Replace e2e tests with Maestro (#3983)

* Setup maestro tests and convert some initial tests

* Remove detox

* Replace all tests with maestro
Paul Frazee 2024-05-13 08:43:13 -07:00 committed by GitHub
parent 5cd4ac3a34
commit d49b93dc7e
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: B5690EEEBB952194
41 changed files with 882 additions and 1730 deletions

View File

@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
/** @type {Detox.DetoxConfig} */
module.exports = {
testRunner: {
args: {
$0: 'jest',
config: '__e2e__/jest.config.js',
jest: {
setupTimeout: 120000,
apps: {
'ios.debug': {
type: '',
binaryPath: 'ios/build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/',
'xcodebuild -workspace ios/Bluesky.xcworkspace -scheme Bluesky -configuration Debug -sdk iphonesimulator -derivedDataPath ios/build',
'ios.release': {
type: '',
'xcodebuild -workspace ios/Bluesky.xcworkspace -scheme Bluesky -configuration Release -sdk iphonesimulator -derivedDataPath ios/build',
'android.debug': {
type: 'android.apk',
binaryPath: 'android/app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk',
'cd android ; ./gradlew assembleDebug assembleAndroidTest -DtestBuildType=debug ; cd -',
reversePorts: [8081],
'android.release': {
type: 'android.apk',
binaryPath: 'android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk',
'cd android ; ./gradlew assembleRelease assembleAndroidTest -DtestBuildType=release ; cd -',
devices: {
simulator: {
type: 'ios.simulator',
device: {
type: 'iPhone 15 Pro',
attached: {
type: 'android.attached',
device: {
adbName: '.*',
emulator: {
type: 'android.emulator',
device: {
avdName: 'Pixel_3a_API_30_x86',
configurations: {
'ios.sim.debug': {
device: 'simulator',
app: 'ios.debug',
'ios.sim.release': {
device: 'simulator',
app: 'ios.release',
'android.att.debug': {
device: 'attached',
app: 'android.debug',
'android.att.release': {
device: 'attached',
app: 'android.release',
'android.emu.debug': {
device: 'emulator',
app: 'android.debug',
'android.emu.release': {
device: 'emulator',
app: 'android.release',

View File

@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ module.exports = {
parser: '@typescript-eslint/parser',
plugins: [

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
- "flows/*"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
- runScript:
file: ../setupServer.js
- runFlow:
file: ../setupApp.yml
- tapOn:
id: "e2eSignInAlice"
# Post an image with the porn label
- tapOn:
id: "composeFAB"
- inputText: "Post with an image"
- tapOn:
id: "openGalleryBtn"
- tapOn:
id: "labelsBtn"
- tapOn:
label: "Tap on porn"
point: 78%,67%
- tapOn:
label: "Tap on confirm"
point: 51%,92%
- tapOn:
id: "composerPublishBtn"
- tapOn:
id: "e2eRefreshHome"
- assertVisible: "Adult Content"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
- runScript:
file: ../setupServer.js
- runFlow:
file: ../setupApp.yml
- tapOn:
id: "e2eSignInAlice"
- tapOn:
id: "composeFAB"
- inputText: "Post text only"
- tapOn:
id: "composerPublishBtn"
- assertVisible:
id: "composeFAB"
- tapOn:
id: "composeFAB"
- inputText: "Post with an image"
- tapOn:
id: "openGalleryBtn"
- tapOn:
id: "composerPublishBtn"
- assertVisible:
id: "composeFAB"
- tapOn:
id: "composeFAB"
- inputText: "Post with a link card"
- tapOn:
id: "composerPublishBtn"
- assertVisible:
id: "composeFAB"
- tapOn:
id: "e2eRefreshHome"
- tapOn:
id: "replyBtn"
- inputText: "Reply text only"
- tapOn:
id: "composerPublishBtn"
- assertVisible:
id: "composeFAB"
- tapOn:
id: "replyBtn"
- inputText: "Reply with an image"
- tapOn:
id: "openGalleryBtn"
- tapOn:
id: "composerPublishBtn"
- assertVisible:
id: "composeFAB"
- tapOn:
id: "replyBtn"
- inputText: "Reply with a link card"
- tapOn:
id: "composerPublishBtn"
- assertVisible:
id: "composeFAB"
- tapOn:
id: "repostBtn"
- tapOn:
id: "quoteBtn"
- inputText: "QP text only"
- tapOn:
id: "composerPublishBtn"
- assertVisible:
id: "composeFAB"
- tapOn:
id: "repostBtn"
- tapOn:
id: "quoteBtn"
- inputText: "QP with an image"
- tapOn:
id: "openGalleryBtn"
- tapOn:
id: "composerPublishBtn"
- assertVisible:
id: "composeFAB"
- tapOn:
id: "repostBtn"
- tapOn:
id: "quoteBtn"
- inputText: "QP with a link card"
- tapOn:
id: "composerPublishBtn"
- assertVisible:
id: "composeFAB"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
- runScript:
file: ../setupServer.js
- runFlow:
file: ../setupApp.yml
- tapOn:
id: "e2eOpenLoggedOutView"
- tapOn:
id: "createAccountButton"
- tapOn:
id: "selectServiceButton"
- tapOn:
id: "customSelectBtn"
- tapOn:
id: "customServerTextInput"
- inputText: "http://localhost:3000"
- pressKey: Enter
- tapOn:
id: "doneBtn"
- tapOn:
id: "emailInput"
- inputText: ""
- tapOn:
id: "passwordInput"
- inputText: "hunter2"
- pressKey: Enter
- tapOn:
id: "nextBtn"
- tapOn:
id: "handleInput"
- inputText: "e2e-test"
- tapOn:
id: "nextBtn"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
- runScript:
file: ../setupServer.js
SERVER_PATH: "?users&follows&posts"
- runFlow:
file: ../setupApp.yml
- tapOn:
id: "e2eSignInAlice"
- tapOn:
label: "Create a curate list"
id: "e2eGotoLists"
- tapOn:
id: "newUserListBtn"
- assertVisible:
id: "createOrEditListModal"
- tapOn:
id: "editNameInput"
- inputText: "Good Ppl"
- tapOn:
id: "editDescriptionInput"
- inputText: "They good"
- tapOn: "Save"
- tapOn: "Save"
- assertNotVisible:
id: "createOrEditListModal"
- tapOn: "About"
- assertVisible: "Good Ppl"
- assertVisible: "They good"
- tapOn:
label: "Edit display name and description via the edit curatelist modal"
point: "90%,9%"
- tapOn: "Edit list details"
- assertVisible:
id: "createOrEditListModal"
- tapOn:
id: "editNameInput"
- eraseText
- inputText: "Bad Ppl"
- hideKeyboard
- tapOn:
id: "editDescriptionInput"
- eraseText
- inputText: "They bad"
- tapOn: "Save"
- tapOn: "Save"
- assertNotVisible:
id: "createOrEditListModal"
- assertVisible: Bad Ppl
- assertVisible: They bad
- tapOn:
label: "Remove description via the edit curatelist modal"
point: "90%,9%"
- tapOn: "Edit list details"
- assertVisible:
id: "createOrEditListModal"
- tapOn:
id: "editDescriptionInput"
- eraseText
- tapOn: "Save"
- tapOn: "Save"
- assertNotVisible:
id: "createOrEditListModal"
- assertNotVisible:
id: "listDescription"
- tapOn:
label: "Delete the curatelist"
point: "90%,9%"
- tapOn: "Delete List"
- tapOn:
id: "confirmBtn"
- assertVisible:
id: "listsEmpty"
- tapOn:
label: "Create a new curatelist"
id: "e2eGotoLists"
- tapOn:
id: "newUserListBtn"
- assertVisible:
id: "createOrEditListModal"
- tapOn:
id: "editNameInput"
- inputText: "Good Ppl"
- tapOn:
id: "editDescriptionInput"
- inputText: "They good"
- tapOn: "Save"
- tapOn: "Save"
- assertNotVisible:
id: "createOrEditListModal"
- tapOn: "About"
- assertVisible: "Good Ppl"
- assertVisible: "They good"
- tapOn: "About"
- tapOn:
label: "Adds users on curatelists from the list"
id: "addUserBtn"
- assertVisible:
id: "listAddUserModal"
- tapOn:
id: "searchInput"
- inputText: "b"
- pressKey: Enter
- tapOn:
id: "user-bob.test-addBtn"
- tapOn:
id: "doneBtn"
- assertNotVisible:
id: "listAddUserModal"
- assertVisible:
id: "user-bob.test"
- tapOn: "Posts"
- assertVisible:
label: "Shows posts by the users in the list"
id: "feedItem-by-bob.test"
- tapOn:
label: "Pins the list"
id: "pinBtn"
- tapOn:
id: "e2eGotoHome"
- tapOn: "Good Ppl"
- assertVisible:
id: "feedItem-by-bob.test"
- tapOn:
id: "bottomBarFeedsBtn"
- tapOn:
id: "saved-feed-Good Ppl"
- assertVisible:
id: "feedItem-by-bob.test"
- tapOn:
id: "unpinBtn"
- tapOn:
id: "bottomBarHomeBtn"
- assertNotVisible:
id: "homeScreenFeedTabs-Good Ppl"
- tapOn:
id: "e2eGotoLists"
- tapOn:
id: "list-Good Ppl"
- tapOn: "About"
- assertVisible:
label: "Removes users on curatelists from the list"
id: "user-bob.test"
- tapOn:
point: "90%,43%"
- assertVisible:
id: "userAddRemoveListsModal"
- tapOn:
id: "user-bob.test-addBtn"
- tapOn:
id: "doneBtn"
- assertNotVisible:
id: "userAddRemoveListsModal"
- tapOn:
label: "Shows the curatelist on my profile"
id: "bottomBarProfileBtn"
- swipe:
id: "profilePager-selector"
direction: LEFT
- tapOn:
id: "profilePager-selector-5"
- tapOn:
id: "list-Good Ppl"
- tapOn:
label: "Adds and removes users on curatelists from the profile"
id: "bottomBarSearchBtn"
- tapOn:
id: "searchTextInput"
- inputText: "bob"
- tapOn:
id: "searchAutoCompleteResult-bob.test"
- assertVisible:
id: "profileView"
- tapOn:
id: "profileHeaderDropdownBtn"
- tapOn: "Add to Lists"
- assertVisible:
id: "userAddRemoveListsModal"
- tapOn:
id: "user-bob.test-addBtn"
- tapOn:
id: "doneBtn"
- assertNotVisible:
id: "userAddRemoveListsModal"
- tapOn:
id: "profileHeaderDropdownBtn"
- tapOn: "Add to Lists"
- assertVisible:
id: "userAddRemoveListsModal"
- tapOn:
id: "user-bob.test-addBtn"
- tapOn:
id: "doneBtn"
- assertNotVisible:
id: "userAddRemoveListsModal"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
- runScript:
file: ../setupServer.js
SERVER_PATH: ?users&follows&posts&feeds
- runFlow:
file: ../setupApp.yml
- tapOn:
id: "e2eSignInAlice"
- tapOn:
label: "Can go to feeds page using feeds button in tab bar"
text: "Feeds ✨"
- assertVisible: "Discover New Feeds"
- tapOn:
label: "Feeds button disappears after pinning a feed"
id: "bottomBarProfileBtn"
- swipe:
id: "profilePager-selector"
direction: LEFT
- tapOn:
id: "profilePager-selector-4"
- tapOn:
id: "feed-alice-favs"
- tapOn: "Pin to Home"
- tapOn:
id: "bottomBarHomeBtn"
- assertNotVisible: "Feeds ✨"
- tapOn:
label: "Can like posts"
id: "likeBtn"
- assertVisible:
id: "likeCount"
text: "1"
- tapOn:
id: "likeBtn"
- assertNotVisible:
id: "likeCount"
- tapOn:
label: "Can repost posts"
id: "repostBtn"
- tapOn: "Repost"
- assertVisible:
id: "repostCount"
text: "1"
- tapOn:
id: "repostBtn"
- tapOn: "Undo repost"
- assertNotVisible:
id: "repostCount"
- tapOn:
label: "Can delete posts"
id: "postDropdownBtn"
id: "feedItem-by-alice.test"
- tapOn: "Delete post"
- tapOn: "Delete"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
- runScript:
file: ../setupServer.js
SERVER_PATH: "?users"
- runFlow:
file: ../setupApp.yml
- tapOn:
id: "e2eOpenLoggedOutView"
- tapOn: "Sign in"
- tapOn:
id: "selectServiceButton"
- tapOn: "Custom"
- tapOn:
id: "customServerTextInput"
- inputText: "http://localhost:3000"
- tapOn: "Done"
- tapOn:
id: "loginUsernameInput"
- inputText: "Alice"
- tapOn:
id: "loginPasswordInput"
- inputText: "hunter2"
- pressKey: Enter
- assertVisible: "Following"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
- runScript:
file: ../setupServer.js
SERVER_PATH: "?users&follows&labels"
- runFlow:
file: ../setupApp.yml
- tapOn:
id: "e2eSignInAlice"
# create a modlist
- tapOn:
id: "e2eGotoModeration"
- tapOn:
id: "moderationlistsBtn"
- tapOn: "New"
- tapOn:
id: "editNameInput"
- inputText: "Muted Users"
- tapOn:
id: "editDescriptionInput"
- inputText: "Shhh"
- tapOn: "Save"
- tapOn: "Save"
# view modlist
- assertVisible: "Muted Users"
- assertVisible: "Shhh"
# toggle mute subscription
- tapOn:
point: "70%,9%"
- tapOn: "Mute accounts"
- tapOn: "Mute list"
- tapOn: "Unmute"
# toggle block subscription
- tapOn:
point: "70%,9%"
- tapOn: "Block accounts"
- tapOn: "Block list"
- tapOn: "Unblock"
# the rest of the behaviors are tested in curate-lists.yml

