import {AddressInfo} from 'net' import os from 'os' import net from 'net' import path from 'path' import fs from 'fs' import * as crypto from '@atproto/crypto' import {PDS, ServerConfig, Database, MemoryBlobStore} from '@atproto/pds' import * as plc from '@did-plc/lib' import {PlcServer, Database as PlcDatabase} from '@did-plc/server' import {BskyAgent} from '@atproto/api' const ADMIN_PASSWORD = 'admin-pass' const SECOND = 1000 const MINUTE = SECOND * 60 const HOUR = MINUTE * 60 export interface TestUser { email: string did: string handle: string password: string agent: BskyAgent } export interface TestPDS { pdsUrl: string mocker: Mocker close: () => Promise<void> } export async function createServer( {inviteRequired}: {inviteRequired: boolean} = {inviteRequired: false}, ): Promise<TestPDS> { const repoSigningKey = await crypto.Secp256k1Keypair.create() const plcRotationKey = await crypto.Secp256k1Keypair.create() const port = await getPort() const plcDb = PlcDatabase.mock() const plcServer = PlcServer.create({db: plcDb}) const plcListener = await plcServer.start() const plcPort = (plcListener.address() as AddressInfo).port const plcUrl = `http://localhost:${plcPort}` const recoveryKey = (await crypto.Secp256k1Keypair.create()).did() const plcClient = new plc.Client(plcUrl) const serverDid = await plcClient.createDid({ signingKey: repoSigningKey.did(), rotationKeys: [recoveryKey, plcRotationKey.did()], handle: 'localhost', pds: `http://localhost:${port}`, signer: plcRotationKey, }) const blobstoreLoc = path.join(os.tmpdir(), crypto.randomStr(5, 'base32')) const cfg = new ServerConfig({ debugMode: true, version: '0.0.0', scheme: 'http', hostname: 'localhost', port, serverDid, recoveryKey, adminPassword: ADMIN_PASSWORD, inviteRequired, didPlcUrl: plcUrl, jwtSecret: 'jwt-secret', availableUserDomains: ['.test'], appUrlPasswordReset: 'app://forgot-password', emailNoReplyAddress: '', publicUrl: `http://localhost:${port}`, imgUriSalt: '9dd04221f5755bce5f55f47464c27e1e', imgUriKey: 'f23ecd142835025f42c3db2cf25dd813956c178392760256211f9d315f8ab4d8', dbPostgresUrl: process.env.DB_POSTGRES_URL, blobstoreLocation: `${blobstoreLoc}/blobs`, blobstoreTmp: `${blobstoreLoc}/tmp`, maxSubscriptionBuffer: 200, repoBackfillLimitMs: HOUR, userInviteInterval: 1, labelerDid: 'did:example:labeler', labelerKeywords: {}, }) const db = cfg.dbPostgresUrl !== undefined ? Database.postgres({ url: cfg.dbPostgresUrl, schema: cfg.dbPostgresSchema, }) : Database.memory() await db.migrateToLatestOrThrow() const blobstore = new MemoryBlobStore() const pds = PDS.create({ db, blobstore, repoSigningKey, plcRotationKey, config: cfg, }) await pds.start() const pdsUrl = `http://localhost:${port}` const profilePic = fs.readFileSync( path.join(__dirname, '..', 'assets', 'default-avatar.jpg'), ) return { pdsUrl, mocker: new Mocker(pds, pdsUrl, profilePic), async close() { await pds.destroy() await plcServer.destroy() }, } } class Mocker { agent: BskyAgent users: Record<string, TestUser> = {} constructor( public pds: PDS, public service: string, public profilePic: Uint8Array, ) { this.agent = new BskyAgent({service}) } // NOTE // deterministic date generator // we use this to ensure the mock dataset is always the same // which is very useful when testing *dateGen() { let start = 1657846031914 while (true) { yield new Date(start).toISOString() start += 1e3 } } async createUser(name: string) { const agent = new BskyAgent({service: this.agent.service}) const inviteRes = await {useCount: 1}, { headers: {authorization: `Basic ${btoa(`admin:${ADMIN_PASSWORD}`)}`}, encoding: 'application/json', }, ) const email = `fake${Object.keys(this.users).length + 1}` const res = await agent.createAccount({ inviteCode:, email, handle: name + '.test', password: 'hunter2', }) await agent.upsertProfile(async () => { const blob = await agent.uploadBlob(this.profilePic, { encoding: 'image/jpeg', }) return { displayName: name, avatar:, } }) this.users[name] = { did:, email, handle: name + '.test', password: 'hunter2', agent: agent, } } async follow(a: string, b: string) { await this.users[a].agent.follow(this.users[b].did) } async generateStandardGraph() { await this.createUser('alice') await this.createUser('bob') await this.createUser('carla') await this.users.alice.agent.upsertProfile(() => ({ displayName: 'Alice', description: 'Test user 1', })) await this.users.bob.agent.upsertProfile(() => ({ displayName: 'Bob', description: 'Test user 2', })) await this.users.carla.agent.upsertProfile(() => ({ displayName: 'Carla', description: 'Test user 3', })) await this.follow('alice', 'bob') await this.follow('alice', 'carla') await this.follow('bob', 'alice') await this.follow('bob', 'carla') await this.follow('carla', 'alice') await this.follow('carla', 'bob') } async createPost(user: string, text: string) { const agent = this.users[user]?.agent if (!agent) { throw new Error(`Not a user: ${user}`) } return await{ text, createdAt: new Date().toISOString(), }) } async createQuotePost( user: string, text: string, {uri, cid}: {uri: string; cid: string}, ) { const agent = this.users[user]?.agent if (!agent) { throw new Error(`Not a user: ${user}`) } return await{ text, embed: {$type: 'app.bsky.embed.record', record: {uri, cid}}, createdAt: new Date().toISOString(), }) } async createReply( user: string, text: string, {uri, cid}: {uri: string; cid: string}, ) { const agent = this.users[user]?.agent if (!agent) { throw new Error(`Not a user: ${user}`) } return await{ text, reply: {root: {uri, cid}, parent: {uri, cid}}, createdAt: new Date().toISOString(), }) } async like(user: string, {uri, cid}: {uri: string; cid: string}) { const agent = this.users[user]?.agent if (!agent) { throw new Error(`Not a user: ${user}`) } return await, cid) } async labelAccount(label: string, user: string) { const did = this.users[user]?.did if (!did) { throw new Error(`Invalid user: ${user}`) } const ctx = this.pds.ctx if (!ctx) { throw new Error('Invalid PDS') } await ctx.db.db .insertInto('label') .values([ { src: ctx.cfg.labelerDid, uri: did, cid: '', val: label, neg: 0, cts: new Date().toISOString(), }, ]) .execute() } async labelProfile(label: string, user: string) { const agent = this.users[user]?.agent const did = this.users[user]?.did if (!did) { throw new Error(`Invalid user: ${user}`) } const profile = await{ repo: user + '.test', rkey: 'self', }) const ctx = this.pds.ctx if (!ctx) { throw new Error('Invalid PDS') } await ctx.db.db .insertInto('label') .values([ { src: ctx.cfg.labelerDid, uri: profile.uri, cid: profile.cid, val: label, neg: 0, cts: new Date().toISOString(), }, ]) .execute() } async labelPost(label: string, {uri, cid}: {uri: string; cid: string}) { const ctx = this.pds.ctx if (!ctx) { throw new Error('Invalid PDS') } await ctx.db.db .insertInto('label') .values([ { src: ctx.cfg.labelerDid, uri, cid, val: label, neg: 0, cts: new Date().toISOString(), }, ]) .execute() } } const checkAvailablePort = (port: number) => new Promise(resolve => { const server = net.createServer() server.unref() server.on('error', () => resolve(false)) server.listen({port}, () => { server.close(() => { resolve(true) }) }) }) async function getPort() { for (let i = 3000; i < 65000; i++) { if (await checkAvailablePort(i)) { return i } } throw new Error('Unable to find an available port') }