import React from 'react'
import {View} from 'react-native'
import {ScrollView} from 'react-native-gesture-handler'
import {AppBskyFeedDefs, AtUri} from '@atproto/api'
import {msg, Trans} from '@lingui/macro'
import {useLingui} from '@lingui/react'
import {useNavigation} from '@react-navigation/native'
import {useWebMediaQueries} from '#/lib/hooks/useWebMediaQueries'
import {NavigationProp} from '#/lib/routes/types'
import {logEvent} from '#/lib/statsig/statsig'
import {logger} from '#/logger'
import {useModerationOpts} from '#/state/preferences/moderation-opts'
import {useGetPopularFeedsQuery} from '#/state/queries/feed'
import {useProfilesQuery} from '#/state/queries/profile'
import {useProgressGuide} from '#/state/shell/progress-guide'
import * as userActionHistory from '#/state/userActionHistory'
import {SeenPost} from '#/state/userActionHistory'
import {atoms as a, useBreakpoints, useTheme, ViewStyleProp, web} from '#/alf'
import {Button} from '#/components/Button'
import * as FeedCard from '#/components/FeedCard'
import {ArrowRight_Stroke2_Corner0_Rounded as Arrow} from '#/components/icons/Arrow'
import {Hashtag_Stroke2_Corner0_Rounded as Hashtag} from '#/components/icons/Hashtag'
import {PersonPlus_Stroke2_Corner0_Rounded as Person} from '#/components/icons/Person'
import {InlineLinkText} from '#/components/Link'
import * as ProfileCard from '#/components/ProfileCard'
import {Text} from '#/components/Typography'
import {ProgressGuideList} from './ProgressGuide/List'
function CardOuter({
}: {children: React.ReactNode | React.ReactNode[]} & ViewStyleProp) {
const t = useTheme()
const {gtMobile} = useBreakpoints()
return (
export function SuggestedFollowPlaceholder() {
const t = useTheme()
return (
export function SuggestedFeedsCardPlaceholder() {
const t = useTheme()
return (
function getRank(seenPost: SeenPost): string {
let tier: string
if (seenPost.feedContext === 'popfriends') {
tier = 'a'
} else if (seenPost.feedContext?.startsWith('cluster')) {
tier = 'b'
} else if (seenPost.feedContext?.startsWith('ntpc')) {
tier = 'c'
} else if (seenPost.feedContext?.startsWith('t-')) {
tier = 'd'
} else if (seenPost.feedContext === 'nettop') {
tier = 'e'
} else {
tier = 'f'
let score = Math.round(
1 + seenPost.likeCount + seenPost.repostCount + seenPost.replyCount,
if (seenPost.isFollowedBy || Math.random() > 0.9) {
score *= 2
const rank = 100 - score
return `${tier}-${rank}`
function sortSeenPosts(postA: SeenPost, postB: SeenPost): 0 | 1 | -1 {
const rankA = getRank(postA)
const rankB = getRank(postB)
// Yes, we're comparing strings here.
// The "larger" string means a worse rank.
if (rankA > rankB) {
return 1
} else if (rankA < rankB) {
return -1
} else {
return 0
function useExperimentalSuggestedUsersQuery() {
const userActionSnapshot = userActionHistory.useActionHistorySnapshot()
const dids = React.useMemo(() => {
const {likes, follows, seen} = userActionSnapshot
const likeDids = likes
.map(l => new AtUri(l))
.map(uri =>
.filter(did => !follows.includes(did))
const seenDids = seen
.map(l => new AtUri(l.uri))
.map(uri =>
return [ Set([...likeDids, ...seenDids])]
}, [userActionSnapshot])
const {data, isLoading, error} = useProfilesQuery({
handles: dids.slice(0, 16),
const profiles = data
? data.profiles.filter(profile => {
return !profile.viewer?.following
: []
return {
profiles: profiles.slice(0, 6),
export function SuggestedFollows() {
const t = useTheme()
const {_} = useLingui()
const {
isLoading: isSuggestionsLoading,
} = useExperimentalSuggestedUsersQuery()
const moderationOpts = useModerationOpts()
const navigation = useNavigation()
const {gtMobile} = useBreakpoints()
const isLoading = isSuggestionsLoading || !moderationOpts
const maxLength = gtMobile ? 4 : 6
const content = isLoading ? (
.map((_, i) => (
) : error || !profiles.length ? null : (
{profiles.slice(0, maxLength).map(profile => (
logEvent('feed:interstitial:profileCard:press', {})
gtMobile && web([a.flex_0, {width: 'calc(50% - 6px)'}]),
{({hovered, pressed}) => (
if (error || (!isLoading && profiles.length < 4)) {
logger.debug(`Not enough profiles to show suggested follows`)
return null
return (
Suggested for you
{gtMobile ? (
Browse more suggestions
) : (
export function SuggestedFeeds() {
const numFeedsToDisplay = 3
const t = useTheme()
const {_} = useLingui()
const {data, isLoading, error} = useGetPopularFeedsQuery({
limit: numFeedsToDisplay,
const navigation = useNavigation()
const {gtMobile} = useBreakpoints()
const feeds = React.useMemo(() => {
const items: AppBskyFeedDefs.GeneratorView[] = []
if (!data) return items
for (const page of data.pages) {
for (const feed of page.feeds) {
return items
}, [data])
const content = isLoading ? (
.map((_, i) => )
) : error || !feeds ? null : (
{feeds.slice(0, numFeedsToDisplay).map(feed => (
logEvent('feed:interstitial:feedCard:press', {})
{({hovered, pressed}) => (
return error ? null : (
Some other feeds you might like
{gtMobile ? (
Browse more suggestions
) : (
export function ProgressGuide() {
const t = useTheme()
const {isDesktop} = useWebMediaQueries()
const guide = useProgressGuide('like-10-and-follow-7')
if (isDesktop) {
return null
return guide ? (
) : null