import {LogModel} from './../src/state/models/log' import {LRUMap} from 'lru_map' import {RootStoreModel} from './../src/state/models/root-store' import {NavigationTabModel} from './../src/state/models/navigation' import {SessionModel} from '../src/state/models/session' import {NavigationModel} from '../src/state/models/navigation' import {ShellUiModel} from '../src/state/models/shell-ui' import {MeModel} from '../src/state/models/me' import {OnboardModel} from '../src/state/models/onboard' import {ProfilesViewModel} from '../src/state/models/profiles-view' import {LinkMetasViewModel} from '../src/state/models/link-metas-view' import {MembershipsViewModel} from '../src/state/models/memberships-view' import {FeedModel} from '../src/state/models/feed-view' import {NotificationsViewModel} from '../src/state/models/notifications-view' import {ProfileViewModel} from '../src/state/models/profile-view' import {MembersViewModel} from '../src/state/models/members-view' import {ProfileUiModel, Sections} from '../src/state/models/profile-ui' import {SessionServiceClient} from '@atproto/api' import {UserAutocompleteViewModel} from '../src/state/models/user-autocomplete-view' import {UserLocalPhotosModel} from '../src/state/models/user-local-photos' import {SuggestedActorsViewModel} from '../src/state/models/suggested-actors-view' import {UserFollowersViewModel} from '../src/state/models/user-followers-view' import {UserFollowsViewModel} from '../src/state/models/user-follows-view' import {NotificationsViewItemModel} from './../src/state/models/notifications-view' import { PostThreadViewModel, PostThreadViewPostModel, } from '../src/state/models/post-thread-view' import {FeedItemModel} from '../src/state/models/feed-view' import {RepostedByViewModel} from '../src/state/models/reposted-by-view' import {VotesViewModel} from '../src/state/models/votes-view' export const mockedProfileStore = { isLoading: false, isRefreshing: false, hasLoaded: true, error: '', params: { actor: '', }, did: 'test did', handle: 'testhandle', declaration: { cid: '', actorType: '', }, creator: 'test did', displayName: '', description: '', avatar: '', banner: '', followersCount: 0, followsCount: 0, membersCount: 0, postsCount: 0, myState: { follow: '', member: '', }, rootStore: {} as RootStoreModel, hasContent: true, hasError: false, isEmpty: false, isUser: true, isScene: false, setup: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({aborted: false}), refresh: jest.fn(), toggleFollowing: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({}), updateProfile: jest.fn(), // unknown required because of the missing private methods: _xLoading, _xIdle, _load, _replaceAll } as unknown as ProfileViewModel export const mockedMembersStore = { isLoading: false, isRefreshing: false, hasLoaded: true, error: '', params: { actor: 'test actor', }, subject: { did: 'test did', handle: '', displayName: '', declaration: { cid: '', actorType: '', }, avatar: undefined, }, members: [ { did: 'test did2', declaration: { cid: '', actorType: '', }, handle: 'testhandle', displayName: 'test name', indexedAt: '', }, ], rootStore: {} as RootStoreModel, hasContent: true, hasError: false, isEmpty: false, isMember: jest.fn(), setup: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({aborted: false}), refresh: jest.fn(), loadMore: jest.fn(), removeMember: jest.fn(), // unknown required because of the missing private methods: _xLoading, _xIdle, _fetch, _replaceAll, _append } as unknown as MembersViewModel export const mockedMembershipsStore = { isLoading: false, isRefreshing: false, hasLoaded: true, error: '', params: { actor: '', limit: 1, before: '', }, subject: { did: 'test did', handle: '', displayName: '', declaration: {cid: '', actorType: ''}, avatar: undefined, }, memberships: [ { did: 'test did', declaration: { cid: '', actorType: 'app.bsky.system.actorUser', }, handle: ',', displayName: '', createdAt: '', indexedAt: '', _reactKey: 'item-1', }, ], rootStore: {} as RootStoreModel, hasContent: true, hasError: false, isEmpty: false, isMemberOf: jest.fn(), setup: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({aborted: