#!/usr/bin/env sh get_container_id() { local compose_file=$1 local service=$2 if [ -z "${compose_file}" ] || [ -z "${service}" ]; then echo "usage: get_container_id " exit 1 fi docker compose -f $compose_file ps --format json --status running \ | jq -r '.[]? | select(.Service == "'${service}'") | .ID' } # Exports all environment variables export_env() { export_pg_env export_redis_env } # Exports postgres environment variables export_pg_env() { # Based on creds in compose.yaml export PGPORT=5433 export PGHOST=localhost export PGUSER=pg export PGPASSWORD=password export PGDATABASE=postgres export DB_POSTGRES_URL="postgresql://pg:password@" } # Exports redis environment variables export_redis_env() { export REDIS_HOST="" } # Main entry point main() { # Expect a SERVICES env var to be set with the docker service names local services=${SERVICES} dir=$(dirname $0) compose_file="${dir}/docker-compose.yaml" # whether this particular script started the container(s) started_container=false # trap SIGINT and performs cleanup as necessary, i.e. # taking down containers if this script started them trap "on_sigint ${services}" INT on_sigint() { local services=$@ echo # newline if $started_container; then docker compose -f $compose_file rm -f --stop --volumes ${services} fi exit $? } # check if all services are running already not_running=false for service in $services; do container_id=$(get_container_id $compose_file $service) if [ -z $container_id ]; then not_running=true break fi done # if any are missing, recreate all services if $not_running; then docker compose -f $compose_file up --wait --force-recreate ${services} started_container=true else echo "all services ${services} are already running" fi # setup environment variables and run args export_env "$@" # save return code for later code=$? # performs cleanup as necessary, i.e. taking down containers # if this script started them echo # newline if $started_container; then docker compose -f $compose_file rm -f --stop --volumes ${services} fi exit ${code} }