GX\":\"Try again\",\"nc4Wfd\":\"Unable to contact your service. Please check your Internet connection.\",\"tuS5Jz\":\"Unblock\",\"0VrZZv\":\"Unblock Account\",\"6pYY4t\":\"Undo repost\",\"05f3UA\":\"Unfortunately, you do not meet the requirements to create an account.\",\"wx9wqY\":\"Unmute Account\",\"s12/Py\":\"Unmute thread\",\"vaz2uI\":[\"Update \",[\"displayName\"],\" in Lists\"],\"YXMY4w\":\"Update Available\",\"RXbEvi\":\"Updating...\",\"Vwkfp4\":\"Upload a text file to:\",\"jTdnU6\":\"Use app passwords to login to other Bluesky clients without giving full access to your account or password.\",\"CH1am9\":\"Use default provider\",\"ZG8UvP\":\"Use this to sign into the other app along with your handle.\",\"cKXwwI\":\"Used by:\",\"t4Yp4Z\":\"User handle\",\"8tsrUV\":\"User Lists\",\"nZx9mr\":\"Username or email address\",\"Sxm8rQ\":\"Users\",\"MBOY4U\":\"Verify email\",\"Ejyv0o\":\"Verify my email\",\"9czCrB\":\"Verify My Email\",\"ibSVGR\":\"Verify New Email\",\"nHsQde\":\"View debug entry\",\"47jzzd\":\"View the avatar\",\"wK4H1r\":\"Visit Site\",\"qjBGxf\":\"We're so excited to have you join us!\",\"1xpRAp\":\"We're sorry, but this content is not viewable without a Bluesky account.\",\"WBQOQ0\":\"We're sorry, but your search could not be completed. Please try again in a few minutes.\",\"/mVVX2\":\"We're sorry! We can't find the page you were looking for.\",\"meB+tZ\":\"Welcome to <0>Bluesky\",\"Mj7rl/\":[\"What is the issue with this \",[\"collectionName\"],\"?\"],\"3qn29J\":\"Which languages are used in this post?\",\"uawiGa\":\"Which languages would you like to see in your algorithmic feeds?\",\"I5S9ZE\":\"Wide\",\"y02THm\":\"Write post\",\"6ckZRB\":\"Write your reply\",\"l75CjT\":\"Yes\",\"STPj0e\":\"You can change hosting providers at any time.\",\"67nRLM\":\"You can now sign in with your new password.\",\"lIcbCU\":\"You don't have any invite codes yet! We'll send you some when you've been on Bluesky for a little longer.\",\"aFZZYi\":\"You don't have any pinned feeds.\",\"kX/cKs\":\"You don't have any saved feeds!\",\"nbz3Iq\":\"You don't have any saved feeds.\",\"RkXibf\":\"You have blocked the author or you have been blocked by the author.\",\"tCLJ9E\":\"You have no lists.\",\"soH9qC\":\"You have not blocked any accounts yet. To block an account, go to their profile and selected \\\"Block account\\\" from the menu on their account.\",\"NDgp3i\":\"You have not created any app passwords yet. You can create one by pressing the button below.\",\"grqdXb\":\"You have not muted any accounts yet. To mute an account, go to their profile and selected \\\"Mute account\\\" from the menu on their account.\",\"RrDyEb\":\"You will receive an email with a \\\"reset code.\\\" Enter that code here, then enter your new password.\",\"gdRnT7\":\"Your account\",\"k7hmsH\":\"Your birth date\",\"tBpzKB\":\"Your email appears to be invalid.\",\"OubkcP\":\"Your email has been saved! We'll be in touch soon.\",\"z2L+/9\":\"Your email has been updated but not verified. As a next step, please verify your new email.\",\"XZlIVw\":\"Your email has not yet been verified. This is an important security step which we recommend.\",\"qv9f4I\":\"Your full handle will be\",\"lvcqqG\":\"Your hosting provider\",\"Oqt/PG\":\"Your posts, likes, and blocks are public. Mutes are private.\",\"okRPtW\":\"Your profile\",\"MvWO9d\":\"Your user handle\"}")}; \ No newline at end of file +/*eslint-disable*/module.exports={messages:JSON.parse("{\"PBodTo\":\"- end of feed -\",\"EtUMsZ\":\". 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Please update to continue using the app.\",\"AnNF5e\":\"Accessibility\",\"AeXO77\":\"Account\",\"4WY4MD\":\"Account options\",\"m16xKo\":\"Add\",\"fBBX+K\":\"Add a content warning\",\"JU3hs2\":\"Add a user to this list\",\"MPPZ54\":\"Add account\",\"LkA8jz\":\"Add alt text\",\"Z8idyM\":\"Add details\",\"AoXl11\":\"Add details to report\",\"iE6B/9\":\"Add link card\",\"EXHdP1\":\"Add link card:\",\"x6laaL\":\"Add the following DNS record to your domain:\",\"UmzMP4\":\"Add to Lists\",\"hCrQ0L\":\"Add to my feeds\",\"GluCXm\":\"Added to list\",\"jRrQFe\":\"Adjust the number of likes a reply must have to be shown in your feed.\",\"qLa52r\":\"Adult Content\",\"sxkWRg\":\"Advanced\",\"u2HO/d\":\"ALT\",\"u/DP73\":\"Alt text\",\"0QlT7/\":\"Alt text describes images for blind and low-vision users, and helps give context to everyone.\",\"woXbjq\":[\"An email has been sent to \",[\"0\"],\". It includes a confirmation code which you can enter below.\"],\"Fon2dK\":[\"An email has been sent to your previous address, \",[\"0\"],\". It includes a confirmation code which you can enter below.\"],\"HZFm5R\":\"and\",\"fdjKGe\":\"App Language\",\"SMmUnj\":\"App passwords\",\"8q4WlH\":\"App Passwords\",\"aAIQg2\":\"Appearance\",\"SSDZ+T\":[\"Are you sure you want to delete the app password \\\"\",[\"name\"],\"\\\"?\"],\"0BIeIs\":\"Are you sure you'd like to discard this draft?\",\"6foA8n\":\"Are you sure?\",\"/mSd6b\":\"Are you sure? This cannot be undone.\",\"EbvWd3\":\"Artistic or non-erotic nudity.\",\"iH8pgl\":\"Back\",\"ehOkF+\":\"Basics\",\"+gCI2a\":\"Birthday\",\"pieVBA\":\"Birthday:\",\"m1dqxu\":\"Block Account\",\"ffIfdM\":\"Block accounts\",\"fdYcMy\":\"Block these accounts?\",\"KWykPE\":\"Blocked accounts\",\"JuqQpF\":\"Blocked Accounts\",\"HG4qt4\":\"Blocked accounts cannot reply in your threads, mention you, or otherwise interact with you.\",\"8LNSUt\":\"Blocked accounts cannot reply in your threads, mention you, or otherwise interact with you. You will not see their content and they will be prevented from seeing yours.\",\"HFCE4A\":\"Blocked post.\",\"zl+QbX\":\"Blocking is public. Blocked accounts cannot reply in your threads, mention you, or otherwise interact with you.\",\"7A9u1j\":\"Bluesky\",\"ZHmKSm\":\"Bluesky is flexible.\",\"odLrdl\":\"Bluesky is open.\",\"/LsWK4\":\"Bluesky is public.\",\"C50OGr\":\"Bluesky uses invites to build a healthier community. If you don't know anybody with an invite, you can sign up for the waitlist and we'll send one soon.\",\"klVoaP\":\"Bluesky.Social\",\"qxBitM\":[\"Build version \",[\"0\"],\" \",[\"1\"]],\"rT2cV+\":\"Camera\",\"JGGrPC\":\"Can only contain letters, numbers, spaces, dashes, and underscores. Must be at least 4 characters long, but no more than 32 characters long.\",\"dEgA5A\":\"Cancel\",\"aMH9rr\":\"Cancel account deletion\",\"kc3E4R\":\"Cancel add image alt text\",\"wg4LHQ\":\"Cancel change handle\",\"hFL1Li\":\"Cancel image crop\",\"tijH8t\":\"Cancel profile editing\",\"Qe4C/d\":\"Cancel quote post\",\"5TviPn\":\"Cancel search\",\"nss3UV\":\"Cancel waitlist signup\",\"o+XJ9D\":\"Change\",\"pQco5R\":\"Change handle\",\"Q5e1U/\":\"Change Handle\",\"a3NAfL\":\"Change my email\",\"4vatyk\":\"Change Your Email\",\"Yn3C90\":\"Check out some recommended feeds. Tap + to add them to your list of pinned feeds.\",\"ioZXIH\":\"Check out some recommended users. Follow them to see similar users.\",\"/+X+/K\":\"Check your inbox for an email with the confirmation code to enter below:\",\"Rt502e\":\"Choose Service\",\"/L45sc\":\"Choose the algorithms that power your experience with custom feeds.\",\"BwcLKv\":\"Choose your\",\"Wk8hkn\":\"Choose your password\",\"Us7A1O\":\"Clear all legacy storage data\",\"X3zEXo\":\"Clear all legacy storage data (restart after this)\",\"zxFM2c\":\"Clear all storage data\",\"r+lhUL\":\"Clear all storage data (restart after this)\",\"QbvBNV\":\"Clear search query\",\"flH7u/\":\"Close alert\",\"hYmnbk\":\"Close bottom drawer\",\"47L1V1\":\"Close image\",\"l49ujN\":\"Close image viewer\",\"UryHFO\":\"Close navigation footer\",\"KHzDTk\":\"Community Guidelines\",\"o8UUti\":\"Compose reply\",\"7VpPHA\":\"Confirm\",\"q8upsf\":\"Confirm Change\",\"8pNKIr\":\"Confirm content language settings\",\"tGg8Kt\":\"Confirm delete account\",\"ioZOzk\":\"Confirmation code\",\"J28zul\":\"Connecting...\",\"l879p1\":\"Content filtering\",\"m8j6up\":\"Content Filtering\",\"/PlAsF\":\"Content Languages\",\"cogwXi\":\"Content Warning\",\"FG7AQv\":\"Content warnings\",\"xGVfLh\":\"Continue\",\"6V3Ea3\":\"Copied\",\"he3ygx\":\"Copy\",\"iQgJaz\":\"Copy post text\",\"u40k/o\":\"Copyright Policy\",\"7wWvgo\":\"Could not load feed\",\"8NNr/O\":\"Could not load list\",\"mpt9T+\":\"Create a new account\",\"IS0nrP\":\"Create Account\",\"6HbhpU\":\"Create new account\",\"MXSt4t\":[\"Created \",[\"0\"]],\"GAD3Dx\":\"Custom domain\",\"ZQKLI1\":\"Danger Zone\",\"pvnfJD\":\"Dark\",\"ZDGm40\":\"Delete account\",\"vzX5FB\":\"Delete Account\",\"gUEtxf\":\"Delete app password\",\"84uE/A\":\"Delete List\",\"ktknoE\":\"Delete my account\",\"szz0+N\":\"Delete my account…\",\"04G5Az\":\"Delete post\",\"FbPNuJ\":\"Delete this post?\",\"u+1OHY\":\"Deleted post.\",\"Nu4oKW\":\"Description\",\"dacKHE\":\"Dev Server\",\"2ygkE8\":\"Developer Tools\",\"bzSI52\":\"Discard\",\"BryYJR\":\"Discard draft\",\"pbLwal\":\"Discover new feeds\",\"pfa8F0\":\"Display name\",\"0gS7M5\":\"Display Name\",\"iZ5pMB\":\"Domain verified!\",\"DPfwMq\":\"Done\",\"zT97vP\":[\"Done\",[\"extraText\"]],\"4uwlSD\":\"Each code works once. You'll receive more invite codes periodically.\",\"XQFMOm\":\"Edit image\",\"S7M0uU\":\"Edit list details\",\"cLmurE\":\"Edit My Feeds\",\"bRZ5XW\":\"Edit my profile\",\"9OpVZg\":\"Edit profile\",\"QJQd1J\":\"Edit Profile\",\"Jn7kox\":\"Edit Saved Feeds\",\"O3oNi5\":\"Email\",\"ATGYL1\":\"Email address\",\"pJJ0Vp\":\"Email Updated\",\"9Qs99X\":\"Email:\",\"96mted\":\"Enable this setting to only see replies between people you follow.\",\"YbIxza\":\"Enter the address of your provider:\",\"BfIgP6\":\"Enter the domain you want to use\",\"cHrOqs\":\"Enter the email you used to create your account. We'll send you a \\\"reset code\\\" so you can set a new password.\",\"xRPn3U\":\"Enter your email address\",\"+inPGm\":\"Enter your new email address below.\",\"T0KLp4\":\"Enter your username and password\",\"4BITzH\":\"Error:\",\"0PkE20\":\"Expand alt text\",\"/5K/KL\":\"Failed to load recommended feeds\",\"4yCy8i\":\"Feed offline\",\"N0CqyO\":\"Feed Preferences\",\"YirHq7\":\"Feedback\",\"2DoBvq\":\"Feeds\",\"I3iUBQ\":\"Feeds are created by users to curate content. Choose some feeds that you find interesting.\",\"2+6lmO\":\"Feeds are custom algorithms that users build with a little coding expertise. <0/> for more information.\",\"Qzj1WT\":\"Finding similar accounts...\",\"QKSrQV\":\"Fine-tune the content you see on your home screen.\",\"r+KeyR\":\"Fine-tune the discussion threads.\",\"MKEPCY\":\"Follow\",\"AD4dxh\":\"Follow some\",\"Wezu5M\":\"Follow some users to get started. We can recommend you more users based on who you find interesting.\",\"YY2BTA\":\"Followed users only\",\"x5LEuB\":\"Followers\",\"NIjL2Y\":\"following\",\"y6sq5j\":\"Following\",\"p3UO/y\":\"Follows you\",\"5RhDkD\":\"For security reasons, we'll need to send a confirmation code to your email address.\",\"NJPhAO\":\"For security reasons, you won't be able to view this again. If you lose this password, you'll need to generate a new one.\",\"5bDfuq\":\"Forgot\",\"hEPLrs\":\"Forgot password\",\"dn8X5t\":\"Forgot Password\",\"U+kFad\":\"Gallery\",\"c3b0B0\":\"Get Started\",\"CKyk7Q\":\"Go back\",\"sr0UJD\":\"Go Back\",\"Rtp0y7\":\"Go to next\",\"Nf7oXL\":\"Handle\",\"c3XJ18\":\"Help\",\"uX/4+/\":\"Here is your app password.\",\"vLyv1R\":\"Hide\",\"qdOx2q\":\"Hide user list\",\"up7j9X\":\"Hmm, some kind of issue occured when contacting the feed server. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"WTcLyw\":\"Hmm, the feed server appears to be misconfigured. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"/8MHCt\":\"Hmm, the feed server appears to be offline. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"3zJH1g\":\"Hmm, the feed server gave a bad response. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"yNNyhI\":\"Hmmm, we're having trouble finding this feed. It may have been deleted.\",\"i0qMbr\":\"Home\",\"sXZ8IU\":\"Home Feed Preferences\",\"yt7fhu\":\"Hosting provider\",\"s2xA6t\":\"Hosting provider address\",\"o+axy6\":\"I have a code\",\"wey2os\":\"I have my own domain\",\"WlEcKr\":\"If none are selected, suitable for all ages.\",\"VCk0rR\":\"Image alt text\",\"STGpNQ\":\"Image options\",\"6o7+En\":\"In Your Network\",\"dSKHAa\":\"Invalid username or password\",\"MFKlMB\":\"Invite\",\"F5MZVk\":\"Invite a Friend\",\"6KlkHI\":\"Invite code\",\"MYTV5o\":\"Invite code not accepted. Check that you input it correctly and try again.\",\"F75w8j\":\"Join the waitlist\",\"6iVTdm\":\"Join the waitlist.\",\"SNzppu\":\"Join Waitlist\",\"Dcq5kL\":\"Language selection\",\"pVhZHk\":\"Language Settings\",\"GAmD3h\":\"Languages\",\"NgeSlx\":\"Learn More\",\"rj0Lke\":\"Learn more about this warning\",\"kq2ga7\":\"Leave them all unchecked to see any language.\",\"QfDITI\":\"Leaving Bluesky\",\"Esfg1M\":\"Let's get your password reset!\",\"exYcTF\":\"Library\",\"1njn7W\":\"Light\",\"BvSY1i\":\"Like this feed\",\"8/ALSr\":\"Liked by\",\"FuZWua\":\"List Avatar\",\"8mjA4F\":\"List Name\",\"h16FyT\":\"Lists\",\"ujW4FW\":\"Load more posts\",\"7EHsGr\":\"Load new notifications\",\"VkLESX\":\"Load new posts\",\"Z3FXyt\":\"Loading...\",\"jl0AFf\":\"Local dev server\",\"cR9UpQ\":\"Login to account that is not listed\",\"kkGiug\":\"Looks like this feed is only available to users with a Bluesky account. Please sign up or sign in to view this feed!\",\"2U/gDT\":\"Make sure this is where you intend to go!\",\"zucql+\":\"Menu\",\"DzmsLV\":\"Moderation\",\"NTIbv4\":\"Moderation lists\",\"FIJUJb\":\"More feeds\",\"3Siwmw\":\"More options\",\"Y17r45\":\"More post options\",\"RA1KUZ\":\"Mute Account\",\"du0opt\":\"Mute accounts\",\"izOxJM\":\"Mute these accounts?\",\"jq7SjD\":\"Mute thread\",\"s22grX\":\"Muted accounts\",\"qUa+lV\":\"Muted Accounts\",\"gA0D9A\":\"Muted accounts have their posts removed from your feed and from your notifications. Mutes are completely private.\",\"1QJzM7\":\"Muting is private. Muted accounts can interact with you, but you will not see their posts or receive notifications from them.\",\"Mysqyf\":\"My Birthday\",\"6MBNS/\":\"My Feeds\",\"hKtWk2\":\"My Profile\",\"Ha6iBv\":\"My Saved Feeds\",\"6YtxFj\":\"Name\",\"8yolS6\":\"Never lose access to your followers and data.\",\"isRobC\":\"New\",\"2B7HLH\":\"New post\",\"FGrimz\":\"New Post\",\"hXzOVo\":\"Next\",\"EatZYJ\":\"Next image\",\"1UzENP\":\"No\",\"flmDTf\":\"No description\",\"zfN9gJ\":\"No result\",\"fOlAiK\":[\"No results found for \\\"\",[\"query\"],\"\\\"\"],\"kA9DpB\":[\"No results found for \",[\"0\"]],\"SVF205\":[\"No results found for \",[\"query\"]],\"ispbnl\":\"Not Applicable\",\"iyUCYw\":\"Not Applicable.\",\"iDNBZe\":\"Notifications\",\"5GGAqz\":\"Oh no!\",\"UaXeX3\":\"Okay\",\"Cqo2D+\":\"One or more images is missing alt text.\",\"M/Q2aG\":\"Open navigation\",\"M5PuNq\":\"Opens configurable language settings\",\"S67TOE\":\"Opens list of invite codes\",\"eSqpax\":\"Opens modal for using custom domain\",\"vYwHHI\":\"Opens moderation settings\",\"0tHyB7\":\"Opens screen with all saved feeds\",\"nmRoY/\":\"Opens the app password settings page\",\"6e9Apv\":\"Opens the home feed preferences\",\"O87Dr/\":\"Opens the storybook page\",\"G+PVmg\":\"Opens the system log page\",\"Jqb7sy\":\"Opens the threads preferences\",\"b22AVl\":\"Other account\",\"n+HLOP\":\"Other service\",\"1PKxQ7\":\"Other...\",\"8F1i42\":\"Page not found\",\"8ZsakT\":\"Password\",\"ogtYkT\":\"Password updated\",\"DKeVgZ\":\"Password updated!\",\"VeZE5Q\":\"Pictures meant for adults.\",\"zgoxy5\":\"Pinned Feeds\",\"Aw5fOC\":\"Please choose your handle.\",\"5vI4sE\":\"Please choose your password.\",\"Apyknf\":\"Please confirm your email before changing it. This is a temporary requirement while email-updating tools are added, and it will soon be removed.\",\"9qpQ5O\":\"Please enter a unique name for this App Password or use our randomly generated one.\",\"hV+cYN\":\"Please enter your email.\",\"QJr5Xp\":\"Please enter your password as well:\",\"y28hnO\":\"Post\",\"h5RcXU\":\"Post hidden\",\"r5zLS0\":\"Post language\",\"AzCucI\":\"Post Languages\",\"tJFPmV\":\"Post not found\",\"0+DQbr\":\"Potentially Misleading Link\",\"MHk+7g\":\"Previous image\",\"HeBcM5\":\"Primary Language\",\"x8iR7V\":\"Prioritize Your Follows\",\"rjGI/Q\":\"Privacy\",\"LcET2C\":\"Privacy Policy\",\"k1ifdL\":\"Processing...\",\"vERlcd\":\"Profile\",\"MrgqOW\":\"Protect your account by verifying your email.\",\"p1UmBX\":\"Public, shareable lists which can drive feeds.\",\"8HFFRQ\":\"Quote post\",\"+KrAHa\":\"Quote Post\",\"WlWsdE\":\"Ratios\",\"WEYdDv\":\"Recommended\",\"QNzcT3\":\"Recommended Feeds\",\"41UoJb\":\"Recommended Users\",\"t/YqKh\":\"Remove\",\"p/cRzf\":[\"Remove \",[\"0\"],\" from my feeds?\"],\"1O32oy\":\"Remove account\",\"W44VX5\":\"Remove feed\",\"Yy3FzB\":\"Remove from my feeds\",\"5ywtDz\":\"Remove image\",\"Dw/XUh\":\"Remove image preview\",\"TbDEfs\":\"Remove this feed from your saved feeds?\",\"Obm5+c\":\"Removed from list\",\"Veu9gK\":\"Reply Filters\",\"lQWbAr\":[\"Report \",[\"collectionName\"]],\"bDHSjj\":\"Report Account\",\"NKmI9f\":\"Report feed\",\"6iwm2r\":\"Report List\",\"6IcSvC\":\"Report post\",\"mkude1\":\"Repost\",\"JOV5dR\":\"Repost or quote post\",\"0zb9FX\":\"Reposted by\",\"bqG37Z\":\"Request Change\",\"2d9VrZ\":\"Require alt text before posting\",\"8XIT+P\":\"Required for this provider\",\"vJgYMA\":\"Reset code\",\"xEL92I\":\"Reset onboarding state\",\"RfwZxd\":\"Reset password\",\"bee/Fw\":\"Reset preferences state\",\"wToeoz\":\"Resets the onboarding state\",\"nIU7qI\":\"Resets the preferences state\",\"6gRgw8\":\"Retry\",\"hAbYQa\":\"Retry change handle\",\"tfDRzk\":\"Save\",\"KV2YQQ\":\"Save alt text\",\"y3aU20\":\"Save changes\",\"IUwGEM\":\"Save Changes\",\"Xs07Tg\":\"Save handle change\",\"BckA7m\":\"Save image crop\",\"+K+JDj\":\"Saved Feeds\",\"A1taO8\":\"Search\",\"BF8cu3\":\"Search for posts and users.\",\"CKROFy\":\"Security Step Required\",\"cNzyJW\":\"See what's next\",\"L5sM7N\":\"Select Bluesky Social\",\"o3dwub\":\"Select from an existing account\",\"GGw2AK\":\"Select service\",\"vECNLO\":\"Select which languages you want your subscribed feeds to include. If none are selected, all languages will be shown.\",\"m5aabx\":\"Select your app language for the default text to display in the app\",\"TiiOza\":\"Select your preferred language for translations in your feed.\",\"vp9yIB\":\"Send Confirmation Email\",\"65dxv8\":\"Send email\",\"i/TzEU\":\"Send Email\",\"RoafuO\":\"Send feedback\",\"4cijjm\":\"Send Report\",\"V/e7nf\":\"Set new password\",\"gwsie4\":\"Set this setting to \\\"No\\\" to hide all quote posts from your feed. Reposts will still be visible.\",\"IZjC3J\":\"Set this setting to \\\"No\\\" to hide all replies from your feed.\",\"KIgU3l\":\"Set this setting to \\\"No\\\" to hide all reposts from your feed.\",\"zaAyrz\":\"Set this setting to \\\"Yes\\\" to show replies in a threaded view. This is an experimental feature.\",\"fQV2eE\":\"Set this setting to \\\"Yes\\\" to show samples of your saved feeds in your following feed. This is an experimental feature.\",\"Tz0i8g\":\"Settings\",\"HfWHhJ\":\"Sexual activity or erotic nudity.\",\"Z8lGw6\":\"Share\",\"P33tEA\":\"Share feed\",\"uIZ2tg\":\"Share link\",\"8vETh9\":\"Show\",\"aWAdCb\":\"Show anyway\",\"NijgXr\":\"Show Posts from My Feeds\",\"T3Mt8m\":\"Show Quote Posts\",\"BlW8X/\":\"Show Replies\",\"X4GwDb\":\"Show replies by people you follow before all other replies.\",\"GiogzH\":\"Show Reposts\",\"fhY/fL\":\"Show users\",\"5lWFkC\":\"Sign in\",\"n1ekoW\":\"Sign In\",\"N9o7n5\":[\"Sign in as \",[\"0\"]],\"FT1MVS\":\"Sign in as...\",\"+UpfFC\":\"Sign into\",\"fcWrnU\":\"Sign out\",\"e+RpCP\":\"Sign up\",\"MiE4Vp\":\"Sign up or sign in to join the conversation\",\"zU+Ro7\":\"Signed in as\",\"6Uau97\":\"Skip\",\"0o5BFH\":\"Sort Replies\",\"GH1Rgk\":\"Sort replies to the same post by:\",\"1DA6ap\":\"Square\",\"aKEHLj\":\"Staging\",\"tgEXwM\":\"Status page\",\"P5jja7\":\"Storybook\",\"EDl9kS\":\"Subscribe\",\"5z3ICN\":\"Subscribe to this list\",\"TVFyMD\":\"Suggested Follows\",\"XYLcNv\":\"Support\",\"VjWeLI\":\"Switch Account\",\"D+NlUC\":\"System\",\"fP8jTZ\":\"System log\",\"HF6Iah\":\"Tall\",\"4Y5H+g\":\"Terms\",\"xowcRf\":\"Terms of Service\",\"p8Iz39\":\"Text input field\",\"GlPXQJ\":\"The account will be able to interact with you after unblocking.\",\"o4M2MP\":\"The Community Guidelines have been moved to <0/>\",\"U42lKc\":\"The Copyright Policy has been moved to <0/>\",\"G4EksE\":\"The post may have been deleted.\",\"WNR9db\":\"The Privacy Policy has been moved to <0/>\",\"LbEbIk\":[\"The support form has been moved. If you need help, please<0/> or visit \",[\"HELP_DESK_URL\"],\" to get in touch with us.\"],\"FGbRSr\":\"The Terms of Service have been moved to\",\"yUqcy2\":\"There was an unexpected issue in the application. Please let us know if this happened to you!\",\"KRYn8w\":[\"This \",[\"screenDescription\"],\" has been flagged:\"],\"lm845B\":\"This information is not shared with other users.\",\"5Pvw/O\":\"This is important in case you ever need to change your email or reset your password.\",\"sQQfZ9\":\"This is the service that keeps you online.\",\"CvX8qs\":\"This link is taking you to the following website:\",\"WKrUVy\":\"This post has been deleted.\",\"qpCA5s\":\"This warning is only available for posts with media attached.\",\"u9ThjD\":\"Thread Preferences\",\"zmXsk5\":\"Threaded Mode\",\"1x30Qt\":\"Toggle dropdown\",\"KFXQEt\":\"Transformations\",\"pi8x/S\":\"Translate\",\"KDw4GX\":\"Try again\",\"nc4Wfd\":\"Unable to contact your service. Please check your Internet connection.