@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
import telebot
import logging
import time
import json
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
LONG_LONG_TIME = datetime(2100, 1, 1)
ID_REMIND_DURATION = timedelta(days=2)
ALL_CONTENT_TYPES = ["text", "location", "venue", "contact",
"audio", "document", "photo", "sticker", "video", "video_note", "voice"]
bot = None
db = None
bot_self_id = None
target_group = None
welcome_text = None
reply_text = None
def init(config, _db):
global bot, db, bot_self_id, target_group, welcome_text, reply_text
if not config.get("bot_token"):
logging.error("No telegram token specified.")
logging.getLogger("urllib3").setLevel(logging.WARNING) # very noisy with debug otherwise
bot = telebot.TeleBot(config["bot_token"], threaded=False)
db = _db
if config.get("target_group"):
target_group = int(config["target_group"])
welcome_text = config["welcome_text"]
reply_text = config["reply_text"]
set_handler(handle_msg, content_types=ALL_CONTENT_TYPES)
bot_self_id = bot.get_me().id
logging.info("Startup OK")
def set_handler(func, *args, **kwargs):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
func(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
logging.exception("Exception raised in event handler")
bot.message_handler(*args, **kwargs)(wrapper)
def run():
while True:
except Exception as e:
# you're not supposed to call .polling() more than once but I'm left with no choice
logging.warning("%s while polling Telegram, retrying.", type(e).__name__)
def callwrapper(f):
while True:
except telebot.apihelper.ApiException as e:
status = check_telegram_exc(e)
if not status:
return status
def check_telegram_exc(e):
errmsgs = ["bot was blocked by the user", "user is deactivated",
"PEER_ID_INVALID", "bot can't initiate conversation"]
if any(msg in e.result.text for msg in errmsgs):
return "blocked"
if "Too Many Requests" in e.result.text:
d = json.loads(e.result.text)["parameters"]["retry_after"]
d = min(d, 30) # supposedly this is in seconds, but you sometimes get 100 or even 2000
logging.warning("API rate limit hit, waiting for %ds", d)
return False # retry
logging.exception("API exception")
return "exception"
### db
class ModificationContext():
def __init__(self, key, obj):
self.key = key
self.obj = obj
def __enter__(self):
return self.obj
def __exit__(self, exc_type, *_):
if exc_type is None:
db[self.key] = self.obj
class User():
def __init__(self):
self.id = None
self.username = None
self.realname = None
self.last_messaged = None
self.banned_until = None
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, User):
return self.id == other.id
return NotImplemented
def __str__(self):
return "<User id=%d>" % self.id
def defaults(self):
self.last_messaged = datetime(1970, 1, 1)
# this is kinda shit
db_last_sync = 0
def db_auto_sync():
global db_last_sync
now = int(time.time())
if now > db_last_sync + 15:
db_last_sync = now
def db_get_user(id):
return db["u%d" % id]
def db_modify_user(id, allow_new=False):
key = "u%d" % id
obj = db.get(key)
if obj is None:
if allow_new:
obj = User()
raise KeyError
return ModificationContext(key, obj)
### Main stuff
def handle_msg(ev):
if ev.chat.type in ("group", "supergroup"):
if ev.chat.id == target_group:
return handle_group(ev)
logging.warning("Got message from group %d which "
"we're not supposed to be in", ev.chat.id)
elif ev.chat.type == "private":
return handle_private(ev)
def handle_group(ev):
if ev.reply_to_message is None:
if ev.reply_to_message.from_user.id != bot_self_id:
user_id = db.get("m%d" % ev.reply_to_message.message_id)
logging.debug("found id = %d mapped to user %s", ev.reply_to_message.message_id, user_id)
if user_id is None:
logging.warning("Couldn't find replied to message in target group")
# handle commands
if ev.content_type == "text" and ev.text.startswith("/"):
arg = ""
if " " in ev.text:
pos = ev.text.find(" ")
c = ev.text[1:pos].lower()
arg = ev.text[pos+1:]
c = ev.text[1:].lower()
return handle_group_command(ev, user_id, c, arg)
# deliver message
res = callwrapper(lambda: resend_message(user_id, ev))
if res == "blocked":
callwrapper(lambda: bot.send_message(target_group, "Bot was blocked by user."))
def handle_group_command(ev, user_id, c, arg):
if c == "info":
msg = format_user_info(db_get_user(user_id))
return callwrapper(lambda: bot.send_message(target_group, msg, parse_mode="HTML"))
elif c == "ban":
delta = parse_timedelta(arg)
if not delta:
msg = "User banned permanently."
until = datetime.now() + delta
msg = "User banned until %s." % format_datetime(until)
with db_modify_user(user_id) as user:
user.banned_until = until
return callwrapper(lambda: bot.send_message(target_group, msg))
elif c == "unban":
msg = None
with db_modify_user(user_id) as user:
if user.banned_until is None or user.banned_until < datetime.now():
msg = "User was not banned or ban expired already."
user.banned_until = None
msg = "User was unbanned."
