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# Bluesky
## Build instructions
- Setup your environment [using the react native instructions](
- Setup your environment [for e2e testing using detox](
- yarn global add detox-cli
- brew tap wix/brew
- brew install applesimutils
- After initial setup:
- `npx expo prebuild` -> you will also need to run this anytime `app.json` or `package.json` changes
- Start the dev servers
- `git clone`
- `cd atproto`
- `yarn`
- `cd packages/dev-env && yarn start`
- Run the dev app
- iOS: `yarn ios`
- Android: `yarn android`
- Web: `yarn web`
- Run e2e tests
- Start in various console tabs:
- `yarn e2e:server`
- `yarn e2e:metro`
- Run once: `yarn e2e:build`
- Each test run: `yarn e2e:run`
- Tips
- `npx react-native info` Checks what has been installed.
- The android simulator won't be able to access localhost services unless you run `adb reverse tcp:{PORT} tcp:{PORT}`
- For instance, the localhosted dev-wallet will need `adb reverse tcp:3001 tcp:3001`
- For some reason, the typescript compiler chokes on platform-specific files (e.g. `foo.native.ts`) but only when compiling for Web thus far. Therefore we always have one version of the file which doesn't use a platform specifier, and that should bee the Web version. ([More info](
## Various notes
### Debugging
- Note that since 0.70, debugging using the old debugger (which shows up using CMD+D) doesn't work anymore. Follow the instructions below to debug the code:
### Developer Menu
To open the [Developer Menu]( on an `expo-dev-client` app you can do the following:
- Android Device: Shake the device vertically, or if your device is connected via USB, run adb shell input keyevent 82 in your terminal
- Android Emulator: Either press Cmd ⌘ + m or Ctrl + m or run adb shell input keyevent 82 in your terminal
- iOS Device: Shake the device, or touch 3 fingers to the screen
- iOS Simulator: Press Ctrl + Cmd ⌘ + z on a Mac in the emulator to simulate the shake gesture, or press Cmd ⌘ + d
### Running E2E Tests
- Make sure you've setup your environment following above
- Make sure Metro and the dev server are running
- Run `yarn e2e`
- Find the artifacts in the `artifact` folder
### Polyfills
`./platform/polyfills.*.ts` adds polyfills to the environment. Currently this includes:
- TextEncoder / TextDecoder