import {RichText} from '@atproto/api' import {parseEmbedPlayerFromUrl} from 'lib/strings/embed-player' import { createStarterPackGooglePlayUri, createStarterPackLinkFromAndroidReferrer, parseStarterPackUri, } from 'lib/strings/starter-pack' import {cleanError} from '../../src/lib/strings/errors' import {createFullHandle, makeValidHandle} from '../../src/lib/strings/handles' import {enforceLen} from '../../src/lib/strings/helpers' import {detectLinkables} from '../../src/lib/strings/rich-text-detection' import {shortenLinks} from '../../src/lib/strings/rich-text-manip' import { makeRecordUri, toNiceDomain, toShareUrl, toShortUrl, } from '../../src/lib/strings/url-helpers' describe('detectLinkables', () => { const inputs = [ 'no linkable', '@start middle end', 'start @middle end', 'start middle @end', '@start @middle @end', '@full123.test-of-chars', 'not@right', '@bad!@#$chars', '@newline1\n@newline2', 'parenthetical (@handle)', 'start end', 'start end', 'start end', 'start end', ' middle end', 'start middle', '\n', 'start end', 'start end', 'start end', 'start end', ' middle end', 'start middle', '\', 'not.. a..url', 'e.g.', 'e.g. fake.notreal', 'something-cool.jpg', '', 'e.g./foo', '', 'Classic article', 'Classic article ', '', 'punctuation,;', 'parenthetical (', 'except for', ] const outputs = [ ['no linkable'], [{link: '@start'}, ' middle end'], ['start ', {link: '@middle'}, ' end'], ['start middle ', {link: '@end'}], [{link: '@start'}, ' ', {link: '@middle'}, ' ', {link: '@end'}], [{link: '@full123.test-of-chars'}], ['not@right'], [{link: '@bad'}, '!@#$chars'], [{link: '@newline1'}, '\n', {link: '@newline2'}], ['parenthetical (', {link: '@handle'}, ')'], ['start ', {link: ''}, ' end'], ['start ', {link: ''}, ' end'], ['start ', {link: ''}, ' end'], ['start ', {link: ''}, ' end'], [{link: ''}, ' middle end'], ['start middle ', {link: ''}], [{link: ''}, '\n', {link: ''}], ['start ', {link: ''}, ' end'], ['start ', {link: ''}, ' end'], ['start ', {link: ''}, ' end'], ['start ', {link: ''}, ' end'], [{link: ''}, ' middle end'], ['start middle ', {link: ''}], [{link: ''}, '\n', {link: ''}], ['not.. a..url'], ['e.g.'], ['e.g. ', {link: ''}, ' fake.notreal'], ['something-cool.jpg'], [''], ['e.g./foo'], [''], [ 'Classic article ', { link: '', }, ], [ 'Classic article ', { link: '', }, ' ', ], [ {link: ''}, ' ', {link: ''}, ' ', {link: ''}, ], [ 'punctuation ', {link: ''}, ', ', {link: ''}, '; ', {link: ''}, '.', ], ['parenthetical (', {link: ''}, ')'], ['except for ', {link: ''}], ] it('correctly handles a set of text inputs', () => { for (let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { const input = inputs[i] const output = detectLinkables(input) expect(output).toEqual(outputs[i]) } }) }) describe('makeRecordUri', () => { const inputs: [string, string, string][] = [ ['alice.test', '', '3jk7x4irgv52r'], ] const outputs = ['at://alice.test/'] it('correctly builds a record URI', () => { for (let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { const input = inputs[i] const result = makeRecordUri(...input) expect(result).toEqual(outputs[i]) } }) }) describe('makeValidHandle', () => { const inputs = [ 'test-handle-123', 'test!"#$%&/()=?_', 'this-handle-should-be-too-big', ] const outputs = ['test-handle-123', 'test', 'this-handle-should-b'] it('correctly parses and corrects handles', () => { for (let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { const result = makeValidHandle(inputs[i]) expect(result).toEqual(outputs[i]) } }) }) describe('createFullHandle', () => { const inputs: [string, string][] = [ ['test-handle-123', 'test'], ['.test.handle', 'test.test.'], ['test.handle.', '.test.test'], ] const outputs = [ 'test-handle-123.test', '.test.handle.test.test.', 'test.handle.test.test', ] it('correctly parses and corrects handles', () => { for (let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { const input = inputs[i] const result = createFullHandle(...input) expect(result).toEqual(outputs[i]) } }) }) describe('enforceLen', () => { const