View File

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
- runScript:
file: ../setupServer.js
SERVER_PATH: "?users&posts&feeds"
- runFlow:
file: ../setupApp.yml
- tapOn:
id: "e2eSignInAlice"
# Navigate to my profile
- tapOn:
id: "bottomBarProfileBtn"
# Can see feeds
- swipe:
id: "profilePager-selector"
direction: LEFT
- tapOn:
id: "profilePager-selector-4"
- assertVisible:
id: "feed-alice-favs"
- swipe:
id: "profilePager-selector"
direction: RIGHT
- tapOn:
id: "profilePager-selector-0"
# Open and close edit profile modal
- tapOn:
id: "profileHeaderEditProfileButton"
- assertVisible:
id: "editProfileModal"
- tapOn:
id: "editProfileCancelBtn"
- assertNotVisible:
id: "editProfileModal"
# Edit display name and description via the edit profile modal
- tapOn:
id: "profileHeaderEditProfileButton"
- assertVisible:
id: "editProfileModal"
- tapOn:
id: "editProfileDisplayNameInput"
- eraseText
- inputText: "Alicia"
- tapOn:
id: "editProfileDescriptionInput"
- eraseText
- inputText: "One cool hacker"
- tapOn: "Description"
- tapOn:
id: "editProfileSaveBtn"
- assertNotVisible:
id: "editProfileModal"
- assertVisible: "Alicia"
- assertVisible: "One cool hacker"
# Remove display name and description via the edit profile modal
- tapOn:
id: "profileHeaderEditProfileButton"
- assertVisible:
id: "editProfileModal"
- tapOn:
id: "editProfileDisplayNameInput"
- eraseText
- tapOn:
id: "editProfileDescriptionInput"
- eraseText
- tapOn: "Description"
- tapOn:
id: "editProfileSaveBtn"
- assertNotVisible:
id: "editProfileModal"
- assertVisible: "alice.test"
- assertNotVisible: "One cool hacker"
# Set avi and banner via the edit profile modal
- assertVisible:
id: "userBannerFallback"
- tapOn:
id: "profileHeaderEditProfileButton"
- assertVisible:
id: "editProfileModal"
- tapOn:
id: "changeBannerBtn"
- tapOn: "Upload from Library"
- tapOn:
id: "changeAvatarBtn"
- tapOn: "Upload from Library"
- tapOn:
id: "editProfileSaveBtn"
- assertNotVisible:
id: "editProfileModal"
- assertVisible:
id: "userBannerImage"
# # Remove avi and banner via the edit profile modal
- tapOn:
id: "profileHeaderEditProfileButton"
- assertVisible:
id: "editProfileModal"
- tapOn:
id: "changeBannerBtn"
- tapOn: "Remove Banner"
- tapOn:
id: "changeAvatarBtn"
- tapOn: "Remove Avatar"
- tapOn:
id: "editProfileSaveBtn"
- assertNotVisible:
id: "editProfileModal"
- assertVisible:
id: "userBannerFallback"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
- runScript:
file: ../setupServer.js
SERVER_PATH: "?users&posts&feeds"
- runFlow:
file: ../setupApp.yml
- tapOn:
id: "e2eSignInAlice"
# Navigate to another user profile
- tapOn:
id: "bottomBarSearchBtn"
- tapOn:
id: "searchTextInput"
- inputText: "b"
- tapOn:
id: "searchAutoCompleteResult-bob.test"
- assertVisible:
id: "profileView"
# Can follow/unfollow another user
- tapOn:
id: "followBtn"
- tapOn:
id: "unfollowBtn"
# Can mute/unmute another user
- tapOn:
id: "profileHeaderDropdownBtn"
- tapOn: "Mute Account"
- assertVisible: "Account Muted"
- tapOn:
id: "profileHeaderDropdownBtn"
- tapOn: "Unmute Account"
- assertNotVisible: "Account Muted"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
- runScript:
file: ../setupServer.js
SERVER_PATH: "?users"
- runFlow:
file: ../setupApp.yml
- tapOn:
id: "e2eSignInAlice"
# Navigate to another user profile via autocomplete
- tapOn:
id: "bottomBarSearchBtn"
- tapOn:
id: "searchTextInput"
- inputText: "b"
- tapOn:
id: "searchAutoCompleteResult-bob.test"
- assertVisible:
id: "profileView"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
- runScript:
file: ../setupServer.js
SERVER_PATH: "?users&follows"
- runFlow:
file: ../setupApp.yml
# Login, create a thread, and log out
- tapOn:
id: "e2eSignInAlice"
- tapOn:
id: "composeFAB"
- inputText: "Test thread"
- tapOn:
id: "composerPublishBtn"
# Login, reply to the thread, and log out
- tapOn:
id: "e2eSignInBob"
- tapOn:
id: "replyBtn"
- inputText: "Reply 1"
- tapOn:
id: "composerPublishBtn"
# Login, confirm notification exists, mute thread, and log out
- tapOn:
id: "e2eSignInAlice"
- tapOn:
id: "bottomBarNotificationsBtn"
- assertVisible:
id: "feedItem-by-bob.test"
- tapOn:
id: "feedItem-by-bob.test"
- tapOn:
id: "postDropdownBtn"
id: "postThreadItem-by-bob.test"
- tapOn: "Mute thread"
# Login, reply to the thread twice, and log out
- tapOn:
id: "e2eSignInBob"
- tapOn:
id: "bottomBarProfileBtn"
- tapOn:
id: "profilePager-selector-1"
- tapOn:
id: "replyBtn"
- inputText: "Reply 2"
- tapOn:
id: "composerPublishBtn"
- tapOn:
id: "replyBtn"
- inputText: "Reply 3"
- tapOn:
id: "composerPublishBtn"
# Login, confirm notifications dont exist, unmute the thread, confirm notifications exist
- tapOn:
id: "e2eSignInAlice"
- tapOn:
id: "bottomBarNotificationsBtn"
- assertNotVisible:
id: "feedItem-by-bob.test"
- tapOn:
id: "bottomBarHomeBtn"
- tapOn:
id: "postDropdownBtn"
- tapOn: "Unmute thread"
- tapOn:
id: "bottomBarNotificationsBtn"
- swipe:
id: "notifsFeed"
direction: DOWN
- assertVisible:
id: "feedItem-by-bob.test"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
- runScript:
file: ../setupServer.js
SERVER_PATH: "?users&follows&thread"
- runFlow:
file: ../setupApp.yml
- tapOn:
id: "e2eSignInAlice"
# Navigate to thread
- tapOn: "Thread root"
- assertVisible: "Thread reply"
# Can like the root post
- tapOn:
id: "likeBtn"
id: "postThreadItem-by-bob.test"
- assertVisible:
id: "likeCount-expanded"
- tapOn:
id: "likeBtn"
id: "postThreadItem-by-bob.test"
- assertNotVisible:
id: "likeCount-expanded"
# Can like a reply post
- tapOn:
id: "likeBtn"
id: "postThreadItem-by-carla.test"
- assertVisible:
id: "likeCount"
id: "postThreadItem-by-carla.test"
- tapOn:
id: "likeBtn"
id: "postThreadItem-by-carla.test"
- assertNotVisible:
id: "likeCount"
id: "postThreadItem-by-carla.test"
# Can repost the root post
- tapOn:
id: "repostBtn"
id: "postThreadItem-by-bob.test"
- tapOn: "Repost"
- assertVisible:
id: "repostCount-expanded"
- tapOn:
id: "repostBtn"
id: "postThreadItem-by-bob.test"
- tapOn: "Undo repost"
- assertNotVisible:
id: "repostCount-expanded"
# Can repost a reply post
- tapOn:
id: "repostBtn"
id: "postThreadItem-by-carla.test"
- tapOn: "Repost"
- assertVisible:
id: "repostCount"
id: "postThreadItem-by-carla.test"
- tapOn:
id: "repostBtn"
id: "postThreadItem-by-carla.test"
- tapOn: "Undo repost"
- assertNotVisible:
id: "repostCount"
id: "postThreadItem-by-carla.test"