\",\"tuS5Jz\":\"Unblock\",\"0VrZZv\":\"Unblock Account\",\"6pYY4t\":\"Undo repost\",\"05f3UA\":\"Unfortunately, you do not meet the requirements to create an account.\",\"wx9wqY\":\"Unmute Account\",\"s12/Py\":\"Unmute thread\",\"vaz2uI\":[\"Update \",[\"displayName\"],\" in Lists\"],\"YXMY4w\":\"Update Available\",\"RXbEvi\":\"Updating...\",\"Vwkfp4\":\"Upload a text file to:\",\"jTdnU6\":\"Use app passwords to login to other Bluesky clients without giving full access to your account or password.\",\"CH1am9\":\"Use default provider\",\"ZG8UvP\":\"Use this to sign into the other app along with your handle.\",\"cKXwwI\":\"Used by:\",\"t4Yp4Z\":\"User handle\",\"8tsrUV\":\"User Lists\",\"nZx9mr\":\"Username or email address\",\"Sxm8rQ\":\"Users\",\"MBOY4U\":\"Verify email\",\"Ejyv0o\":\"Verify my email\",\"9czCrB\":\"Verify My Email\",\"ibSVGR\":\"Verify New Email\",\"nHsQde\":\"View debug entry\",\"47jzzd\":\"View the avatar\",\"wK4H1r\":\"Visit Site\",\"qjBGxf\":\"We're so excited to have you join us!\",\"1xpRAp\":\"We're sorry, but this content is not viewable without a Bluesky account.\",\"WBQOQ0\":\"We're sorry, but your search could not be completed. Please try again in a few minutes.\",\"/mVVX2\":\"We're sorry! We can't find the page you were looking for.\",\"meB+tZ\":\"Welcome to <0>Bluesky\",\"Mj7rl/\":[\"What is the issue with this \",[\"collectionName\"],\"?\"],\"3qn29J\":\"Which languages are used in this post?\",\"uawiGa\":\"Which languages would you like to see in your algorithmic feeds?\",\"I5S9ZE\":\"Wide\",\"y02THm\":\"Write post\",\"6ckZRB\":\"Write your reply\",\"l75CjT\":\"Yes\",\"STPj0e\":\"You can change hosting providers at any time.\",\"67nRLM\":\"You can now sign in with your new password.\",\"lIcbCU\":\"You don't have any invite codes yet! We'll send you some when you've been on Bluesky for a little longer.\",\"aFZZYi\":\"You don't have any pinned feeds.\",\"kX/cKs\":\"You don't have any saved feeds!\",\"nbz3Iq\":\"You don't have any saved feeds.\",\"RkXibf\":\"You have blocked the author or you have been blocked by the author.\",\"tCLJ9E\":\"You have no lists.\",\"soH9qC\":\"You have not blocked any accounts yet. To block an account, go to their profile and selected \\\"Block account\\\" from the menu on their account.\",\"NDgp3i\":\"You have not created any app passwords yet. You can create one by pressing the button below.\",\"grqdXb\":\"You have not muted any accounts yet. To mute an account, go to their profile and selected \\\"Mute account\\\" from the menu on their account.\",\"RrDyEb\":\"You will receive an email with a \\\"reset code.\\\" Enter that code here, then enter your new password.\",\"gdRnT7\":\"Your account\",\"k7hmsH\":\"Your birth date\",\"tBpzKB\":\"Your email appears to be invalid.\",\"OubkcP\":\"Your email has been saved! We'll be in touch soon.\",\"z2L+/9\":\"Your email has been updated but not verified. As a next step, please verify your new email.\",\"XZlIVw\":\"Your email has not yet been verified. This is an important security step which we recommend.\",\"qv9f4I\":\"Your full handle will be\",\"lvcqqG\":\"Your hosting provider\",\"fbFyAZ\":\"Your invite codes are hidden when logged in using an App Password\",\"Oqt/PG\":\"Your posts, likes, and blocks are public. Mutes are private.\",\"okRPtW\":\"Your profile\",\"MvWO9d\":\"Your user handle\"}")}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/locale/locales/en/messages.po b/src/locale/locales/en/messages.po index 9289471f..46fae167 100644 --- a/src/locale/locales/en/messages.po +++ b/src/locale/locales/en/messages.po @@ -21,6 +21,12 @@ msgstr "" #~ msgid ". This warning is only available for posts with media attached." #~ msgstr "" +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:408 +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:158 +#: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:527 +msgid "{0, plural, one {# invite code available} other {# invite codes available}}" +msgstr "" + #: src/view/com/modals/Repost.tsx:44 msgid "{0}" msgstr "" @@ -29,6 +35,11 @@ msgstr "" msgid "{0} {purposeLabel} List" msgstr "" +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:141 +#: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:504 +msgid "{invitesAvailable, plural, one {Invite codes: # available} other {Invite codes: # available}}" +msgstr "" + #: src/view/screens/Search/Search.tsx:86 msgid "{message}" msgstr "" @@ -50,12 +61,12 @@ msgid "A new version of the app is available. Please update to continue using th msgstr "" #: src/view/com/modals/EditImage.tsx:299 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:410 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:420 msgid "Accessibility" msgstr "" #: src/view/com/auth/login/LoginForm.tsx:161 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:288 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:287 msgid "Account" msgstr "" @@ -77,8 +88,8 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Add a user to this list" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:357 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:366 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:356 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:365 msgid "Add account" msgstr "" @@ -129,7 +140,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Adult Content" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:562 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:572 msgid "Advanced" msgstr "" @@ -161,7 +172,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "App Language" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:582 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:592 msgid "App passwords" msgstr "" @@ -169,7 +180,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "App Passwords" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:425 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:435 msgid "Appearance" msgstr "" @@ -206,7 +217,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Back" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:454 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:464 msgid "Basics" msgstr "" @@ -215,7 +226,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Birthday" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:314 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:313 msgid "Birthday:" msgstr "" @@ -280,7 +291,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Bluesky.Social" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:711 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:721 msgid "Build version {0} {1}" msgstr "" @@ -348,12 +359,12 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Cancel waitlist signup" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:308 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:307 msgid "Change" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:594 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:603 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:604 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:613 msgid "Change handle" msgstr "" @@ -397,19 +408,19 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Choose your password" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:687 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:697 msgid "Clear all legacy storage data" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:689 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:699 msgid "Clear all legacy storage data (restart after this)" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:699 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:709 msgid "Clear all storage data" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:701 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:711 msgid "Clear all storage data (restart after this)" msgstr "" @@ -550,7 +561,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Custom domain" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:608 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:618 msgid "Danger Zone" msgstr "" @@ -558,7 +569,7 @@ msgstr "" #~ msgid "Dark" #~ msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:615 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:625 msgid "Delete account" msgstr "" @@ -580,7 +591,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Delete my account" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:625 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:635 msgid "Delete my account…" msgstr "" @@ -607,7 +618,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Dev Server" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:630 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:640 msgid "Developer Tools" msgstr "" @@ -701,7 +712,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Email Updated" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:292 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:291 msgid "Email:" msgstr "" @@ -754,7 +765,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Feed Preferences" msgstr "" -#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:65 +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:64 #: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:411 msgid "Feedback" msgstr "" @@ -873,7 +884,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Handle" msgstr "" -#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:94 +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:93 #: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:421 msgid "Help" msgstr "" @@ -919,7 +930,7 @@ msgstr "" #: src/view/com/pager/FeedsTabBarMobile.tsx:99 #: src/view/screens/PreferencesHomeFeed.tsx:95 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:474 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:484 msgid "Home Feed Preferences" msgstr "" @@ -962,12 +973,12 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Invalid username or password" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:385 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:384 msgid "Invite" msgstr "" #: src/view/com/modals/InviteCodes.tsx:91 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:373 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:372 msgid "Invite a Friend" msgstr "" @@ -1000,7 +1011,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Language Settings" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:534 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:544 msgid "Languages" msgstr "" @@ -1101,7 +1112,7 @@ msgid "Menu" msgstr "" #: src/view/screens/Moderation.tsx:51 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:556 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:566 #: src/view/shell/desktop/LeftNav.tsx:400 #: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:346 #: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:347 @@ -1170,7 +1181,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "My Profile" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:513 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:523 msgid "My Saved Feeds" msgstr "" @@ -1280,39 +1291,44 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Open navigation" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:526 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:536 msgid "Opens configurable language settings" msgstr "" +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:146 +#: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:509 +msgid "Opens list of invite codes" +msgstr "" + #: src/view/com/modals/ChangeHandle.tsx:279 msgid "Opens modal for using custom domain" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:551 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:561 msgid "Opens moderation settings" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:507 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:517 msgid "Opens screen with all saved feeds" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:574 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:584 msgid "Opens the app password settings page" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:466 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:476 msgid "Opens the home feed preferences" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:657 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:667 msgid "Opens the storybook page" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:637 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:647 msgid "Opens the system log page" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:487 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:497 msgid "Opens the threads preferences" msgstr "" @@ -1419,7 +1435,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Prioritize Your Follows" msgstr "" -#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:76 +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:75 msgid "Privacy" msgstr "" @@ -1438,7 +1454,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Profile" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:782 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:792 msgid "Protect your account by verifying your email." msgstr "" @@ -1569,7 +1585,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Reset code" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:679 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:689 msgid "Reset onboarding state" msgstr "" @@ -1577,15 +1593,15 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Reset password" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:669 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:679 msgid "Reset preferences state" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:677 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:687 msgid "Resets the onboarding state" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:667 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:677 msgid "Resets the preferences state" msgstr "" @@ -1730,7 +1746,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Set this setting to \"Yes\" to show samples of your saved feeds in your following feed. This is an experimental feature." msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:279 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:278 #: src/view/shell/desktop/LeftNav.tsx:436 #: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:380 #: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:381 @@ -1755,7 +1771,7 @@ msgstr "" #~ msgid "Share link" #~ msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:318 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:317 msgid "Show" msgstr "" @@ -1827,7 +1843,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Sign up or sign in to join the conversation" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:329 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:328 msgid "Signed in as" msgstr "" @@ -1852,11 +1868,11 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Staging" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:723 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:733 msgid "Status page" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:659 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:669 msgid "Storybook" msgstr "" @@ -1885,7 +1901,7 @@ msgstr "" #~ msgid "System" #~ msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:639 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:649 msgid "System log" msgstr "" @@ -1893,7 +1909,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Tall" msgstr "" -#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:85 +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:84 msgid "Terms" msgstr "" @@ -1966,7 +1982,7 @@ msgid "This warning is only available for posts with media attached." msgstr "" #: src/view/screens/PreferencesThreads.tsx:53 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:496 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:506 msgid "Thread Preferences" msgstr "" @@ -2073,15 +2089,15 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Users" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:743 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:753 msgid "Verify email" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:768 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:778 msgid "Verify my email" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:777 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:787 msgid "Verify My Email" msgstr "" @@ -2236,6 +2252,12 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Your hosting provider" msgstr "" +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:403 +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:127 +#: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:523 +msgid "Your invite codes are hidden when logged in using an App Password" +msgstr "" + #: src/view/com/auth/onboarding/WelcomeMobile.tsx:59 msgid "Your posts, likes, and blocks are public. Mutes are private." msgstr "" diff --git a/src/locale/locales/es/messages.js b/src/locale/locales/es/messages.js index 93651032..a24ae524 100644 --- a/src/locale/locales/es/messages.js +++ b/src/locale/locales/es/messages.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -/*eslint-disable*/module.exports={messages:JSON.parse("{\"PBodTo\":\"- end of feed -\",\"EtUMsZ\":\". This warning is only available for posts with media attached.\",\"J/hVSQ\":[[\"0\"]],\"hZQerY\":[[\"0\"],\" \",[\"purposeLabel\"],\" List\"],\"wapGcj\":[[\"message\"]],\"gMjqbV\":\"<0>Choose your<1>Recommended<2>Feeds\",\"F657la\":\"<0>Follow some<1>Recommended<2>Users\",\"6RmyWt\":\"<0>Here is your app password. Use this to sign into the other app along with your handle.\",\"XCTqGE\":\"A new version of the app is available. Please update to continue using the app.\",\"AnNF5e\":\"Accessibility\",\"AeXO77\":\"Account\",\"4WY4MD\":\"Account options\",\"m16xKo\":\"Add\",\"fBBX+K\":\"Add a content warning\",\"JU3hs2\":\"Add a user to this list\",\"MPPZ54\":\"Add account\",\"LkA8jz\":\"Add alt text\",\"Z8idyM\":\"Add details\",\"AoXl11\":\"Add details to report\",\"iE6B/9\":\"Add link card\",\"EXHdP1\":\"Add link card:\",\"x6laaL\":\"Add the following DNS record to your domain:\",\"UmzMP4\":\"Add to Lists\",\"hCrQ0L\":\"Add to my feeds\",\"GluCXm\":\"Added to list\",\"jRrQFe\":\"Adjust the number of likes a reply must have to be shown in your feed.\",\"qLa52r\":\"Adult Content\",\"sxkWRg\":\"Advanced\",\"u2HO/d\":\"ALT\",\"u/DP73\":\"Alt text\",\"0QlT7/\":\"Alt text describes images for blind and low-vision users, and helps give context to everyone.\",\"woXbjq\":[\"An email has been sent to \",[\"0\"],\". It includes a confirmation code which you can enter below.\"],\"Fon2dK\":[\"An email has been sent to your previous address, \",[\"0\"],\". It includes a confirmation code which you can enter below.\"],\"HZFm5R\":\"and\",\"fdjKGe\":\"App Language\",\"SMmUnj\":\"App passwords\",\"8q4WlH\":\"App Passwords\",\"aAIQg2\":\"Appearance\",\"SSDZ+T\":[\"Are you sure you want to delete the app password \\\"\",[\"name\"],\"\\\"?\"],\"0BIeIs\":\"Are you sure you'd like to discard this draft?\",\"6foA8n\":\"Are you sure?\",\"/mSd6b\":\"Are you sure? This cannot be undone.\",\"EbvWd3\":\"Artistic or non-erotic nudity.\",\"iH8pgl\":\"Back\",\"ehOkF+\":\"Basics\",\"+gCI2a\":\"Birthday\",\"pieVBA\":\"Birthday:\",\"m1dqxu\":\"Block Account\",\"ffIfdM\":\"Block accounts\",\"fdYcMy\":\"Block these accounts?\",\"KWykPE\":\"Blocked accounts\",\"JuqQpF\":\"Blocked Accounts\",\"HG4qt4\":\"Blocked accounts cannot reply in your threads, mention you, or otherwise interact with you.\",\"8LNSUt\":\"Blocked accounts cannot reply in your threads, mention you, or otherwise interact with you. You will not see their content and they will be prevented from seeing yours.\",\"HFCE4A\":\"Blocked post.\",\"zl+QbX\":\"Blocking is public. Blocked accounts cannot reply in your threads, mention you, or otherwise interact with you.\",\"7A9u1j\":\"Bluesky\",\"ZHmKSm\":\"Bluesky is flexible.\",\"odLrdl\":\"Bluesky is open.\",\"/LsWK4\":\"Bluesky is public.\",\"C50OGr\":\"Bluesky uses invites to build a healthier community. If you don't know anybody with an invite, you can sign up for the waitlist and we'll send one soon.\",\"klVoaP\":\"Bluesky.Social\",\"qxBitM\":[\"Build version \",[\"0\"],\" \",[\"1\"]],\"rT2cV+\":\"Camera\",\"JGGrPC\":\"Can only contain letters, numbers, spaces, dashes, and underscores. Must be at least 4 characters long, but no more than 32 characters long.\",\"dEgA5A\":\"Cancel\",\"aMH9rr\":\"Cancel account deletion\",\"kc3E4R\":\"Cancel add image alt text\",\"wg4LHQ\":\"Cancel change handle\",\"hFL1Li\":\"Cancel image crop\",\"tijH8t\":\"Cancel profile editing\",\"Qe4C/d\":\"Cancel quote post\",\"5TviPn\":\"Cancel search\",\"nss3UV\":\"Cancel waitlist signup\",\"o+XJ9D\":\"Change\",\"pQco5R\":\"Change handle\",\"Q5e1U/\":\"Change Handle\",\"a3NAfL\":\"Change my email\",\"4vatyk\":\"Change Your Email\",\"Yn3C90\":\"Check out some recommended feeds. Tap + to add them to your list of pinned feeds.\",\"ioZXIH\":\"Check out some recommended users. Follow them to see similar users.\",\"/+X+/K\":\"Check your inbox for an email with the confirmation code to enter below:\",\"Rt502e\":\"Choose Service\",\"/L45sc\":\"Choose the algorithms that power your experience with custom feeds.