return callwrapper(lambda: bot.send_message(target_group, msg))
def handle_private(ev):
if target_group is None:
logging.error("Target group not set, dropping message from user")
# refresh user in db
now = datetime.now()
was_new_user = False
with db_modify_user(ev.chat.id, allow_new=True) as user:
if user.id is None:
user.id = ev.chat.id
assert ev.chat.id == ev.from_user.id
was_new_user = True
user.username = ev.from_user.username
user.realname = ev.from_user.first_name
if ev.from_user.last_name:
user.realname += " " + ev.from_user.last_name
# check things
error = None
if user.banned_until is not None:
if now >= user.banned_until:
elif user.banned_until >= LONG_LONG_TIME:
error = "You cannot message the support bot."
error = "You cannot message the support bot now, try again later."
if error is not None:
return callwrapper(lambda: bot.send_message(ev.chat.id, error))
# handle commands
if ev.content_type == "text" and ev.text.startswith("/"):
pos = ev.text.find(" ") if " " in ev.text else len(ev.text)
c = ev.text[1:pos].lower()
if handle_private_command(ev, user, c):
# deliver message
if (ev.forward_from is not None or ev.forward_from_chat is not None
or ev.json.get("forward_sender_name") is not None):
msg = "It is not possible to forward messages here."
return callwrapper(lambda: bot.send_message(ev.chat.id, msg))
if now - user.last_messaged >= ID_REMIND_DURATION:
msg = "---------------------------------------\n"
msg += format_user_info(user)
callwrapper(lambda: bot.send_message(target_group, msg, parse_mode="HTML"))
def f(user_id=user.id):
ev2 = bot.forward_message(target_group, ev.chat.id, ev.message_id)
db["m%d" % ev2.message_id] = user_id
logging.debug("delivered msg from %s -> id = %d", user, ev2.message_id)
if reply_text:
callwrapper(lambda: bot.send_message(ev.chat.id, reply_text, parse_mode="HTML"))
# this sucks too
with db_modify_user(user.id) as user:
user.last_messaged = now
def handle_private_command(ev, user, c):
if c == "start":
callwrapper(lambda: bot.send_message(ev.chat.id, welcome_text, parse_mode="HTML"))
return True
elif c == "stop":
return True
### Helpers
def parse_timedelta(s):
if len(s) < 2 or not s[:-1].isdigit():
suff = s[-1].lower()
suff = ({"s": 1, "m": 60, "h": 60*60, "d": 24*60*60, "w": 7*24*60*60}).get(suff)
if not suff:
return timedelta(seconds=int(s[:-1]) * suff)
def escape_html(s):
ret = ""
for c in s:
if c in ("<", ">", "&"):
c = "&#" + str(ord(c)) + ";"
ret += c
return ret
def format_datetime(dt):
return dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
def format_user_info(user):
realname = user.realname
if not any(c.isprintable() for c in realname):
realname = "<empty name>"
s = "User: <a href=\"tg://user?id=%d\">%s</a>" % (
user.id, escape_html(realname))
if user.username is not None:
s += " (@%s)" % escape_html(user.username)
s += "\nID: <code>%d</code>" % user.id
return s
def resend_message(chat_id, ev):
# re-send message based on content type
if ev.content_type == "text":
return bot.send_message(chat_id, ev.text)
elif ev.content_type == "photo":
photo = sorted(ev.photo, key=lambda e: e.width*e.height, reverse=True)[0]
return bot.send_photo(chat_id, photo.file_id, caption=ev.caption)
elif ev.content_type == "audio":
kwargs = {}
for prop in ["performer", "title"]:
kwargs[prop] = getattr(ev.audio, prop)
return bot.send_audio(chat_id, ev.audio.file_id, caption=ev.caption)
elif ev.content_type == "document":
return bot.send_document(chat_id, ev.document.file_id, caption=ev.caption)
elif ev.content_type == "video":
return bot.send_video(chat_id, ev.video.file_id, caption=ev.caption)
elif ev.content_type == "voice":
return bot.send_voice(chat_id, ev.voice.file_id, caption=ev.caption)
elif ev.content_type == "video_note":
return bot.send_video_note(chat_id, ev.video_note.file_id)
elif ev.content_type == "location":
kwargs = {
"latitude": ev.location.latitude,
"longitude": ev.location.longitude,
return bot.send_location(chat_id, **kwargs)
elif ev.content_type == "venue":
kwargs = {
"latitude": ev.venue.location.latitude,
"longitude": ev.venue.location.longitude,
for prop in ["title", "address", "foursquare_id"]:
kwargs[prop] = getattr(ev.venue, prop)
return bot.send_venue(chat_id, **kwargs)
elif ev.content_type == "contact":
kwargs = {}
for prop in ["phone_number", "first_name", "last_name"]:
kwargs[prop] = getattr(ev.contact, prop)
return bot.send_contact(chat_id, **kwargs)
elif ev.content_type == "sticker":
return bot.send_sticker(chat_id, ev.sticker.file_id)
raise NotImplementedError("content_type = %s" % ev.content_type)