appId: --- - runScript: file: ../setupServer.js env: SERVER_PATH: "?users&follows&labels" - runFlow: file: ../setupApp.yml - tapOn: id: "e2eSignInAlice" # create a modlist - tapOn: id: "e2eGotoModeration" - tapOn: id: "moderationlistsBtn" - tapOn: "New" - tapOn: id: "editNameInput" - inputText: "Muted Users" - tapOn: id: "editDescriptionInput" - inputText: "Shhh" - tapOn: "Save" - tapOn: "Save" # view modlist - assertVisible: "Muted Users" - assertVisible: "Shhh" # toggle mute subscription - tapOn: point: "70%,9%" - tapOn: "Mute accounts" - tapOn: "Mute list" - tapOn: "Unmute" # toggle block subscription - tapOn: point: "70%,9%" - tapOn: "Block accounts" - tapOn: "Block list" - tapOn: "Unblock" # the rest of the behaviors are tested in curate-lists.yml