\",\"BwcLKv\":\"Choose your\",\"Wk8hkn\":\"Choose your password\",\"Us7A1O\":\"Clear all legacy storage data\",\"X3zEXo\":\"Clear all legacy storage data (restart after this)\",\"zxFM2c\":\"Clear all storage data\",\"r+lhUL\":\"Clear all storage data (restart after this)\",\"QbvBNV\":\"Clear search query\",\"flH7u/\":\"Close alert\",\"hYmnbk\":\"Close bottom drawer\",\"47L1V1\":\"Close image\",\"l49ujN\":\"Close image viewer\",\"UryHFO\":\"Close navigation footer\",\"KHzDTk\":\"Community Guidelines\",\"o8UUti\":\"Compose reply\",\"7VpPHA\":\"Confirm\",\"q8upsf\":\"Confirm Change\",\"8pNKIr\":\"Confirm content language settings\",\"tGg8Kt\":\"Confirm delete account\",\"ioZOzk\":\"Confirmation code\",\"J28zul\":\"Connecting...\",\"l879p1\":\"Content filtering\",\"m8j6up\":\"Content Filtering\",\"/PlAsF\":\"Content Languages\",\"cogwXi\":\"Content Warning\",\"FG7AQv\":\"Content warnings\",\"xGVfLh\":\"Continue\",\"6V3Ea3\":\"Copied\",\"he3ygx\":\"Copy\",\"iQgJaz\":\"Copy post text\",\"u40k/o\":\"Copyright Policy\",\"7wWvgo\":\"Could not load feed\",\"8NNr/O\":\"Could not load list\",\"mpt9T+\":\"Create a new account\",\"IS0nrP\":\"Create Account\",\"6HbhpU\":\"Create new account\",\"MXSt4t\":[\"Created \",[\"0\"]],\"GAD3Dx\":\"Custom domain\",\"ZQKLI1\":\"Danger Zone\",\"pvnfJD\":\"Dark\",\"ZDGm40\":\"Delete account\",\"vzX5FB\":\"Delete Account\",\"gUEtxf\":\"Delete app password\",\"84uE/A\":\"Delete List\",\"ktknoE\":\"Delete my account\",\"szz0+N\":\"Delete my account…\",\"04G5Az\":\"Delete post\",\"FbPNuJ\":\"Delete this post?\",\"u+1OHY\":\"Deleted post.\",\"Nu4oKW\":\"Description\",\"dacKHE\":\"Dev Server\",\"2ygkE8\":\"Developer Tools\",\"bzSI52\":\"Discard\",\"BryYJR\":\"Discard draft\",\"pbLwal\":\"Discover new feeds\",\"pfa8F0\":\"Display name\",\"0gS7M5\":\"Display Name\",\"iZ5pMB\":\"Domain verified!\",\"DPfwMq\":\"Done\",\"zT97vP\":[\"Done\",[\"extraText\"]],\"4uwlSD\":\"Each code works once. You'll receive more invite codes periodically.\",\"XQFMOm\":\"Edit image\",\"S7M0uU\":\"Edit list details\",\"cLmurE\":\"Edit My Feeds\",\"bRZ5XW\":\"Edit my profile\",\"9OpVZg\":\"Edit profile\",\"QJQd1J\":\"Edit Profile\",\"Jn7kox\":\"Edit Saved Feeds\",\"O3oNi5\":\"Email\",\"ATGYL1\":\"Email address\",\"pJJ0Vp\":\"Email Updated\",\"9Qs99X\":\"Email:\",\"96mted\":\"Enable this setting to only see replies between people you follow.\",\"YbIxza\":\"Enter the address of your provider:\",\"BfIgP6\":\"Enter the domain you want to use\",\"cHrOqs\":\"Enter the email you used to create your account. We'll send you a \\\"reset code\\\" so you can set a new password.\",\"xRPn3U\":\"Enter your email address\",\"+inPGm\":\"Enter your new email address below.\",\"T0KLp4\":\"Enter your username and password\",\"4BITzH\":\"Error:\",\"0PkE20\":\"Expand alt text\",\"/5K/KL\":\"Failed to load recommended feeds\",\"4yCy8i\":\"Feed offline\",\"N0CqyO\":\"Feed Preferences\",\"YirHq7\":\"Feedback\",\"2DoBvq\":\"Feeds\",\"I3iUBQ\":\"Feeds are created by users to curate content. Choose some feeds that you find interesting.\",\"2+6lmO\":\"Feeds are custom algorithms that users build with a little coding expertise. <0/> for more information.\",\"Qzj1WT\":\"Finding similar accounts...\",\"QKSrQV\":\"Fine-tune the content you see on your home screen.\",\"r+KeyR\":\"Fine-tune the discussion threads.\",\"MKEPCY\":\"Follow\",\"AD4dxh\":\"Follow some\",\"Wezu5M\":\"Follow some users to get started. We can recommend you more users based on who you find interesting.\",\"YY2BTA\":\"Followed users only\",\"x5LEuB\":\"Followers\",\"NIjL2Y\":\"following\",\"y6sq5j\":\"Following\",\"p3UO/y\":\"Follows you\",\"5RhDkD\":\"For security reasons, we'll need to send a confirmation code to your email address.\",\"NJPhAO\":\"For security reasons, you won't be able to view this again. If you lose this password, you'll need to generate a new one.\",\"5bDfuq\":\"Forgot\",\"hEPLrs\":\"Forgot password\",\"dn8X5t\":\"Forgot Password\",\"U+kFad\":\"Gallery\",\"c3b0B0\":\"Get Started\",\"CKyk7Q\":\"Go back\",\"sr0UJD\":\"Go Back\",\"Rtp0y7\":\"Go to next\",\"Nf7oXL\":\"Handle\",\"c3XJ18\":\"Help\",\"uX/4+/\":\"Here is your app password.\",\"vLyv1R\":\"Hide\",\"qdOx2q\":\"Hide user list\",\"up7j9X\":\"Hmm, some kind of issue occured when contacting the feed server. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"WTcLyw\":\"Hmm, the feed server appears to be misconfigured. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"/8MHCt\":\"Hmm, the feed server appears to be offline. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"3zJH1g\":\"Hmm, the feed server gave a bad response. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"yNNyhI\":\"Hmmm, we're having trouble finding this feed. It may have been deleted.\",\"i0qMbr\":\"Home\",\"sXZ8IU\":\"Home Feed Preferences\",\"yt7fhu\":\"Hosting provider\",\"s2xA6t\":\"Hosting provider address\",\"o+axy6\":\"I have a code\",\"wey2os\":\"I have my own domain\",\"WlEcKr\":\"If none are selected, suitable for all ages.\",\"VCk0rR\":\"Image alt text\",\"STGpNQ\":\"Image options\",\"6o7+En\":\"In Your Network\",\"dSKHAa\":\"Invalid username or password\",\"MFKlMB\":\"Invite\",\"F5MZVk\":\"Invite a Friend\",\"6KlkHI\":\"Invite code\",\"MYTV5o\":\"Invite code not accepted. Check that you input it correctly and try again.\",\"F75w8j\":\"Join the waitlist\",\"6iVTdm\":\"Join the waitlist.\",\"SNzppu\":\"Join Waitlist\",\"Dcq5kL\":\"Language selection\",\"pVhZHk\":\"Language Settings\",\"GAmD3h\":\"Languages\",\"NgeSlx\":\"Learn More\",\"rj0Lke\":\"Learn more about this warning\",\"kq2ga7\":\"Leave them all unchecked to see any language.\",\"QfDITI\":\"Leaving Bluesky\",\"Esfg1M\":\"Let's get your password reset!\",\"exYcTF\":\"Library\",\"1njn7W\":\"Light\",\"BvSY1i\":\"Like this feed\",\"8/ALSr\":\"Liked by\",\"FuZWua\":\"List Avatar\",\"8mjA4F\":\"List Name\",\"h16FyT\":\"Lists\",\"ujW4FW\":\"Load more posts\",\"7EHsGr\":\"Load new notifications\",\"VkLESX\":\"Load new posts\",\"Z3FXyt\":\"Loading...\",\"jl0AFf\":\"Local dev server\",\"cR9UpQ\":\"Login to account that is not listed\",\"kkGiug\":\"Looks like this feed is only available to users with a Bluesky account. Please sign up or sign in to view this feed!\",\"2U/gDT\":\"Make sure this is where you intend to go!\",\"zucql+\":\"Menu\",\"DzmsLV\":\"Moderation\",\"NTIbv4\":\"Moderation lists\",\"FIJUJb\":\"More feeds\",\"3Siwmw\":\"More options\",\"Y17r45\":\"More post options\",\"RA1KUZ\":\"Mute Account\",\"du0opt\":\"Mute accounts\",\"izOxJM\":\"Mute these accounts?\",\"jq7SjD\":\"Mute thread\",\"s22grX\":\"Muted accounts\",\"qUa+lV\":\"Muted Accounts\",\"gA0D9A\":\"Muted accounts have their posts removed from your feed and from your notifications. Mutes are completely private.\",\"1QJzM7\":\"Muting is private. Muted accounts can interact with you, but you will not see their posts or receive notifications from them.\",\"Mysqyf\":\"My Birthday\",\"6MBNS/\":\"My Feeds\",\"hKtWk2\":\"My Profile\",\"Ha6iBv\":\"My Saved Feeds\",\"6YtxFj\":\"Name\",\"8yolS6\":\"Never lose access to your followers and data.\",\"isRobC\":\"New\",\"2B7HLH\":\"New post\",\"FGrimz\":\"New Post\",\"hXzOVo\":\"Next\",\"EatZYJ\":\"Next image\",\"1UzENP\":\"No\",\"flmDTf\":\"No description\",\"zfN9gJ\":\"No result\",\"fOlAiK\":[\"No results found for \\\"\",[\"query\"],\"\\\"\"],\"kA9DpB\":[\"No results found for \",[\"0\"]],\"SVF205\":[\"No results found for \",[\"query\"]],\"ispbnl\":\"Not Applicable\",\"iyUCYw\":\"Not Applicable.\",\"iDNBZe\":\"Notifications\",\"5GGAqz\":\"Oh no!\",\"UaXeX3\":\"Okay\",\"Cqo2D+\":\"One or more images is missing alt text.\",\"M/Q2aG\":\"Open navigation\",\"M5PuNq\":\"Opens configurable language settings\",\"eSqpax\":\"Opens modal for using custom domain\",\"vYwHHI\":\"Opens moderation settings\",\"0tHyB7\":\"Opens screen with all saved feeds\",\"nmRoY/\":\"Opens the app password settings page\",\"6e9Apv\":\"Opens the home feed preferences\",\"O87Dr/\":\"Opens the storybook page\",\"G+PVmg\":\"Opens the system log page\",\"Jqb7sy\":\"Opens the threads preferences\",\"b22AVl\":\"Other account\",\"n+HLOP\":\"Other service\",\"1PKxQ7\":\"Other...\",\"8F1i42\":\"Page not found\",\"8ZsakT\":\"Password\",\"ogtYkT\":\"Password updated\",\"DKeVgZ\":\"Password updated!\",\"VeZE5Q\":\"Pictures meant for adults.\",\"zgoxy5\":\"Pinned Feeds\",\"Aw5fOC\":\"Please choose your handle.\",\"5vI4sE\":\"Please choose your password.\",\"Apyknf\":\"Please confirm your email before changing it. This is a temporary requirement while email-updating tools are added, and it will soon be removed.\",\"9qpQ5O\":\"Please enter a unique name for this App Password or use our randomly generated one.\",\"hV+cYN\":\"Please enter your email.\",\"QJr5Xp\":\"Please enter your password as well:\",\"y28hnO\":\"Post\",\"h5RcXU\":\"Post hidden\",\"r5zLS0\":\"Post language\",\"AzCucI\":\"Post Languages\",\"tJFPmV\":\"Post not found\",\"0+DQbr\":\"Potentially Misleading Link\",\"MHk+7g\":\"Previous image\",\"HeBcM5\":\"Primary Language\",\"x8iR7V\":\"Prioritize Your Follows\",\"rjGI/Q\":\"Privacy\",\"LcET2C\":\"Privacy Policy\",\"k1ifdL\":\"Processing...\",\"vERlcd\":\"Profile\",\"MrgqOW\":\"Protect your account by verifying your email.\",\"p1UmBX\":\"Public, shareable lists which can drive feeds.\",\"8HFFRQ\":\"Quote post\",\"+KrAHa\":\"Quote Post\",\"WlWsdE\":\"Ratios\",\"WEYdDv\":\"Recommended\",\"QNzcT3\":\"Recommended Feeds\",\"41UoJb\":\"Recommended Users\",\"t/YqKh\":\"Remove\",\"p/cRzf\":[\"Remove \",[\"0\"],\" from my feeds?\"],\"1O32oy\":\"Remove account\",\"W44VX5\":\"Remove feed\",\"Yy3FzB\":\"Remove from my feeds\",\"5ywtDz\":\"Remove image\",\"Dw/XUh\":\"Remove image preview\",\"TbDEfs\":\"Remove this feed from your saved feeds?\",\"Obm5+c\":\"Removed from list\",\"Veu9gK\":\"Reply Filters\",\"lQWbAr\":[\"Report \",[\"collectionName\"]],\"bDHSjj\":\"Report Account\",\"NKmI9f\":\"Report feed\",\"6iwm2r\":\"Report List\",\"6IcSvC\":\"Report post\",\"mkude1\":\"Repost\",\"JOV5dR\":\"Repost or quote post\",\"0zb9FX\":\"Reposted by\",\"bqG37Z\":\"Request Change\",\"2d9VrZ\":\"Require alt text before posting\",\"8XIT+P\":\"Required for this provider\",\"vJgYMA\":\"Reset code\",\"xEL92I\":\"Reset onboarding state\",\"RfwZxd\":\"Reset password\",\"bee/Fw\":\"Reset preferences state\",\"wToeoz\":\"Resets the onboarding state\",\"nIU7qI\":\"Resets the preferences state\",\"6gRgw8\":\"Retry\",\"hAbYQa\":\"Retry change handle\",\"tfDRzk\":\"Save\",\"KV2YQQ\":\"Save alt text\",\"y3aU20\":\"Save changes\",\"IUwGEM\":\"Save Changes\",\"Xs07Tg\":\"Save handle change\",\"BckA7m\":\"Save image crop\",\"+K+JDj\":\"Saved Feeds\",\"A1taO8\":\"Search\",\"BF8cu3\":\"Search for posts and users.\",\"CKROFy\":\"Security Step Required\",\"cNzyJW\":\"See what's next\",\"L5sM7N\":\"Select Bluesky Social\",\"o3dwub\":\"Select from an existing account\",\"GGw2AK\":\"Select service\",\"vECNLO\":\"Select which languages you want your subscribed feeds to include. If none are selected, all languages will be shown.\",\"m5aabx\":\"Select your app language for the default text to display in the app\",\"TiiOza\":\"Select your preferred language for translations in your feed.\",\"vp9yIB\":\"Send Confirmation Email\",\"65dxv8\":\"Send email\",\"i/TzEU\":\"Send Email\",\"RoafuO\":\"Send feedback\",\"4cijjm\":\"Send Report\",\"V/e7nf\":\"Set new password\",\"gwsie4\":\"Set this setting to \\\"No\\\" to hide all quote posts from your feed. Reposts will still be visible.\",\"IZjC3J\":\"Set this setting to \\\"No\\\" to hide all replies from your feed.\",\"KIgU3l\":\"Set this setting to \\\"No\\\" to hide all reposts from your feed.\",\"zaAyrz\":\"Set this setting to \\\"Yes\\\" to show replies in a threaded view. This is an experimental feature.\",\"fQV2eE\":\"Set this setting to \\\"Yes\\\" to show samples of your saved feeds in your following feed. This is an experimental feature.\",\"Tz0i8g\":\"Settings\",\"HfWHhJ\":\"Sexual activity or erotic nudity.\",\"Z8lGw6\":\"Share\",\"P33tEA\":\"Share feed\",\"uIZ2tg\":\"Share link\",\"8vETh9\":\"Show\",\"aWAdCb\":\"Show anyway\",\"NijgXr\":\"Show Posts from My Feeds\",\"T3Mt8m\":\"Show Quote Posts\",\"BlW8X/\":\"Show Replies\",\"X4GwDb\":\"Show replies by people you follow before all other replies.\",\"GiogzH\":\"Show Reposts\",\"fhY/fL\":\"Show users\",\"5lWFkC\":\"Sign in\",\"n1ekoW\":\"Sign In\",\"N9o7n5\":[\"Sign in as \",[\"0\"]],\"FT1MVS\":\"Sign in as...\",\"+UpfFC\":\"Sign into\",\"fcWrnU\":\"Sign out\",\"e+RpCP\":\"Sign up\",\"MiE4Vp\":\"Sign up or sign in to join the conversation\",\"zU+Ro7\":\"Signed in as\",\"6Uau97\":\"Skip\",\"0o5BFH\":\"Sort Replies\",\"GH1Rgk\":\"Sort replies to the same post by:\",\"1DA6ap\":\"Square\",\"aKEHLj\":\"Staging\",\"tgEXwM\":\"Status page\",\"P5jja7\":\"Storybook\",\"EDl9kS\":\"Subscribe\",\"5z3ICN\":\"Subscribe to this list\",\"TVFyMD\":\"Suggested Follows\",\"XYLcNv\":\"Support\",\"VjWeLI\":\"Switch Account\",\"D+NlUC\":\"System\",\"fP8jTZ\":\"System log\",\"HF6Iah\":\"Tall\",\"4Y5H+g\":\"Terms\",\"xowcRf\":\"Terms of Service\",\"p8Iz39\":\"Text input field\",\"GlPXQJ\":\"The account will be able to interact with you after unblocking.\",\"o4M2MP\":\"The Community Guidelines have been moved to <0/>\",\"U42lKc\":\"The Copyright Policy has been moved to <0/>\",\"G4EksE\":\"The post may have been deleted.\",\"WNR9db\":\"The Privacy Policy has been moved to <0/>\",\"LbEbIk\":[\"The support form has been moved. If you need help, please<0/> or visit \",[\"HELP_DESK_URL\"],\" to get in touch with us.\"],\"FGbRSr\":\"The Terms of Service have been moved to\",\"yUqcy2\":\"There was an unexpected issue in the application. Please let us know if this happened to you!\",\"KRYn8w\":[\"This \",[\"screenDescription\"],\" has been flagged:\"],\"lm845B\":\"This information is not shared with other users.\",\"5Pvw/O\":\"This is important in case you ever need to change your email or reset your password.\",\"sQQfZ9\":\"This is the service that keeps you online.\",\"CvX8qs\":\"This link is taking you to the following website:\",\"WKrUVy\":\"This post has been deleted.\",\"qpCA5s\":\"This warning is only available for posts with media attached.\",\"u9ThjD\":\"Thread Preferences\",\"zmXsk5\":\"Threaded Mode\",\"1x30Qt\":\"Toggle dropdown\",\"KFXQEt\":\"Transformations\",\"pi8x/S\":\"Translate\",\"KDw4GX\":\"Try again\",\"nc4Wfd\":\"Unable to contact your service. Please check your Internet connection.\",\"tuS5Jz\":\"Unblock\",\"0VrZZv\":\"Unblock Account\",\"6pYY4t\":\"Undo repost\",\"05f3UA\":\"Unfortunately, you do not meet the requirements to create an account.\",\"wx9wqY\":\"Unmute Account\",\"s12/Py\":\"Unmute thread\",\"vaz2uI\":[\"Update \",[\"displayName\"],\" in Lists\"],\"YXMY4w\":\"Update Available\",\"RXbEvi\":\"Updating...\",\"Vwkfp4\":\"Upload a text file to:\",\"jTdnU6\":\"Use app passwords to login to other Bluesky clients without giving full access to your account or password.\",\"CH1am9\":\"Use default provider\",\"ZG8UvP\":\"Use this to sign into the other app along with your handle.\",\"cKXwwI\":\"Used by:\",\"t4Yp4Z\":\"User handle\",\"8tsrUV\":\"User Lists\",\"nZx9mr\":\"Username or email address\",\"Sxm8rQ\":\"Users\",\"MBOY4U\":\"Verify email\",\"Ejyv0o\":\"Verify my email\",\"9czCrB\":\"Verify My Email\",\"ibSVGR\":\"Verify New Email\",\"nHsQde\":\"View debug entry\",\"47jzzd\":\"View the avatar\",\"wK4H1r\":\"Visit Site\",\"qjBGxf\":\"We're so excited to have you join us!\",\"1xpRAp\":\"We're sorry, but this content is not viewable without a Bluesky account.\",\"WBQOQ0\":\"We're sorry, but your search could not be completed. Please try again in a few minutes.\",\"/mVVX2\":\"We're sorry! We can't find the page you were looking for.\",\"meB+tZ\":\"Welcome to <0>Bluesky\",\"Mj7rl/\":[\"What is the issue with this \",[\"collectionName\"],\"?\"],\"3qn29J\":\"Which languages are used in this post?\",\"uawiGa\":\"Which languages would you like to see in your algorithmic feeds?\",\"I5S9ZE\":\"Wide\",\"y02THm\":\"Write post\",\"6ckZRB\":\"Write your reply\",\"l75CjT\":\"Yes\",\"STPj0e\":\"You can change hosting providers at any time.\",\"67nRLM\":\"You can now sign in with your new password.\",\"lIcbCU\":\"You don't have any invite codes yet! We'll send you some when you've been on Bluesky for a little longer.\",\"aFZZYi\":\"You don't have any pinned feeds.\",\"kX/cKs\":\"You don't have any saved feeds!\",\"nbz3Iq\":\"You don't have any saved feeds.\",\"RkXibf\":\"You have blocked the author or you have been blocked by the author.\",\"tCLJ9E\":\"You have no lists.\",\"soH9qC\":\"You have not blocked any accounts yet. To block an account, go to their profile and selected \\\"Block account\\\" from the menu on their account.\",\"NDgp3i\":\"You have not created any app passwords yet. You can create one by pressing the button below.\",\"grqdXb\":\"You have not muted any accounts yet. To mute an account, go to their profile and selected \\\"Mute account\\\" from the menu on their account.\",\"RrDyEb\":\"You will receive an email with a \\\"reset code.\\\" Enter that code here, then enter your new password.\",\"gdRnT7\":\"Your account\",\"k7hmsH\":\"Your birth date\",\"tBpzKB\":\"Your email appears to be invalid.\",\"OubkcP\":\"Your email has been saved! We'll be in touch soon.\",\"z2L+/9\":\"Your email has been updated but not verified. As a next step, please verify your new email.\",\"XZlIVw\":\"Your email has not yet been verified. This is an important security step which we recommend.\",\"qv9f4I\":\"Your full handle will be\",\"lvcqqG\":\"Your hosting provider\",\"Oqt/PG\":\"Your posts, likes, and blocks are public. Mutes are private.\",\"okRPtW\":\"Your profile\",\"MvWO9d\":\"Your user handle\"}")}; \ No newline at end of file +/*eslint-disable*/module.exports={messages:JSON.parse("{\"PBodTo\":\"- end of feed -\",\"EtUMsZ\":\". 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Please update to continue using the app.\",\"AnNF5e\":\"Accessibility\",\"AeXO77\":\"Account\",\"4WY4MD\":\"Account options\",\"m16xKo\":\"Add\",\"fBBX+K\":\"Add a content warning\",\"JU3hs2\":\"Add a user to this list\",\"MPPZ54\":\"Add account\",\"LkA8jz\":\"Add alt text\",\"Z8idyM\":\"Add details\",\"AoXl11\":\"Add details to report\",\"iE6B/9\":\"Add link card\",\"EXHdP1\":\"Add link card:\",\"x6laaL\":\"Add the following DNS record to your domain:\",\"UmzMP4\":\"Add to Lists\",\"hCrQ0L\":\"Add to my feeds\",\"GluCXm\":\"Added to list\",\"jRrQFe\":\"Adjust the number of likes a reply must have to be shown in your feed.\",\"qLa52r\":\"Adult Content\",\"sxkWRg\":\"Advanced\",\"u2HO/d\":\"ALT\",\"u/DP73\":\"Alt text\",\"0QlT7/\":\"Alt text describes images for blind and low-vision users, and helps give context to everyone.\",\"woXbjq\":[\"An email has been sent to \",[\"0\"],\". It includes a confirmation code which you can enter below.\"],\"Fon2dK\":[\"An email has been sent to your previous address, \",[\"0\"],\". It includes a confirmation code which you can enter below.\"],\"HZFm5R\":\"and\",\"fdjKGe\":\"App Language\",\"SMmUnj\":\"App passwords\",\"8q4WlH\":\"App Passwords\",\"aAIQg2\":\"Appearance\",\"SSDZ+T\":[\"Are you sure you want to delete the app password \\\"\",[\"name\"],\"\\\"?\"],\"0BIeIs\":\"Are you sure you'd like to discard this draft?\",\"6foA8n\":\"Are you sure?\",\"/mSd6b\":\"Are you sure? This cannot be undone.\",\"EbvWd3\":\"Artistic or non-erotic nudity.\",\"iH8pgl\":\"Back\",\"ehOkF+\":\"Basics\",\"+gCI2a\":\"Birthday\",\"pieVBA\":\"Birthday:\",\"m1dqxu\":\"Block Account\",\"ffIfdM\":\"Block accounts\",\"fdYcMy\":\"Block these accounts?\",\"KWykPE\":\"Blocked accounts\",\"JuqQpF\":\"Blocked Accounts\",\"HG4qt4\":\"Blocked accounts cannot reply in your threads, mention you, or otherwise interact with you.\",\"8LNSUt\":\"Blocked accounts cannot reply in your threads, mention you, or otherwise interact with you. You will not see their content and they will be prevented from seeing yours.\",\"HFCE4A\":\"Blocked post.\",\"zl+QbX\":\"Blocking is public. Blocked accounts cannot reply in your threads, mention you, or otherwise interact with you.\",\"7A9u1j\":\"Bluesky\",\"ZHmKSm\":\"Bluesky is flexible.\",\"odLrdl\":\"Bluesky is open.\",\"/LsWK4\":\"Bluesky is public.\",\"C50OGr\":\"Bluesky uses invites to build a healthier community. If you don't know anybody with an invite, you can sign up for the waitlist and we'll send one soon.\",\"klVoaP\":\"Bluesky.Social\",\"qxBitM\":[\"Build version \",[\"0\"],\" \",[\"1\"]],\"rT2cV+\":\"Camera\",\"JGGrPC\":\"Can only contain letters, numbers, spaces, dashes, and underscores. Must be at least 4 characters long, but no more than 32 characters long.\",\"dEgA5A\":\"Cancel\",\"aMH9rr\":\"Cancel account deletion\",\"kc3E4R\":\"Cancel add image alt text\",\"wg4LHQ\":\"Cancel change handle\",\"hFL1Li\":\"Cancel image crop\",\"tijH8t\":\"Cancel profile editing\",\"Qe4C/d\":\"Cancel quote post\",\"5TviPn\":\"Cancel search\",\"nss3UV\":\"Cancel waitlist signup\",\"o+XJ9D\":\"Change\",\"pQco5R\":\"Change handle\",\"Q5e1U/\":\"Change Handle\",\"a3NAfL\":\"Change my email\",\"4vatyk\":\"Change Your Email\",\"Yn3C90\":\"Check out some recommended feeds. Tap + to add them to your list of pinned feeds.\",\"ioZXIH\":\"Check out some recommended users. Follow them to see similar users.\",\"/+X+/K\":\"Check your inbox for an email with the confirmation code to enter below:\",\"Rt502e\":\"Choose Service\",\"/L45sc\":\"Choose the algorithms that power your experience with custom feeds.