FROM golang:1.21-bullseye AS build-env WORKDIR /usr/src/social-app ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive # Node ENV NODE_VERSION=18 ENV NVM_DIR=/usr/share/nvm # Go ENV GODEBUG="netdns=go" ENV GOOS="linux" ENV GOARCH="amd64" ENV CGO_ENABLED=1 ENV GOEXPERIMENT="loopvar" COPY . . # # Generate the JavaScript webpack. NOTE: this will change # RUN mkdir --parents $NVM_DIR && \ wget \ --output-document=/tmp/ \ && \ bash /tmp/ RUN \. "$NVM_DIR/" && \ nvm install $NODE_VERSION && \ nvm use $NODE_VERSION && \ npm install --global yarn && \ yarn && \ cd bskyembed && yarn install --frozen-lockfile && cd .. && \ yarn intl:build && \ yarn build-embed # DEBUG RUN find ./bskyweb/embedr-static && find ./bskyweb/embedr-templates && find ./bskyembed/dist # hack around issue with empty directory and go:embed RUN touch bskyweb/static/js/empty.txt # # Generate the embedr Go binary. # RUN cd bskyweb/ && \ go mod download && \ go mod verify RUN cd bskyweb/ && \ go build \ -v \ -trimpath \ -tags timetzdata \ -o /embedr \ ./cmd/embedr FROM debian:bullseye-slim ENV GODEBUG=netdns=go ENV TZ=Etc/UTC ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive RUN apt-get update && apt-get install --yes \ dumb-init \ ca-certificates ENTRYPOINT ["dumb-init", "--"] WORKDIR /embedr COPY --from=build-env /embedr /usr/bin/embedr CMD ["/usr/bin/embedr"] LABEL org.opencontainers.image.source= LABEL org.opencontainers.image.description=" Web App" LABEL org.opencontainers.image.licenses=MIT