View File

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
/** @type {import('@jest/types').Config.InitialOptions} */
module.exports = {
rootDir: '..',
testMatch: ['<rootDir>/__e2e__/**/*.test.ts'],
testTimeout: 120000,
maxWorkers: 1,
globalSetup: 'detox/runners/jest/globalSetup',
globalTeardown: 'detox/runners/jest/globalTeardown',
reporters: ['detox/runners/jest/reporter'],
testEnvironment: 'detox/runners/jest/testEnvironment',
verbose: true,

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
# flow.yaml
@ -74,4 +75,3 @@ appId:
- "scroll"
- "scroll"
- "scroll"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
- launchApp:
appId: ""
clearState: true
- waitForAnimationToEnd
- tapOn: "http://localhost:8081"
- waitForAnimationToEnd
- swipe:
from: "Bluesky"
direction: DOWN

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
// eslint-disable-next-line'http://localhost:1986/' + SERVER_PATH, {
headers: {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'},
body: '',

View File

@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
/* eslint-env detox/detox */
import {beforeAll, describe, it} from '@jest/globals'
import {expect} from 'detox'
import {createServer, loginAsAlice, openApp, sleep} from '../util'
describe('Composer', () => {
beforeAll(async () => {
await createServer('?users')
await openApp({
permissions: {notifications: 'YES', medialibrary: 'YES', photos: 'YES'},
it('Login', async () => {
await loginAsAlice()
await element('homeScreenFeedTabs-Following')).tap()
it('Post text only', async () => {
await element('composeFAB')).tap()
await device.takeScreenshot('1- opened composer')
await element('composerTextInput')).typeText('Post text only')
await device.takeScreenshot('2- entered text')
await element('composerPublishBtn')).tap()
await device.takeScreenshot('3- opened general section')
await expect(element('composeFAB'))).toBeVisible()
it('Post with an image', async () => {
await element('composeFAB')).tap()
await element('composerTextInput')).typeText('Post with an image')
await element('openGalleryBtn')).tap()
await sleep(1e3)
await element('composerPublishBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('composeFAB'))).toBeVisible()
it('Post with a link card', async () => {
await element('composeFAB')).tap()
await element('composerTextInput')).typeText(
'Post with a link card',
await element('composerPublishBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('composeFAB'))).toBeVisible()
it('Reply text only', async () => {
await element('e2eRefreshHome')).tap()
const post ='feedItem-by-alice.test')
await element('replyBtn').withAncestor(post)).atIndex(0).tap()
await element('composerTextInput')).typeText('Reply text only')
await element('composerPublishBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('composeFAB'))).toBeVisible()
it('Reply with an image', async () => {
const post ='feedItem-by-alice.test')
await element('replyBtn').withAncestor(post)).atIndex(0).tap()
await element('composerTextInput')).typeText('Reply with an image')
await element('openGalleryBtn')).tap()
await sleep(1e3)
await element('composerPublishBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('composeFAB'))).toBeVisible()
it('Reply with a link card', async () => {
const post ='feedItem-by-alice.test')
await element('replyBtn').withAncestor(post)).atIndex(0).tap()
await element('composerTextInput')).typeText(
'Reply with a link card',
await element('composerPublishBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('composeFAB'))).toBeVisible()
it('QP text only', async () => {
const post ='feedItem-by-alice.test')
await element('repostBtn').withAncestor(post)).atIndex(0).tap()
await element('quoteBtn').withAncestor('repostModal'))).tap()
await element('composerTextInput')).typeText('QP text only')
await element('composerPublishBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('composeFAB'))).toBeVisible()
it('QP with an image', async () => {
const post ='feedItem-by-alice.test')
await element('repostBtn').withAncestor(post)).atIndex(0).tap()
await element('quoteBtn').withAncestor('repostModal'))).tap()
await element('composerTextInput')).typeText('QP with an image')
await element('openGalleryBtn')).tap()
await sleep(1e3)
await element('composerPublishBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('composeFAB'))).toBeVisible()
it('QP with a link card', async () => {
const post ='feedItem-by-alice.test')
await element('repostBtn').withAncestor(post)).atIndex(0).tap()
await element('quoteBtn').withAncestor('repostModal'))).tap()
await element('composerTextInput')).typeText(
'QP with a link card',
await element('composerPublishBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('composeFAB'))).toBeVisible()

View File

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
/* eslint-env detox/detox */
import {describe, beforeAll, it} from '@jest/globals'
import {expect} from 'detox'
import {openApp, createServer} from '../util'
describe('Create account', () => {
let service: string
beforeAll(async () => {
service = await createServer('')
await openApp({permissions: {notifications: 'YES'}})
it('I can create a new account', async () => {
await element('e2eOpenLoggedOutView')).tap()
await element('createAccountButton')).tap()
await device.takeScreenshot('1- opened create account screen')
await element('selectServiceButton')).tap()
await device.takeScreenshot('2- selected other server')
await element('customSelectBtn')).tap()
await element('customServerTextInput')).typeText(service)
await element('customServerTextInput')).tapReturnKey()
await element('doneBtn')).tap()
await device.takeScreenshot('3- input test server URL')
await element('emailInput')).typeText('')
await element('passwordInput')).typeText('hunter2')
await device.takeScreenshot('4- entered account details')
await element('nextBtn')).tap()
await element('handleInput')).typeText('e2e-test')
await device.takeScreenshot('5- entered handle')
await element('nextBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('onboardingInterests'))).toBeVisible()

