module.exports = function (api) { api.cache(true) const isTestEnv = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'test' return { presets: [ [ 'babel-preset-expo', { lazyImports: true, native: { // We should be able to remove this after upgrading Expo // to a version that includes unstable_transformProfile: 'hermes-stable', // Disable ESM -> CJS compilation because Metro takes care of it. // However, we need it in Jest tests since those run without Metro. disableImportExportTransform: !isTestEnv, }, }, ], ], plugins: [ [ 'module:react-native-dotenv', { envName: 'APP_ENV', moduleName: '@env', path: '.env', blocklist: null, allowlist: null, safe: false, allowUndefined: true, verbose: false, }, ], [ 'module-resolver', { alias: { // This needs to be mirrored in tsconfig.json '#': './src', lib: './src/lib', platform: './src/platform', state: './src/state', view: './src/view', }, }, ], 'react-native-reanimated/plugin', // NOTE: this plugin MUST be last ], env: { production: { plugins: ['transform-remove-console'], }, }, } }