import { defineConfig, presetAttributify, presetIcons, presetTypography, presetUno, presetWebFonts, transformerDirectives, transformerVariantGroup, } from 'unocss' export default defineConfig({ shortcuts: [ { 'border-base': 'border-$c-border', 'border-dark': 'border-$c-border-dark', 'border-strong': 'border-$c-text-base', 'border-bg-base': 'border-$c-bg-base', 'border-primary-light': 'border-$c-primary-light', // background 'bg-base': 'bg-$c-bg-base', 'bg-border': 'bg-$c-border', 'bg-active': 'bg-$c-bg-active', 'bg-code': 'bg-$c-bg-code', 'bg-fade': 'bg-$c-bg-fade', // text colors 'text-base': 'text-$c-text-base', 'text-code': 'text-$c-text-code', 'text-inverted': 'text-$c-bg-base', 'text-secondary': 'text-$c-text-secondary', 'text-secondary-light': 'text-$c-text-secondary-light', // buttons 'btn-base': 'cursor-pointer disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:bg-$c-bg-btn-disabled disabled:text-$c-text-btn-disabled', 'btn-solid': 'btn-base px-4 py-2 rounded text-$c-text-btn bg-$c-primary hover:bg-$c-primary-active', 'btn-outline': 'btn-base px-4 py-2 rounded text-$c-primary border border-$c-primary hover:bg-$c-primary hover:text-inverted', 'btn-text': 'btn-base px-4 py-2 text-$c-primary hover:text-$c-primary-active', 'btn-action-icon': 'btn-base hover:bg-active rounded-full h9 w9 flex items-center justify-center', // input 'input-base-focus': 'focus:outline-none focus:border-$c-primary', 'input-base-disabled': 'disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:bg-gray-500/5 disabled:text-gray-500/50', 'input-base': 'p2 rounded w-full bg-transparent border border-dark input-base-focus input-base-disabled', 'input-error': 'border-$c-error focus:(outline-offset-0 outline-$c-error outline-1px)', 'select-settings': 'p3 border border-base rounded w-full block bg-base', // link 'text-link-rounded': 'focus:outline-none focus:ring-(2 primary inset) hover:bg-active rounded md:rounded-full px2 mx--2', // utils 'flex-center': 'items-center justify-center', 'flex-v-center': 'items-center', 'flex-h-center': 'justify-center', 'bg-hover-overflow': 'relative z-0 transition-colors duration-250 after-content-empty after:(absolute inset--2px bg-transparent rounded-lg z--1 transition-colors duration-250) hover:after:(bg-active)', }, ], presets: [ presetUno({ attributifyPseudo: true, }), presetAttributify(), presetIcons({ scale: 1.2, extraProperties: { 'color': 'inherit', // Avoid crushing of icons in crowded situations 'min-width': '1.2em', }, }), presetTypography(), presetWebFonts({ provider: 'none', fonts: { sans: 'DM Sans', serif: 'DM Serif Display', mono: 'DM Mono', script: 'Homemade Apple', }, }), ], transformers: [ transformerDirectives(), transformerVariantGroup(), ], theme: { colors: { primary: { DEFAULT: 'var(--c-primary)', active: 'var(--c-primary-active)', }, }, }, rules: [ // scrollbar-hide [/^scrollbar-hide$/, (_, { constructCSS }) => { let res = constructCSS({ 'scrollbar-width': 'none' }) res += `\n${res.replace('{scrollbar-width:none;}', '::-webkit-scrollbar{display: none;}')}` return res }], ['box-shadow-outline', { 'box-shadow': '0 0 0 1px var(--c-primary)' }], ['mobile-padding-top', { 'padding-top': 'calc(4rem + 1px)' }], // in sm screen size header is fixed (instead of sticky) and parent have this padding, to prevent flickering in iOS Safari ['mobile-padding-top-large-header', { 'padding-top': 'calc(6.5rem + 1px)' }], ['mobile-padding-bottom', { 'padding-bottom': '3.5rem' }], // in sm screen size footer is fixed (instead of sticky) and parent have this padding, to prevent flickering in iOS Safari ], })