New component library based on ALF (#2459)
* Install on native as well
* Add button and link components
* Comments
* Use new prop
* Add some form elements
* Add labels to input
* Fix line height, add suffix
* Date inputs
* Autofill styles
* Clean up InputDate types
* Improve types for InputText, value handling
* Enforce a11y props on buttons
* Add Dialog, Portal
* Dialog contents
* Native dialog
* Clean up
* Fix animations
* Improvements to web modal, exiting still broken
* Clean up dialog types
* Add Prompt, Dialog refinement, mobile refinement
* Integrate new design tokens, reorg storybook
* Button colors
* Dim mode
* Reorg
* Some styles
* Toggles
* Improve a11y
* Autosize dialog, handle max height, Dialog.ScrolLView not working
* Try to use BottomSheet's own APIs
* Scrollable dialogs
* Add web shadow
* Handle overscroll
* Styles
* Dialog text input
* Shadows
* Button focus states
* Button pressed states
* Gradient poc
* Gradient colors and hovers
* Add hrefAttrs to Link
* Some more a11y
* Toggle invalid states
* Update dialog descriptions for demo
* Icons
* WIP Toggle cleanup
* Refactor toggle to not rely on immediate children
* Make Toggle controlled
* Clean up Toggles storybook
* ToggleButton styles
* Improve a11y labels
* ToggleButton hover darkmode
* Some i18n
* Refactor input
* Allow extension of input
* Remove old input
* Improve icons, add CalendarDays
* Refactor DateField, web done
* Add label example
* Clean up old InputDate, DateField android, text area example
* Consistent imports
* Button context, icons
* Add todo
* Add closeAllDialogs control
* Alignment
* Expand color palette
* Hitslops, add shortcut to Storybook in dev
* Fix multiline on ios
* Mark dialog close button as unused
2024-01-19 03:28:04 +01:00
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