View File

@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
/* eslint-env detox/detox */
import {beforeAll, describe, it} from '@jest/globals'
import {expect} from 'detox'
import {createServer, loginAsAlice, loginAsBob, openApp, sleep} from '../util'
describe('Curate lists', () => {
beforeAll(async () => {
await createServer('?users&follows&posts')
await openApp({
permissions: {notifications: 'YES', medialibrary: 'YES', photos: 'YES'},
it('Login and create a curatelists', async () => {
await loginAsAlice()
await element('e2eGotoLists')).tap()
await element('newUserListBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('createOrEditListModal'))).toBeVisible()
await element('editNameInput')).typeText('Good Ppl')
await element('editDescriptionInput')).typeText('They good')
await element('saveBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('createOrEditListModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
await element(by.text('About')).tap()
await expect(element('headerTitle'))).toHaveText('Good Ppl')
await expect(element('listDescription'))).toHaveText('They good')
it('Edit display name and description via the edit curatelist modal', async () => {
await element('headerDropdownBtn')).tap()
await element(by.text('Edit list details')).tap()
await expect(element('createOrEditListModal'))).toBeVisible()
await element('editNameInput')).clearText()
await element('editNameInput')).typeText('Bad Ppl')
await element('editDescriptionInput')).clearText()
await element('editDescriptionInput')).typeText('They bad')
await element('saveBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('createOrEditListModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
await expect(element('headerTitle'))).toHaveText('Bad Ppl')
await expect(element('listDescription'))).toHaveText('They bad')
// have to wait for the toast to clear
await waitFor(element('headerDropdownBtn')))
it('Remove description via the edit curatelist modal', async () => {
await element('headerDropdownBtn')).tap()
await element(by.text('Edit list details')).tap()
await expect(element('createOrEditListModal'))).toBeVisible()
await element('editDescriptionInput')).clearText()
await element('saveBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('createOrEditListModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
await expect(element('listDescription'))).not.toBeVisible()
// have to wait for the toast to clear
await waitFor(element('headerDropdownBtn')))
it('Set avi via the edit curatelist modal', async () => {
await expect(element('userAvatarFallback'))).toExist()
await element('headerDropdownBtn')).tap()
await element(by.text('Edit list details')).tap()
await expect(element('createOrEditListModal'))).toBeVisible()
await element('changeAvatarBtn')).tap()
await element(by.text('Upload from Library')).tap()
await sleep(3e3)
await element('saveBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('createOrEditListModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
await expect(element('userAvatarImage'))).toExist()
// have to wait for the toast to clear
await waitFor(element('headerDropdownBtn')))
it('Remove avi via the edit curatelist modal', async () => {
await expect(element('userAvatarImage'))).toExist()
await element('headerDropdownBtn')).tap()
await element(by.text('Edit list details')).tap()
await expect(element('createOrEditListModal'))).toBeVisible()
await element('changeAvatarBtn')).tap()
await element(by.text('Remove Avatar')).tap()
await element('saveBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('createOrEditListModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
await expect(element('userAvatarFallback'))).toExist()
// have to wait for the toast to clear
await waitFor(element('headerDropdownBtn')))
it('Delete the curatelist', async () => {
await element('headerDropdownBtn')).tap()
await element(by.text('Delete List')).tap()
await element('confirmBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('listsEmpty'))).toBeVisible()
it('Create a new curatelist', async () => {
await element('e2eGotoLists')).tap()
await element('newUserListBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('createOrEditListModal'))).toBeVisible()
await element('editNameInput')).typeText('Good Ppl')
await element('editDescriptionInput')).typeText('They good')
await element('saveBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('createOrEditListModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
await element(by.text('About')).tap()
await expect(element('headerTitle'))).toHaveText('Good Ppl')
await expect(element('listDescription'))).toHaveText('They good')
it('Adds users on curatelists from the list', async () => {
await element(by.text('About')).tap()
await element('addUserBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('listAddUserModal'))).toBeVisible()
await element('searchInput')).typeText('b')
await waitFor(element('user-bob.test-addBtn')))
await element('user-bob.test-addBtn')).tap()
await element('doneBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('listAddUserModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
await expect(element('user-bob.test'))).toBeVisible()
it('Shows posts by the users in the list', async () => {
await element(by.text('Posts')).tap()
await expect(element('feedItem-by-bob.test'))).toBeVisible()
it('Pins the list', async () => {
await expect(element('pinBtn'))).toBeVisible()
await element('pinBtn')).tap()
await element('e2eGotoHome')).tap()
await element('homeScreenFeedTabs-Good Ppl')).tap()
await expect(element('feedItem-by-bob.test'))).toBeVisible()
await element('bottomBarFeedsBtn')).tap()
await element('saved-feed-Good Ppl')).tap()
await expect(element('feedItem-by-bob.test'))).toBeVisible()
await element('unpinBtn')).tap()
await element('bottomBarHomeBtn')).tap()
await expect(
element('homeScreenFeedTabs-Good Ppl')),
await element('e2eGotoLists')).tap()
await element('list-Good Ppl')).tap()
it('Removes users on curatelists from the list', async () => {
await element(by.text('About')).tap()
await expect(element('user-bob.test'))).toBeVisible()
await element('user-bob.test-editBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('userAddRemoveListsModal'))).toBeVisible()
await element('user-bob.test-addBtn')).tap()
await element('doneBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('userAddRemoveListsModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
it('Shows the curatelist on my profile', async () => {
await element('bottomBarProfileBtn')).tap()
await element('profilePager-selector')).swipe('left')
await element('profilePager-selector-5')).tap()
await element('list-Good Ppl')).tap()
it('Adds and removes users on curatelists from the profile', async () => {
await element('bottomBarSearchBtn')).tap()
await element('searchTextInput')).typeText('bob')
await element('searchAutoCompleteResult-bob.test')).tap()
await expect(element('profileView'))).toBeVisible()
await element('profileHeaderDropdownBtn')).tap()
await element(by.text('Add to Lists')).tap()
await expect(element('userAddRemoveListsModal'))).toBeVisible()
await element('user-bob.test-addBtn')).tap()
await element('doneBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('userAddRemoveListsModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
await element('profileHeaderDropdownBtn')).tap()
await element(by.text('Add to Lists')).tap()
await expect(element('userAddRemoveListsModal'))).toBeVisible()
await element('user-bob.test-addBtn')).tap()
await element('doneBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('userAddRemoveListsModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
it('Can report a user list', async () => {
await element('e2eGotoSettings')).tap()
await element('signOutBtn')).tap()
await loginAsBob()
await element('bottomBarSearchBtn')).tap()
await element('searchTextInput')).typeText('alice')
await element('searchAutoCompleteResult-alice.test')).tap()
await element('profilePager-selector')).swipe('left')
await element('profilePager-selector-3')).tap()
await element('list-Good Ppl')).tap()
await element('headerDropdownBtn')).tap()
await element(by.text('Report List')).tap()
await expect(element('reportModal'))).toBeVisible()
await expect(element(by.text('Report List'))).toBeVisible()
await element('reportReasonRadios-com.atproto.moderation.defs#reasonRude'),
await element('sendReportBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('reportModal'))).not.toBeVisible()

