import ExpoModulesCore let APP_GROUP = "" let DEFAULTS: [String:Any] = [ "playSoundChat" : true, "playSoundFollow": false, "playSoundLike": false, "playSoundMention": false, "playSoundQuote": false, "playSoundReply": false, "playSoundRepost": false, "mutedThreads": [:] as! [String:[String]], "badgeCount": 0, ] /* * The purpose of this module is to store values that are needed by the notification service * extension. Since we would rather get and store values such as age or user mute state * while the app is foregrounded, we should use this module liberally. We should aim to keep * background fetches to a minimum (two or three times per hour) while the app is backgrounded * or killed */ public class ExpoBackgroundNotificationHandlerModule: Module { let userDefaults = UserDefaults(suiteName: APP_GROUP) public func definition() -> ModuleDefinition { Name("ExpoBackgroundNotificationHandler") OnCreate { DEFAULTS.forEach { p in if userDefaults?.value(forKey: p.key) == nil { userDefaults?.setValue(p.value, forKey: p.key) } } } AsyncFunction("getAllPrefsAsync") { () -> [String:Any]? in var keys: [String] = [] DEFAULTS.forEach { p in keys.append(p.key) } return userDefaults?.dictionaryWithValues(forKeys: keys) } AsyncFunction("getBoolAsync") { (forKey: String) -> Bool in if let pref = userDefaults?.bool(forKey: forKey) { return pref } return false } AsyncFunction("getStringAsync") { (forKey: String) -> String? in if let pref = userDefaults?.string(forKey: forKey) { return pref } return nil } AsyncFunction("getStringArrayAsync") { (forKey: String) -> [String]? in if let pref = userDefaults?.stringArray(forKey: forKey) { return pref } return nil } AsyncFunction("setBoolAsync") { (forKey: String, value: Bool) -> Void in userDefaults?.setValue(value, forKey: forKey) } AsyncFunction("setStringAsync") { (forKey: String, value: String) -> Void in userDefaults?.setValue(value, forKey: forKey) } AsyncFunction("setStringArrayAsync") { (forKey: String, value: [String]) -> Void in userDefaults?.setValue(value, forKey: forKey) } AsyncFunction("addToStringArrayAsync") { (forKey: String, string: String) in if var curr = userDefaults?.stringArray(forKey: forKey), !curr.contains(string) { curr.append(string) userDefaults?.setValue(curr, forKey: forKey) } } AsyncFunction("removeFromStringArrayAsync") { (forKey: String, string: String) in if var curr = userDefaults?.stringArray(forKey: forKey) { curr.removeAll { s in return s == string } userDefaults?.setValue(curr, forKey: forKey) } } AsyncFunction("addManyToStringArrayAsync") { (forKey: String, strings: [String]) in if var curr = userDefaults?.stringArray(forKey: forKey) { strings.forEach { s in if !curr.contains(s) { curr.append(s) } } userDefaults?.setValue(curr, forKey: forKey) } } AsyncFunction("removeManyFromStringArrayAsync") { (forKey: String, strings: [String]) in if var curr = userDefaults?.stringArray(forKey: forKey) { strings.forEach { s in curr.removeAll(where: { $0 == s }) } userDefaults?.setValue(curr, forKey: forKey) } } AsyncFunction("setBadgeCountAsync") { (count: Int) in userDefaults?.setValue(count, forKey: "badgeCount") } } }