\",\"BwcLKv\":\"Choose your\",\"Wk8hkn\":\"Choose your password\",\"Us7A1O\":\"Clear all legacy storage data\",\"X3zEXo\":\"Clear all legacy storage data (restart after this)\",\"zxFM2c\":\"Clear all storage data\",\"r+lhUL\":\"Clear all storage data (restart after this)\",\"QbvBNV\":\"Clear search query\",\"flH7u/\":\"Close alert\",\"hYmnbk\":\"Close bottom drawer\",\"47L1V1\":\"Close image\",\"l49ujN\":\"Close image viewer\",\"UryHFO\":\"Close navigation footer\",\"KHzDTk\":\"Community Guidelines\",\"o8UUti\":\"Compose reply\",\"7VpPHA\":\"Confirm\",\"q8upsf\":\"Confirm Change\",\"8pNKIr\":\"Confirm content language settings\",\"tGg8Kt\":\"Confirm delete account\",\"ioZOzk\":\"Confirmation code\",\"J28zul\":\"Connecting...\",\"l879p1\":\"Content filtering\",\"m8j6up\":\"Content Filtering\",\"/PlAsF\":\"Content Languages\",\"cogwXi\":\"Content Warning\",\"FG7AQv\":\"Content warnings\",\"xGVfLh\":\"Continue\",\"6V3Ea3\":\"Copied\",\"he3ygx\":\"Copy\",\"iQgJaz\":\"Copy post text\",\"u40k/o\":\"Copyright Policy\",\"7wWvgo\":\"Could not load feed\",\"8NNr/O\":\"Could not load list\",\"mpt9T+\":\"Create a new account\",\"IS0nrP\":\"Create Account\",\"6HbhpU\":\"Create new account\",\"MXSt4t\":[\"Created \",[\"0\"]],\"GAD3Dx\":\"Custom domain\",\"ZQKLI1\":\"Danger Zone\",\"pvnfJD\":\"Dark\",\"ZDGm40\":\"Delete account\",\"vzX5FB\":\"Delete Account\",\"gUEtxf\":\"Delete app password\",\"84uE/A\":\"Delete List\",\"ktknoE\":\"Delete my account\",\"szz0+N\":\"Delete my account…\",\"04G5Az\":\"Delete post\",\"FbPNuJ\":\"Delete this post?\",\"u+1OHY\":\"Deleted post.\",\"Nu4oKW\":\"Description\",\"dacKHE\":\"Dev Server\",\"2ygkE8\":\"Developer Tools\",\"bzSI52\":\"Discard\",\"BryYJR\":\"Discard draft\",\"pbLwal\":\"Discover new feeds\",\"pfa8F0\":\"Display name\",\"0gS7M5\":\"Display Name\",\"iZ5pMB\":\"Domain verified!\",\"DPfwMq\":\"Done\",\"zT97vP\":[\"Done\",[\"extraText\"]],\"4uwlSD\":\"Each code works once. You'll receive more invite codes periodically.\",\"XQFMOm\":\"Edit image\",\"S7M0uU\":\"Edit list details\",\"cLmurE\":\"Edit My Feeds\",\"bRZ5XW\":\"Edit my profile\",\"9OpVZg\":\"Edit profile\",\"QJQd1J\":\"Edit Profile\",\"Jn7kox\":\"Edit Saved Feeds\",\"O3oNi5\":\"Email\",\"ATGYL1\":\"Email address\",\"pJJ0Vp\":\"Email Updated\",\"9Qs99X\":\"Email:\",\"96mted\":\"Enable this setting to only see replies between people you follow.\",\"YbIxza\":\"Enter the address of your provider:\",\"BfIgP6\":\"Enter the domain you want to use\",\"cHrOqs\":\"Enter the email you used to create your account. We'll send you a \\\"reset code\\\" so you can set a new password.\",\"xRPn3U\":\"Enter your email address\",\"+inPGm\":\"Enter your new email address below.\",\"T0KLp4\":\"Enter your username and password\",\"4BITzH\":\"Error:\",\"0PkE20\":\"Expand alt text\",\"/5K/KL\":\"Failed to load recommended feeds\",\"4yCy8i\":\"Feed offline\",\"N0CqyO\":\"Feed Preferences\",\"YirHq7\":\"Feedback\",\"2DoBvq\":\"Feeds\",\"I3iUBQ\":\"Feeds are created by users to curate content. Choose some feeds that you find interesting.\",\"2+6lmO\":\"Feeds are custom algorithms that users build with a little coding expertise. <0/> for more information.\",\"Qzj1WT\":\"Finding similar accounts...\",\"QKSrQV\":\"Fine-tune the content you see on your home screen.\",\"r+KeyR\":\"Fine-tune the discussion threads.\",\"MKEPCY\":\"Follow\",\"AD4dxh\":\"Follow some\",\"Wezu5M\":\"Follow some users to get started. We can recommend you more users based on who you find interesting.\",\"YY2BTA\":\"Followed users only\",\"x5LEuB\":\"Followers\",\"NIjL2Y\":\"following\",\"y6sq5j\":\"Following\",\"p3UO/y\":\"Follows you\",\"5RhDkD\":\"For security reasons, we'll need to send a confirmation code to your email address.\",\"NJPhAO\":\"For security reasons, you won't be able to view this again. If you lose this password, you'll need to generate a new one.\",\"5bDfuq\":\"Forgot\",\"hEPLrs\":\"Forgot password\",\"dn8X5t\":\"Forgot Password\",\"U+kFad\":\"Gallery\",\"c3b0B0\":\"Get Started\",\"CKyk7Q\":\"Go back\",\"sr0UJD\":\"Go Back\",\"Rtp0y7\":\"Go to next\",\"Nf7oXL\":\"Handle\",\"c3XJ18\":\"Help\",\"uX/4+/\":\"Here is your app password.\",\"vLyv1R\":\"Hide\",\"qdOx2q\":\"Hide user list\",\"up7j9X\":\"Hmm, some kind of issue occured when contacting the feed server. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"WTcLyw\":\"Hmm, the feed server appears to be misconfigured. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"/8MHCt\":\"Hmm, the feed server appears to be offline. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"3zJH1g\":\"Hmm, the feed server gave a bad response. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"yNNyhI\":\"Hmmm, we're having trouble finding this feed. It may have been deleted.\",\"i0qMbr\":\"Home\",\"sXZ8IU\":\"Home Feed Preferences\",\"yt7fhu\":\"Hosting provider\",\"s2xA6t\":\"Hosting provider address\",\"o+axy6\":\"I have a code\",\"wey2os\":\"I have my own domain\",\"WlEcKr\":\"If none are selected, suitable for all ages.\",\"VCk0rR\":\"Image alt text\",\"STGpNQ\":\"Image options\",\"6o7+En\":\"In Your Network\",\"dSKHAa\":\"Invalid username or password\",\"MFKlMB\":\"Invite\",\"F5MZVk\":\"Invite a Friend\",\"6KlkHI\":\"Invite code\",\"MYTV5o\":\"Invite code not accepted. Check that you input it correctly and try again.\",\"F75w8j\":\"Join the waitlist\",\"6iVTdm\":\"Join the waitlist.\",\"SNzppu\":\"Join Waitlist\",\"Dcq5kL\":\"Language selection\",\"pVhZHk\":\"Language Settings\",\"GAmD3h\":\"Languages\",\"NgeSlx\":\"Learn More\",\"rj0Lke\":\"Learn more about this warning\",\"kq2ga7\":\"Leave them all unchecked to see any language.\",\"QfDITI\":\"Leaving Bluesky\",\"Esfg1M\":\"Let's get your password reset!\",\"exYcTF\":\"Library\",\"1njn7W\":\"Light\",\"BvSY1i\":\"Like this feed\",\"8/ALSr\":\"Liked by\",\"FuZWua\":\"List Avatar\",\"8mjA4F\":\"List Name\",\"h16FyT\":\"Lists\",\"ujW4FW\":\"Load more posts\",\"7EHsGr\":\"Load new notifications\",\"VkLESX\":\"Load new posts\",\"Z3FXyt\":\"Loading...\",\"jl0AFf\":\"Local dev server\",\"cR9UpQ\":\"Login to account that is not listed\",\"kkGiug\":\"Looks like this feed is only available to users with a Bluesky account. Please sign up or sign in to view this feed!\",\"2U/gDT\":\"Make sure this is where you intend to go!\",\"zucql+\":\"Menu\",\"DzmsLV\":\"Moderation\",\"NTIbv4\":\"Moderation lists\",\"FIJUJb\":\"More feeds\",\"3Siwmw\":\"More options\",\"Y17r45\":\"More post options\",\"RA1KUZ\":\"Mute Account\",\"du0opt\":\"Mute accounts\",\"izOxJM\":\"Mute these accounts?\",\"jq7SjD\":\"Mute thread\",\"s22grX\":\"Muted accounts\",\"qUa+lV\":\"Muted Accounts\",\"gA0D9A\":\"Muted accounts have their posts removed from your feed and from your notifications. Mutes are completely private.\",\"1QJzM7\":\"Muting is private. Muted accounts can interact with you, but you will not see their posts or receive notifications from them.\",\"Mysqyf\":\"My Birthday\",\"6MBNS/\":\"My Feeds\",\"hKtWk2\":\"My Profile\",\"Ha6iBv\":\"My Saved Feeds\",\"6YtxFj\":\"Name\",\"8yolS6\":\"Never lose access to your followers and data.\",\"isRobC\":\"New\",\"2B7HLH\":\"New post\",\"FGrimz\":\"New Post\",\"hXzOVo\":\"Next\",\"EatZYJ\":\"Next image\",\"1UzENP\":\"No\",\"flmDTf\":\"No description\",\"zfN9gJ\":\"No result\",\"fOlAiK\":[\"No results found for \\\"\",[\"query\"],\"\\\"\"],\"kA9DpB\":[\"No results found for \",[\"0\"]],\"SVF205\":[\"No results found for \",[\"query\"]],\"ispbnl\":\"Not Applicable\",\"iyUCYw\":\"Not Applicable.\",\"iDNBZe\":\"Notifications\",\"5GGAqz\":\"Oh no!\",\"UaXeX3\":\"Okay\",\"Cqo2D+\":\"One or more images is missing alt text.\",\"M/Q2aG\":\"Open navigation\",\"M5PuNq\":\"Opens configurable language settings\",\"S67TOE\":\"Opens list of invite codes\",\"eSqpax\":\"Opens modal for using custom domain\",\"vYwHHI\":\"Opens moderation settings\",\"0tHyB7\":\"Opens screen with all saved feeds\",\"nmRoY/\":\"Opens the app password settings page\",\"6e9Apv\":\"Opens the home feed preferences\",\"O87Dr/\":\"Opens the storybook page\",\"G+PVmg\":\"Opens the system log page\",\"Jqb7sy\":\"Opens the threads preferences\",\"b22AVl\":\"Other account\",\"n+HLOP\":\"Other service\",\"1PKxQ7\":\"Other...\",\"8F1i42\":\"Page not found\",\"8ZsakT\":\"Password\",\"ogtYkT\":\"Password updated\",\"DKeVgZ\":\"Password updated!\",\"VeZE5Q\":\"Pictures meant for adults.\",\"zgoxy5\":\"Pinned Feeds\",\"Aw5fOC\":\"Please choose your handle.\",\"5vI4sE\":\"Please choose your password.\",\"Apyknf\":\"Please confirm your email before changing it. This is a temporary requirement while email-updating tools are added, and it will soon be removed.\",\"9qpQ5O\":\"Please enter a unique name for this App Password or use our randomly generated one.\",\"hV+cYN\":\"Please enter your email.\",\"QJr5Xp\":\"Please enter your password as well:\",\"y28hnO\":\"Post\",\"h5RcXU\":\"Post hidden\",\"r5zLS0\":\"Post language\",\"AzCucI\":\"Post Languages\",\"tJFPmV\":\"Post not found\",\"0+DQbr\":\"Potentially Misleading Link\",\"MHk+7g\":\"Previous image\",\"HeBcM5\":\"Primary Language\",\"x8iR7V\":\"Prioritize Your Follows\",\"rjGI/Q\":\"Privacy\",\"LcET2C\":\"Privacy Policy\",\"k1ifdL\":\"Processing...\",\"vERlcd\":\"Profile\",\"MrgqOW\":\"Protect your account by verifying your email.\",\"p1UmBX\":\"Public, shareable lists which can drive feeds.\",\"8HFFRQ\":\"Quote post\",\"+KrAHa\":\"Quote Post\",\"WlWsdE\":\"Ratios\",\"WEYdDv\":\"Recommended\",\"QNzcT3\":\"Recommended Feeds\",\"41UoJb\":\"Recommended Users\",\"t/YqKh\":\"Remove\",\"p/cRzf\":[\"Remove \",[\"0\"],\" from my feeds?\"],\"1O32oy\":\"Remove account\",\"W44VX5\":\"Remove feed\",\"Yy3FzB\":\"Remove from my feeds\",\"5ywtDz\":\"Remove image\",\"Dw/XUh\":\"Remove image preview\",\"TbDEfs\":\"Remove this feed from your saved feeds?\",\"Obm5+c\":\"Removed from list\",\"Veu9gK\":\"Reply Filters\",\"lQWbAr\":[\"Report \",[\"collectionName\"]],\"bDHSjj\":\"Report Account\",\"NKmI9f\":\"Report feed\",\"6iwm2r\":\"Report List\",\"6IcSvC\":\"Report post\",\"mkude1\":\"Repost\",\"JOV5dR\":\"Repost or quote post\",\"0zb9FX\":\"Reposted by\",\"bqG37Z\":\"Request Change\",\"2d9VrZ\":\"Require alt text before posting\",\"8XIT+P\":\"Required for this provider\",\"vJgYMA\":\"Reset code\",\"xEL92I\":\"Reset onboarding state\",\"RfwZxd\":\"Reset password\",\"bee/Fw\":\"Reset preferences state\",\"wToeoz\":\"Resets the onboarding state\",\"nIU7qI\":\"Resets the preferences state\",\"6gRgw8\":\"Retry\",\"hAbYQa\":\"Retry change handle\",\"tfDRzk\":\"Save\",\"KV2YQQ\":\"Save alt text\",\"y3aU20\":\"Save changes\",\"IUwGEM\":\"Save Changes\",\"Xs07Tg\":\"Save handle change\",\"BckA7m\":\"Save image crop\",\"+K+JDj\":\"Saved Feeds\",\"A1taO8\":\"Search\",\"BF8cu3\":\"Search for posts and users.\",\"CKROFy\":\"Security Step Required\",\"cNzyJW\":\"See what's next\",\"L5sM7N\":\"Select Bluesky Social\",\"o3dwub\":\"Select from an existing account\",\"GGw2AK\":\"Select service\",\"vECNLO\":\"Select which languages you want your subscribed feeds to include. If none are selected, all languages will be shown.\",\"m5aabx\":\"Select your app language for the default text to display in the app\",\"TiiOza\":\"Select your preferred language for translations in your feed.\",\"vp9yIB\":\"Send Confirmation Email\",\"65dxv8\":\"Send email\",\"i/TzEU\":\"Send Email\",\"RoafuO\":\"Send feedback\",\"4cijjm\":\"Send Report\",\"V/e7nf\":\"Set new password\",\"gwsie4\":\"Set this setting to \\\"No\\\" to hide all quote posts from your feed. Reposts will still be visible.\",\"IZjC3J\":\"Set this setting to \\\"No\\\" to hide all replies from your feed.\",\"KIgU3l\":\"Set this setting to \\\"No\\\" to hide all reposts from your feed.\",\"zaAyrz\":\"Set this setting to \\\"Yes\\\" to show replies in a threaded view. This is an experimental feature.\",\"fQV2eE\":\"Set this setting to \\\"Yes\\\" to show samples of your saved feeds in your following feed. This is an experimental feature.\",\"Tz0i8g\":\"Settings\",\"HfWHhJ\":\"Sexual activity or erotic nudity.\",\"Z8lGw6\":\"Share\",\"P33tEA\":\"Share feed\",\"uIZ2tg\":\"Share link\",\"8vETh9\":\"Show\",\"aWAdCb\":\"Show anyway\",\"NijgXr\":\"Show Posts from My Feeds\",\"T3Mt8m\":\"Show Quote Posts\",\"BlW8X/\":\"Show Replies\",\"X4GwDb\":\"Show replies by people you follow before all other replies.\",\"GiogzH\":\"Show Reposts\",\"fhY/fL\":\"Show users\",\"5lWFkC\":\"Sign in\",\"n1ekoW\":\"Sign In\",\"N9o7n5\":[\"Sign in as \",[\"0\"]],\"FT1MVS\":\"Sign in as...\",\"+UpfFC\":\"Sign into\",\"fcWrnU\":\"Sign out\",\"e+RpCP\":\"Sign up\",\"MiE4Vp\":\"Sign up or sign in to join the conversation\",\"zU+Ro7\":\"Signed in as\",\"6Uau97\":\"Skip\",\"0o5BFH\":\"Sort Replies\",\"GH1Rgk\":\"Sort replies to the same post by:\",\"1DA6ap\":\"Square\",\"aKEHLj\":\"Staging\",\"tgEXwM\":\"Status page\",\"P5jja7\":\"Storybook\",\"EDl9kS\":\"Subscribe\",\"5z3ICN\":\"Subscribe to this list\",\"TVFyMD\":\"Suggested Follows\",\"XYLcNv\":\"Support\",\"VjWeLI\":\"Switch Account\",\"D+NlUC\":\"System\",\"fP8jTZ\":\"System log\",\"HF6Iah\":\"Tall\",\"4Y5H+g\":\"Terms\",\"xowcRf\":\"Terms of Service\",\"p8Iz39\":\"Text input field\",\"GlPXQJ\":\"The account will be able to interact with you after unblocking.\",\"o4M2MP\":\"The Community Guidelines have been moved to <0/>\",\"U42lKc\":\"The Copyright Policy has been moved to <0/>\",\"G4EksE\":\"The post may have been deleted.\",\"WNR9db\":\"The Privacy Policy has been moved to <0/>\",\"LbEbIk\":[\"The support form has been moved. If you need help, please<0/> or visit \",[\"HELP_DESK_URL\"],\" to get in touch with us.\"],\"FGbRSr\":\"The Terms of Service have been moved to\",\"yUqcy2\":\"There was an unexpected issue in the application. Please let us know if this happened to you!\",\"KRYn8w\":[\"This \",[\"screenDescription\"],\" has been flagged:\"],\"lm845B\":\"This information is not shared with other users.\",\"5Pvw/O\":\"This is important in case you ever need to change your email or reset your password.\",\"sQQfZ9\":\"This is the service that keeps you online.\",\"CvX8qs\":\"This link is taking you to the following website:\",\"WKrUVy\":\"This post has been deleted.\",\"qpCA5s\":\"This warning is only available for posts with media attached.\",\"u9ThjD\":\"Thread Preferences\",\"zmXsk5\":\"Threaded Mode\",\"1x30Qt\":\"Toggle dropdown\",\"KFXQEt\":\"Transformations\",\"pi8x/S\":\"Translate\",\"KDw4GX\":\"Try again\",\"nc4Wfd\":\"Unable to contact your service. Please check your Internet connection.\",\"tuS5Jz\":\"Unblock\",\"0VrZZv\":\"Unblock Account\",\"6pYY4t\":\"Undo repost\",\"05f3UA\":\"Unfortunately, you do not meet the requirements to create an account.\",\"wx9wqY\":\"Unmute Account\",\"s12/Py\":\"Unmute thread\",\"vaz2uI\":[\"Update \",[\"displayName\"],\" in Lists\"],\"YXMY4w\":\"Update Available\",\"RXbEvi\":\"Updating...\",\"Vwkfp4\":\"Upload a text file to:\",\"jTdnU6\":\"Use app passwords to login to other Bluesky clients without giving full access to your account or password.\",\"CH1am9\":\"Use default provider\",\"ZG8UvP\":\"Use this to sign into the other app along with your handle.\",\"cKXwwI\":\"Used by:\",\"t4Yp4Z\":\"User handle\",\"8tsrUV\":\"User Lists\",\"nZx9mr\":\"Username or email address\",\"Sxm8rQ\":\"Users\",\"MBOY4U\":\"Verify email\",\"Ejyv0o\":\"Verify my email\",\"9czCrB\":\"Verify My Email\",\"ibSVGR\":\"Verify New Email\",\"nHsQde\":\"View debug entry\",\"47jzzd\":\"View the avatar\",\"wK4H1r\":\"Visit Site\",\"qjBGxf\":\"We're so excited to have you join us!\",\"1xpRAp\":\"We're sorry, but this content is not viewable without a Bluesky account.\",\"WBQOQ0\":\"We're sorry, but your search could not be completed. Please try again in a few minutes.\",\"/mVVX2\":\"We're sorry! We can't find the page you were looking for.\",\"meB+tZ\":\"Welcome to <0>Bluesky\",\"Mj7rl/\":[\"What is the issue with this \",[\"collectionName\"],\"?\"],\"3qn29J\":\"Which languages are used in this post?\",\"uawiGa\":\"Which languages would you like to see in your algorithmic feeds?\",\"I5S9ZE\":\"Wide\",\"y02THm\":\"Write post\",\"6ckZRB\":\"Write your reply\",\"l75CjT\":\"Yes\",\"STPj0e\":\"You can change hosting providers at any time.\",\"67nRLM\":\"You can now sign in with your new password.\",\"lIcbCU\":\"You don't have any invite codes yet! We'll send you some when you've been on Bluesky for a little longer.\",\"aFZZYi\":\"You don't have any pinned feeds.\",\"kX/cKs\":\"You don't have any saved feeds!\",\"nbz3Iq\":\"You don't have any saved feeds.\",\"RkXibf\":\"You have blocked the author or you have been blocked by the author.\",\"tCLJ9E\":\"You have no lists.\",\"soH9qC\":\"You have not blocked any accounts yet. To block an account, go to their profile and selected \\\"Block account\\\" from the menu on their account.\",\"NDgp3i\":\"You have not created any app passwords yet. You can create one by pressing the button below.\",\"grqdXb\":\"You have not muted any accounts yet. To mute an account, go to their profile and selected \\\"Mute account\\\" from the menu on their account.\",\"RrDyEb\":\"You will receive an email with a \\\"reset code.\\\" Enter that code here, then enter your new password.\",\"gdRnT7\":\"Your account\",\"k7hmsH\":\"Your birth date\",\"tBpzKB\":\"Your email appears to be invalid.\",\"OubkcP\":\"Your email has been saved! We'll be in touch soon.\",\"z2L+/9\":\"Your email has been updated but not verified. As a next step, please verify your new email.\",\"XZlIVw\":\"Your email has not yet been verified. This is an important security step which we recommend.\",\"qv9f4I\":\"Your full handle will be\",\"lvcqqG\":\"Your hosting provider\",\"fbFyAZ\":\"Your invite codes are hidden when logged in using an App Password\",\"Oqt/PG\":\"Your posts, likes, and blocks are public. Mutes are private.\",\"okRPtW\":\"Your profile\",\"MvWO9d\":\"Your user handle\"}")}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/locale/locales/es/messages.po b/src/locale/locales/es/messages.po index ba26e99e..f106cf3f 100644 --- a/src/locale/locales/es/messages.po +++ b/src/locale/locales/es/messages.po @@ -21,6 +21,12 @@ msgstr "" #~ msgid ". This warning is only available for posts with media attached." #~ msgstr "" +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:408 +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:158 +#: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:527 +msgid "{0, plural, one {# invite code available} other {# invite codes available}}" +msgstr "" + #: src/view/com/modals/Repost.tsx:44 msgid "{0}" msgstr "" @@ -29,6 +35,11 @@ msgstr "" msgid "{0} {purposeLabel} List" msgstr "" +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:141 +#: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:504 +msgid "{invitesAvailable, plural, one {Invite codes: # available} other {Invite codes: # available}}" +msgstr "" + #: src/view/screens/Search/Search.tsx:86 msgid "{message}" msgstr "" @@ -50,12 +61,12 @@ msgid "A new version of the app is available. Please update to continue using th msgstr "" #: src/view/com/modals/EditImage.tsx:299 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:410 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:420 msgid "Accessibility" msgstr "" #: src/view/com/auth/login/LoginForm.tsx:161 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:288 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:287 msgid "Account" msgstr "" @@ -77,8 +88,8 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Add a user to this list" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:357 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:366 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:356 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:365 msgid "Add account" msgstr "" @@ -129,7 +140,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Adult Content" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:562 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:572 msgid "Advanced" msgstr "" @@ -161,7 +172,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "App Language" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:582 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:592 msgid "App passwords" msgstr "" @@ -169,7 +180,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "App Passwords" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:425 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:435 msgid "Appearance" msgstr "" @@ -206,7 +217,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Back" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:454 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:464 msgid "Basics" msgstr "" @@ -215,7 +226,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Birthday" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:314 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:313 msgid "Birthday:" msgstr "" @@ -280,7 +291,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Bluesky.Social" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:711 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:721 msgid "Build version {0} {1}" msgstr "" @@ -348,12 +359,12 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Cancel waitlist signup" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:308 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:307 msgid "Change" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:594 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:603 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:604 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:613 msgid "Change handle" msgstr "" @@ -397,19 +408,19 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Choose your password" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:687 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:697 msgid "Clear all legacy storage data" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:689 