appId: --- - runScript: file: ../setupServer.js env: SERVER_PATH: ?users&follows&posts&feeds - runFlow: file: ../setupApp.yml - tapOn: id: "e2eSignInAlice" - tapOn: label: "Can go to feeds page using feeds button in tab bar" text: "Feeds ✨" - assertVisible: "Discover New Feeds" - tapOn: label: "Feeds button disappears after pinning a feed" id: "bottomBarProfileBtn" - swipe: from: id: "profilePager-selector" direction: LEFT - tapOn: id: "profilePager-selector-4" - tapOn: id: "feed-alice-favs" - tapOn: "Pin to Home" - tapOn: id: "bottomBarHomeBtn" - assertNotVisible: "Feeds ✨" - tapOn: label: "Can like posts" id: "likeBtn" - assertVisible: id: "likeCount" text: "1" - tapOn: id: "likeBtn" - assertNotVisible: id: "likeCount" - tapOn: label: "Can repost posts" id: "repostBtn" - tapOn: "Repost" - assertVisible: id: "repostCount" text: "1" - tapOn: id: "repostBtn" - tapOn: "Undo repost" - assertNotVisible: id: "repostCount" - tapOn: label: "Can delete posts" id: "postDropdownBtn" childOf: id: "feedItem-by-alice.test" - tapOn: "Delete post" - tapOn: "Delete"