inputs: [string, number][] = [ ['Hello World!', 5], ['Hello World!', 20], ['', 5], ] const outputs = ['Hello', 'Hello World!', ''] it('correctly enforces defined length on a given string', () => { for (let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { const input = inputs[i] const result = enforceLen(...input) expect(result).toEqual(outputs[i]) } }) }) describe('cleanError', () => { const inputs = [ 'TypeError: Network request failed', 'Error: Aborted', 'Error: TypeError "x" is not a function', 'Error: SyntaxError unexpected token "export"', 'Some other error', ] const outputs = [ 'Unable to connect. Please check your internet connection and try again.', 'Unable to connect. Please check your internet connection and try again.', 'TypeError "x" is not a function', 'SyntaxError unexpected token "export"', 'Some other error', ] it('removes extra content from error message', () => { for (let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { const result = cleanError(inputs[i]) expect(result).toEqual(outputs[i]) } }) }) describe('toNiceDomain', () => { const inputs = [ '', '', '', '#123123123', ] const outputs = ['', '', 'Bluesky Social', '#123123123'] it("displays the url's host in a easily readable manner", () => { for (let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { const result = toNiceDomain(inputs[i]) expect(result).toEqual(outputs[i]) } }) }) describe('toShortUrl', () => { const inputs = [ '', '', '', '', '', ] const outputs = [ '', '', '', '', '', ] it('shortens the url', () => { for (let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { const result = toShortUrl(inputs[i]) expect(result).toEqual(outputs[i]) } }) }) describe('toShareUrl', () => { const inputs = ['', '/3jk7x4irgv52r', 'item/test/123'] const outputs = [ '', '', '', ] it('appends https, when not present', () => { for (let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { const result = toShareUrl(inputs[i]) expect(result).toEqual(outputs[i]) } }) }) describe('shortenLinks', () => { const inputs = [ 'start end', ' middle end', 'start middle', '\n', 'Classic article', ] const outputs = [ [ 'start end', [''], ], [ ' middle end', [''], ], [ 'start middle', [''], ], [ '\', [ '', '', ], ], [ 'Classic article', [ '', ], ], ] it('correctly shortens rich text while preserving facet URIs', () => { for (let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { const input = inputs[i] const inputRT = new RichText({text: input}) inputRT.detectFacetsWithoutResolution() const outputRT = shortenLinks(inputRT) expect(outputRT.text).toEqual(outputs[i][0]) expect(outputRT.facets?.length).toEqual(outputs[i][1].length) for (let j = 0; j < outputs[i][1].length; j++) { expect(outputRT.facets![j].features[0].uri).toEqual(outputs[i][1][j]) } } }) }) describe('parseEmbedPlayerFromUrl', () => { const inputs = [ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ] const outputs = [ { type: 'youtube_video', source: 'youtube', playerUri: '', }, { type: 'youtube_video', source: 'youtube', playerUri: '', }, { type: 'youtube_video', source: 'youtube', playerUri: '', }, { type: 'youtube_video', source: 'youtube', playerUri: '', }, { type: 'youtube_video', source: 'youtube', playerUri: '', }, { type: 'youtube_short', source: 'youtubeShorts', hideDetails: true, playerUri: '', }, { type: 'youtube_video', source: 'youtube', playerUri: '', }, { type: 'youtube_video', source: 'youtube', playerUri: '', }, undefined, undefined, undefined, { type: 'twitch_video', source: 'twitch', playerUri: `!muted&autoplay&channel=channelName&parent=localhost`, }, { type: 'twitch_video', source: 'twitch', playerUri: `!muted&autoplay&channel=channelName&parent=localhost`, }, { type: 'twitch_video', source: 'twitch', playerUri: `!muted&autoplay&channel=channelName&parent=localhost`, }, { type: 'twitch_video', source: 'twitch', playerUri: ``, }, { type: 'twitch_video', source: 'twitch', playerUri: `!muted&autoplay&video=videoId&parent=localhost`, }, { type: 