View File

@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
/* eslint-env detox/detox */
import {beforeAll, describe, it} from '@jest/globals'
import {expect} from 'detox'
import {createServer, loginAsAlice, openApp} from '../util'
describe('Home screen', () => {
beforeAll(async () => {
await createServer('?users&follows&posts&feeds')
await openApp({permissions: {notifications: 'YES'}})
it('Login', async () => {
await loginAsAlice()
await element('homeScreenFeedTabs-Following')).tap()
it('Can go to feeds page using feeds button in tab bar', async () => {
await element('homeScreenFeedTabs-Feeds ✨')).tap()
await expect(element(by.text('Discover New Feeds'))).toBeVisible()
it('Feeds button disappears after pinning a feed', async () => {
await element('bottomBarProfileBtn')).tap()
await element('profilePager-selector')).swipe('left')
await element('profilePager-selector-4')).tap()
await element('feed-alice-favs')).tap()
await element('pinBtn')).tap()
await element('bottomBarHomeBtn')).tap()
await expect(
element('homeScreenFeedTabs-Feeds ✨')),
it('Can like posts', async () => {
const carlaPosts ='feedItem-by-carla.test')
await expect(
await element('likeBtn').withAncestor(carlaPosts)).atIndex(0).tap()
await expect(
await element('likeBtn').withAncestor(carlaPosts)).atIndex(0).tap()
await expect(
it('Can repost posts', async () => {
const carlaPosts ='feedItem-by-carla.test')
await expect(
await element('repostBtn').withAncestor(carlaPosts)).atIndex(0).tap()
await expect(element('repostModal'))).toBeVisible()
await element('repostBtn').withAncestor('repostModal'))).tap()
await expect(element('repostModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
await expect(
await element('repostBtn').withAncestor(carlaPosts)).atIndex(0).tap()
await expect(element('repostModal'))).toBeVisible()
await element('repostBtn').withAncestor('repostModal'))).tap()
await expect(element('repostModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
await expect(
// TODO skipping because the test env PDS isnt setup correctly to handle the report -prf
// it('Can report posts', async () => {
// const carlaPosts ='feedItem-by-carla.test')
// await element('postDropdownBtn').withAncestor(carlaPosts))
// .atIndex(0)
// .tap()
// await element(by.text('Report post')).tap()
// await element('com.atproto.moderation.defs#reasonSpam')).tap()
// await element('sendReportBtn')).tap()
// })
it('Can swipe between feeds', async () => {
await element('homeScreen')).swipe('left', 'fast', 0.75)
await expect(element('customFeedPage'))).toBeVisible()
await element('homeScreen')).swipe('right', 'fast', 0.75)
await expect(element('followingFeedPage'))).toBeVisible()
it('Can tap between feeds', async () => {
await element('homeScreenFeedTabs-alice-favs')).tap()
await expect(element('customFeedPage'))).toBeVisible()
await element('homeScreenFeedTabs-Following')).tap()
await expect(element('followingFeedPage'))).toBeVisible()
it('Can delete posts', async () => {
const alicePosts ='feedItem-by-alice.test')
await expect(element(alicePosts.withDescendant(by.text('Post')))).toExist()
await element('postDropdownBtn').withAncestor(alicePosts))
await element(by.text('Delete post')).tap()
await expect(element('confirmModal'))).toBeVisible()
await element('confirmBtn')).tap()
await expect(

View File

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
/* eslint-env detox/detox */
import {beforeAll, describe, it} from '@jest/globals'
import {expect} from 'detox'
import {createServer, loginAsAlice, openApp} from '../util'
describe('invite-codes', () => {
let service: string
let inviteCode = ''
beforeAll(async () => {
service = await createServer('?users&invite')
await openApp({permissions: {notifications: 'YES'}})
it('I can fetch invite codes', async () => {
await loginAsAlice()
await element('e2eOpenInviteCodesModal')).tap()
await expect(element('inviteCodesModal'))).toBeVisible()
const attrs = await element('inviteCode-0-code')).getAttributes()
inviteCode = attrs.text
await element('closeBtn')).tap()
await element('e2eSignOut')).tap()
it('I can create a new account with the invite code', async () => {
await element('e2eOpenLoggedOutView')).tap()
await element('createAccountButton')).tap()
await device.takeScreenshot('1- opened create account screen')
await element('selectServiceButton')).tap()
await device.takeScreenshot('2- selected other server')
await element('customSelectBtn')).tap()
await element('customServerTextInput')).typeText(service)
await element('customServerTextInput')).tapReturnKey()
await element('doneBtn')).tap()
await device.takeScreenshot('3- input test server URL')
await element('inviteCodeInput')).typeText(inviteCode)
await element('emailInput')).typeText('')
await element('passwordInput')).typeText('hunter2')
await device.takeScreenshot('4- entered account details')
await element('nextBtn')).tap()
await element('handleInput')).typeText('e2e-test')
await device.takeScreenshot('4- entered handle')
await element('nextBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('onboardingInterests'))).toBeVisible()

View File

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
/* eslint-env detox/detox */
import {describe, beforeAll, it} from '@jest/globals'
import {expect} from 'detox'
import {openApp, login, createServer} from '../util'
describe('Login', () => {
let service: string
beforeAll(async () => {
service = await createServer('?users')
await openApp({permissions: {notifications: 'YES'}})
it('As Alice, I can login', async () => {
await element('e2eOpenLoggedOutView')).tap()
await expect(element('signInButton'))).toBeVisible()
await login(service, 'alice', 'hunter2', {
takeScreenshots: true,
await device.takeScreenshot('5- opened home screen')

View File

@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
/* eslint-env detox/detox */
import {describe, beforeAll, it} from '@jest/globals'
import {expect} from 'detox'
import {openApp, loginAsAlice, createServer} from '../util'
describe('Mergefeed', () => {
beforeAll(async () => {
await createServer('?mergefeed')
await openApp({permissions: {notifications: 'YES'}})
it('Login', async () => {
await element('e2eOpenLoggedOutView')).tap()
await loginAsAlice()
await element('e2eToggleMergefeed')).tap()
await element('bottomBarFeedsBtn')).tap()
await element('feed-alice-favs-toggleSave')).tap()
await element('e2eGotoHome')).tap()
it('Sees the expected mix of posts with default filters', async () => {
await element('followingFeedPage-feed-flatlist')).swipe(
// followed users
await expect(
).toHaveText('Post 9')
await expect(
).toHaveText('Post 9')
await element('followingFeedPage-feed-flatlist')).swipe(
// feed users
await expect(
).toHaveText('Post 0')
it('Sees the expected mix of posts with replies disabled', async () => {
await element('followingFeedPage-feed-flatlist')).swipe(
await element('followingFeedPage-feed-flatlist')).swipe(
await element('viewHeaderHomeFeedPrefsBtn')).tap()
await element('toggleRepliesBtn')).tap()
await element('confirmBtn')).tap()
await element('followingFeedPage-feed-flatlist')).swipe(
// followed users
await expect(
).toHaveText('Post 9')
await expect(
).toHaveText('Post 9')
await element('followingFeedPage-feed-flatlist')).swipe(
// feed users
await expect(
).toHaveText('Post 0')
it('Sees the expected mix of posts with no follows', async () => {
await element('followingFeedPage-feed-flatlist')).swipe(
await element('bottomBarSearchBtn')).tap()
await element('searchTextInput')).typeText('bob')
await element('searchAutoCompleteResult-bob.test')).tap()
await expect(element('profileView'))).toBeVisible()
await element('unfollowBtn')).tap()
await element('profileHeaderBackBtn')).tap()
// have to wait for the toast to clear
await waitFor(element('searchTextInputClearBtn')))
await element('searchTextInputClearBtn')).tap()
await element('searchTextInput')).typeText('carla')
await element('searchAutoCompleteResult-carla.test')).tap()
await expect(element('profileView'))).toBeVisible()
await element('unfollowBtn')).tap()
await element('profileHeaderBackBtn')).tap()
await element('bottomBarHomeBtn')).tap()
await element('followingFeedPage-feed-flatlist')).swipe(
await element('followingFeedPage-feed-flatlist')).swipe(
// followed users NOT present
await expect(element('feedItem-by-carla.test'))).not.toExist()
await expect(element('feedItem-by-bob.test'))).not.toExist()
// feed users
await expect(
).toHaveText('Post 0')

