import {RootStoreModel} from '../../../src/state/models/root-store' import {LinkMetasViewModel} from '../../../src/state/models/link-metas-view' import * as LinkMetaLib from '../../../src/lib/link-meta' import {LikelyType} from './../../../src/lib/link-meta' import {sessionClient, SessionServiceClient} from '@atproto/api' import {DEFAULT_SERVICE} from '../../../src/state' describe('LinkMetasViewModel', () => { let viewModel: LinkMetasViewModel let rootStore: RootStoreModel const getLinkMetaMockSpy = jest.spyOn(LinkMetaLib, 'getLinkMeta') const mockedMeta = { title: 'Test Title', url: 'testurl', likelyType: LikelyType.Other, } beforeEach(() => { const api = sessionClient.service(DEFAULT_SERVICE) as SessionServiceClient rootStore = new RootStoreModel(api) viewModel = new LinkMetasViewModel(rootStore) }) afterAll(() => { jest.clearAllMocks() }) describe('getLinkMeta', () => { it('should return link meta if it is cached', async () => { const url = '' viewModel.cache.set(url, mockedMeta) const result = await viewModel.getLinkMeta(url) expect(getLinkMetaMockSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() expect(result).toEqual(mockedMeta) }) it('should return link meta if it is not cached', async () => { getLinkMetaMockSpy.mockResolvedValueOnce(mockedMeta) const result = await viewModel.getLinkMeta(mockedMeta.url) expect(getLinkMetaMockSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(mockedMeta.url) expect(result).toEqual(mockedMeta) }) it('should cache the link meta if it is successfully returned', async () => { getLinkMetaMockSpy.mockResolvedValueOnce(mockedMeta) await viewModel.getLinkMeta(mockedMeta.url) expect(viewModel.cache.get(mockedMeta.url)).toEqual(mockedMeta) }) it('should not cache the link meta if it fails to return', async () => { const url = '' const error = new Error('Failed to fetch link meta') getLinkMetaMockSpy.mockRejectedValueOnce(error) try { await viewModel.getLinkMeta(url) fail('Error was not thrown') } catch (e) { expect(e).toEqual(error) expect(viewModel.cache.get(url)).toBeUndefined() } }) }) })