'spotify_playlist', source: 'spotify', playerUri: ``, }, { type: 'spotify_playlist', source: 'spotify', playerUri: ``, }, { type: 'spotify_playlist', source: 'spotify', playerUri: ``, }, { type: 'spotify_song', source: 'spotify', playerUri: ``, }, { type: 'spotify_song', source: 'spotify', playerUri: ``, }, { type: 'spotify_song', source: 'spotify', playerUri: ``, }, { type: 'spotify_album', source: 'spotify', playerUri: ``, }, { type: 'spotify_album', source: 'spotify', playerUri: ``, }, { type: 'spotify_album', source: 'spotify', playerUri: ``, }, { type: 'soundcloud_track', source: 'soundcloud', playerUri: ``, }, { type: 'soundcloud_set', source: 'soundcloud', playerUri: ``, }, undefined, { type: 'apple_music_playlist', source: 'appleMusic', playerUri: '', }, { type: 'apple_music_album', source: 'appleMusic', playerUri: '', }, { type: 'apple_music_song', source: 'appleMusic', playerUri: '', }, { type: 'vimeo_video', source: 'vimeo', playerUri: '', }, { type: 'vimeo_video', source: 'vimeo', playerUri: '', }, { type: 'giphy_gif', source: 'giphy', isGif: true, hideDetails: true, metaUri: '', playerUri: '', }, undefined, undefined, { type: 'giphy_gif', source: 'giphy', isGif: true, hideDetails: true, metaUri: '', playerUri: '', }, { type: 'giphy_gif', source: 'giphy', isGif: true, hideDetails: true, metaUri: '', playerUri: '', }, { type: 'giphy_gif', source: 'giphy', isGif: true, hideDetails: true, metaUri: '', playerUri: '', }, { type: 'giphy_gif', source: 'giphy', isGif: true, hideDetails: true, metaUri: '', playerUri: '', }, { type: 'giphy_gif', source: 'giphy', isGif: true, hideDetails: true, metaUri: '', playerUri: '', }, { type: 'giphy_gif', source: 'giphy', isGif: true, hideDetails: true, metaUri: '', playerUri: '', }, { type: 'giphy_gif', source: 'giphy', isGif: true, hideDetails: true, metaUri: '', playerUri: '', }, undefined, undefined, undefined, { type: 'giphy_gif', source: 'giphy', isGif: true, hideDetails: true, metaUri: '', playerUri: '', }, { type: 'giphy_gif', source: 'giphy', isGif: true, hideDetails: true, metaUri: '', playerUri: '', }, { type: 'giphy_gif', source: 'giphy', isGif: true, hideDetails: true, metaUri: '', playerUri: '', }, { type: 'giphy_gif', source: 'giphy', isGif: true, hideDetails: true, metaUri: '', playerUri: '', }, { type: 'giphy_gif', source: 'giphy', isGif: true, hideDetails: true, metaUri: '', playerUri: '', }, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, { type: 'tenor_gif', source: 'tenor', isGif: true, hideDetails: true, playerUri: '', dimensions: { width: 100, height: 100, }, }, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, { type: 'flickr_album', source: 'flickr', playerUri: '', }, { type: 'flickr_album', source: 'flickr', playerUri: '', }, { type: 'flickr_album', source: 'flickr', playerUri: '', }, { type: 'flickr_album', source: 'flickr', playerUri: '', }, { type: 'flickr_album', source: 'flickr', playerUri: '', }, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, { type: 'flickr_album', source: 'flickr', playerUri: '', }, { type: 'flickr_album', source: 'flickr', playerUri: '', }, { type: 'flickr_album', source: 'flickr', playerUri: '', }, { type: 'flickr_album', source: 'flickr', playerUri: '', }, { type: 'flickr_album', source: 'flickr', playerUri: '', }, undefined, undefined, ] it('correctly grabs the correct id from uri', () => { for (let i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) { const input = inputs[i] const output = outputs[i] const res = parseEmbedPlayerFromUrl(input) expect(res).toEqual(output) } }) }) describe('createStarterPackLinkFromAndroidReferrer', () => { const validOutput = 'at://' it('returns a link when input contains utm_source and utm_content', () => { expect( createStarterPackLinkFromAndroidReferrer( 'utm_source=bluesky&utm_content=starterpack_haileyok.com_rkey', ), ).toEqual(validOutput) expect( createStarterPackLinkFromAndroidReferrer( 'utm_source=bluesky&utm_content=starterpack_test-lover-9000.com_rkey', ), ).toEqual('at://') }) it('returns