View File

@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
/* eslint-env detox/detox */
import {describe, beforeAll, it} from '@jest/globals'
import {expect} from 'detox'
import {openApp, loginAsAlice, loginAsBob, createServer} from '../util'
describe('Mod lists', () => {
beforeAll(async () => {
await createServer('?users&follows&labels')
await openApp({
permissions: {notifications: 'YES', medialibrary: 'YES', photos: 'YES'},
it('Login and view my modlists', async () => {
await loginAsAlice()
await element('e2eGotoModeration')).tap()
await element('moderationlistsBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('list-Muted Users'))).toBeVisible()
await element('list-Muted Users')).tap()
await expect(
it('Toggle mute subscription', async () => {
await element('unmuteBtn')).tap()
await element('subscribeBtn')).tap()
await element(by.text('Mute accounts')).tap()
await element('confirmBtn')).tap()
it('Edit display name and description via the edit modlist modal', async () => {
await element('headerDropdownBtn')).tap()
await element(by.text('Edit list details')).tap()
await expect(element('createOrEditListModal'))).toBeVisible()
await element('editNameInput')).clearText()
await element('editNameInput')).typeText('Bad Ppl')
await element('editDescriptionInput')).clearText()
await element('editDescriptionInput')).typeText('They bad')
await element('saveBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('createOrEditListModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
await expect(element('headerTitle'))).toHaveText('Bad Ppl')
await expect(element('listDescription'))).toHaveText('They bad')
// have to wait for the toast to clear
await waitFor(element('headerDropdownBtn')))
it('Remove description via the edit modlist modal', async () => {
await element('headerDropdownBtn')).tap()
await element(by.text('Edit list details')).tap()
await expect(element('createOrEditListModal'))).toBeVisible()
await element('editDescriptionInput')).clearText()
await element('saveBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('createOrEditListModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
await expect(element('listDescription'))).not.toBeVisible()
// have to wait for the toast to clear
await waitFor(element('headerDropdownBtn')))
// DISABLED e2e environment is real finicky about avatar uploads -prf
// it('Set avi via the edit modlist modal', async () => {
// await expect(element('userAvatarFallback'))).toExist()
// await element('headerDropdownBtn')).tap()
// await element(by.text('Edit list details')).tap()
// await expect(element('createOrEditListModal'))).toBeVisible()
// await element('changeAvatarBtn')).tap()
// await element(by.text('Library')).tap()
// await sleep(3e3)
// await element('saveBtn')).tap()
// await expect(element('createOrEditListModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
// await expect(element('userAvatarImage'))).toExist()
// // have to wait for the toast to clear
// await waitFor(element('headerDropdownBtn')))
// .toBeVisible()
// .withTimeout(5000)
// })
// it('Remove avi via the edit modlist modal', async () => {
// await expect(element('userAvatarImage'))).toExist()
// await element('headerDropdownBtn')).tap()
// await element(by.text('Edit list details')).tap()
// await expect(element('createOrEditListModal'))).toBeVisible()
// await element('changeAvatarBtn')).tap()
// await element(by.text('Remove')).tap()
// await element('saveBtn')).tap()
// await expect(element('createOrEditListModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
// await expect(element('userAvatarFallback'))).toExist()
// // have to wait for the toast to clear
// await waitFor(element('headerDropdownBtn')))
// .toBeVisible()
// .withTimeout(5000)
// })
it('Delete the modlist', async () => {
await element('headerDropdownBtn')).tap()
await element(by.text('Delete List')).tap()
await element('confirmBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('listsEmpty'))).toBeVisible()
it('Create a new modlist', async () => {
await element('newModListBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('createOrEditListModal'))).toBeVisible()
await element('editNameInput')).typeText('Bad Ppl')
await element('editDescriptionInput')).typeText('They bad')
await element('saveBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('createOrEditListModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
await expect(element('headerTitle'))).toHaveText('Bad Ppl')
await expect(element('listDescription'))).toHaveText('They bad')
it('Adds and removes users on modlists from the list', async () => {
await element('addUserBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('listAddUserModal'))).toBeVisible()
await waitFor(element('user-warn-posts.test-addBtn')))
await element('user-warn-posts.test-addBtn')).tap()
await element('doneBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('listAddUserModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
await element('listItems-flatlist')).swipe(
await expect(element('user-warn-posts.test'))).toBeVisible()
await element('user-warn-posts.test-editBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('userAddRemoveListsModal'))).toBeVisible()
await element('user-warn-posts.test-addBtn')).tap()
await element('doneBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('userAddRemoveListsModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
it('Shows the modlist on my profile', async () => {
await element('bottomBarProfileBtn')).tap()
await element('profilePager-selector')).swipe('left')
await element('profilePager-selector-5')).tap()
await element('list-Bad Ppl')).tap()
it('Adds and removes users on modlists from the profile', async () => {
await element('bottomBarSearchBtn')).tap()
await element('searchTextInput')).typeText('bob')
await element('searchAutoCompleteResult-bob.test')).tap()
await expect(element('profileView'))).toBeVisible()
await element('profileHeaderDropdownBtn')).tap()
await element(by.text('Add to Lists')).tap()
await expect(element('userAddRemoveListsModal'))).toBeVisible()
await element('user-bob.test-addBtn')).tap()
await element('doneBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('userAddRemoveListsModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
await element('profileHeaderDropdownBtn')).tap()
await element(by.text('Add to Lists')).tap()
await expect(element('userAddRemoveListsModal'))).toBeVisible()
await element('user-bob.test-addBtn')).tap()
await element('doneBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('userAddRemoveListsModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
it('Can report a mute list', async () => {
await element('e2eGotoSettings')).tap()
await element('signOutBtn')).tap()
await loginAsBob()
await element('bottomBarSearchBtn')).tap()
await element('searchTextInput')).typeText('alice')
await element('searchAutoCompleteResult-alice.test')).tap()
await element('profilePager-selector')).swipe('left')
await element('profilePager-selector-3')).tap()
await element('list-Bad Ppl')).tap()
await element('headerDropdownBtn')).tap()
await element(by.text('Report List')).tap()
await expect(element('reportModal'))).toBeVisible()
await expect(element(by.text('Report List'))).toBeVisible()
await element('reportReasonRadios-com.atproto.moderation.defs#reasonRude'),
await element('sendReportBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('reportModal'))).not.toBeVisible()

View File

@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
/* eslint-env detox/detox */
import {beforeAll, describe, it} from '@jest/globals'
import {expect} from 'detox'
import {createServer, loginAsAlice, openApp, sleep} from '../util'
describe('Profile screen', () => {
beforeAll(async () => {
await createServer('?users&posts&feeds')
await openApp({
permissions: {notifications: 'YES', medialibrary: 'YES', photos: 'YES'},
it('Login and navigate to my profile', async () => {
await loginAsAlice()
await element('bottomBarProfileBtn')).tap()
it('Can see feeds', async () => {
await element('profilePager-selector')).swipe('left')
await element('profilePager-selector-4')).tap()
await expect(element('feed-alice-favs'))).toBeVisible()
await element('profilePager-selector')).swipe('right')
await element('profilePager-selector-0')).tap()
it('Open and close edit profile modal', async () => {
await element('profileHeaderEditProfileButton')).tap()
await expect(element('editProfileModal'))).toBeVisible()
await element('editProfileCancelBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('editProfileModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
it('Edit display name and description via the edit profile modal', async () => {
await element('profileHeaderEditProfileButton')).tap()
await expect(element('editProfileModal'))).toBeVisible()
await element('editProfileDisplayNameInput')).clearText()
await element('editProfileDisplayNameInput')).typeText('Alicia')
await element('editProfileDescriptionInput')).clearText()
await element('editProfileDescriptionInput')).typeText(
'One cool hacker',
await element('editProfileSaveBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('editProfileModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
await expect(element('profileHeaderDisplayName'))).toHaveText(
await expect(element('profileHeaderDescription'))).toHaveText(
'One cool hacker',
it('Remove display name and description via the edit profile modal', async () => {
await element('profileHeaderEditProfileButton')).tap()
await expect(element('editProfileModal'))).toBeVisible()
await element('editProfileDisplayNameInput')).clearText()
await element('editProfileDescriptionInput')).clearText()
await element('editProfileSaveBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('editProfileModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
await expect(element('profileHeaderDisplayName'))).toHaveText(
await expect(element('profileHeaderDescription'))).not.toExist()
it('Set avi and banner via the edit profile modal', async () => {
await expect(element('userBannerFallback'))).toExist()
await expect(element('userAvatarFallback'))).toExist()
await element('profileHeaderEditProfileButton')).tap()
await expect(element('editProfileModal'))).toBeVisible()
await element('changeBannerBtn')).tap()
await element(by.text('Upload from Library')).tap()
await sleep(3e3)
await element('changeAvatarBtn')).tap()
await element(by.text('Upload from Library')).tap()
await sleep(3e3)
await element('editProfileSaveBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('editProfileModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
await expect(element('userBannerImage'))).toExist()
await expect(element('userAvatarImage'))).toExist()
it('Remove avi and banner via the edit profile modal', async () => {
await expect(element('userBannerImage'))).toExist()
await expect(element('userAvatarImage'))).toExist()
await element('profileHeaderEditProfileButton')).tap()
await expect(element('editProfileModal'))).toBeVisible()
await element('changeBannerBtn')).tap()
await element(by.text('Remove Banner')).tap()
await element('changeAvatarBtn')).tap()
await element(by.text('Remove Avatar')).tap()
await element('editProfileSaveBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('editProfileModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
await expect(element('userBannerFallback'))).toExist()
await expect(element('userAvatarFallback'))).toExist()
it('Navigate to another user profile', async () => {
await element('bottomBarSearchBtn')).tap()
// have to wait for the toast to clear
await waitFor(element('searchTextInput')))
await element('searchTextInput')).typeText('bob')
await element('searchAutoCompleteResult-bob.test')).tap()
await expect(element('profileView'))).toBeVisible()
it('Can follow/unfollow another user', async () => {
await element('followBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('unfollowBtn'))).toBeVisible()
await element('unfollowBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('followBtn'))).toBeVisible()
it('Can mute/unmute another user', async () => {
await expect(element('profileHeaderAlert'))).not.toExist()
await element('profileHeaderDropdownBtn')).tap()
await element(by.text('Mute Account')).tap()
await expect(element('profileHeaderAlert'))).toBeVisible()
await element('profileHeaderDropdownBtn')).tap()
await element(by.text('Unmute Account')).tap()
await expect(element('profileHeaderAlert'))).not.toExist()
// TODO skipping because the test env PDS isnt setup correctly to handle the report -prf
// it('Can report another user', async () => {
// await element('profileHeaderDropdownBtn')).tap()
// await element(by.text('Report Account')).tap()
// await expect(element('reportModal'))).toBeVisible()
// await element(
// ).tap()
// await element('sendReportBtn')).tap()
// await expect(element('reportModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
// })
it('Can like posts', async () => {
await element('postsFeed-flatlist')).swipe(
const posts ='feedItem-by-bob.test')
await expect(
await element('likeBtn').withAncestor(posts)).atIndex(0).tap()
await expect(
await element('likeBtn').withAncestor(posts)).atIndex(0).tap()
await expect(
it('Can repost posts', async () => {
const posts ='feedItem-by-bob.test')
await expect(
await element('repostBtn').withAncestor(posts)).atIndex(0).tap()
await expect(element('repostModal'))).toBeVisible()
await element('repostBtn').withAncestor('repostModal'))).tap()
await expect(element('repostModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
await expect(
await element('repostBtn').withAncestor(posts)).atIndex(0).tap()
await expect(element('repostModal'))).toBeVisible()
await element('repostBtn').withAncestor('repostModal'))).tap()
await expect(element('repostModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
await expect(
// TODO skipping because the test env PDS isnt setup correctly to handle the report -prf
// it('Can report posts', async () => {
// const posts ='feedItem-by-bob.test')
// await element('postDropdownBtn').withAncestor(posts)).atIndex(0).tap()
// await element(by.text('Report post')).tap()
// await expect(element('reportModal'))).toBeVisible()
// await element(
// ).tap()
// await element('sendReportBtn')).tap()
// await expect(element('reportModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
// })

