const crypto = require('crypto') const fs = require('fs') const fsp = fs.promises const path = require('path') const DIST_DIR = './dist' const BUNDLES_DIR = '/_expo/static/js' const IOS_BUNDLE_DIR = path.join(DIST_DIR, BUNDLES_DIR, '/ios') const ANDROID_BUNDLE_DIR = path.join(DIST_DIR, BUNDLES_DIR, '/android') const METADATA_PATH = path.join(DIST_DIR, '/metadata.json') const DEST_DIR = './bundleTempDir' // Weird, don't feel like figuring out _why_ it wants this const METADATA = require(`../${METADATA_PATH}`) const IOS_METADATA_ASSETS = METADATA.fileMetadata.ios.assets const ANDROID_METADATA_ASSETS = const getMd5 = async path => { return new Promise(res => { const hash = crypto.createHash('md5') const rStream = fs.createReadStream(path) rStream.on('data', data => { hash.update(data) }) rStream.on('end', () => { res(hash.digest('hex')) }) }) } const moveFiles = async () => { console.log('Making directory...') await fsp.mkdir(DEST_DIR) await fsp.mkdir(path.join(DEST_DIR, '/assets')) console.log('Getting ios md5...') const iosCurrPath = path.join( IOS_BUNDLE_DIR, (await fsp.readdir(IOS_BUNDLE_DIR))[0], ) const iosMd5 = await getMd5(iosCurrPath) const iosNewPath = `bundles/${iosMd5}.bundle` console.log('Copying ios bundle...') await fsp.cp(iosCurrPath, path.join(DEST_DIR, iosNewPath)) console.log('Getting android md5...') const androidCurrPath = path.join( ANDROID_BUNDLE_DIR, (await fsp.readdir(ANDROID_BUNDLE_DIR))[0], ) const androidMd5 = await getMd5(androidCurrPath) const androidNewPath = `bundles/${androidMd5}.bundle` console.log('Copying android bundle...') await fsp.cp(androidCurrPath, path.join(DEST_DIR, androidNewPath)) const iosAssets = [] const androidAssets = [] console.log('Getting ios asset md5s and moving them...') for (const asset of IOS_METADATA_ASSETS) { const currPath = path.join(DIST_DIR, asset.path) const md5 = await getMd5(currPath) const withExtPath = `assets/${md5}.${asset.ext}` iosAssets.push(withExtPath) await fsp.cp(currPath, path.join(DEST_DIR, withExtPath)) } console.log('Getting android asset md5s and moving them...') for (const asset of ANDROID_METADATA_ASSETS) { const currPath = path.join(DIST_DIR, asset.path) const md5 = await getMd5(currPath) const withExtPath = `assets/${md5}.${asset.ext}` androidAssets.push(withExtPath) await fsp.cp(currPath, path.join(DEST_DIR, withExtPath)) } const result = { version: 0, bundler: 'metro', fileMetadata: { ios: { bundle: iosNewPath, assets: iosAssets, }, android: { bundle: androidNewPath, assets: androidAssets, }, }, } console.log('Writing metadata...') await fsp.writeFile( path.join(DEST_DIR, 'metadata.json'), JSON.stringify(result), ) console.log('Finished!') console.log('Metadata:', result) } moveFiles()