appId: --- - runScript: file: ../setupServer.js env: SERVER_PATH: "?users&follows" - runFlow: file: ../setupApp.yml # Login, create a thread, and log out - tapOn: id: "e2eSignInAlice" - tapOn: id: "composeFAB" - inputText: "Test thread" - tapOn: id: "composerPublishBtn" # Login, reply to the thread, and log out - tapOn: id: "e2eSignInBob" - tapOn: id: "replyBtn" - inputText: "Reply 1" - tapOn: id: "composerPublishBtn" # Login, confirm notification exists, mute thread, and log out - tapOn: id: "e2eSignInAlice" - tapOn: id: "bottomBarNotificationsBtn" - assertVisible: id: "feedItem-by-bob.test" - tapOn: id: "feedItem-by-bob.test" - tapOn: id: "postDropdownBtn" childOf: id: "postThreadItem-by-bob.test" - tapOn: "Mute thread" # Login, reply to the thread twice, and log out - tapOn: id: "e2eSignInBob" - tapOn: id: "bottomBarProfileBtn" - tapOn: id: "profilePager-selector-1" - tapOn: id: "replyBtn" - inputText: "Reply 2" - tapOn: id: "composerPublishBtn" - tapOn: id: "replyBtn" - inputText: "Reply 3" - tapOn: id: "composerPublishBtn" # Login, confirm notifications dont exist, unmute the thread, confirm notifications exist - tapOn: id: "e2eSignInAlice" - tapOn: id: "bottomBarNotificationsBtn" - assertNotVisible: id: "feedItem-by-bob.test" - tapOn: id: "bottomBarHomeBtn" - tapOn: id: "postDropdownBtn" - tapOn: "Unmute thread" - tapOn: id: "bottomBarNotificationsBtn" - swipe: from: id: "notifsFeed" direction: DOWN - assertVisible: id: "feedItem-by-bob.test"