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
/* eslint-env detox/detox */
import {describe, beforeAll, it} from '@jest/globals'
import {expect} from 'detox'
import {openApp, loginAsAlice, createServer} from '../util'
describe('Search screen', () => {
beforeAll(async () => {
await createServer('?users')
await openApp({
permissions: {notifications: 'YES', medialibrary: 'YES', photos: 'YES'},
it('Login', async () => {
await loginAsAlice()
it('Navigate to another user profile via autocomplete', async () => {
await element('bottomBarSearchBtn')).tap()
await element('searchTextInput')).typeText('bob')
await element('searchAutoCompleteResult-bob.test')).tap()
await expect(element('profileView'))).toBeVisible()

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
/* eslint-env detox/detox */
import {describe, beforeAll, it} from '@jest/globals'
import {expect} from 'detox'
import {openApp, loginAsAlice, createServer, sleep} from '../util'
describe('Self-labeling', () => {
beforeAll(async () => {
await createServer('?users')
await openApp({
permissions: {notifications: 'YES', medialibrary: 'YES', photos: 'YES'},
it('Login', async () => {
await loginAsAlice()
await element('homeScreenFeedTabs-Following')).tap()
it('Post an image with the porn label', async () => {
await element('composeFAB')).tap()
await element('composerTextInput')).typeText('Post with an image')
await element('openGalleryBtn')).tap()
await sleep(3e3)
await element('labelsBtn')).tap()
await element('pornLabelBtn')).tap()
await element('confirmBtn')).tap()
await element('composerPublishBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('composeFAB'))).toBeVisible()
const posts ='feedItem-by-alice.test')
await element('e2eRefreshHome')).tap()
await expect(

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
/* eslint-env detox/detox */
import {openApp, loginAsAlice, createServer} from '../util'
describe('Shell', () => {
beforeAll(async () => {
await createServer('?users')
await openApp({permissions: {notifications: 'YES'}})
it('Login', async () => {
await loginAsAlice()
await element('homeScreenFeedTabs-Following')).tap()
it('Can swipe the shelf open', async () => {
await element('homeScreen')).swipe('right', 'fast', 0.75)
await expect(element('drawer'))).toBeVisible()
await element('drawer')).swipe('left', 'fast', 0.75)
await expect(element('drawer'))).not.toBeVisible()
it('Can open the shelf by pressing the header avi', async () => {
await element('viewHeaderDrawerBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('drawer'))).toBeVisible()
it('Can navigate using the shelf', async () => {
await element('menuItemButton-Notifications')).tap()
await expect(element('drawer'))).not.toBeVisible()
await expect(element('notificationsScreen'))).toBeVisible()

View File

@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
/* eslint-env detox/detox */
import {describe, beforeAll, it} from '@jest/globals'
import {expect} from 'detox'
import {openApp, loginAsAlice, loginAsBob, createServer} from '../util'
describe('Thread muting', () => {
beforeAll(async () => {
await createServer('?users&follows')
await openApp({permissions: {notifications: 'YES'}})
it('Login, create a thread, and log out', async () => {
await loginAsAlice()
await element('homeScreenFeedTabs-Following')).tap()
await element('composeFAB')).tap()
await element('composerTextInput')).typeText('Test thread')
await element('composerPublishBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('composeFAB'))).toBeVisible()
it('Login, reply to the thread, and log out', async () => {
await loginAsBob()
await element('homeScreenFeedTabs-Following')).tap()
const alicePosts ='feedItem-by-alice.test')
await element('replyBtn').withAncestor(alicePosts)).atIndex(0).tap()
await element('composerTextInput')).typeText('Reply 1')
await element('composerPublishBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('composeFAB'))).toBeVisible()
it('Login, confirm notification exists, mute thread, and log out', async () => {
await loginAsAlice()
await element('bottomBarNotificationsBtn')).tap()
const bobNotifs ='feedItem-by-bob.test')
await expect(
).toHaveText('Reply 1')
await element('postDropdownBtn').withAncestor(bobNotifs))
await element(by.text('Mute thread')).tap()
// have to wait for the toast to clear
await waitFor(element('viewHeaderDrawerBtn')))
it('Login, reply to the thread twice, and log out', async () => {
await loginAsBob()
await element('bottomBarProfileBtn')).tap()
await element('profilePager-selector-1')).tap()
const bobPosts ='feedItem-by-bob.test')
await element('replyBtn').withAncestor(bobPosts)).atIndex(0).tap()
await element('composerTextInput')).typeText('Reply 2')
await element('composerPublishBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('composeFAB'))).toBeVisible()
const alicePosts ='feedItem-by-alice.test')
await element('replyBtn').withAncestor(alicePosts)).atIndex(0).tap()
await element('composerTextInput')).typeText('Reply 3')
await element('composerPublishBtn')).tap()
await expect(element('composeFAB'))).toBeVisible()
await element('bottomBarHomeBtn')).tap()
it('Login, confirm notifications dont exist, unmute the thread, confirm notifications exist', async () => {
await loginAsAlice()
await element('bottomBarNotificationsBtn')).tap()
const bobNotifs ='feedItem-by-bob.test')
await expect(
await element('bottomBarHomeBtn')).tap()
const alicePosts ='feedItem-by-alice.test')
await element('postDropdownBtn').withAncestor(alicePosts))
await element(by.text('Unmute thread')).tap()
// the swipe down to trigger PTR isnt working and I dont want to block on this
// -prf
// await element('bottomBarNotificationsBtn')).tap()
// await element('notifsFeed')).swipe('down', 'fast')
// await waitFor(element('postText').withAncestor(bobNotifs)))
// .toBeVisible()
// .withTimeout(5000)
// await expect(
// element('postText').withAncestor(bobNotifs)).atIndex(0),
// ).toHaveText('Reply 2')
// await expect(
// element('postText').withAncestor(bobNotifs)).atIndex(1),
// ).toHaveText('Reply 3')
// await expect(
// element('postText').withAncestor(bobNotifs)).atIndex(2),
// ).toHaveText('Reply 1')

View File

@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
/* eslint-env detox/detox */
import {beforeAll, describe, it} from '@jest/globals'
import {expect} from 'detox'
import {createServer, loginAsAlice, openApp} from '../util'
describe('Thread screen', () => {
beforeAll(async () => {
await createServer('?users&follows&thread')
await openApp({permissions: {notifications: 'YES'}})
it('Login & navigate to thread', async () => {
await loginAsAlice()
await element('homeScreenFeedTabs-Following')).tap()
await element('feedItem-by-bob.test')).atIndex(0).tap()
await expect(
.withDescendant(by.text('Thread root')),
await expect(
.withDescendant(by.text('Thread reply')),
it('Can like the root post', async () => {
const post ='postThreadItem-by-bob.test')
await expect(
await element('likeBtn').withAncestor(post)).atIndex(0).tap()
await expect(
).toHaveText('1 like')
await element('likeBtn').withAncestor(post)).atIndex(0).tap()
await expect(
it('Can like a reply post', async () => {
const post ='postThreadItem-by-carla.test')
await expect(
await element('likeBtn').withAncestor(post)).atIndex(0).tap()
await expect(
await element('likeBtn').withAncestor(post)).atIndex(0).tap()
await expect(
it('Can repost the root post', async () => {
const post ='postThreadItem-by-bob.test')
await expect(
await element('repostBtn').withAncestor(post)).atIndex(0).tap()
await expect(element('repostModal'))).toBeVisible()
await element('repostBtn').withAncestor('repostModal'))).tap()
await expect(element('repostModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
await expect(
).toHaveText('1 repost')
await element('repostBtn').withAncestor(post)).atIndex(0).tap()
await expect(element('repostModal'))).toBeVisible()
await element('repostBtn').withAncestor('repostModal'))).tap()
await expect(element('repostModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
await expect(
it('Can repost a reply post', async () => {
const post ='postThreadItem-by-carla.test')
await expect(
await element('repostBtn').withAncestor(post)).atIndex(0).tap()
await expect(element('repostModal'))).toBeVisible()
await element('repostBtn').withAncestor('repostModal'))).tap()
await expect(element('repostModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
await expect(
await element('repostBtn').withAncestor(post)).atIndex(0).tap()
await expect(element('repostModal'))).toBeVisible()
await element('repostBtn').withAncestor('repostModal'))).tap()
await expect(element('repostModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
await expect(
// TODO skipping because the test env PDS isnt setup correctly to handle the report -prf
// it('Can report the root post', async () => {
// const post ='postThreadItem-by-bob.test')
// await element('postDropdownBtn').withAncestor(post)).atIndex(0).tap()
// await element(by.text('Report post')).tap()
// await expect(element('reportModal'))).toBeVisible()
// await element(
// ).tap()
// await element('sendReportBtn')).tap()
// await expect(element('reportModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
// })
// TODO skipping because the test env PDS isnt setup correctly to handle the report -prf
// it('Can report a reply post', async () => {
// const post ='postThreadItem-by-carla.test')
// await element('postDropdownBtn').withAncestor(post)).atIndex(0).tap()
// await element(by.text('Report post')).tap()
// await expect(element('reportModal'))).toBeVisible()
// await element(
// ).tap()
// await element('sendReportBtn')).tap()
// await expect(element('reportModal'))).not.toBeVisible()
// })