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:699 msgid "Clear all legacy storage data (restart after this)" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:699 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:709 msgid "Clear all storage data" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:701 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:711 msgid "Clear all storage data (restart after this)" msgstr "" @@ -550,7 +561,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Custom domain" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:608 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:618 msgid "Danger Zone" msgstr "" @@ -558,7 +569,7 @@ msgstr "" #~ msgid "Dark" #~ msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:615 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:625 msgid "Delete account" msgstr "" @@ -580,7 +591,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Delete my account" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:625 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:635 msgid "Delete my account…" msgstr "" @@ -607,7 +618,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Dev Server" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:630 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:640 msgid "Developer Tools" msgstr "" @@ -701,7 +712,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Email Updated" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:292 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:291 msgid "Email:" msgstr "" @@ -754,7 +765,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Feed Preferences" msgstr "" -#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:65 +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:64 #: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:411 msgid "Feedback" msgstr "" @@ -873,7 +884,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Handle" msgstr "" -#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:94 +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:93 #: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:421 msgid "Help" msgstr "" @@ -919,7 +930,7 @@ msgstr "" #: src/view/com/pager/FeedsTabBarMobile.tsx:99 #: src/view/screens/PreferencesHomeFeed.tsx:95 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:474 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:484 msgid "Home Feed Preferences" msgstr "" @@ -962,12 +973,12 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Invalid username or password" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:385 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:384 msgid "Invite" msgstr "" #: src/view/com/modals/InviteCodes.tsx:91 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:373 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:372 msgid "Invite a Friend" msgstr "" @@ -1000,7 +1011,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Language Settings" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:534 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:544 msgid "Languages" msgstr "" @@ -1101,7 +1112,7 @@ msgid "Menu" msgstr "" #: src/view/screens/Moderation.tsx:51 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:556 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:566 #: src/view/shell/desktop/LeftNav.tsx:400 #: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:346 #: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:347 @@ -1170,7 +1181,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "My Profile" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:513 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:523 msgid "My Saved Feeds" msgstr "" @@ -1280,39 +1291,44 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Open navigation" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:526 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:536 msgid "Opens configurable language settings" msgstr "" +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:146 +#: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:509 +msgid "Opens list of invite codes" +msgstr "" + #: src/view/com/modals/ChangeHandle.tsx:279 msgid "Opens modal for using custom domain" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:551 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:561 msgid "Opens moderation settings" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:507 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:517 msgid "Opens screen with all saved feeds" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:574 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:584 msgid "Opens the app password settings page" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:466 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:476 msgid "Opens the home feed preferences" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:657 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:667 msgid "Opens the storybook page" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:637 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:647 msgid "Opens the system log page" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:487 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:497 msgid "Opens the threads preferences" msgstr "" @@ -1419,7 +1435,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Prioritize Your Follows" msgstr "" -#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:76 +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:75 msgid "Privacy" msgstr "" @@ -1438,7 +1454,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Profile" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:782 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:792 msgid "Protect your account by verifying your email." msgstr "" @@ -1569,7 +1585,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Reset code" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:679 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:689 msgid "Reset onboarding state" msgstr "" @@ -1577,15 +1593,15 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Reset password" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:669 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:679 msgid "Reset preferences state" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:677 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:687 msgid "Resets the onboarding state" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:667 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:677 msgid "Resets the preferences state" msgstr "" @@ -1730,7 +1746,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Set this setting to \"Yes\" to show samples of your saved feeds in your following feed. This is an experimental feature." msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:279 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:278 #: src/view/shell/desktop/LeftNav.tsx:436 #: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:380 #: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:381 @@ -1755,7 +1771,7 @@ msgstr "" #~ msgid "Share link" #~ msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:318 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:317 msgid "Show" msgstr "" @@ -1827,7 +1843,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Sign up or sign in to join the conversation" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:329 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:328 msgid "Signed in as" msgstr "" @@ -1852,11 +1868,11 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Staging" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:723 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:733 msgid "Status page" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:659 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:669 msgid "Storybook" msgstr "" @@ -1885,7 +1901,7 @@ msgstr "" #~ msgid "System" #~ msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:639 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:649 msgid "System log" msgstr "" @@ -1893,7 +1909,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Tall" msgstr "" -#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:85 +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:84 msgid "Terms" msgstr "" @@ -1966,7 +1982,7 @@ msgid "This warning is only available for posts with media attached." msgstr "" #: src/view/screens/PreferencesThreads.tsx:53 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:496 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:506 msgid "Thread Preferences" msgstr "" @@ -2073,15 +2089,15 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Users" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:743 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:753 msgid "Verify email" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:768 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:778 msgid "Verify my email" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:777 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:787 msgid "Verify My Email" msgstr "" @@ -2236,6 +2252,12 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Your hosting provider" msgstr "" +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:403 +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:127 +#: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:523 +msgid "Your invite codes are hidden when logged in using an App Password" +msgstr "" + #: src/view/com/auth/onboarding/WelcomeMobile.tsx:59 msgid "Your posts, likes, and blocks are public. Mutes are private." msgstr "" diff --git a/src/locale/locales/fr/messages.js b/src/locale/locales/fr/messages.js index 93651032..a24ae524 100644 --- a/src/locale/locales/fr/messages.js +++ b/src/locale/locales/fr/messages.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -/*eslint-disable*/module.exports={messages:JSON.parse("{\"PBodTo\":\"- end of feed -\",\"EtUMsZ\":\". This warning is only available for posts with media attached.\",\"J/hVSQ\":[[\"0\"]],\"hZQerY\":[[\"0\"],\" \",[\"purposeLabel\"],\" List\"],\"wapGcj\":[[\"message\"]],\"gMjqbV\":\"<0>Choose your<1>Recommended<2>Feeds\",\"F657la\":\"<0>Follow some<1>Recommended<2>Users\",\"6RmyWt\":\"<0>Here is your app password. Use this to sign into the other app along with your handle.\",\"XCTqGE\":\"A new version of the app is available. Please update to continue using the app.\",\"AnNF5e\":\"Accessibility\",\"AeXO77\":\"Account\",\"4WY4MD\":\"Account options\",\"m16xKo\":\"Add\",\"fBBX+K\":\"Add a content warning\",\"JU3hs2\":\"Add a user to this list\",\"MPPZ54\":\"Add account\",\"LkA8jz\":\"Add alt text\",\"Z8idyM\":\"Add details\",\"AoXl11\":\"Add details to report\",\"iE6B/9\":\"Add link card\",\"EXHdP1\":\"Add link card:\",\"x6laaL\":\"Add the following DNS record to your domain:\",\"UmzMP4\":\"Add to Lists\",\"hCrQ0L\":\"Add to my feeds\",\"GluCXm\":\"Added to list\",\"jRrQFe\":\"Adjust the number of likes a reply must have to be shown in your feed.\",\"qLa52r\":\"Adult Content\",\"sxkWRg\":\"Advanced\",\"u2HO/d\":\"ALT\",\"u/DP73\":\"Alt text\",\"0QlT7/\":\"Alt text describes images for blind and low-vision users, and helps give context to everyone.\",\"woXbjq\":[\"An email has been sent to \",[\"0\"],\". It includes a confirmation code which you can enter below.\"],\"Fon2dK\":[\"An email has been sent to your previous address, \",[\"0\"],\". It includes a confirmation code which you can enter below.\"],\"HZFm5R\":\"and\",\"fdjKGe\":\"App Language\",\"SMmUnj\":\"App passwords\",\"8q4WlH\":\"App Passwords\",\"aAIQg2\":\"Appearance\",\"SSDZ+T\":[\"Are you sure you want to delete the app password \\\"\",[\"name\"],\"\\\"?\"],\"0BIeIs\":\"Are you sure you'd like to discard this draft?\",\"6foA8n\":\"Are you sure?\",\"/mSd6b\":\"Are you sure? This cannot be undone.\",\"EbvWd3\":\"Artistic or non-erotic nudity.\",\"iH8pgl\":\"Back\",\"ehOkF+\":\"Basics\",\"+gCI2a\":\"Birthday\",\"pieVBA\":\"Birthday:\",\"m1dqxu\":\"Block Account\",\"ffIfdM\":\"Block accounts\",\"fdYcMy\":\"Block these accounts?\",\"KWykPE\":\"Blocked accounts\",\"JuqQpF\":\"Blocked Accounts\",\"HG4qt4\":\"Blocked accounts cannot reply in your threads, mention you, or otherwise interact with you.\",\"8LNSUt\":\"Blocked accounts cannot reply in your threads, mention you, or otherwise interact with you. You will not see their content and they will be prevented from seeing yours.\",\"HFCE4A\":\"Blocked post.\",\"zl+QbX\":\"Blocking is public. Blocked accounts cannot reply in your threads, mention you, or otherwise interact with you.\",\"7A9u1j\":\"Bluesky\",\"ZHmKSm\":\"Bluesky is flexible.\",\"odLrdl\":\"Bluesky is open.\",\"/LsWK4\":\"Bluesky is public.\",\"C50OGr\":\"Bluesky uses invites to build a healthier community. If you don't know anybody with an invite, you can sign up for the waitlist and we'll send one soon.\",\"klVoaP\":\"Bluesky.Social\",\"qxBitM\":[\"Build version \",[\"0\"],\" \",[\"1\"]],\"rT2cV+\":\"Camera\",\"JGGrPC\":\"Can only contain letters, numbers, spaces, dashes, and underscores. Must be at least 4 characters long, but no more than 32 characters long.\",\"dEgA5A\":\"Cancel\",\"aMH9rr\":\"Cancel account deletion\",\"kc3E4R\":\"Cancel add image alt text\",\"wg4LHQ\":\"Cancel change handle\",\"hFL1Li\":\"Cancel image crop\",\"tijH8t\":\"Cancel profile editing\",\"Qe4C/d\":\"Cancel quote post\",\"5TviPn\":\"Cancel search\",\"nss3UV\":\"Cancel waitlist signup\",\"o+XJ9D\":\"Change\",\"pQco5R\":\"Change handle\",\"Q5e1U/\":\"Change Handle\",\"a3NAfL\":\"Change my email\",\"4vatyk\":\"Change Your Email\",\"Yn3C90\":\"Check out some recommended feeds. Tap + to add them to your list of pinned feeds.\",\"ioZXIH\":\"Check out some recommended users. Follow them to see similar users.\",\"/+X+/K\":\"Check your inbox for an email with the confirmation code to enter below:\",\"Rt502e\":\"Choose Service\",\"/L45sc\":\"Choose the algorithms that power your experience with custom feeds.\",\"BwcLKv\":\"Choose your\",\"Wk8hkn\":\"Choose your password\",\"Us7A1O\":\"Clear all legacy storage data\",\"X3zEXo\":\"Clear all legacy storage data (restart after this)\",\"zxFM2c\":\"Clear all storage data\",\"r+lhUL\":\"Clear all storage data (restart after this)\",\"QbvBNV\":\"Clear search query\",\"flH7u/\":\"Close alert\",\"hYmnbk\":\"Close bottom drawer\",\"47L1V1\":\"Close image\",\"l49ujN\":\"Close image viewer\",\"UryHFO\":\"Close navigation footer\",\"KHzDTk\":\"Community Guidelines\",\"o8UUti\":\"Compose reply\",\"7VpPHA\":\"Confirm\",\"q8upsf\":\"Confirm Change\",\"8pNKIr\":\"Confirm content language settings\",\"tGg8Kt\":\"Confirm delete account\",\"ioZOzk\":\"Confirmation code\",\"J28zul\":\"Connecting...\",\"l879p1\":\"Content filtering\",\"m8j6up\":\"Content Filtering\",\"/PlAsF\":\"Content Languages\",\"cogwXi\":\"Content Warning\",\"FG7AQv\":\"Content warnings\",\"xGVfLh\":\"Continue\",\"6V3Ea3\":\"Copied\",\"he3ygx\":\"Copy\",\"iQgJaz\":\"Copy post text\",\"u40k/o\":\"Copyright Policy\",\"7wWvgo\":\"Could not load feed\",\"8NNr/O\":\"Could not load list\",\"mpt9T+\":\"Create a new account\",\"IS0nrP\":\"Create Account\",\"6HbhpU\":\"Create new account\",\"MXSt4t\":[\"Created \",[\"0\"]],\"GAD3Dx\":\"Custom domain\",\"ZQKLI1\":\"Danger Zone\",\"pvnfJD\":\"Dark\",\"ZDGm40\":\"Delete account\",\"vzX5FB\":\"Delete Account\",\"gUEtxf\":\"Delete app password\",\"84uE/A\":\"Delete List\",\"ktknoE\":\"Delete my account\",\"szz0+N\":\"Delete my account…\",\"04G5Az\":\"Delete post\",\"FbPNuJ\":\"Delete this post?\",\"u+1OHY\":\"Deleted post.\",\"Nu4oKW\":\"Description\",\"dacKHE\":\"Dev Server\",\"2ygkE8\":\"Developer Tools\",\"bzSI52\":\"Discard\",\"BryYJR\":\"Discard draft\",\"pbLwal\":\"Discover new feeds\",\"pfa8F0\":\"Display name\",\"0gS7M5\":\"Display Name\",\"iZ5pMB\":\"Domain verified!\",\"DPfwMq\":\"Done\",\"zT97vP\":[\"Done\",[\"extraText\"]],\"4uwlSD\":\"Each code works once. You'll receive more invite codes periodically.\",\"XQFMOm\":\"Edit image\",\"S7M0uU\":\"Edit list details\",\"cLmurE\":\"Edit My Feeds\",\"bRZ5XW\":\"Edit my profile\",\"9OpVZg\":\"Edit profile\",\"QJQd1J\":\"Edit Profile\",\"Jn7kox\":\"Edit Saved Feeds\",\"O3oNi5\":\"Email\",\"ATGYL1\":\"Email address\",\"pJJ0Vp\":\"Email Updated\",\"9Qs99X\":\"Email:\",\"96mted\":\"Enable this setting to only see replies between people you follow.\",\"YbIxza\":\"Enter the address of your provider:\",\"BfIgP6\":\"Enter the domain you want to use\",\"cHrOqs\":\"Enter the email you used to create your account. We'll send you a \\\"reset code\\\" so you can set a new password.\",\"xRPn3U\":\"Enter your email address\",\"+inPGm\":\"Enter your new email address below.\",\"T0KLp4\":\"Enter your username and password\",\"4BITzH\":\"Error:\",\"0PkE20\":\"Expand alt text\",\"/5K/KL\":\"Failed to load recommended feeds\",\"4yCy8i\":\"Feed offline\",\"N0CqyO\":\"Feed Preferences\",\"YirHq7\":\"Feedback\",\"2DoBvq\":\"Feeds\",\"I3iUBQ\":\"Feeds are created by users to curate content. Choose some feeds that you find interesting.\",\"2+6lmO\":\"Feeds are custom algorithms that users build with a little coding expertise. <0/> for more information.\",\"Qzj1WT\":\"Finding similar accounts...\",\"QKSrQV\":\"Fine-tune the content you see on your home screen.\",\"r+KeyR\":\"Fine-tune the discussion threads.\",\"MKEPCY\":\"Follow\",\"AD4dxh\":\"Follow some\",\"Wezu5M\":\"Follow some users to get started. We can recommend you more users based on who you find interesting.\",\"YY2BTA\":\"Followed users only\",\"x5LEuB\":\"Followers\",\"NIjL2Y\":\"following\",\"y6sq5j\":\"Following\",\"p3UO/y\":\"Follows you\",\"5RhDkD\":\"For security reasons, we'll need to send a confirmation code to your email address.\",\"NJPhAO\":\"For security reasons, you won't be able to view this again. If you lose this password, you'll need to generate a new one.\",\"5bDfuq\":\"Forgot\",\"hEPLrs\":\"Forgot password\",\"dn8X5t\":\"Forgot Password\",\"U+kFad\":\"Gallery\",\"c3b0B0\":\"Get Started\",\"CKyk7Q\":\"Go back\",\"sr0UJD\":\"Go Back\",\"Rtp0y7\":\"Go to next\",\"Nf7oXL\":\"Handle\",\"c3XJ18\":\"Help\",\"uX/4+/\":\"Here is your app password.\",\"vLyv1R\":\"Hide\",\"qdOx2q\":\"Hide user list\",\"up7j9X\":\"Hmm, some kind of issue occured when contacting the feed server. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"WTcLyw\":\"Hmm, the feed server appears to be misconfigured. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"/8MHCt\":\"Hmm, the feed server appears to be offline. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"3zJH1g\":\"Hmm, the feed server gave a bad response. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"yNNyhI\":\"Hmmm, we're having trouble finding this feed. It may have been deleted.\",\"i0qMbr\":\"Home\",\"sXZ8IU\":\"Home Feed Preferences\",\"yt7fhu\":\"Hosting provider\",\"s2xA6t\":\"Hosting provider address\",\"o+axy6\":\"I have a code\",\"wey2os\":\"I have my own domain\",\"WlEcKr\":\"If none are selected, suitable for all ages.\",\"VCk0rR\":\"Image alt text\",\"STGpNQ\":\"Image options\",\"6o7+En\":\"In Your Network\",\"dSKHAa\":\"Invalid username or password\",\"MFKlMB\":\"Invite\",\"F5MZVk\":\"Invite a Friend\",\"6KlkHI\":\"Invite code\",\"MYTV5o\":\"Invite code not accepted. Check that you input it correctly and try again.\",\"F75w8j\":\"Join the waitlist\",\"6iVTdm\":\"Join the waitlist.\",\"SNzppu\":\"Join Waitlist\",\"Dcq5kL\":\"Language selection\",\"pVhZHk\":\"Language Settings\",\"GAmD3h\":\"Languages\",\"NgeSlx\":\"Learn More\",\"rj0Lke\":\"Learn more about this warning\",\"kq2ga7\":\"Leave them all unchecked to see any language.\",\"QfDITI\":\"Leaving Bluesky\",\"Esfg1M\":\"Let's get your password reset!\",\"exYcTF\":\"Library\",\"1njn7W\":\"Light\",\"BvSY1i\":\"Like this feed\",\"8/ALSr\":\"Liked by\",\"FuZWua\":\"List Avatar\",\"8mjA4F\":\"List Name\",\"h16FyT\":\"Lists\",\"ujW4FW\":\"Load more posts\",\"7EHsGr\":\"Load new notifications\",\"VkLESX\":\"Load new posts\",\"Z3FXyt\":\"Loading...\",\"jl0AFf\":\"Local dev server\",\"cR9UpQ\":\"Login to account that is not listed\",\"kkGiug\":\"Looks like this feed is only available to users with a Bluesky account. Please sign up or sign in to view this feed!\",\"2U/gDT\":\"Make sure this is where you intend to go!\",\"zucql+\":\"Menu\",\"DzmsLV\":\"Moderation\",\"NTIbv4\":\"Moderation lists\",\"FIJUJb\":\"More feeds\",\"3Siwmw\":\"More options\",\"Y17r45\":\"More post options\",\"RA1KUZ\":\"Mute Account\",\"du0opt\":\"Mute accounts\",\"izOxJM\":\"Mute these accounts?\",\"jq7SjD\":\"Mute thread\",\"s22grX\":\"Muted accounts\",\"qUa+lV\":\"Muted Accounts\",\"gA0D9A\":\"Muted accounts have their posts removed from your feed and from your notifications. Mutes are completely private.\",\"1QJzM7\":\"Muting is private. Muted accounts can interact with you, but you will not see their posts or receive notifications from them.\",\"Mysqyf\":\"My Birthday\",\"6MBNS/\":\"My Feeds\",\"hKtWk2\":\"My Profile\",\"Ha6iBv\":\"My Saved Feeds\",\"6YtxFj\":\"Name\",\"8yolS6\":\"Never lose access to your followers and data.\",\"isRobC\":\"New\",\"2B7HLH\":\"New post\",\"FGrimz\":\"New Post\",\"hXzOVo\":\"Next\",\"EatZYJ\":\"Next image\",\"1UzENP\":\"No\",\"flmDTf\":\"No description\",\"zfN9gJ\":\"No result\",\"fOlAiK\":[\"No results found for \\\"\",[\"query\"],\"\\\"\"],\"kA9DpB\":[\"No results found for \",[\"0\"]],\"SVF205\":[\"No results found for \",[\"query\"]],\"ispbnl\":\"Not Applicable\",\"iyUCYw\":\"Not Applicable.\",\"iDNBZe\":\"Notifications\",\"5GGAqz\":\"Oh no!\",\"UaXeX3\":\"Okay\",\"Cqo2D+\":\"One or more images is missing alt text.