a link when input contains utm_source and utm_content in different order', () => { expect( createStarterPackLinkFromAndroidReferrer( 'utm_content=starterpack_haileyok.com_rkey&utm_source=bluesky', ), ).toEqual(validOutput) }) it('returns a link when input contains other parameters as well', () => { expect( createStarterPackLinkFromAndroidReferrer( 'utm_source=bluesky&utm_medium=starterpack&utm_content=starterpack_haileyok.com_rkey', ), ).toEqual(validOutput) }) it('returns null when utm_source is not present', () => { expect( createStarterPackLinkFromAndroidReferrer( 'utm_content=starterpack_haileyok.com_rkey', ), ).toEqual(null) }) it('returns null when utm_content is not present', () => { expect( createStarterPackLinkFromAndroidReferrer('utm_source=bluesky'), ).toEqual(null) }) it('returns null when utm_content is malformed', () => { expect( createStarterPackLinkFromAndroidReferrer( '', ), ).toEqual(null) expect( createStarterPackLinkFromAndroidReferrer('utm_content=starterpack'), ).toEqual(null) expect( createStarterPackLinkFromAndroidReferrer( 'utm_content=starterpack_haileyok.com_rkey_more', ), ).toEqual(null) expect( createStarterPackLinkFromAndroidReferrer( 'utm_content=notastarterpack_haileyok.com_rkey', ), ).toEqual(null) }) }) describe('parseStarterPackHttpUri', () => { const baseUri = '' it('returns a valid at uri when http uri is valid', () => { const validHttpUri = `${baseUri}/` expect(parseStarterPackUri(validHttpUri)).toEqual({ name: '', rkey: 'rkey', }) const validHttpUri2 = `${baseUri}/` expect(parseStarterPackUri(validHttpUri2)).toEqual({ name: '', rkey: 'ilovetesting', }) const validHttpUri3 = `${baseUri}/` expect(parseStarterPackUri(validHttpUri3)).toEqual({ name: '', rkey: 'rkey', }) }) it('returns null when there is no rkey', () => { const validHttpUri = `${baseUri}/` expect(parseStarterPackUri(validHttpUri)).toEqual(null) }) it('returns null when there is an extra path', () => { const validHttpUri = `${baseUri}/` expect(parseStarterPackUri(validHttpUri)).toEqual(null) }) it('returns null when there is no handle or rkey', () => { const validHttpUri = `${baseUri}` expect(parseStarterPackUri(validHttpUri)).toEqual(null) }) it('returns null when the route is not /start or /starter-pack', () => { const validHttpUri = '' expect(parseStarterPackUri(validHttpUri)).toEqual({ name: '', rkey: 'rkey', }) const validHttpUri2 = '' expect(parseStarterPackUri(validHttpUri2)).toEqual({ name: '', rkey: 'rkey', }) const invalidHttpUri = '' expect(parseStarterPackUri(invalidHttpUri)).toEqual(null) }) it('returns the at uri when the input is a valid starterpack at uri', () => { const validAtUri = 'at://did:123/app.bsky.graph.starterpack/rkey' expect(parseStarterPackUri(validAtUri)).toEqual({ name: 'did:123', rkey: 'rkey', }) }) it('returns null when the at uri has no rkey', () => { const validAtUri = 'at://did:123/app.bsky.graph.starterpack' expect(parseStarterPackUri(validAtUri)).toEqual(null) }) it('returns null when the collection is not app.bsky.graph.starterpack', () => { const validAtUri = 'at://did:123/app.bsky.graph.list/rkey' expect(parseStarterPackUri(validAtUri)).toEqual(null) }) it('returns null when the input is undefined', () => { expect(parseStarterPackUri(undefined)).toEqual(null) }) }) describe('createStarterPackGooglePlayUri', () => { const base = '' it('returns valid google play uri when input is valid', () => { expect(createStarterPackGooglePlayUri('name', 'rkey')).toEqual( `${base}name_rkey`, ) }) it('returns null when no rkey is supplied', () => { // @ts-expect-error test expect(createStarterPackGooglePlayUri('name', undefined)).toEqual(null) }) it('returns null when no name or rkey are supplied', () => { // @ts-expect-error test expect(createStarterPackGooglePlayUri(undefined, undefined)).toEqual(null) }) it('returns null when rkey is supplied but no name', () => { // @ts-expect-error test expect(createStarterPackGooglePlayUri(undefined, 'rkey')).toEqual(null) }) })