false}), refresh: jest.fn(), loadMore: jest.fn(), // unknown required because of the missing private methods: _xLoading, _xIdle, _fetch, _replaceAll, _append } as unknown as MembershipsViewModel export const mockedFeedItemStore = { _reactKey: 'item-1', _isThreadParent: false, _isThreadChildElided: false, _isThreadChild: false, post: { uri: 'testuri', cid: 'test cid', author: { did: 'test did', handle: 'test.handle', displayName: 'test name', declaration: {cid: '', actorType: ''}, }, record: { $type: '', createdAt: '2022-12-29T16:39:57.919Z', text: 'Sup', }, replyCount: 0, repostCount: 0, upvoteCount: 0, downvoteCount: 0, indexedAt: '2022-12-29T16:39:57.919Z', viewer: {}, }, postRecord: { $type: '', text: 'test text', createdAt: '1', reply: { root: { uri: 'testuri', cid: 'tes cid', }, parent: { uri: 'testuri', cid: 'tes cid', }, }, }, rootStore: {} as RootStoreModel, copy: jest.fn(), toggleUpvote: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({}), toggleDownvote: jest.fn(), toggleRepost: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({}), delete: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({}), reasonRepost: { by: { did: 'test did', handle: 'test.handle', declaration: {cid: '', actorType: ''}, }, indexedAt: '', }, reasonTrend: { by: { did: 'test did', handle: 'test.handle', declaration: {cid: '', actorType: ''}, }, indexedAt: '', }, reply: { parent: { author: { did: 'test did', handle: 'test.handle', displayName: 'test name', declaration: {cid: '', actorType: ''}, }, cid: '', downvoteCount: 0, indexedAt: '2023-01-10T11:17:46.945Z', record: {}, replyCount: 1, repostCount: 0, upvoteCount: 0, uri: 'testuri', viewer: {}, }, root: { author: { did: 'test did', handle: 'test.handle', displayName: 'test name', declaration: {cid: '', actorType: ''}, }, cid: '', downvoteCount: 0, indexedAt: '2023-01-10T11:17:46.739Z', record: {}, replyCount: 1, repostCount: 0, upvoteCount: 1, uri: 'testuri', viewer: {}, }, }, } as FeedItemModel export const mockedFeedStore = { isLoading: false, isRefreshing: false, hasNewLatest: false, hasLoaded: true, error: '', hasMore: true, params: { actor: '', limit: 1, before: '', }, feed: [], rootStore: {} as RootStoreModel, feedType: 'home', hasContent: true, hasError: false, isEmpty: false, nonReplyFeed: [ { _reactKey: 'item-1', post: { author: { handle: 'handle.test', displayName: 'test name', avatar: '', }, cid: 'bafyreihkwjoy2vbfqld2lp3tv4ce6yfr354sqgp32qoplrudso4gyyjiwe', downvoteCount: 0, indexedAt: '2022-12-29T16:35:55.270Z', record: { $type: '', createdAt: '2022-12-29T16:39:57.919Z', text: 'Sup', }, replyCount: 0, repostCount: 0, upvoteCount: 0, uri: 'at://did:plc:wcizmlgv3rdslk64t6q4silu/', viewer: { handle: 'handle.test', displayName: 'test name', avatar: '', }, }, reason: undefined, reply: undefined, }, ], setHasNewLatest: jest.fn(), setup: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({}), refresh: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({}), loadMore: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({}), loadLatest: jest.fn(), update: jest.fn(), checkForLatest: jest.fn().mockRejectedValue('Error checking for latest'), // unknown required because of the missing private methods: _xLoading, _xIdle, _pendingWork, _initialLoad, _loadLatest, _loadMore, _update, _replaceAll, _appendAll, _prependAll, _updateAll, _getFeed, loadMoreCursor, pollCursor, _loadPromise, _updatePromise, _loadLatestPromise, _loadMorePromise } as unknown as FeedModel export const mockedPostThreadViewPostStore = { _reactKey: 'item-1', _depth: 0, _isHighlightedPost: false, _hasMore: false, postRecord: { text: 'test text', createdAt: '', reply: { root: { uri: 'testuri', cid: 'tes cid', }, parent: { uri: 'testuri', cid: 'tes cid', }, }, }, post: { uri: 'testuri', cid: 'testcid', record: {}, author: { did: 'test did', handle: 'test.handle', declaration: {cid: '', actorType: ''}, viewer: { muted: true, }, }, replyCount: 0, repostCount: 0, upvoteCount: 0, downvoteCount: 0, indexedAt: '', viewer: { repost: '', upvote: '', downvote: '', }, }, rootStore: {} as RootStoreModel, assignTreeModels: jest.fn(), toggleRepost: jest.fn().mockRejectedValue({}), toggleUpvote: jest.fn().mockRejectedValue({}), toggleDownvote: jest.fn(), delete: jest.fn(), } as PostThreadViewPostModel export const mockedPostThreadViewStore = { isLoading: false, isRefreshing: false, hasLoaded: false, error: '', notFound: false, resolvedUri: 'testuri', params: { uri: 'testuri', }, thread: mockedPostThreadViewPostStore, hasContent: true, hasError: false, setup: jest.fn(), refresh: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({}), update: jest.fn(), // unknown required because of the missing private methods: _xLoading, _xIdle, _resolveUri, _load, _replaceAll } as unknown as PostThreadViewModel export const mockedNotificationsViewItemStore = { _reactKey: 'item-1', uri: 'testuri', cid: '', author: { did: 'test did', handle: 'test.handle', declaration: {cid: '', actorType: ''}, }, rootStore: {} as RootStoreModel, copy: jest.fn(), reason: 'test reason', isRead: true, indexedAt: '', isUpvote: true, isRepost: false, isTrend: false, isMention: false, isReply: false, isFollow: false, isAssertion: false, needsAdditionalData: false, isInvite: false, subjectUri: 'testuri', toSupportedRecord: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ text: 'test text', createdAt: '', }), fetchAdditionalData: jest.fn(), } as NotificationsViewItemModel export const mockedNotificationsStore = { isLoading: false, isRefreshing: false, hasLoaded: true, error: '', params: { limit: 1, before: '', }, hasMore: true, notifications: [mockedNotificationsViewItemStore], rootStore: {} as RootStoreModel, hasContent: true, hasError: false, isEmpty: false, setup: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({aborted: false}), refresh: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({}), loadMore: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({}), update: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(null), updateReadState: jest.fn(), // unknown required because of the missing private methods: _xLoading, _xIdle, _pendingWork, _initialLoad, _loadMore, _update, _replaceAll, _appendAll, _updateAll, loadMoreCursor, _loadPromise, _updatePromise, _loadLatestPromise, _loadMorePromise } as unknown as NotificationsViewModel export const mockedSessionStore = { serialize: jest.fn(), hydrate: jest.fn(), data: { service: '', refreshJwt: '', accessJwt: '', handle: '', did: 'test did', }, online: false, attemptingConnect: false, rootStore: {} as RootStoreModel, hasSession: true, clear: jest.fn(), setState: jest.fn(), setOnline: jest.fn(), updateAuthTokens: jest.fn(), connect: jest.fn(), describeService: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({ availableUserDomains: ['test'], links: { termsOfService: 'https://testTermsOfService', privacyPolicy: 'https://testPrivacyPolicy', }, }), login: jest.fn(), createAccount: jest.fn(), logout: jest.fn(), // unknown required because of the missing private methods: _connectPromise, configureApi & _connect } as unknown as SessionModel export const mockedNavigationTabStore = { serialize: jest.fn(), hydrate: jest.fn(), id: 0, history: [ { url: '', ts: 0, title: '', id: 0, }, ], index: 0, isNewTab: false, current: { url: '', ts: 0, title: '', id: 0, }, canGoBack: false, canGoForward: false, backTen: [ { url: '', title: '', index: 0, id: 0, }, ], forwardTen: [ { url: '', title: '', index: 0, id: 0, }, ], navigate: jest.fn(), refresh: jest.fn(), goBack: jest.fn(), fixedTabReset: jest.fn(), goForward: jest.fn(), goToIndex: jest.fn(), setTitle: jest.fn(), setIsNewTab: jest.fn(), fixedTabPurpose: 0, getBackList: () => [ { url: '/', title: '', index: 1, id: 1, }, ], getForwardList: jest.fn(), } as NavigationTabModel export const mockedNavigationStore = { serialize: jest.fn(), hydrate: jest.fn(), tabs: [mockedNavigationTabStore], tabIndex: 0, clear: jest.fn(), tab: mockedNavigationTabStore, tabCount: 1, isCurrentScreen: jest.fn(), navigate: jest.fn(), refresh: jest.fn(), setTitle: jest.fn(), handleLink: jest.fn(), switchTo: jest.fn(), setActiveTab: jest.fn(), closeTab: jest.fn(), newTab: jest.fn(), } as NavigationModel export const mockedShellStore = { serialize: jest.fn(), hydrate: jest.fn(), minimalShellMode: false, isMainMenuOpen: false, isModalActive: false, activeModal: undefined, isLightboxActive: false, activeLightbox: undefined, isComposerActive: false, composerOpts: undefined, darkMode: false, setDarkMode: jest.fn(), setMainMenuOpen: jest.fn(), setMinimalShellMode: jest.fn(), openModal: jest.fn(), closeModal: jest.fn(), closeComposer: jest.fn(), closeLightbox: jest.fn(), openComposer: jest.fn(), openLightbox: jest.fn(), } as ShellUiModel export const mockedMeStore = { serialize: jest.fn(), hydrate: jest.fn(), did: 'test did', handle: 'test', displayName: 'test', description: 'test', avatar: '', notificationCount: 0, rootStore: {} as RootStoreModel, memberships: mockedMembershipsStore, mainFeed: mockedFeedStore, notifications: mockedNotificationsStore, clear: jest.fn(), load: jest.fn(), clearNotificationCount: jest.fn(), fetchStateUpdate: jest.fn(), refreshMemberships: jest.fn(), } as MeModel export const mockedOnboardStore = { serialize: jest.fn(), hydrate: jest.fn(), isOnboarding: false, stage: '', start: jest.fn(), stop: jest.fn(), next: jest.fn(), } as OnboardModel export const mockedProfilesStore = { hydrate: jest.fn(), serialize: jest.fn(), cache: new LRUMap(100), rootStore: {} as RootStoreModel, getProfile: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({data: {}}), overwrite: jest.fn(), } as ProfilesViewModel export const mockedLinkMetasStore = { hydrate: jest.fn(), serialize: jest.fn(), cache: new LRUMap(100), rootStore: {} as RootStoreModel, getLinkMeta: jest.fn(), } as LinkMetasViewModel export const mockedLogStore = { entries: [], serialize: jest.fn(), hydrate: jest.fn(), debug: jest.fn(), warn: jest.fn(), error: jest.fn(), // unknown required because of the missing private methods: add } as unknown as LogModel export const mockedRootStore = { api: { com: {}, app: { bsky: { actor: { searchTypeahead: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({data: {users: []}}), }, graph: { getFollows: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({data: {follows: []}}), getFollowers: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({}), getMembers: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({}), }, }, }, } as unknown as SessionServiceClient, resolveName: jest.fn(), serialize: jest.fn(), hydrate: jest.fn(), fetchStateUpdate: jest.fn(), clearAll: jest.fn(), session: mockedSessionStore, nav: mockedNavigationStore, shell: mockedShellStore, me: mockedMeStore, onboard: mockedOnboardStore, profiles: mockedProfilesStore, linkMetas: mockedLinkMetasStore, log: mockedLogStore, } as RootStoreModel export const mockedProfileUiStore = { profile: mockedProfileStore, feed: mockedFeedStore, memberships: mockedMembershipsStore, members: mockedMembersStore, selectedViewIndex: 0, rootStore: mockedRootStore, params: { user: 'test user', }, currentView: mockedFeedStore, isInitialLoading: false, isRefreshing: false, isUser: true, isScene: false, selectorItems: [Sections.Posts, Sections.PostsWithReplies, Sections.Scenes], selectedView: Sections.Posts, setSelectedViewIndex: jest.fn(), setup: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({aborted: false}), update: jest.fn(), refresh: jest.fn(), loadMore: jest.fn(), } as ProfileUiModel export const mockedAutocompleteViewStore = { isLoading: false, isActive: true, prefix: '', follows: [ { did: 'test did', declaration: { cid: '', actorType: 'app.bsky.system.actorUser', }, handle: '', displayName: '', createdAt: '', indexedAt: '', }, ], searchRes: [ { did: 'test did', declaration: { cid: '', actorType: 'app.bsky.system.actorUser', }, handle: '', displayName: '', }, ], knownHandles: new Set(), suggestions: [ { handle: 'handle.test', displayName: 'Test Display', }, { handle: 'handle2.test', displayName: 'Test Display 2', }, ], rootStore: {} as RootStoreModel, setup: jest.fn(), setActive: jest.fn(), setPrefix: jest.fn(), // unknown required because of the missing private methods: _searchPromise, _getFollows , _search } as unknown as UserAutocompleteViewModel export const mockedLocalPhotosStore = { photos: { node: { type: '', group_name: '', image: { filename: '', extension: '', uri: '', height: 1000, width: 1000, fileSize: null, playableDuration: 0, }, timestamp: 1672847197, location: null, }, }, rootStore: {} as RootStoreModel, setup: jest.fn(), // unknown required because of the missing private methods: _getPhotos } as unknown as UserLocalPhotosModel export const mockedSuggestedActorsStore = { isLoading: false, isRefreshing: false, hasLoaded: false, error: '', suggestions: [ { did: '1', declaration: { cid: '', actorType: 'app.bsky.system.actorUser', }, handle: 'handle1.test', displayName: 'test name 1', description: 'desc', indexedAt: '', _reactKey: '1', }, { did: '2', declaration: { cid: '', actorType: 'app.bsky.system.actorUser', }, handle: '', displayName: 'handle2.test', description: 'desc', indexedAt: '', _reactKey: '2', }, ], rootStore: {} as RootStoreModel, hasContent: true, hasError: false, isEmpty: false, setup: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(null), refresh: jest.fn(), // unknown required because of the missing private methods: _xLoading, _xIdle, _fetch, _appendAll, _append } as unknown as SuggestedActorsViewModel export const mockedUserFollowersStore = { isLoading: false, isRefreshing: false, hasLoaded: false, error: '', params: { user: 'test user', }, subject: { did: 'test did', handle: '', declaration: {cid: '', actorType: ''}, }, followers: [ { did: 'test did', declaration: {cid: '', actorType: ''}, handle: 'testhandle', displayName: 'test name', indexedAt: '', _reactKey: '1', }, { did: 'test did2', declaration: {cid: '', actorType: ''}, handle: 'testhandle2', displayName: 'test name 2', indexedAt: '', _reactKey: '2', }, ], rootStore: {} as RootStoreModel, hasContent: true, hasError: false, isEmpty: false, setup: jest.fn(), refresh: jest.fn(), loadMore: jest.fn(), // unknown required because of the missing private methods: _xIdle, _xLoading, _fetch, _replaceAll, _append } as unknown as UserFollowersViewModel export const mockedUserFollowsStore = { isLoading: false, isRefreshing: false, hasLoaded: false, error: '', params: { user: 'test user', }, subject: { did: 'test did', handle: '', declaration: {cid: '', actorType: ''}, }, follows: [ { did: 'test did', declaration: {cid: '', actorType: ''}, handle: 'testhandle', displayName: 'test name', indexedAt: '', _reactKey: '1', }, { did: 'test did2', declaration: {cid: '', actorType: ''}, handle: 'testhandle2', displayName: 'test name 2', indexedAt: '', _reactKey: '2', }, ], rootStore: {} as RootStoreModel, hasContent: true, hasError: false, isEmpty: false, setup: jest.fn(), refresh: jest.fn(), loadMore: jest.fn(), // unknown required because of the missing private methods: _xIdle, _xLoading, _fetch, _replaceAll, _append } as unknown as UserFollowsViewModel export const mockedRepostedByViewStore = { isLoading: false, isRefreshing: false, hasLoaded: false, error: '', resolvedUri: '', params: { uri: 'testuri', }, uri: '', repostedBy: [ { _reactKey: '', did: '', handle: '', displayName: '', declaration: {cid: '', actorType: ''}, indexedAt: '', }, ], hasContent: false, hasError: false, isEmpty: false, setup: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({}), refresh: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({}), loadMore: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({}), // unknown required because of the missing private methods: _xIdle, _xLoading, _resolveUri, _fetch, _refresh, _replaceAll, _append } as unknown as RepostedByViewModel export const mockedVotesViewStore = { isLoading: false, isRefreshing: false, hasLoaded: false, error: '', resolvedUri: '', params: { uri: 'testuri', }, uri: '', votes: [ { _reactKey: '', direction: 'up', indexedAt: '', createdAt: '', actor: { did: '', handle: '', declaration: {cid: '', actorType: ''}, }, }, ], hasContent: false, hasError: false, isEmpty: false, setup: jest.fn(), refresh: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({}), loadMore: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({}), // unknown required because of the missing private methods: _xIdle, _xLoading, _resolveUri, _fetch, _replaceAll, _append } as unknown as VotesViewModel