\",\"M/Q2aG\":\"Open navigation\",\"M5PuNq\":\"Opens configurable language settings\",\"eSqpax\":\"Opens modal for using custom domain\",\"vYwHHI\":\"Opens moderation settings\",\"0tHyB7\":\"Opens screen with all saved feeds\",\"nmRoY/\":\"Opens the app password settings page\",\"6e9Apv\":\"Opens the home feed preferences\",\"O87Dr/\":\"Opens the storybook page\",\"G+PVmg\":\"Opens the system log page\",\"Jqb7sy\":\"Opens the threads preferences\",\"b22AVl\":\"Other account\",\"n+HLOP\":\"Other service\",\"1PKxQ7\":\"Other...\",\"8F1i42\":\"Page not found\",\"8ZsakT\":\"Password\",\"ogtYkT\":\"Password updated\",\"DKeVgZ\":\"Password updated!\",\"VeZE5Q\":\"Pictures meant for adults.\",\"zgoxy5\":\"Pinned Feeds\",\"Aw5fOC\":\"Please choose your handle.\",\"5vI4sE\":\"Please choose your password.\",\"Apyknf\":\"Please confirm your email before changing it. This is a temporary requirement while email-updating tools are added, and it will soon be removed.\",\"9qpQ5O\":\"Please enter a unique name for this App Password or use our randomly generated one.\",\"hV+cYN\":\"Please enter your email.\",\"QJr5Xp\":\"Please enter your password as well:\",\"y28hnO\":\"Post\",\"h5RcXU\":\"Post hidden\",\"r5zLS0\":\"Post language\",\"AzCucI\":\"Post Languages\",\"tJFPmV\":\"Post not found\",\"0+DQbr\":\"Potentially Misleading Link\",\"MHk+7g\":\"Previous image\",\"HeBcM5\":\"Primary Language\",\"x8iR7V\":\"Prioritize Your Follows\",\"rjGI/Q\":\"Privacy\",\"LcET2C\":\"Privacy Policy\",\"k1ifdL\":\"Processing...\",\"vERlcd\":\"Profile\",\"MrgqOW\":\"Protect your account by verifying your email.\",\"p1UmBX\":\"Public, shareable lists which can drive feeds.\",\"8HFFRQ\":\"Quote post\",\"+KrAHa\":\"Quote Post\",\"WlWsdE\":\"Ratios\",\"WEYdDv\":\"Recommended\",\"QNzcT3\":\"Recommended Feeds\",\"41UoJb\":\"Recommended Users\",\"t/YqKh\":\"Remove\",\"p/cRzf\":[\"Remove \",[\"0\"],\" from my feeds?\"],\"1O32oy\":\"Remove account\",\"W44VX5\":\"Remove feed\",\"Yy3FzB\":\"Remove from my feeds\",\"5ywtDz\":\"Remove image\",\"Dw/XUh\":\"Remove image preview\",\"TbDEfs\":\"Remove this feed from your saved feeds?\",\"Obm5+c\":\"Removed from list\",\"Veu9gK\":\"Reply Filters\",\"lQWbAr\":[\"Report \",[\"collectionName\"]],\"bDHSjj\":\"Report Account\",\"NKmI9f\":\"Report feed\",\"6iwm2r\":\"Report List\",\"6IcSvC\":\"Report post\",\"mkude1\":\"Repost\",\"JOV5dR\":\"Repost or quote post\",\"0zb9FX\":\"Reposted by\",\"bqG37Z\":\"Request Change\",\"2d9VrZ\":\"Require alt text before posting\",\"8XIT+P\":\"Required for this provider\",\"vJgYMA\":\"Reset code\",\"xEL92I\":\"Reset onboarding state\",\"RfwZxd\":\"Reset password\",\"bee/Fw\":\"Reset preferences state\",\"wToeoz\":\"Resets the onboarding state\",\"nIU7qI\":\"Resets the preferences state\",\"6gRgw8\":\"Retry\",\"hAbYQa\":\"Retry change handle\",\"tfDRzk\":\"Save\",\"KV2YQQ\":\"Save alt text\",\"y3aU20\":\"Save changes\",\"IUwGEM\":\"Save Changes\",\"Xs07Tg\":\"Save handle change\",\"BckA7m\":\"Save image crop\",\"+K+JDj\":\"Saved Feeds\",\"A1taO8\":\"Search\",\"BF8cu3\":\"Search for posts and users.\",\"CKROFy\":\"Security Step Required\",\"cNzyJW\":\"See what's next\",\"L5sM7N\":\"Select Bluesky Social\",\"o3dwub\":\"Select from an existing account\",\"GGw2AK\":\"Select service\",\"vECNLO\":\"Select which languages you want your subscribed feeds to include. If none are selected, all languages will be shown.\",\"m5aabx\":\"Select your app language for the default text to display in the app\",\"TiiOza\":\"Select your preferred language for translations in your feed.\",\"vp9yIB\":\"Send Confirmation Email\",\"65dxv8\":\"Send email\",\"i/TzEU\":\"Send Email\",\"RoafuO\":\"Send feedback\",\"4cijjm\":\"Send Report\",\"V/e7nf\":\"Set new password\",\"gwsie4\":\"Set this setting to \\\"No\\\" to hide all quote posts from your feed. Reposts will still be visible.\",\"IZjC3J\":\"Set this setting to \\\"No\\\" to hide all replies from your feed.\",\"KIgU3l\":\"Set this setting to \\\"No\\\" to hide all reposts from your feed.\",\"zaAyrz\":\"Set this setting to \\\"Yes\\\" to show replies in a threaded view. This is an experimental feature.\",\"fQV2eE\":\"Set this setting to \\\"Yes\\\" to show samples of your saved feeds in your following feed. This is an experimental feature.\",\"Tz0i8g\":\"Settings\",\"HfWHhJ\":\"Sexual activity or erotic nudity.\",\"Z8lGw6\":\"Share\",\"P33tEA\":\"Share feed\",\"uIZ2tg\":\"Share link\",\"8vETh9\":\"Show\",\"aWAdCb\":\"Show anyway\",\"NijgXr\":\"Show Posts from My Feeds\",\"T3Mt8m\":\"Show Quote Posts\",\"BlW8X/\":\"Show Replies\",\"X4GwDb\":\"Show replies by people you follow before all other replies.\",\"GiogzH\":\"Show Reposts\",\"fhY/fL\":\"Show users\",\"5lWFkC\":\"Sign in\",\"n1ekoW\":\"Sign In\",\"N9o7n5\":[\"Sign in as \",[\"0\"]],\"FT1MVS\":\"Sign in as...\",\"+UpfFC\":\"Sign into\",\"fcWrnU\":\"Sign out\",\"e+RpCP\":\"Sign up\",\"MiE4Vp\":\"Sign up or sign in to join the conversation\",\"zU+Ro7\":\"Signed in as\",\"6Uau97\":\"Skip\",\"0o5BFH\":\"Sort Replies\",\"GH1Rgk\":\"Sort replies to the same post by:\",\"1DA6ap\":\"Square\",\"aKEHLj\":\"Staging\",\"tgEXwM\":\"Status page\",\"P5jja7\":\"Storybook\",\"EDl9kS\":\"Subscribe\",\"5z3ICN\":\"Subscribe to this list\",\"TVFyMD\":\"Suggested Follows\",\"XYLcNv\":\"Support\",\"VjWeLI\":\"Switch Account\",\"D+NlUC\":\"System\",\"fP8jTZ\":\"System log\",\"HF6Iah\":\"Tall\",\"4Y5H+g\":\"Terms\",\"xowcRf\":\"Terms of Service\",\"p8Iz39\":\"Text input field\",\"GlPXQJ\":\"The account will be able to interact with you after unblocking.\",\"o4M2MP\":\"The Community Guidelines have been moved to <0/>\",\"U42lKc\":\"The Copyright Policy has been moved to <0/>\",\"G4EksE\":\"The post may have been deleted.\",\"WNR9db\":\"The Privacy Policy has been moved to <0/>\",\"LbEbIk\":[\"The support form has been moved. If you need help, please<0/> or visit \",[\"HELP_DESK_URL\"],\" to get in touch with us.\"],\"FGbRSr\":\"The Terms of Service have been moved to\",\"yUqcy2\":\"There was an unexpected issue in the application. Please let us know if this happened to you!\",\"KRYn8w\":[\"This \",[\"screenDescription\"],\" has been flagged:\"],\"lm845B\":\"This information is not shared with other users.\",\"5Pvw/O\":\"This is important in case you ever need to change your email or reset your password.\",\"sQQfZ9\":\"This is the service that keeps you online.\",\"CvX8qs\":\"This link is taking you to the following website:\",\"WKrUVy\":\"This post has been deleted.\",\"qpCA5s\":\"This warning is only available for posts with media attached.\",\"u9ThjD\":\"Thread Preferences\",\"zmXsk5\":\"Threaded Mode\",\"1x30Qt\":\"Toggle dropdown\",\"KFXQEt\":\"Transformations\",\"pi8x/S\":\"Translate\",\"KDw4GX\":\"Try again\",\"nc4Wfd\":\"Unable to contact your service. Please check your Internet connection.\",\"tuS5Jz\":\"Unblock\",\"0VrZZv\":\"Unblock Account\",\"6pYY4t\":\"Undo repost\",\"05f3UA\":\"Unfortunately, you do not meet the requirements to create an account.\",\"wx9wqY\":\"Unmute Account\",\"s12/Py\":\"Unmute thread\",\"vaz2uI\":[\"Update \",[\"displayName\"],\" in Lists\"],\"YXMY4w\":\"Update Available\",\"RXbEvi\":\"Updating...\",\"Vwkfp4\":\"Upload a text file to:\",\"jTdnU6\":\"Use app passwords to login to other Bluesky clients without giving full access to your account or password.\",\"CH1am9\":\"Use default provider\",\"ZG8UvP\":\"Use this to sign into the other app along with your handle.\",\"cKXwwI\":\"Used by:\",\"t4Yp4Z\":\"User handle\",\"8tsrUV\":\"User Lists\",\"nZx9mr\":\"Username or email address\",\"Sxm8rQ\":\"Users\",\"MBOY4U\":\"Verify email\",\"Ejyv0o\":\"Verify my email\",\"9czCrB\":\"Verify My Email\",\"ibSVGR\":\"Verify New Email\",\"nHsQde\":\"View debug entry\",\"47jzzd\":\"View the avatar\",\"wK4H1r\":\"Visit Site\",\"qjBGxf\":\"We're so excited to have you join us!\",\"1xpRAp\":\"We're sorry, but this content is not viewable without a Bluesky account.\",\"WBQOQ0\":\"We're sorry, but your search could not be completed. Please try again in a few minutes.\",\"/mVVX2\":\"We're sorry! We can't find the page you were looking for.\",\"meB+tZ\":\"Welcome to <0>Bluesky\",\"Mj7rl/\":[\"What is the issue with this \",[\"collectionName\"],\"?\"],\"3qn29J\":\"Which languages are used in this post?\",\"uawiGa\":\"Which languages would you like to see in your algorithmic feeds?\",\"I5S9ZE\":\"Wide\",\"y02THm\":\"Write post\",\"6ckZRB\":\"Write your reply\",\"l75CjT\":\"Yes\",\"STPj0e\":\"You can change hosting providers at any time.\",\"67nRLM\":\"You can now sign in with your new password.\",\"lIcbCU\":\"You don't have any invite codes yet! We'll send you some when you've been on Bluesky for a little longer.\",\"aFZZYi\":\"You don't have any pinned feeds.\",\"kX/cKs\":\"You don't have any saved feeds!\",\"nbz3Iq\":\"You don't have any saved feeds.\",\"RkXibf\":\"You have blocked the author or you have been blocked by the author.\",\"tCLJ9E\":\"You have no lists.\",\"soH9qC\":\"You have not blocked any accounts yet. To block an account, go to their profile and selected \\\"Block account\\\" from the menu on their account.\",\"NDgp3i\":\"You have not created any app passwords yet. You can create one by pressing the button below.\",\"grqdXb\":\"You have not muted any accounts yet. To mute an account, go to their profile and selected \\\"Mute account\\\" from the menu on their account.\",\"RrDyEb\":\"You will receive an email with a \\\"reset code.\\\" Enter that code here, then enter your new password.\",\"gdRnT7\":\"Your account\",\"k7hmsH\":\"Your birth date\",\"tBpzKB\":\"Your email appears to be invalid.\",\"OubkcP\":\"Your email has been saved! We'll be in touch soon.\",\"z2L+/9\":\"Your email has been updated but not verified. As a next step, please verify your new email.\",\"XZlIVw\":\"Your email has not yet been verified. This is an important security step which we recommend.\",\"qv9f4I\":\"Your full handle will be\",\"lvcqqG\":\"Your hosting provider\",\"Oqt/PG\":\"Your posts, likes, and blocks are public. Mutes are private.\",\"okRPtW\":\"Your profile\",\"MvWO9d\":\"Your user handle\"}")}; \ No newline at end of file +/*eslint-disable*/module.exports={messages:JSON.parse("{\"PBodTo\":\"- end of feed -\",\"EtUMsZ\":\". 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Please update to continue using the app.\",\"AnNF5e\":\"Accessibility\",\"AeXO77\":\"Account\",\"4WY4MD\":\"Account options\",\"m16xKo\":\"Add\",\"fBBX+K\":\"Add a content warning\",\"JU3hs2\":\"Add a user to this list\",\"MPPZ54\":\"Add account\",\"LkA8jz\":\"Add alt text\",\"Z8idyM\":\"Add details\",\"AoXl11\":\"Add details to report\",\"iE6B/9\":\"Add link card\",\"EXHdP1\":\"Add link card:\",\"x6laaL\":\"Add the following DNS record to your domain:\",\"UmzMP4\":\"Add to Lists\",\"hCrQ0L\":\"Add to my feeds\",\"GluCXm\":\"Added to list\",\"jRrQFe\":\"Adjust the number of likes a reply must have to be shown in your feed.\",\"qLa52r\":\"Adult Content\",\"sxkWRg\":\"Advanced\",\"u2HO/d\":\"ALT\",\"u/DP73\":\"Alt text\",\"0QlT7/\":\"Alt text describes images for blind and low-vision users, and helps give context to everyone.\",\"woXbjq\":[\"An email has been sent to \",[\"0\"],\". It includes a confirmation code which you can enter below.\"],\"Fon2dK\":[\"An email has been sent to your previous address, \",[\"0\"],\". It includes a confirmation code which you can enter below.\"],\"HZFm5R\":\"and\",\"fdjKGe\":\"App Language\",\"SMmUnj\":\"App passwords\",\"8q4WlH\":\"App Passwords\",\"aAIQg2\":\"Appearance\",\"SSDZ+T\":[\"Are you sure you want to delete the app password \\\"\",[\"name\"],\"\\\"?\"],\"0BIeIs\":\"Are you sure you'd like to discard this draft?\",\"6foA8n\":\"Are you sure?\",\"/mSd6b\":\"Are you sure? This cannot be undone.\",\"EbvWd3\":\"Artistic or non-erotic nudity.\",\"iH8pgl\":\"Back\",\"ehOkF+\":\"Basics\",\"+gCI2a\":\"Birthday\",\"pieVBA\":\"Birthday:\",\"m1dqxu\":\"Block Account\",\"ffIfdM\":\"Block accounts\",\"fdYcMy\":\"Block these accounts?\",\"KWykPE\":\"Blocked accounts\",\"JuqQpF\":\"Blocked Accounts\",\"HG4qt4\":\"Blocked accounts cannot reply in your threads, mention you, or otherwise interact with you.\",\"8LNSUt\":\"Blocked accounts cannot reply in your threads, mention you, or otherwise interact with you. You will not see their content and they will be prevented from seeing yours.\",\"HFCE4A\":\"Blocked post.\",\"zl+QbX\":\"Blocking is public. Blocked accounts cannot reply in your threads, mention you, or otherwise interact with you.\",\"7A9u1j\":\"Bluesky\",\"ZHmKSm\":\"Bluesky is flexible.\",\"odLrdl\":\"Bluesky is open.\",\"/LsWK4\":\"Bluesky is public.\",\"C50OGr\":\"Bluesky uses invites to build a healthier community. If you don't know anybody with an invite, you can sign up for the waitlist and we'll send one soon.\",\"klVoaP\":\"Bluesky.Social\",\"qxBitM\":[\"Build version \",[\"0\"],\" \",[\"1\"]],\"rT2cV+\":\"Camera\",\"JGGrPC\":\"Can only contain letters, numbers, spaces, dashes, and underscores. Must be at least 4 characters long, but no more than 32 characters long.\",\"dEgA5A\":\"Cancel\",\"aMH9rr\":\"Cancel account deletion\",\"kc3E4R\":\"Cancel add image alt text\",\"wg4LHQ\":\"Cancel change handle\",\"hFL1Li\":\"Cancel image crop\",\"tijH8t\":\"Cancel profile editing\",\"Qe4C/d\":\"Cancel quote post\",\"5TviPn\":\"Cancel search\",\"nss3UV\":\"Cancel waitlist signup\",\"o+XJ9D\":\"Change\",\"pQco5R\":\"Change handle\",\"Q5e1U/\":\"Change Handle\",\"a3NAfL\":\"Change my email\",\"4vatyk\":\"Change Your Email\",\"Yn3C90\":\"Check out some recommended feeds. Tap + to add them to your list of pinned feeds.\",\"ioZXIH\":\"Check out some recommended users. Follow them to see similar users.\",\"/+X+/K\":\"Check your inbox for an email with the confirmation code to enter below:\",\"Rt502e\":\"Choose Service\",\"/L45sc\":\"Choose the algorithms that power your experience with custom feeds.\",\"BwcLKv\":\"Choose your\",\"Wk8hkn\":\"Choose your password\",\"Us7A1O\":\"Clear all legacy storage data\",\"X3zEXo\":\"Clear all legacy storage data (restart after this)\",\"zxFM2c\":\"Clear all storage data\",\"r+lhUL\":\"Clear all storage data (restart after this)\",\"QbvBNV\":\"Clear search query\",\"flH7u/\":\"Close alert\",\"hYmnbk\":\"Close bottom drawer\",\"47L1V1\":\"Close image\",\"l49ujN\":\"Close image viewer\",\"UryHFO\":\"Close navigation footer\",\"KHzDTk\":\"Community Guidelines\",\"o8UUti\":\"Compose reply\",\"7VpPHA\":\"Confirm\",\"q8upsf\":\"Confirm Change\",\"8pNKIr\":\"Confirm content language settings\",\"tGg8Kt\":\"Confirm delete account\",\"ioZOzk\":\"Confirmation code\",\"J28zul\":\"Connecting...\",\"l879p1\":\"Content filtering\",\"m8j6up\":\"Content Filtering\",\"/PlAsF\":\"Content Languages\",\"cogwXi\":\"Content Warning\",\"FG7AQv\":\"Content warnings\",\"xGVfLh\":\"Continue\",\"6V3Ea3\":\"Copied\",\"he3ygx\":\"Copy\",\"iQgJaz\":\"Copy post text\",\"u40k/o\":\"Copyright Policy\",\"7wWvgo\":\"Could not load feed\",\"8NNr/O\":\"Could not load list\",\"mpt9T+\":\"Create a new account\",\"IS0nrP\":\"Create Account\",\"6HbhpU\":\"Create new account\",\"MXSt4t\":[\"Created \",[\"0\"]],\"GAD3Dx\":\"Custom domain\",\"ZQKLI1\":\"Danger Zone\",\"pvnfJD\":\"Dark\",\"ZDGm40\":\"Delete account\",\"vzX5FB\":\"Delete Account\",\"gUEtxf\":\"Delete app password\",\"84uE/A\":\"Delete List\",\"ktknoE\":\"Delete my account\",\"szz0+N\":\"Delete my account…\",\"04G5Az\":\"Delete post\",\"FbPNuJ\":\"Delete this post?\",\"u+1OHY\":\"Deleted post.\",\"Nu4oKW\":\"Description\",\"dacKHE\":\"Dev Server\",\"2ygkE8\":\"Developer Tools\",\"bzSI52\":\"Discard\",\"BryYJR\":\"Discard draft\",\"pbLwal\":\"Discover new feeds\",\"pfa8F0\":\"Display name\",\"0gS7M5\":\"Display Name\",\"iZ5pMB\":\"Domain verified!\",\"DPfwMq\":\"Done\",\"zT97vP\":[\"Done\",[\"extraText\"]],\"4uwlSD\":\"Each code works once. You'll receive more invite codes periodically.\",\"XQFMOm\":\"Edit image\",\"S7M0uU\":\"Edit list details\",\"cLmurE\":\"Edit My Feeds\",\"bRZ5XW\":\"Edit my profile\",\"9OpVZg\":\"Edit profile\",\"QJQd1J\":\"Edit Profile\",\"Jn7kox\":\"Edit Saved Feeds\",\"O3oNi5\":\"Email\",\"ATGYL1\":\"Email address\",\"pJJ0Vp\":\"Email Updated\",\"9Qs99X\":\"Email:\",\"96mted\":\"Enable this setting to only see replies between people you follow.\",\"YbIxza\":\"Enter the address of your provider:\",\"BfIgP6\":\"Enter the domain you want to use\",\"cHrOqs\":\"Enter the email you used to create your account. We'll send you a \\\"reset code\\\" so you can set a new password.\",\"xRPn3U\":\"Enter your email address\",\"+inPGm\":\"Enter your new email address below.\",\"T0KLp4\":\"Enter your username and password\",\"4BITzH\":\"Error:\",\"0PkE20\":\"Expand alt text\",\"/5K/KL\":\"Failed to load recommended feeds\",\"4yCy8i\":\"Feed offline\",\"N0CqyO\":\"Feed Preferences\",\"YirHq7\":\"Feedback\",\"2DoBvq\":\"Feeds\",\"I3iUBQ\":\"Feeds are created by users to curate content. Choose some feeds that you find interesting.\",\"2+6lmO\":\"Feeds are custom algorithms that users build with a little coding expertise. <0/> for more information.\",\"Qzj1WT\":\"Finding similar accounts...\",\"QKSrQV\":\"Fine-tune the content you see on your home screen.\",\"r+KeyR\":\"Fine-tune the discussion threads.\",\"MKEPCY\":\"Follow\",\"AD4dxh\":\"Follow some\",\"Wezu5M\":\"Follow some users to get started. We can recommend you more users based on who you find interesting.\",\"YY2BTA\":\"Followed users only\",\"x5LEuB\":\"Followers\",\"NIjL2Y\":\"following\",\"y6sq5j\":\"Following\",\"p3UO/y\":\"Follows you\",\"5RhDkD\":\"For security reasons, we'll need to send a confirmation code to your email address.\",\"NJPhAO\":\"For security reasons, you won't be able to view this again. If you lose this password, you'll need to generate a new one.\",\"5bDfuq\":\"Forgot\",\"hEPLrs\":\"Forgot password\",\"dn8X5t\":\"Forgot Password\",\"U+kFad\":\"Gallery\",\"c3b0B0\":\"Get Started\",\"CKyk7Q\":\"Go back\",\"sr0UJD\":\"Go Back\",\"Rtp0y7\":\"Go to next\",\"Nf7oXL\":\"Handle\",\"c3XJ18\":\"Help\",\"uX/4+/\":\"Here is your app password.\",\"vLyv1R\":\"Hide\",\"qdOx2q\":\"Hide user list\",\"up7j9X\":\"Hmm, some kind of issue occured when contacting the feed server. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"WTcLyw\":\"Hmm, the feed server appears to be misconfigured. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"/8MHCt\":\"Hmm, the feed server appears to be offline. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"3zJH1g\":\"Hmm, the feed server gave a bad response. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"yNNyhI\":\"Hmmm, we're having trouble finding this feed. It may have been deleted.\",\"i0qMbr\":\"Home\",\"sXZ8IU\":\"Home Feed Preferences\",\"yt7fhu\":\"Hosting provider\",\"s2xA6t\":\"Hosting provider address\",\"o+axy6\":\"I have a code\",\"wey2os\":\"I have my own domain\",\"WlEcKr\":\"If none are selected, suitable for all ages.\",\"VCk0rR\":\"Image alt text\",\"STGpNQ\":\"Image options\",\"6o7+En\":\"In Your Network\",\"dSKHAa\":\"Invalid username or password\",\"MFKlMB\":\"Invite\",\"F5MZVk\":\"Invite a Friend\",\"6KlkHI\":\"Invite code\",\"MYTV5o\":\"Invite code not accepted. Check that you input it correctly and try again.\",\"F75w8j\":\"Join the waitlist\",\"6iVTdm\":\"Join the waitlist.\",\"SNzppu\":\"Join Waitlist\",\"Dcq5kL\":\"Language selection\",\"pVhZHk\":\"Language Settings\",\"GAmD3h\":\"Languages\",\"NgeSlx\":\"Learn More\",\"rj0Lke\":\"Learn more about this warning\",\"kq2ga7\":\"Leave them all unchecked to see any language.\",\"QfDITI\":\"Leaving Bluesky\",\"Esfg1M\":\"Let's get your password reset!\",\"exYcTF\":\"Library\",\"1njn7W\":\"Light\",\"BvSY1i\":\"Like this feed\",\"8/ALSr\":\"Liked by\",\"FuZWua\":\"List Avatar\",\"8mjA4F\":\"List Name\",\"h16FyT\":\"Lists\",\"ujW4FW\":\"Load more posts\",\"7EHsGr\":\"Load new notifications\",\"VkLESX\":\"Load new posts\",\"Z3FXyt\":\"Loading...\",\"jl0AFf\":\"Local dev server\",\"cR9UpQ\":\"Login to account that is not listed\",\"kkGiug\":\"Looks like this feed is only available to users with a Bluesky account. Please sign up or sign in to view this feed!\",\"2U/gDT\":\"Make sure this is where you intend to go!\",\"zucql+\":\"Menu\",\"DzmsLV\":\"Moderation\",\"NTIbv4\":\"Moderation lists\",\"FIJUJb\":\"More feeds\",\"3Siwmw\":\"More options\",\"Y17r45\":\"More post options\",\"RA1KUZ\":\"Mute Account\",\"du0opt\":\"Mute accounts\",\"izOxJM\":\"Mute these accounts?\",\"jq7SjD\":\"Mute thread\",\"s22grX\":\"Muted accounts\",\"qUa+lV\":\"Muted Accounts\",\"gA0D9A\":\"Muted accounts have their posts removed from your feed and from your notifications. Mutes are completely private.\",\"1QJzM7\":\"Muting is private. Muted accounts can interact with you, but you will not see their posts or receive notifications from them.\",\"Mysqyf\":\"My Birthday\",\"6MBNS/\":\"My Feeds\",\"hKtWk2\":\"My Profile\",\"Ha6iBv\":\"My Saved Feeds\",\"6YtxFj\":\"Name\",\"8yolS6\":\"Never lose access to your followers and data.\",\"isRobC\":\"New\",\"2B7HLH\":\"New post\",\"FGrimz\":\"New Post\",\"hXzOVo\":\"Next\",\"EatZYJ\":\"Next image\",\"1UzENP\":\"No\",\"flmDTf\":\"No description\",\"zfN9gJ\":\"No result\",\"fOlAiK\":[\"No results found for \\\"\",[\"query\"],\"\\\"\"],\"kA9DpB\":[\"No results found for \",[\"0\"]],\"SVF205\":[\"No results found for \",[\"query\"]],\"ispbnl\":\"Not Applicable\",\"iyUCYw\":\"Not Applicable.\",\"iDNBZe\":\"Notifications\",\"5GGAqz\":\"Oh no!\",\"UaXeX3\":\"Okay\",\"Cqo2D+\":\"One or more images is missing alt text.