View File

@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
import {execSync} from 'child_process'
import {resolveConfig} from 'detox/internals'
import http from 'http'
const platform = device.getPlatform()
export async function openApp(opts: any) {
opts = opts || {}
const config = await resolveConfig()
if (device.getPlatform() === 'ios') {
// disable password autofill
`plutil -replace restrictedBool.allowPasswordAutoFill.value -bool NO ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/${}/data/Containers/Shared/SystemGroup/`,
`plutil -replace restrictedBool.allowPasswordAutoFill.value -bool NO ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/${}/data/Library/UserConfigurationProfiles/EffectiveUserSettings.plist`,
`plutil -replace restrictedBool.allowPasswordAutoFill.value -bool NO ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/${}/data/Library/UserConfigurationProfiles/PublicInfo/PublicEffectiveUserSettings.plist`,
if (config.configurationName.split('.').includes('debug')) {
return await openAppForDebugBuild(platform, opts)
} else {
return await device.launchApp({
newInstance: true,
export async function isVisible(id: string) {
try {
await expect(element(
return true
} catch (e) {
return false
export async function login(
service: string,
username: string,
password: string,
{takeScreenshots} = {takeScreenshots: false},
) {
await element('signInButton')).tap()
if (takeScreenshots) {
await device.takeScreenshot('1- opened sign-in screen')
if (await isVisible('chooseAccountForm')) {
await element('chooseNewAccountBtn')).tap()
await element('selectServiceButton')).tap()
if (takeScreenshots) {
await device.takeScreenshot('2- opened service selector')
await element('customSelectBtn')).tap()
await element('customServerTextInput')).typeText(service)
await element('customServerTextInput')).tapReturnKey()
await element('doneBtn')).tap()
if (takeScreenshots) {
await device.takeScreenshot('3- input custom service')
await element('loginUsernameInput')).typeText(username)
await element('loginPasswordInput')).typeText(password)
if (takeScreenshots) {
await device.takeScreenshot('4- entered username and password')
await element('loginNextButton')).tap()
export async function loginAsAlice() {
await element('e2eSignInAlice')).tap()
export async function loginAsBob() {
await element('e2eSignInBob')).tap()
async function openAppForDebugBuild(platform: string, opts: any) {
const deepLinkUrl = // Local testing with packager
? // Testing latest published EAS update for the test_debug channel
: */ getDeepLinkUrl(getDevLauncherPackagerUrl(platform))
if (platform === 'ios') {
await device.launchApp({
newInstance: true,
await device.openURL({
url: deepLinkUrl,
} else {
await device.launchApp({
newInstance: true,
url: deepLinkUrl,
await sleep(3000)
export async function createServer(path = ''): Promise<string> {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var req = http.request(
method: 'POST',
host: 'localhost',
port: 1986,
path: `/${path}`,
function (res) {
const body: Buffer[] = []
res.on('data', chunk => body.push(chunk))
res.on('end', function () {
try {
} catch (e) {
req.on('error', reject)
const getDeepLinkUrl = (url: string) =>
const getDevLauncherPackagerUrl = (platform: string) =>
export const sleep = (t: number) => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, t))

View File

@ -16,10 +16,6 @@
- Add `eval "$(rbenv init - zsh)"` to your `~/.zshrc`
- From inside the project directory:
- `bundler install` (this will install Cocoapods)
- Setup your environment [for e2e testing using detox](
- `yarn global add detox-cli`
- `brew tap wix/brew`
- `brew install applesimutils`
- After initial setup:
- Copy `google-services.json.example` to `google-services.json` or provide your own `google-services.json`. (A real firebase project is NOT required)
- `npx expo prebuild` -> you will also need to run this anytime `app.json` or native `package.json` deps change
@ -120,10 +116,7 @@ To open the [Developer Menu](
### Running E2E Tests
- Make sure you've set your environment following the above
- Make sure Metro and the dev server are running
- Run `yarn e2e`
- Find the artifacts in the `artifact` folder
See [](./
### Polyfills

View File

@ -3,13 +3,19 @@
Make sure you've copied `.env.example` to `.env.test` and provided any required
### Using Maestro E2E tests
## Using Maestro
1. Install Maestro by following [these instructions]( This will help us run the E2E tests.
2. You can write Maestro tests in `__e2e__/maestro` directory by creating a new `.yaml` file or by modifying an existing one.
2. You can write Maestro tests in `/.maestro/flows/` directory by creating a new `.yml` file or by modifying an existing one.
3. You can also use [Maestro Studio]( which automatically generates commands by recording your actions on the app. Therefore, you can create realistic tests without having to manually write any code. Use the `maestro studio` command to start recording your actions.
### Running Maestro tests
### Using Flashlight for Performance Testing
- In one tab, run `yarn e2e:mock-server`
- In a second tab, run `yarn e2e:metro`
- In a third tab, run `yarn e2e:run`
## Using Flashlight for Performance Testing
1. Make sure Maestro is installed (optional: only for automated testing) by following the instructions above
2. Install Flashlight by following [these instructions](
3. The simplest way to get started is by running `yarn perf:measure` which will run a live preview of the performance test results. You can [see a demo here](

View File

@ -114,8 +114,7 @@ export async function createServer(
mocker: new Mocker(testNet, pdsUrl, pic),
async close() {
await testNet.pds.server.destroy()
await testNet.plc.server.destroy()
await testNet.close()

View File

@ -31,11 +31,10 @@
"lint": "eslint --cache --ext .js,.jsx,.ts,.tsx src",
"typecheck": "tsc --project ./tsconfig.check.json",
"e2e:mock-server": "./jest/dev-infra/ ts-node --project tsconfig.e2e.json __e2e__/mock-server.ts",
"e2e:metro": "NODE_ENV=test RN_SRC_EXT=e2e.ts,e2e.tsx expo run:ios",
"e2e:build": "NODE_ENV=test detox build -c ios.sim.debug",
"e2e:run": "NODE_ENV=test detox test --configuration ios.sim.debug --take-screenshots all",
"e2e:metro": "EXPO_PUBLIC_ENV=e2e NODE_ENV=test RN_SRC_EXT=e2e.ts,e2e.tsx expo run:ios",
"e2e:run": "maestro test __e2e__",
"perf:test": "NODE_ENV=test maestro test",
"perf:test:run": "NODE_ENV=test maestro test __e2e__/maestro/scroll.yaml",
"perf:test:run": "NODE_ENV=test maestro test __e2e__/perf-test.yml",
"perf:test:measure": "NODE_ENV=test flashlight test --bundleId --testCommand \"yarn perf:test\" --duration 150000 --resultsFilePath .perf/results.json",
"perf:test:results": "NODE_ENV=test flashlight report .perf/results.json",
"perf:measure": "NODE_ENV=test flashlight measure",
@ -239,10 +238,8 @@
"babel-plugin-module-resolver": "^5.0.0",
"babel-plugin-react-native-web": "^0.18.12",
"babel-preset-expo": "^10.0.0",
"detox": "^20.14.8",
"eslint": "^8.19.0",
"eslint-plugin-bsky-internal": "link:./eslint",
"eslint-plugin-detox": "^1.0.0",
"eslint-plugin-ft-flow": "^2.0.3",
"eslint-plugin-lingui": "^0.2.0",
"eslint-plugin-react": "^7.33.2",

View File

@ -1,11 +1,14 @@
import React from 'react'
import {Pressable, View} from 'react-native'
import {navigate} from '../../../Navigation'
import {useModalControls} from '#/state/modals'
import {LogBox, Pressable, View} from 'react-native'
import {useQueryClient} from '@tanstack/react-query'
import {useSessionApi} from '#/state/session'
import {useModalControls} from '#/state/modals'
import {useSetFeedViewPreferencesMutation} from '#/state/queries/preferences'
import {useSessionApi} from '#/state/session'
import {useLoggedOutViewControls} from '#/state/shell/logged-out'
import {navigate} from '../../../Navigation'
* This utility component is only included in the test simulator

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
export function show() {}

View File

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