\",\"M/Q2aG\":\"Open navigation\",\"M5PuNq\":\"Opens configurable language settings\",\"S67TOE\":\"Opens list of invite codes\",\"eSqpax\":\"Opens modal for using custom domain\",\"vYwHHI\":\"Opens moderation settings\",\"0tHyB7\":\"Opens screen with all saved feeds\",\"nmRoY/\":\"Opens the app password settings page\",\"6e9Apv\":\"Opens the home feed preferences\",\"O87Dr/\":\"Opens the storybook page\",\"G+PVmg\":\"Opens the system log page\",\"Jqb7sy\":\"Opens the threads preferences\",\"b22AVl\":\"Other account\",\"n+HLOP\":\"Other service\",\"1PKxQ7\":\"Other...\",\"8F1i42\":\"Page not found\",\"8ZsakT\":\"Password\",\"ogtYkT\":\"Password updated\",\"DKeVgZ\":\"Password updated!\",\"VeZE5Q\":\"Pictures meant for adults.\",\"zgoxy5\":\"Pinned Feeds\",\"Aw5fOC\":\"Please choose your handle.\",\"5vI4sE\":\"Please choose your password.\",\"Apyknf\":\"Please confirm your email before changing it. This is a temporary requirement while email-updating tools are added, and it will soon be removed.\",\"9qpQ5O\":\"Please enter a unique name for this App Password or use our randomly generated one.\",\"hV+cYN\":\"Please enter your email.\",\"QJr5Xp\":\"Please enter your password as well:\",\"y28hnO\":\"Post\",\"h5RcXU\":\"Post hidden\",\"r5zLS0\":\"Post language\",\"AzCucI\":\"Post Languages\",\"tJFPmV\":\"Post not found\",\"0+DQbr\":\"Potentially Misleading Link\",\"MHk+7g\":\"Previous image\",\"HeBcM5\":\"Primary Language\",\"x8iR7V\":\"Prioritize Your Follows\",\"rjGI/Q\":\"Privacy\",\"LcET2C\":\"Privacy Policy\",\"k1ifdL\":\"Processing...\",\"vERlcd\":\"Profile\",\"MrgqOW\":\"Protect your account by verifying your email.\",\"p1UmBX\":\"Public, shareable lists which can drive feeds.\",\"8HFFRQ\":\"Quote post\",\"+KrAHa\":\"Quote Post\",\"WlWsdE\":\"Ratios\",\"WEYdDv\":\"Recommended\",\"QNzcT3\":\"Recommended Feeds\",\"41UoJb\":\"Recommended Users\",\"t/YqKh\":\"Remove\",\"p/cRzf\":[\"Remove \",[\"0\"],\" from my feeds?\"],\"1O32oy\":\"Remove account\",\"W44VX5\":\"Remove feed\",\"Yy3FzB\":\"Remove from my feeds\",\"5ywtDz\":\"Remove image\",\"Dw/XUh\":\"Remove image preview\",\"TbDEfs\":\"Remove this feed from your saved feeds?\",\"Obm5+c\":\"Removed from list\",\"Veu9gK\":\"Reply Filters\",\"lQWbAr\":[\"Report \",[\"collectionName\"]],\"bDHSjj\":\"Report Account\",\"NKmI9f\":\"Report feed\",\"6iwm2r\":\"Report List\",\"6IcSvC\":\"Report post\",\"mkude1\":\"Repost\",\"JOV5dR\":\"Repost or quote post\",\"0zb9FX\":\"Reposted by\",\"bqG37Z\":\"Request Change\",\"2d9VrZ\":\"Require alt text before posting\",\"8XIT+P\":\"Required for this provider\",\"vJgYMA\":\"Reset code\",\"xEL92I\":\"Reset onboarding state\",\"RfwZxd\":\"Reset password\",\"bee/Fw\":\"Reset preferences state\",\"wToeoz\":\"Resets the onboarding state\",\"nIU7qI\":\"Resets the preferences state\",\"6gRgw8\":\"Retry\",\"hAbYQa\":\"Retry change handle\",\"tfDRzk\":\"Save\",\"KV2YQQ\":\"Save alt text\",\"y3aU20\":\"Save changes\",\"IUwGEM\":\"Save Changes\",\"Xs07Tg\":\"Save handle change\",\"BckA7m\":\"Save image crop\",\"+K+JDj\":\"Saved Feeds\",\"A1taO8\":\"Search\",\"BF8cu3\":\"Search for posts and users.\",\"CKROFy\":\"Security Step Required\",\"cNzyJW\":\"See what's next\",\"L5sM7N\":\"Select Bluesky Social\",\"o3dwub\":\"Select from an existing account\",\"GGw2AK\":\"Select service\",\"vECNLO\":\"Select which languages you want your subscribed feeds to include. If none are selected, all languages will be shown.\",\"m5aabx\":\"Select your app language for the default text to display in the app\",\"TiiOza\":\"Select your preferred language for translations in your feed.\",\"vp9yIB\":\"Send Confirmation Email\",\"65dxv8\":\"Send email\",\"i/TzEU\":\"Send Email\",\"RoafuO\":\"Send feedback\",\"4cijjm\":\"Send Report\",\"V/e7nf\":\"Set new password\",\"gwsie4\":\"Set this setting to \\\"No\\\" to hide all quote posts from your feed. Reposts will still be visible.\",\"IZjC3J\":\"Set this setting to \\\"No\\\" to hide all replies from your feed.\",\"KIgU3l\":\"Set this setting to \\\"No\\\" to hide all reposts from your feed.\",\"zaAyrz\":\"Set this setting to \\\"Yes\\\" to show replies in a threaded view. This is an experimental feature.\",\"fQV2eE\":\"Set this setting to \\\"Yes\\\" to show samples of your saved feeds in your following feed. This is an experimental feature.\",\"Tz0i8g\":\"Settings\",\"HfWHhJ\":\"Sexual activity or erotic nudity.\",\"Z8lGw6\":\"Share\",\"P33tEA\":\"Share feed\",\"uIZ2tg\":\"Share link\",\"8vETh9\":\"Show\",\"aWAdCb\":\"Show anyway\",\"NijgXr\":\"Show Posts from My Feeds\",\"T3Mt8m\":\"Show Quote Posts\",\"BlW8X/\":\"Show Replies\",\"X4GwDb\":\"Show replies by people you follow before all other replies.\",\"GiogzH\":\"Show Reposts\",\"fhY/fL\":\"Show users\",\"5lWFkC\":\"Sign in\",\"n1ekoW\":\"Sign In\",\"N9o7n5\":[\"Sign in as \",[\"0\"]],\"FT1MVS\":\"Sign in as...\",\"+UpfFC\":\"Sign into\",\"fcWrnU\":\"Sign out\",\"e+RpCP\":\"Sign up\",\"MiE4Vp\":\"Sign up or sign in to join the conversation\",\"zU+Ro7\":\"Signed in as\",\"6Uau97\":\"Skip\",\"0o5BFH\":\"Sort Replies\",\"GH1Rgk\":\"Sort replies to the same post by:\",\"1DA6ap\":\"Square\",\"aKEHLj\":\"Staging\",\"tgEXwM\":\"Status page\",\"P5jja7\":\"Storybook\",\"EDl9kS\":\"Subscribe\",\"5z3ICN\":\"Subscribe to this list\",\"TVFyMD\":\"Suggested Follows\",\"XYLcNv\":\"Support\",\"VjWeLI\":\"Switch Account\",\"D+NlUC\":\"System\",\"fP8jTZ\":\"System log\",\"HF6Iah\":\"Tall\",\"4Y5H+g\":\"Terms\",\"xowcRf\":\"Terms of Service\",\"p8Iz39\":\"Text input field\",\"GlPXQJ\":\"The account will be able to interact with you after unblocking.\",\"o4M2MP\":\"The Community Guidelines have been moved to <0/>\",\"U42lKc\":\"The Copyright Policy has been moved to <0/>\",\"G4EksE\":\"The post may have been deleted.\",\"WNR9db\":\"The Privacy Policy has been moved to <0/>\",\"LbEbIk\":[\"The support form has been moved. If you need help, please<0/> or visit \",[\"HELP_DESK_URL\"],\" to get in touch with us.\"],\"FGbRSr\":\"The Terms of Service have been moved to\",\"yUqcy2\":\"There was an unexpected issue in the application. Please let us know if this happened to you!\",\"KRYn8w\":[\"This \",[\"screenDescription\"],\" has been flagged:\"],\"lm845B\":\"This information is not shared with other users.\",\"5Pvw/O\":\"This is important in case you ever need to change your email or reset your password.\",\"sQQfZ9\":\"This is the service that keeps you online.\",\"CvX8qs\":\"This link is taking you to the following website:\",\"WKrUVy\":\"This post has been deleted.\",\"qpCA5s\":\"This warning is only available for posts with media attached.\",\"u9ThjD\":\"Thread Preferences\",\"zmXsk5\":\"Threaded Mode\",\"1x30Qt\":\"Toggle dropdown\",\"KFXQEt\":\"Transformations\",\"pi8x/S\":\"Translate\",\"KDw4GX\":\"Try again\",\"nc4Wfd\":\"Unable to contact your service. Please check your Internet connection.\",\"tuS5Jz\":\"Unblock\",\"0VrZZv\":\"Unblock Account\",\"6pYY4t\":\"Undo repost\",\"05f3UA\":\"Unfortunately, you do not meet the requirements to create an account.\",\"wx9wqY\":\"Unmute Account\",\"s12/Py\":\"Unmute thread\",\"vaz2uI\":[\"Update \",[\"displayName\"],\" in Lists\"],\"YXMY4w\":\"Update Available\",\"RXbEvi\":\"Updating...\",\"Vwkfp4\":\"Upload a text file to:\",\"jTdnU6\":\"Use app passwords to login to other Bluesky clients without giving full access to your account or password.\",\"CH1am9\":\"Use default provider\",\"ZG8UvP\":\"Use this to sign into the other app along with your handle.\",\"cKXwwI\":\"Used by:\",\"t4Yp4Z\":\"User handle\",\"8tsrUV\":\"User Lists\",\"nZx9mr\":\"Username or email address\",\"Sxm8rQ\":\"Users\",\"MBOY4U\":\"Verify email\",\"Ejyv0o\":\"Verify my email\",\"9czCrB\":\"Verify My Email\",\"ibSVGR\":\"Verify New Email\",\"nHsQde\":\"View debug entry\",\"47jzzd\":\"View the avatar\",\"wK4H1r\":\"Visit Site\",\"qjBGxf\":\"We're so excited to have you join us!\",\"1xpRAp\":\"We're sorry, but this content is not viewable without a Bluesky account.\",\"WBQOQ0\":\"We're sorry, but your search could not be completed. Please try again in a few minutes.\",\"/mVVX2\":\"We're sorry! We can't find the page you were looking for.\",\"meB+tZ\":\"Welcome to <0>Bluesky\",\"Mj7rl/\":[\"What is the issue with this \",[\"collectionName\"],\"?\"],\"3qn29J\":\"Which languages are used in this post?\",\"uawiGa\":\"Which languages would you like to see in your algorithmic feeds?\",\"I5S9ZE\":\"Wide\",\"y02THm\":\"Write post\",\"6ckZRB\":\"Write your reply\",\"l75CjT\":\"Yes\",\"STPj0e\":\"You can change hosting providers at any time.\",\"67nRLM\":\"You can now sign in with your new password.\",\"lIcbCU\":\"You don't have any invite codes yet! We'll send you some when you've been on Bluesky for a little longer.\",\"aFZZYi\":\"You don't have any pinned feeds.\",\"kX/cKs\":\"You don't have any saved feeds!\",\"nbz3Iq\":\"You don't have any saved feeds.\",\"RkXibf\":\"You have blocked the author or you have been blocked by the author.\",\"tCLJ9E\":\"You have no lists.\",\"soH9qC\":\"You have not blocked any accounts yet. To block an account, go to their profile and selected \\\"Block account\\\" from the menu on their account.\",\"NDgp3i\":\"You have not created any app passwords yet. You can create one by pressing the button below.\",\"grqdXb\":\"You have not muted any accounts yet. To mute an account, go to their profile and selected \\\"Mute account\\\" from the menu on their account.\",\"RrDyEb\":\"You will receive an email with a \\\"reset code.\\\" Enter that code here, then enter your new password.\",\"gdRnT7\":\"Your account\",\"k7hmsH\":\"Your birth date\",\"tBpzKB\":\"Your email appears to be invalid.\",\"OubkcP\":\"Your email has been saved! We'll be in touch soon.\",\"z2L+/9\":\"Your email has been updated but not verified. As a next step, please verify your new email.\",\"XZlIVw\":\"Your email has not yet been verified. This is an important security step which we recommend.\",\"qv9f4I\":\"Your full handle will be\",\"lvcqqG\":\"Your hosting provider\",\"fbFyAZ\":\"Your invite codes are hidden when logged in using an App Password\",\"Oqt/PG\":\"Your posts, likes, and blocks are public. Mutes are private.\",\"okRPtW\":\"Your profile\",\"MvWO9d\":\"Your user handle\"}")}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/locale/locales/fr/messages.po b/src/locale/locales/fr/messages.po index a1c2ff78..729f682e 100644 --- a/src/locale/locales/fr/messages.po +++ b/src/locale/locales/fr/messages.po @@ -21,6 +21,12 @@ msgstr "" #~ msgid ". This warning is only available for posts with media attached." #~ msgstr "" +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:408 +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:158 +#: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:527 +msgid "{0, plural, one {# invite code available} other {# invite codes available}}" +msgstr "" + #: src/view/com/modals/Repost.tsx:44 msgid "{0}" msgstr "" @@ -29,6 +35,11 @@ msgstr "" msgid "{0} {purposeLabel} List" msgstr "" +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:141 +#: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:504 +msgid "{invitesAvailable, plural, one {Invite codes: # available} other {Invite codes: # available}}" +msgstr "" + #: src/view/screens/Search/Search.tsx:86 msgid "{message}" msgstr "" @@ -50,12 +61,12 @@ msgid "A new version of the app is available. Please update to continue using th msgstr "" #: src/view/com/modals/EditImage.tsx:299 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:410 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:420 msgid "Accessibility" msgstr "" #: src/view/com/auth/login/LoginForm.tsx:161 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:288 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:287 msgid "Account" msgstr "" @@ -77,8 +88,8 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Add a user to this list" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:357 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:366 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:356 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:365 msgid "Add account" msgstr "" @@ -129,7 +140,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Adult Content" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:562 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:572 msgid "Advanced" msgstr "" @@ -161,7 +172,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "App Language" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:582 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:592 msgid "App passwords" msgstr "" @@ -169,7 +180,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "App Passwords" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:425 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:435 msgid "Appearance" msgstr "" @@ -206,7 +217,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Back" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:454 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:464 msgid "Basics" msgstr "" @@ -215,7 +226,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Birthday" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:314 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:313 msgid "Birthday:" msgstr "" @@ -280,7 +291,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Bluesky.Social" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:711 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:721 msgid "Build version {0} {1}" msgstr "" @@ -348,12 +359,12 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Cancel waitlist signup" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:308 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:307 msgid "Change" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:594 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:603 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:604 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:613 msgid "Change handle" msgstr "" @@ -397,19 +408,19 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Choose your password" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:687 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:697 msgid "Clear all legacy storage data" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:689 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:699 msgid "Clear all legacy storage data (restart after this)" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:699 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:709 msgid "Clear all storage data" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:701 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:711 msgid "Clear all storage data (restart after this)" msgstr "" @@ -550,7 +561,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Custom domain" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:608 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:618 msgid "Danger Zone" msgstr "" @@ -558,7 +569,7 @@ msgstr "" #~ msgid "Dark" #~ msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:615 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:625 msgid "Delete account" msgstr "" @@ -580,7 +591,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Delete my account" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:625 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:635 msgid "Delete my account…" msgstr "" @@ -607,7 +618,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Dev Server" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:630 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:640 msgid "Developer Tools" msgstr "" @@ -701,7 +712,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Email Updated" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:292 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:291 msgid "Email:" msgstr "" @@ -754,7 +765,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Feed Preferences" msgstr "" -#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:65 +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:64 #: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:411 msgid "Feedback" msgstr "" @@ -873,7 +884,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Handle" msgstr "" -#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:94 +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:93 #: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:421 msgid "Help" msgstr "" @@ -919,7 +930,7 @@ msgstr "" #: src/view/com/pager/FeedsTabBarMobile.tsx:99 #: src/view/screens/PreferencesHomeFeed.tsx:95 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:474 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:484 msgid "Home Feed Preferences" msgstr "" @@ -962,12 +973,12 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Invalid username or password" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:385 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:384 msgid "Invite" msgstr "" #: src/view/com/modals/InviteCodes.tsx:91 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:373 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:372 msgid "Invite a Friend" msgstr "" @@ -1000,7 +1011,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Language Settings" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:534 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:544 msgid "Languages" msgstr "" @@ -1101,7 +1112,7 @@ msgid "Menu" msgstr "" #: src/view/screens/Moderation.tsx:51 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:556 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:566 #: src/view/shell/desktop/LeftNav.tsx:400 #: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:346 #: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:347 @@ -1170,7 +1181,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "My Profile" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:513 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:523 msgid "My Saved Feeds" msgstr "" @@ -1280,39 +1291,44 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Open navigation" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:526 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:536 msgid "Opens configurable language settings" msgstr "" +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:146 +#: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:509 +msgid "Opens list of invite codes" +msgstr "" + #: src/view/com/modals/ChangeHandle.tsx:279 msgid "Opens modal for using custom domain" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:551 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:561 msgid "Opens moderation settings" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:507 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:517 msgid "Opens screen with all saved feeds" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:574 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:584 msgid "Opens the app password settings page" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:466 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:476 msgid "Opens the home feed preferences" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:657 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:667 msgid "Opens the storybook page" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:637 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:647 msgid "Opens the system log page" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:487 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:497 msgid "Opens the threads preferences" msgstr "" @@ -1419,7 +1435,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Prioritize Your Follows" msgstr "" -#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:76 +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:75 msgid "Privacy" msgstr "" @@ -1438,7 +1454,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Profile" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:782 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:792 msgid "Protect your account by verifying your email." msgstr "" @@ -1569,7 +1585,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Reset code" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:679 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:689 msgid "Reset onboarding state" msgstr "" @@ -1577,15 +1593,15 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Reset password" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:669 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:679 msgid "Reset preferences state" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:677 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:687 msgid "Resets the onboarding state" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:667 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:677 msgid "Resets the preferences state" msgstr "" @@ -1730,7 +1746,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Set this setting to \"Yes\" to show samples of your saved feeds in your following feed. This is an experimental feature." msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:279 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:278 #: src/view/shell/desktop/LeftNav.tsx:436 #: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:380 #: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:381 @@ -1755,7 +1771,7 @@ msgstr "" #~ msgid "Share link" #~ msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:318 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:317 msgid "Show" msgstr "" @@ -1827,7 +1843,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Sign up or sign in to join the conversation" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:329 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:328 msgid "Signed in as" msgstr "" @@ -1852,11 +1868,11 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Staging" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:723 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:733 msgid "Status page" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:659 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:669 msgid "Storybook" msgstr "" @@ -1885,7 +1901,7 @@ msgstr "" #~ msgid "System" #~ msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:639 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:649 msgid "System log" msgstr "" @@ -1893,7 +1909,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Tall" msgstr "" -#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:85 +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:84 msgid "Terms" msgstr "" @@ -1966,7 +1982,7 @@ msgid "This warning is only available for posts with media attached." msgstr "" #: src/view/screens/PreferencesThreads.tsx:53 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:496 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:506 msgid "Thread Preferences" msgstr "" @@ -2073,15 +2089,15 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Users" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:743 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:753 msgid "Verify email" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:768 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:778 msgid "Verify my email" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:777 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:787 msgid "Verify My Email" msgstr "" @@ -2236,6 +2252,12 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Your hosting provider" msgstr "" +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:403 +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:127 +#: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:523 +msgid "Your invite codes are hidden when logged in using an App Password" +msgstr "" + #: src/view/com/auth/onboarding/WelcomeMobile.tsx:59 msgid "Your posts, likes, and blocks are public. Mutes are private." msgstr "" diff --git a/src/locale/locales/hi/messages.js b/src/locale/locales/hi/messages.js index 92c06399..3556b944 100644 --- a/src/locale/locales/hi/messages.js +++ b/src/locale/locales/hi/messages.js @@ -1 +1 @@ -/*eslint-disable*/module.exports={messages:JSON.parse("{\"PBodTo\":\"- फ़ीड का अंत -\",\"EtUMsZ\":\"यह चेतावनी केवल मीडिया वाले पोस्ट के लिए उपलब्ध है।\",\"J/hVSQ\":[[\"0\"]],\"hZQerY\":[[\"0\"],\" \",[\"purposeLabel\"],\" सूची\"],\"wapGcj\":[[\"message\"]],\"gMjqbV\":\"<0>अपना<1>पसंदीदा<2>फ़ीड चुनें\",\"F657la\":\"<0>कुछ<1>पसंदीदा उपयोगकर्ताओं<2>का अनुसरण करें\",\"6RmyWt\":\"<0>इधर आपका ऐप पासवर्ड है। इसे अपने हैंडल के साथ दूसरे ऐप में साइन करने के लिए उपयोग करें।।\",\"XCTqGE\":\"ऐप का एक नया संस्करण उपलब्ध है. कृपया ऐप का उपयोग जारी रखने के लिए अपडेट करें।\",\"AnNF5e\":\"प्रवेर्शयोग्यता\",\"AeXO77\":\"अकाउंट\",\"4WY4MD\":\"अकाउंट के विकल्प\",\"m16xKo\":\"ऐड करो\",\"fBBX+K\":\"सामग्री चेतावनी जोड़ें\",\"JU3hs2\":\"इस सूची में किसी को 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Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"WTcLyw\":\"Hmm, the feed server appears to be misconfigured. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"/8MHCt\":\"Hmm, the feed server appears to be offline. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"3zJH1g\":\"Hmm, the feed server gave a bad response. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"yNNyhI\":\"Hmmm, we're having trouble finding this feed. 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Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"WTcLyw\":\"Hmm, the feed server appears to be misconfigured. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"/8MHCt\":\"Hmm, the feed server appears to be offline. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"3zJH1g\":\"Hmm, the feed server gave a bad response. Please let the feed owner know about this issue.\",\"yNNyhI\":\"Hmmm, we're having trouble finding this feed. 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Please try again in a few minutes.\",\"/mVVX2\":\"हम क्षमा चाहते हैं! हमें वह पेज नहीं मिल रहा जिसे आप ढूंढ रहे थे।\",\"meB+tZ\":\"<0>Bluesky में आपका स्वागत है\",\"Mj7rl/\":[\"इस \",[\"collectionName\"],\" के साथ क्या मुद्दा है?\"],\"3qn29J\":\"इस पोस्ट में किस भाषा का उपयोग किया जाता है?\",\"uawiGa\":\"कौन से भाषाएं आपको अपने एल्गोरिदमिक फ़ीड में देखना पसंद करती हैं?\",\"I5S9ZE\":\"चौड़ा\",\"y02THm\":\"पोस्ट लिखो\",\"6ckZRB\":\"अपना जवाब दें\",\"l75CjT\":\"हाँ\",\"STPj0e\":\"आप किसी भी समय होस्टिंग प्रदाताओं को बदल सकते हैं।।\",\"67nRLM\":\"अब आप अपने नए पासवर्ड के साथ साइन इन कर सकते हैं।।\",\"lIcbCU\":\"आपके पास अभी तक कोई आमंत्रण कोड नहीं है! जब आप कुछ अधिक समय के लिए Bluesky पर रहेंगे तो हम आपको कुछ भेजेंगे।\",\"aFZZYi\":\"आपके पास कोई पिन किया हुआ फ़ीड नहीं है.\",\"kX/cKs\":\"You don't have any saved feeds!\",\"nbz3Iq\":\"आपके पास कोई सहेजी गई फ़ीड नहीं है.\",\"RkXibf\":\"आपने लेखक को अवरुद्ध किया है या आपने लेखक द्वारा अवरुद्ध किया है।।\",\"tCLJ9E\":\"आपके पास कोई सूची नहीं है।।\",\"soH9qC\":\"आपने अभी तक कोई भी अकाउंट ब्लॉक नहीं किया है. किसी खाते को ब्लॉक करने के लिए, उनकी प्रोफ़ाइल पर जाएं और उनके खाते के मेनू से \\\"खाता ब्लॉक करें\\\" चुनें।\",\"NDgp3i\":\"आपने अभी तक कोई ऐप पासवर्ड नहीं बनाया है। आप नीचे बटन दबाकर एक बना सकते हैं।।\",\"grqdXb\":\"आपने अभी तक कोई खाता म्यूट नहीं किया है. किसी खाते को म्यूट करने के लिए, उनकी प्रोफ़ाइल पर जाएं और उनके खाते के मेनू से \\\"खाता म्यूट करें\\\" चुनें।\",\"RrDyEb\":\"आपको \\\"reset code\\\" के साथ एक ईमेल प्राप्त होगा। उस कोड को यहाँ दर्ज करें, फिर अपना नया पासवर्ड दर्ज करें।।\",\"gdRnT7\":\"आपका खाता\",\"k7hmsH\":\"जन्म तिथि\",\"tBpzKB\":\"Your email appears to be invalid.\",\"OubkcP\":\"आपका ईमेल बचाया गया है! हम जल्द ही संपर्क में रहेंगे।।\",\"z2L+/9\":\"आपका ईमेल अद्यतन किया गया है लेकिन सत्यापित नहीं किया गया है। अगले चरण के रूप में, कृपया अपना नया ईमेल सत्यापित करें।।\",\"XZlIVw\":\"आपका ईमेल अभी तक सत्यापित नहीं हुआ है। यह एक महत्वपूर्ण सुरक्षा कदम है जिसे हम अनुशंसा करते हैं।।\",\"qv9f4I\":\"आपका पूरा हैंडल होगा\",\"lvcqqG\":\"आपका होस्टिंग प्रदाता\",\"fbFyAZ\":\"Your invite codes are hidden when logged in using an App Password\",\"Oqt/PG\":\"आपकी पोस्ट, पसंद और ब्लॉक सार्वजनिक हैं। म्यूट निजी हैं।।\",\"okRPtW\":\"आपकी प्रोफ़ाइल\",\"MvWO9d\":\"आपका यूजर हैंडल\"}")}; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/locale/locales/hi/messages.po b/src/locale/locales/hi/messages.po index dfb7318e..e6314c95 100644 --- a/src/locale/locales/hi/messages.po +++ b/src/locale/locales/hi/messages.po @@ -21,6 +21,12 @@ msgstr "" #~ msgid ". This warning is only available for posts with media attached." #~ msgstr "यह चेतावनी केवल मीडिया वाले पोस्ट के लिए उपलब्ध है।" +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:408 +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:158 +#: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:527 +msgid "{0, plural, one {# invite code available} other {# invite codes available}}" +msgstr "" + #: src/view/com/modals/Repost.tsx:44 msgid "{0}" msgstr "{0}" @@ -29,6 +35,11 @@ msgstr "{0}" msgid "{0} {purposeLabel} List" msgstr "{0} {purposeLabel} सूची" +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:141 +#: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:504 +msgid "{invitesAvailable, plural, one {Invite codes: # available} other {Invite codes: # available}}" +msgstr "" + #: src/view/screens/Search/Search.tsx:86 msgid "{message}" msgstr "" @@ -50,12 +61,12 @@ msgid "A new version of the app is available. Please update to continue using th msgstr "ऐप का एक नया संस्करण उपलब्ध है. कृपया ऐप का उपयोग जारी रखने के लिए अपडेट करें।" #: src/view/com/modals/EditImage.tsx:299 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:410 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:420 msgid "Accessibility" msgstr "प्रवेर्शयोग्यता" #: src/view/com/auth/login/LoginForm.tsx:161 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:288 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:287 msgid "Account" msgstr "अकाउंट" @@ -77,8 +88,8 @@ msgstr "सामग्री चेतावनी जोड़ें" msgid "Add a user to this list" msgstr "इस सूची में किसी को जोड़ें" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:357 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:366 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:356 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:365 msgid "Add account" msgstr "अकाउंट जोड़ें" @@ -129,7 +140,7 @@ msgstr "पसंद की संख्या को समायोजित msgid "Adult Content" msgstr "वयस्क सामग्री" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:562 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:572 msgid "Advanced" msgstr "विकसित" @@ -161,7 +172,7 @@ msgstr "और" msgid "App Language" msgstr "ऐप भाषा" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:582 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:592 msgid "App passwords" msgstr "ऐप पासवर्ड" @@ -169,7 +180,7 @@ msgstr "ऐप पासवर्ड" msgid "App Passwords" msgstr "ऐप पासवर्ड" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:425 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:435 msgid "Appearance" msgstr "दिखावट" @@ -206,7 +217,7 @@ msgstr "कलात्मक या गैर-कामुक नग्नत msgid "Back" msgstr "वापस" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:454 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:464 msgid "Basics" msgstr "मूल बातें" @@ -215,7 +226,7 @@ msgstr "मूल बातें" msgid "Birthday" msgstr "जन्मदिन" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:314 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:313 msgid "Birthday:" msgstr "जन्मदिन:" @@ -280,7 +291,7 @@ msgstr "ब्लूस्की एक स्वस्थ समुदाय msgid "Bluesky.Social" msgstr "Bluesky.Social" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:711 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:721 msgid "Build version {0} {1}" msgstr "Build version {0} {1}" @@ -348,12 +359,12 @@ msgstr "खोज मत करो" msgid "Cancel waitlist signup" msgstr "प्रतीक्षा सूची पंजीकरण मत करो" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:308 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:307 msgid "Change" msgstr "परिवर्तन" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:594 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:603 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:604 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:613 msgid "Change handle" msgstr "हैंडल बदलें" @@ -393,19 +404,19 @@ msgstr "उन एल्गोरिदम का चयन करें जो msgid "Choose your password" msgstr "अपना पासवर्ड चुनें" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:687 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:697 msgid "Clear all legacy storage data" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:689 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:699 msgid "Clear all legacy storage data (restart after this)" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:699 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:709 msgid "Clear all storage data" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:701 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:711 msgid "Clear all storage data (restart after this)" msgstr "" @@ -546,7 +557,7 @@ msgstr "बनाया गया {0}" msgid "Custom domain" msgstr "कस्टम डोमेन" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:608 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:618 msgid "Danger Zone" msgstr "खतरा क्षेत्र" @@ -554,7 +565,7 @@ msgstr "खतरा क्षेत्र" #~ msgid "Dark" #~ msgstr "डार्क मोड" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:615 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:625 msgid "Delete account" msgstr "खाता हटाएं" @@ -576,7 +587,7 @@ msgstr "सूची हटाएँ" msgid "Delete my account" msgstr "मेरा खाता हटाएं" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:625 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:635 msgid "Delete my account…" msgstr "मेरा खाता हटाएं…" @@ -603,7 +614,7 @@ msgstr "विवरण" msgid "Dev Server" msgstr "देव सर्वर" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:630 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:640 msgid "Developer Tools" msgstr "डेवलपर उपकरण" @@ -697,7 +708,7 @@ msgstr "ईमेल" msgid "Email Updated" msgstr "ईमेल अपडेट किया गया" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:292 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:291 msgid "Email:" msgstr "ईमेल:" @@ -750,7 +761,7 @@ msgstr "फ़ीड ऑफ़लाइन है" msgid "Feed Preferences" msgstr "फ़ीड प्राथमिकता" -#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:65 +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:64 #: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:411 msgid "Feedback" msgstr "प्रतिक्रिया" @@ -865,7 +876,7 @@ msgstr "अगला" msgid "Handle" msgstr "हैंडल" -#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:94 +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:93 #: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:421 msgid "Help" msgstr "सहायता" @@ -911,7 +922,7 @@ msgstr "होम फीड" #: src/view/com/pager/FeedsTabBarMobile.tsx:99 #: src/view/screens/PreferencesHomeFeed.tsx:95 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:474 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:484 msgid "Home Feed Preferences" msgstr "होम फ़ीड प्राथमिकताएं" @@ -954,12 +965,12 @@ msgstr "छवि विकल्प" msgid "Invalid username or password" msgstr "अवैध उपयोगकर्ता नाम या पासवर्ड" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:385 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:384 msgid "Invite" msgstr "आमंत्रण भेजो" #: src/view/com/modals/InviteCodes.tsx:91 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:373 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:372 msgid "Invite a Friend" msgstr "एक दोस्त को आमंत्रित करें" @@ -992,7 +1003,7 @@ msgstr "अपनी भाषा चुने" msgid "Language Settings" msgstr "भाषा सेटिंग्स" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:534 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:544 msgid "Languages" msgstr "भाषा" @@ -1093,7 +1104,7 @@ msgid "Menu" msgstr "मेनू" #: src/view/screens/Moderation.tsx:51 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:556 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:566 #: src/view/shell/desktop/LeftNav.tsx:400 #: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:346 #: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:347 @@ -1162,7 +1173,7 @@ msgstr "मेरी फ़ीड" msgid "My Profile" msgstr "मेरी प्रोफाइल" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:513 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:523 msgid "My Saved Feeds" msgstr "मेरी फ़ीड" @@ -1272,39 +1283,44 @@ msgstr "एक या अधिक छवियाँ alt पाठ याद msgid "Open navigation" msgstr "ओपन नेविगेशन" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:526 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:536 msgid "Opens configurable language settings" msgstr "भाषा सेटिंग्स खोलें" +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:146 +#: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:509 +msgid "Opens list of invite codes" +msgstr "" + #: src/view/com/modals/ChangeHandle.tsx:279 msgid "Opens modal for using custom domain" msgstr "कस्टम डोमेन का उपयोग करने के लिए मोडल खोलें" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:551 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:561 msgid "Opens moderation settings" msgstr "मॉडरेशन सेटिंग्स खोलें" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:507 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:517 msgid "Opens screen with all saved feeds" msgstr "सभी बचाया फ़ीड के साथ स्क्रीन खोलें" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:574 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:584 msgid "Opens the app password settings page" msgstr "ऐप पासवर्ड सेटिंग पेज खोलें" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:466 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:476 msgid "Opens the home feed preferences" msgstr "होम फीड वरीयताओं को खोलता है" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:657 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:667 msgid "Opens the storybook page" msgstr "स्टोरीबुक पेज खोलें" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:637 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:647 msgid "Opens the system log page" msgstr "सिस्टम लॉग पेज खोलें" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:487 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:497 msgid "Opens the threads preferences" msgstr "धागे वरीयताओं को खोलता है" @@ -1411,7 +1427,7 @@ msgstr "प्राथमिक भाषा" msgid "Prioritize Your Follows" msgstr "अपने फ़ॉलोअर्स को प्राथमिकता दें" -#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:76 +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:75 msgid "Privacy" msgstr "गोपनीयता" @@ -1430,7 +1446,7 @@ msgstr "प्रसंस्करण..." msgid "Profile" msgstr "प्रोफ़ाइल" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:782 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:792 msgid "Protect your account by verifying your email." msgstr "अपने ईमेल को सत्यापित करके अपने खाते को सुरक्षित रखें।।" @@ -1561,7 +1577,7 @@ msgstr "इस प्रदाता के लिए आवश्यक" msgid "Reset code" msgstr "कोड रीसेट करें" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:679 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:689 msgid "Reset onboarding state" msgstr "ऑनबोर्डिंग स्टेट को रीसेट करें" @@ -1569,15 +1585,15 @@ msgstr "ऑनबोर्डिंग स्टेट को रीसेट msgid "Reset password" msgstr "पासवर्ड रीसेट" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:669 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:679 msgid "Reset preferences state" msgstr "प्राथमिकताओं को रीसेट करें" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:677 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:687 msgid "Resets the onboarding state" msgstr "ऑनबोर्डिंग स्टेट को रीसेट करें" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:667 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:677 msgid "Resets the preferences state" msgstr "प्राथमिकताओं की स्थिति को रीसेट करें" @@ -1722,7 +1738,7 @@ msgstr "इस सेटिंग को \"हाँ\" में सेट क msgid "Set this setting to \"Yes\" to show samples of your saved feeds in your following feed. This is an experimental feature." msgstr "इस सेटिंग को अपने निम्नलिखित फ़ीड में अपने सहेजे गए फ़ीड के नमूने दिखाने के लिए \"हाँ\" पर सेट करें। यह एक प्रयोगात्मक विशेषता है।।" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:279 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:278 #: src/view/shell/desktop/LeftNav.tsx:436 #: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:380 #: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:381 @@ -1747,7 +1763,7 @@ msgstr "" #~ msgid "Share link" #~ msgstr "लिंक शेयर करें" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:318 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:317 msgid "Show" msgstr "दिखाओ" @@ -1819,7 +1835,7 @@ msgstr "" msgid "Sign up or sign in to join the conversation" msgstr "" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:329 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:328 msgid "Signed in as" msgstr "आपने इस रूप में साइन इन करा है:" @@ -1844,11 +1860,11 @@ msgstr "स्क्वायर" msgid "Staging" msgstr "स्टेजिंग" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:723 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:733 msgid "Status page" msgstr "स्थिति पृष्ठ" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:659 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:669 msgid "Storybook" msgstr "Storybook" @@ -1877,7 +1893,7 @@ msgstr "खाते बदलें" #~ msgid "System" #~ msgstr "प्रणाली" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:639 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:649 msgid "System log" msgstr "सिस्टम लॉग" @@ -1885,7 +1901,7 @@ msgstr "सिस्टम लॉग" msgid "Tall" msgstr "लंबा" -#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:85 +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:84 msgid "Terms" msgstr "शर्तें" @@ -1958,7 +1974,7 @@ msgid "This warning is only available for posts with media attached." msgstr "यह चेतावनी केवल मीडिया संलग्न पोस्ट के लिए उपलब्ध है।" #: src/view/screens/PreferencesThreads.tsx:53 -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:496 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:506 msgid "Thread Preferences" msgstr "थ्रेड प्राथमिकता" @@ -2065,15 +2081,15 @@ msgstr "यूजर नाम या ईमेल पता" msgid "Users" msgstr "यूजर लोग" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:743 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:753 msgid "Verify email" msgstr "ईमेल सत्यापित करें" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:768 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:778 msgid "Verify my email" msgstr "मेरी ईमेल सत्यापित करें" -#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:777 +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:787 msgid "Verify My Email" msgstr "मेरी ईमेल सत्यापित करें" @@ -2228,6 +2244,12 @@ msgstr "आपका पूरा हैंडल होगा" msgid "Your hosting provider" msgstr "आपका होस्टिंग प्रदाता" +#: src/view/screens/Settings.tsx:403 +#: src/view/shell/desktop/RightNav.tsx:127 +#: src/view/shell/Drawer.tsx:523 +msgid "Your invite codes are hidden when logged in using an App Password" +msgstr "" + #: src/view/com/auth/onboarding/WelcomeMobile.tsx:59 msgid "Your posts, likes, and blocks are public. Mutes are private." msgstr "आपकी पोस्ट, पसंद और ब्लॉक सार्वजनिक हैं। म्यूट निजी हैं।।"